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Everything posted by TypoMage

  1. Ok interesting topic..... I think that it is even less then of a chance. In my opinion.... I think it would be a little lower then that.
  2. I hate Myspace, and oh yea it was blank white and barely anything in it.... I love it!
  3. Yea I was thinking about a Sig, sorry my mistake. ( But still Renders rule! )
  4. After seeing all of your comments, I think I am going to change my mind about this death thing.
  5. When my sister did that to mine I imediatley starting having problems. But luckily those are fixed now.
  6. My Pc takes a long time to start up and shut down. For Starting Up isn't there a way to make it go faster? Like making it so nothing starts up during start up?I think there is a place somewhere under the Start menu thing.
  7. Awesome Tutorial! I hate those people constantly calling! ( It is kinda fun to mess with them though )
  8. Ok you owned me! That one time never will you get me again!

  9. Size: Any sizeTheme: AnyRender: YesRender Theme: WizardColor: Red, or blue.Text: Yes, TypoMageOther effects: Your Choice
  10. Firing Squad. Quick and painless the other ones seem slow and painful.
  11. Looks good, I like fantasy. It is okay. I am not so sure about the cover.
  12. Well, I do not believe in God, BUT; I do believe in a after life. I believe that we walk among the Earth as spirits.And some of us will be regular ghosts that will wonder the earth secretly looking after the ones we love, protecting them.And others that died, like being murdered they will look for the person that killed them, and haunt them.Well some will just haunt people because they can. Call me crazy, but you can never take away what I believe in!
  13. Death,If you could see it coming?What if you could see it coming would you want to, know? My answer would have to be no. For all any of you know your death could come tommorow! :DUnfortunately there is no way of proving that what if there was. If someone invented a device that said when you died, ( Not how ) Would you use it?I wouldn't I mean who wants to know the exact month, day, and time of their own death?So.... Would you want to know? ( Either way it would not come any quicker or slower )
  14. Hi Mr ? Impressive, What is with the name? Well anyways welcome to Xisto! I will be happy to read some of your posts, and topics.Enjoy your stay!
  15. I wish I could move away from Freewebs, but I need to know a good program that is free. ( And if you download the program how would it publish it into the internet? Would that cost money? ) I am $0.00 On a website making budget, I have no money that could help me with a site. :DThanks for all of the help.
  16. I am no critic, but try harder to work on the quality of your post. You will get more hosting credits which will get you hosting faster!Moving on.... Welcome to Xisto! I am very happy to see some new people around the forums.
  17. Yikes is that her! She looks really creepy. ( Brittany + Bald = ? )In other words they just do not mix.
  18. I agree with the blinking text and buttons and stuff. ( It makes me mad to see sites like that. )I am not sure about the counter though, ( Can someone tell me about a counter that is only for you like is not displayed on any of the pages but you can still figure out how many people have visited? )
  19. That is bull crap. It is a scam to get you to buy more stuff, ( Then you actually need ) I do not think you need to have HD,
  20. So I guess we all agree that the internet is the best thing ever to happen. ( It is the best thing since sliced bread! )
  21. This topic is kinda old and I hope someone will post a answer for me. :PNow first thing ( My post is an example of this ) Is it wrong to post in old topics? I do not think it is, but one of the moderators, ( Not saying any names )Agrees that you should not post in old topics. I think that you should be allowed to. So after one of the members posted in a old topic.The Moderator replied do not post in old topics! So tell me what you think of this.
  22. I am glad that we all could help! ( Personally I think Macs are better! ) Notice from BuffaloHELP: You should know by now this is a spam post.
  23. Hello an welcome to Trap17! Where you can get free hosting! and share knowledge and ideas. You could probably just talk about anything! And remember not to spam!

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