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Everything posted by MIGUE2k7

  1. Que tal, yo tambien soy de Mexico carnal :)

    pasate por la shoutbox un dia de estos :P

  2. It has its advantages knowning when you are going to die. I would try to do everything i wanted to, and i would enjoy at maximun my last moments in the earth. Also, if that device were going to tell me that my death is 70 years far, would be really pleasant but if it tells you that is only 1 year far, then there had be a real problem. I would now know what to do and it would live that last 1 year with a procupation and somewhat depressed.Is better now to know, i think, but thats why everybody should enjoy their lifes as much as they can, even if they death is near or not.
  3. I have many thoughts about what happens after death. Maybe there is a another universe, where you start a new life, or maybe you just continue it there (that would be cool, so the death would not mean destruction for you ) or maybe you die but you come back here to earth as a new person (reincarnation) but there is no point to call it reincarnation if you forget everything of your past life, in that case it should not be called reincarnation, just another person took your place.What i think is the most right possibility of what is after death, is NOTHING. I think that its all just like before you are born, you have no mind, no soul, nothing, so maybe when you die, you just stop there and then you dont exist, you got nothing to think about or nothing to see, like before you were born, what you were thinking about before your parents met?
  4. Ohh hoo, Welcome mr impressive, to this, your community :PIf you follow the rules here at Xisto and make quality post you will be Hosted in less tha... oh no! wait! you are already Hosted :DWell, seems like some people already know you, but since i havent been so active in the shoutbox i dont know anything about you. A more detailed introduction would be better.See you soon.
  5. If that would have happened to me... i would think of it funny rather than a shame. You can bet that the family of that girl didnt take this incident so serious, maybe they dont even care about it. So as everybody says, dumping that girl for that small reason is a shame for you (bigger than your incident there) and it is ridiculous, or maybe... immature? That must mean you aren't so interested on her, so it sounds better to say you are dumping her for the lack of interest on your relationship than dumping her for having and issue on the bathroom.Good luck anyway
  6. Looks so fancy, so it will be real expensive, and i hate expensive stuff.It seems of a big size, but the interface looks pretty cool, would like to have one of those. Also i dont think it would be supported by mexican cellphone companies, so i better dont get the info of that
  7. Hahaha what a funny video, and what a kind of machine, very powerful ''there we go, its loaded'' hahah that was hilarious.
  8. Thanks Opaque The forums look even cleaner now, and im also happy that Xisto - Web Hosting is going straight on the business, and hopefully it will get better. Happy Valentines Day
  9. Hey welcome to the forums Folkrockfan. This is a great community of people from everywhere, you will find your spot here so fast :PBy the way, im MIGUE from Mexico, and im 15 years old, and i also love the old skool games like those of NES Mario :DKeep active and posting, but just dont forget to read the Xisto Readme first to avoid being warned by the mods.Also stop by the shoutbox sometimes, there are always interesting conversation where you can get to know the members here on Xisto and make friends.Well good luck on here and hope to see you around
  10. Ok, im going to discuss with you about this But the thing i say is that, Microsoft asured this one would be harder to crack due to the big efforts they did on their new security system, but it got hacked on a week, thats a shame. What im meaning, Microsoft should not waste their time working on anti pirating systems. And i did ''educate'' myself before starting this thread, im just asking for opinions. Oops, yes i didnt check that sentence (english is not my first language) but what i tried to meant is this: Microsoft lowering their prices to a proper level for non-world powers nations (i mean, like USA or England, having the best economy, etc.) would prevent people from those nations (the non-world power ones) from acquiring illegal copies of their products. These products seem to be real expensive in other countries, exactly, thats why the Piracy was born, people want the same but for a price they can afford. Sorry but i dont think everyone thinks Vista is a total waste of time. Is just a new OS, just like when XP was released. And maybe (not saying ''sure'') XP users may have to move to Vista someday, even if they don want, if XP support is terminated early.Always in this kind of topics, relating to windows os, someone must start talking about their open source competition, Linux, and how better is it, but not everyone thinks same as you, there are a lot of people in the world that prefer Windows, but cant afford it sometimes, and they may not like Linux like for move to it, so dont start talking about the OS that in your opinion is better. I may switch to linux but only when it is fully supported by the most common applications and games, but for now, users of certain programs like Photoshop must deal with Windows.
  11. I just read this article: https://www.techpowerup.com/?24974 Microsoft said they were going to implement the new protection system Windows Software Protection Platform (WSPP) instead of Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) as in XP. Its impressive how fast Vista was hacked, i think it was faster than XP. Vista was aiming to prevent things like this, so, all the efforts Microsoft is doing are just a waste of time and maybe of money. Being honestly, i got a pirate copy of Vista when it was only 2 weeks of being released. I could use it perfectly because it hacks the activation process for skip it, but it didnt let me use the new Windows Aero interface, what looked great, and definitely, the most atractive feature of Vista, so i just came back to XP until i get a original copy. But now they say the new pirate copies of vista are 100% working with all the features, including Aero, so people in Mexico are definitely not going to pay about $200 dollars or more for a OS that is already there by only $8 dollars. Do you think it would be better for Microsoft to lower their prices to a porper level for non-world powers nations would prevent people from acquiring pirate copies of their products? I personally think yes.
  12. Well, i have not so many programs in my dock right now First, there is the shortcut part to my system My important documents My Music Folder A folder with my important stuff Then some Docklets Screenshot Taker Google Search Clock Calendar The Programs Adobe Photoshop CS2 - http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html Flash 8 - http://www.adobe.com/products/animate.html LimeWire 4.10 - http://www.limewire.com/ Nero Burning Room 7 - http://www.nero.com/eng/?vlang=gb And my Games Unreal Tournament 2004 - https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/blog/ GTA San Andreas - http://www.rockstargames.com/sanandreas/ Pump It up Zero* Pump it up the Prex* As you see, i just put the applications that only use often. (also thats not my comp, that mac is of a friend, but i use it , still he likes the programs i use ) I also have a Dock called Object dock in my PC, there yes it is full of programs, but i saw that this topic is ''for apple users''
  13. Yeah its a great work!So did you really make the background... the stars and that stuff in there? wow now thats skill, even if you used a tutorial for the planet, it is skill, it came out pretty good.Also the render is a nice one, it goes with the scheme ;)Well i really give a 10/10 to this one, i didnt find anything wrong there or something that doesnt go with the work... ver nice on this one sylenzed
  14. Ummm... you missed Luigi!!! Yea he is my favorite character on Mario games. He is almost like me except for the moustache
  15. Im also a fan of Mario Bros. Games. I loved all the Mario series, from Super Mario Bros 3 to Super Mario Sunshine (except the very first one Mario game, the one that came with Duck Hunt )There are also many Nintendo games of Mario that are pretty good, but are not counted as the original mario series, like Haieto said, for example Paper Mario (a great RPG, a game packed of content) Super Smash Bros Melee (my alltime favourite console game ) and Mario Kart.
  16. Money is not free in this life. They will not get enough money like for do all those ''dreams''. If they want to reach their dreams, why they dont get a job? or if they wanna be rich, at least try to become some Rock star... yes that may get them more posibilities to get rich than their GREAT idea.As Sprnknwn said, a few people may give them money just because for fun, but the wont reach a big quantity of money, the making of that website is just worthless.By the way i see they have link to their online store or dont know exactly what is that, well, they just should get rid of the free money asking page and it would look better
  17. Each system has their advantages and disadvantages.It really depends of the economic condition of the user. Mac is still way to expensive for common users, thats why many people prefer PC.I think Mac is better in some aspects, like user interaction and maybe performance, and also the fact that it has no virus, but it doesn't have a big variety of programs and games, also its harder to customize your system.I would like to try a Mac but.. im not planning to pay that such expensive price for a system that can do the same things than a PC. If Apple can lower their prices, many people would switch to it, definitely.
  18. I give it a 9! Why no one likes American Idiot ;)The wallpaper is well done, you got the style. The border of the screenshots would look better if blurred a bit, so that wont look like overplaced, if you understand me.Keep'em coming!
  19. Umm... im a bit confused about this question, but well i think that there should not be a drinking age. Alcohol is dangerous for young and mature people, so then why not make alchohol forbidden for everybody? Generally people nowadays start to drink at teenage, and most of them are aware of the consequences, but they still do it.It is just something you must decide, if stay with alcohol or not.But of course those are just my thoughts i bet there are some strong reasons for forbid alcohol only to young people.
  20. Hello There! I enjoy visiting the profiles of the members, hehe.

    I think you are 17 y/old, no? :)

  21. Genocide? I always thought it was something related with chemistry ;)Dont know why that word is so popular, in online games is often ver used as nicknames, sometimes with a few spell variations like Xenocide.Never could guess it was something related to humanity destruction
  22. Who started the Cool Group? :D you or bordaforx

  23. Trap 17 sounds good, its a unique name, and its ok for a free web hosting company, because most of the hosting sites end with ''host'', this gives it originality to Xisto.It could be better if the domain would not contain numbers, the name would look clean, but it will be hard to think of a name that can be not so long and that would fit the sense of this community, so i think it may be better stay with this one.
  24. I loved the third one. Nice combination of vector brushing and usage of pen tool. Its border is awesome, i mean, the shadow and the rounded corners of it makes it look fancy ;)The spiderman one is also good, but that one needed a border, at least a black stroke lol.I dont liked the second one, because the vectoring looks odd, and makes it be a bit simple.Anyway good job, i would rate 1st and 3rd with a 10/10 and the 2nd with a 8/10Keep working and posting your outcomes.
  25. Welcome to Xisto! A great place for discuss almost about everything ;)I have been here for about 6 months and the people here is very friendly and helpful. Keep posting, i bet you will find many topics of your interest, but before read the Xisto Readme, so you avoid warns by mods and keep the good communication with the members.Maybe a little introduction of who you are, where do you live and you hobbies would be great for us to get to know you and you to know people here.Wish you a nice stay here.
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