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Everything posted by TypoMage

  1. Thanks for killing the Ads!

  2. In a way that does make sense. But is there any way to prove it?
  3. Super Smash Bros Melee where else can you kill people over and over again.
  4. You Cannot play as Zelda and Shiek at the same time you Can Change her into Shiek by holding down then pressing B.
  5. I used to be a big fan of World of Warcraft. So I am going to go with that.
  6. Firefox is the best, in my opinion. I mean Internet Explorer is so slow now. ( On Internet E 7 It goes so slow! )Firefox is the best!
  7. This is pretty Cool!........ If it works for me.
  8. I have downloaded it once. But still yaa! For Firefox.P.s. The big E Sucks!
  9. I would not do it. ( I do not wont to get sucked out of a hole the size of a nickel )But thanks for asking!
  10. You go on the website the updates website for windows, then you Click turn automatic updates off.I hope this info was helpful.
  11. When I looked at this title I was like what the heck! But after reading this topic I understand. That is very sad. That alls those people dieing are all forgotten because of Anna Nichole. It is one person V.S. 3000 I think that is was it said 3000 Right?Well if that is the case I am sort of disapointed.
  12. It is hard to explain I just wished that people would give things ratings more. ( I think it is hardly ever used )
  13. I have been looking around and searching and have not found any topic like this. ( Sorry if there is one that is similar to this )Does anyone even use that rating thing? The stars I guess is what I am trying to say. I look at some topics and rarely any of them are rated.I have seen maybe two or like three. Same thing with the ratings on profiles. Only the well known people are rated.I really do not know where I am going with this, well I guess I am trying to say is do we really need the ratings? OR maybe just some people should rate more.Tell me what you think!( I think they are kinda pointless )
  14. Hi Buffalo Just Saying hi!

  15. Sorry but I am not really getting the point of this topic at all.
  16. I do not know who would be ( Sorry to Say this ) So selfish to say that there is no other life but us! I mean what out of the whole universe we are the only planet the only life! Cmon people that makes no sense at all![bUT WE ARE ALL ALLOWED ARE OWN OPINIONS] ( No matter how crazy the may be! )
  17. Folk, the picture he posted I have seen that keyboard before It is said to be more comfortable or something like that.I do not really understand what you question is so you want to find a good comfortable keyboard or something?
  18. Are you VERY good friends. I am not all that good at this stuff. But maybe you could try to ask her out. ( It does not hurt to try )
  19. I got Mcafee I think it is ok.
  20. That was funny! I was like what is that! Then all of a sudden I realize that is was a shredder! Then he put the disk in that was kinda funny.
  21. Hi! Just saying hi..... Randomly..... Out of no where...... Blaa!

  22. TypoMage says Hi to you!

  23. Your third comment Congratulations!

    ( Hands over Trophy! )

  24. I do not like the background that much or the render or the color. ( Sorry I am not digging it )
  25. Wow looks like you are kinda unlucky with the ladies!
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