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Everything posted by TypoMage

  1. TypoMage


    What Come on isn't it obvious? God is made up, by humans. To Cause fear, so we will behave. Like people say that God wants you to not steal, or do any bad things. (Or he will smite you or something like that) It was to Cause order in people to make us behave. But I do not Care for such a thing. There is not any actual proof. It is very easy to lie.
  2. It is a hoax, well not really well kinda. It was to see how we would react it is deffinetly not true. I have read hundreds of things about this.And I am sure they are not real.
  3. Yea I have been seeing a lot of these ads everywhere.EditOh I thought you meant on sites in general Wow nope not on Trap all I see is that same Image Hosting one
  4. TypoMage


    I do not believe in God. Due to the fact that there is not facts of fact of his existence. There fore he does not exist.He only exist in peoples imagination. (So yes I agree with you)
  5. TypoMage


    Hey and welcome to Xisto. I love to play games, I hope you will enjoy you stay here.
  6. Welcome to Xisto, where you can get free web hosting and share information and ideas. I love Steven King.
  7. How do you play this game. Is it like Diablo or something?
  8. Maybe you could try to just put the start up disc in the computer.Maybe that will help. I know barely anything about fixing computers.
  9. So the point of this topic is?Due to the fact that you already solved your problem?
  10. Yea this is kinda of old news.Does anyone know who first figured this thing out?
  11. I have heard of this but never really looked in to it. I still really do not understand what the fourth dimension is, picture? Or something to explain it?
  12. My first was Super Nintendo. It is funny now looking back at how crappy the graphics were.
  13. I love this site. So much. Thanks for posting so it could be shared to everyone else.
  14. I love this game. My favorite is th Thompsan. (Probably spelled that wrong)My brother got that game a little while ago.
  15. We almost got it cleaned with about two hours on the clock it is in the air so every few minutes a new sheet of dust looking stuff covers everything!
  16. We just had a flour fight and there is flour everywhere.We need to clean it in four hours. I need tips on how to clean flour out of carpet! Now!
  17. Oh my god there is nothing wrong with it!What is with some of you people! You should be ashamed tat you do not like someone for who they are!
  18. What is WoW?Is it World of Warcraft or something?I do not play those games so I did not know. I do not think people are even anjoying those games anymore.Example my brother, all he wants to do is get a high level, and then what what is after that?In my opinion most games are pointless.
  19. We are already lazy enough!No what is going to happen when we have our own personal maid that does not eat, sleep, or ask for a pay check!
  20. Provide a little more Info please I am still a little confused about your situation?
  21. Well that is true love.But still that guy is a complete idiot. Next time he should not go so fast!
  22. My favorite would be Yoshi.Where else can you find a Fruit eating Dinosaur?
  23. What files did you delete?Important files to you, or the computer it self?
  24. I do not know if this is actually a Mario game but umm.Super Smash Bros. Melee
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