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Everything posted by juice

  1. What Google should do is release an operating system . I know it's a long shot but it would increase Google's hold in the market. Gmail has already taken over by storm and Microsoft increased their hotmail space to counter-act but it all depends on the user's preferances in the end.
  2. If you have mobile phone with a camera, point a remote control from anything, like a TV VCR, at your camera and press some buttons. Your camera should be able to pick up the infrared light coming from the remote control. It's pretty cool try it.
  3. I do it but it's expensive and we used to have free gprs here in South Africa untill that mentally retarded bunch (Vodacom) stopped it . Everyone was on a WAP rush in those days.
  4. Cell phones will cease to exist in the future, instead we can take a walk to the hospiltal to get a microchip implanted in ones brain which inables us to do just about everything a phone can do - just my thought.
  5. That clears things up. I would have thought that they don't dream at all since they have never seen anything before (blind from birth) but it does make sense that they can still feel, hear and smell in the dream - anything but sight.
  6. That's ridiculous 750GB of information and if you haven't partitioned and something goes wrong? Say goodbye to your data. I would rather get two smaller hard drives to handle the load.
  7. I think you first need to touch-up on your english. A raid array is when you have identical drives which hold identical information. In case of a crash at least one of your drives will still contain it's data. You must have a motherboard which supports sata-raid - I think. I hope that helps.
  8. This is old technology. If my memory chip is still working it's called carrier through the mains. I also saw it in one of my electronic magazines from the 70s so it's nothing really new. In the magazine it shows you how to construct a doorbell and button in which the button is connected to the mains, sending the activation signal to the doorbell without a need for more cables.
  9. The best solar panels only convert 15% of the light that falls on them into elecrticity so you would need an entire roof covered in them to power a house that has the appliances of a modern home. Plus these panels are extremely expensive making nucleur, once again, the most viable option. Scientists say we will have fusion by 2030 creating an unlimited source of 100% clean power.
  10. Electricity is just the flow of electrons so if one could send those electrons whizzing off in a desired direction and another device catches them then we should have mobile electricity.
  11. Mine is just juice. I've had it for a year now and I plan to use it forever. As long as the internet is around I will be juice. I don't know why I chose it but I was in a hurry when I did and it stuck.
  12. I just like the whole story line behind it, many games today lack story lines and it adds a bit more realism to the game. I also like the graphics and the fact that you never know what might jump around the corner.
  13. It wont work in the end. What happens when the day comes that a stranger has to use your weapen to save your life but cannot because only the weapon's owner can use it. Goodbye to you.
  14. Use WML. WML is used for mobile web-sites which can be accessed through most mobile phones with internet access. XHTML is mostly HTML and not all mobile phones can view it, that is why I said go with WML.
  15. I do have a personal technique of mine: I breath in quickly then breath out slowly while running, it helps but thanks for the concern.
  16. If you are trying to tell me to flash my phones software to the next version forget it. I would only do that if you gave me money to place the phone and I would backup all the data on the phone first. I've had more than one bad experiance with nokia. They do NOT test thier phones AND software properly before releasing them. Only a handful (that makes it one) is tested then the rest are shipped off. I am anti Nokia but I use a Nokia phone - ironic isn't it?
  17. The more Microsoft continues to perform stunts like this the more they are going to drive people away from them. And for the record: Windows IS a virus!
  18. Well I received my account very late (this month) so all the good addresses were gone like the wind. With a lot of storage I felt ok with it and it's nice to have a short domain like gmail.com
  19. What I would do: with over a gig of mail box space who needs a spam filter? I certainly don't, it gives me somewhere to attack. Just sign the spamming e-mail address to various sites to get them spammed .
  20. I don't care how powerful the console is, if most of us can't afford it - something is wrong. Sony makes enough profit off other electronic goods so I feel that they are being a bit greedy with this one. Plus if the actual console is so expensive, imagine the price of the games
  21. Death is the easiest way out of any situation. I would have made him suffer until he died, for the things he did. Anyway, it's wrong to take life. As Nelson Mandela said: "everyone has the right to life".
  22. I also like rock but mostly a bit of everything, especially the old stuff like the 80s and 90s. I don't go for mindless "music" like the bands who write "songs" for the sack of writing them and the money.
  23. Piracy is here to stay, Microsoft still doesn't seem to get it . If the price of Windows was lowered some what it would help with their ever expanding problem.
  24. The only reason I will use linux is because I don't want to be ripped off with windows. I saw (in a computer shop) Microsoft Office Student Edition going for over R1000 (around $166). Where is a student who is probably working night-shift, supposed to come up with that sort of money? And another thing: if people don't like linux they can code it themselves - problem solved.
  25. It's pretty good, fast I guess (5-12KBs) but I do get disconneted quite often but I can normally reconect immediately which on average take five (5) seconds.
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