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Everything posted by ink

  1. ink

    Need Free Ftp Client

    FileZilla ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/ ) works for me
  2. I don't need a 30GB email account at the moment. But what I'm wondering anyway is why one needs to be 18 years or older? It's still in a very heavy beta...I think I'll wait.
  3. Hey guys, am I the only one whoms eyebrows are raising because it's his first post? I automatically stay away from this because the topic starter obviously registered at this forum just to advertise his scam. My apologies if it's not that way, but it sure looks like it! Even if it's all true, let me give you some tips to look more reliable ~_O ~ 1) Don't have a free gmailaddress.. 2) Don't have a http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ button on your layout. 3) Finish your website, have it all set up before you start advertising. 4) Give more information...we know nothing at the moment! Why are you sending us to your website if there are no details there at all?! O_O 5) Have a better layout. Yes, this one looks professional, but I'm not sure whether you made it yourself, or you hired somebody for it..or whatever. Right now I believe that it's a free 'cool professional looking' template you downloaded somewhere. Or maybe web1000.com provides free business templates. 6. The word 'investment' really scares me away. 7. You didn't seem to have paid for much of this business, and it seems as if you're trying to set up everything in a very cheap manner...it doesn't give us much trust in you when we see that you're not even willing to invest money in your business yourself and try to get away with web1000.com services and advertisements!! I don't think seastien's comment was so full of rascism...it's just common knowledge that India is a quite corrupt nation, same goes for certain South American and African countries. I've got nothing against black people at all for example, but if somebody from Nigeria emails me out of nowhere and says he wants to do some business with me I'll say no thank you O_O >> http://userwebs.rmci.net/alphae/419coal/
  4. I agree, I like Wordpress There are plenty of beautiful templates for it and you can also make your own.
  5. I don't see clouds...I do see branches and leaves... I guess blue and red is not exactly a wonderful combination, but since you added some pink and purple I think it looks okay. Is that a cartoon version of Amy Lee btw? Who drew it? I'll rate it 7.5 out of 10.
  6. That sounds disgusting.... (the part of your mom having toad pudding on her head I mean not keeping a toad as a pet ) I never touch toads so I don't know much about them. But why do they explode when you throw them at someone's head? Do they do that theirselves? Out of fear or something? Or are their bodies just built that way? Does it fall apart when it gets hit by something hard? Another icky memory: I remember hearing once from a friend that toads also explode when you boil them in hot water O-O;;;I haven no idea on what sort of websites deliver crickets to your house, but maybe you can check at some 'toad owner's forum' or something like that, whether people breed crickets at their home for their own frogs? Perhaps for a small fee they might share some of their crickets with you. I can't think of a name at the moment, but I just wanted to say that it's an interesting story I don't know anyone in my surroundings who keeps toads or frogs.
  7. I'm not sure whether Google actually <i>wants</i> to become the next Microsoft, they have a different 'philosophy'. Anyway, Google's existence makes me happy I'm not yet sure how I'm going to use this Writely invitation, but I'm always curious to what Google has to offer so I'm going to try this out. Thank you
  8. Did you buy them second hand? What brand are they? Shutting themselves down could be because of overheating I guess, or it's possible that you keep downloading the same virus over and over again which makes your computer behave this oddly.
  9. Well, look no further, Xisto.com has all that you want. Just post a little bit more
  10. Sadly some people have no choice, because their relatives live far away, their neighbours aren't the friendliest and hiring a babysitter is not always so great either. I know a guy who would masturbate while babysitting (the kids were asleep meanwhile..but still... ~_~) when he was 14, 15 years old. But I agree, parents should not bring their babies to the movies, because one can watch movies at home aswell. Also, sometimes the baby doesn't scream much in general, but it's the new, unfamiliar situation like a church which might make a normally silent baby turn into a non-stop crying little monster, and the parents, out of surprise, don't know how to handle the unexpected behavior well. What is even worse: mothers who yell at their babies when the latter is simply asking for a little bit of attention, which actually makes the baby cry, followed by some harsh arm-grabbing and angry facial expressions by the mom e_e The parents who make cutesy noises are actually really lovely then.
  11. Don't forget that the real reason for it exploding is not mentioned. Maybe the owner of the laptop placed a cheap non-original accu in the laptop. Original accu's (newer ones for laptops and phones, lithium polymer cells might have some sort of security on the 'overloading' (not sure what it's called in English), but fake unknown cheap brand accu's do not. That's why in cellphone's manual they always remind you to use only original accu's, when you don't your device might overheat and explode and the same might be true for laptops.Btw, I read that this particular type of laptop overheats often, maybe not explode, but it does start smoking and inside parts melt, meanwhile Dell doesn't do much about it.
  12. Thank you I use a tablet yes, (Wacom only ) I can't live draw without it anymore.
  13. Mjay06, indeed, when it sounds too fantastic to be true then it's often not. I just went and read some comments on weblogs, and they *all* say 'Forget Surfjunky, they simply don't pay out, and when you ask them about it, they don't reply your mail, as simple as that.' The only ones saying that 'this one actually makes me earn' are the ones who *just* signed up, and have some time to go before it's pay-day. They see their amount of money raising not in their paypal account but on their Surfjunky account. It looks cool but in the end you won't receive the money So yes, my conclusion too is 'stay away from Surfjunky' It's all over Google that it's a scam.
  14. Hehehe, I agree with everyone else, it would have been funny if you'd have played along You should have handed him a pair of jeans and then whisper 'Go! Go! I'll follow you in a second!' xDD But I don'understand why you're not returning to that store anymore? He wasn't part of the staff was he? Just a co-customer like you? He probably won't be there the next time you visit that store then
  15. The words in most songs are rather less complex than the words in a study book, aren't they? They are about different subjects too. But perhaps it's an idea to start singing out loud whatever you read in your books
  16. Nations, I once calculated how much the electricity my laptop consumes costs, and if I did it right, it was ?0.007 per hour I'd like someone's review on that site though, before I sign up though, I'm afraid of spyware and adware on my computer
  17. I'm rather suprised with you using the word 'kid' for him, appearently you yourself have the feeling he's not much of a responsible person yet. I do wonder about how and what when he cheated on you with his cousin. What did you do then? Forgive him easily? Did you talk at that point in time? You should make clear to him that he can't just play around with you. Somehow I think you two don't communicate all that much. For example when you ask him to go to a movie with you, did you just *mean* 'us two' or did you *actually say that out loud*? Because I can imagine that he has no idea that he should *not* brings his friends along, especially when his friends sort of are *your* friends aswell.Go and sit with him, tell him you want to be absolutely alone with him, and try to ask straight forward 'Would you like to maintain this relationship, or do you prefer now to be be just friends?'
  18. Let's say that I'm very happy about the always developing technology, but personally I see no use in this product. I guess it's pretty cool during the first few minutes, and maybe longer when you're planning on abusing it, but aside of that it's just a funny trick to show your little cousins imo And I hardly ever touch my cellphone anyway, so it would rather be a bother to grab the latter instead of my mouse or tablet.
  19. It's quite large indeed I'm not sure if it's allowed on many forums. I loooove the image, but I do wonder what you did, at the moment it looks like you only slapped the panda (it's a panda right? ^^ on an abstract rendered background and then added text. It looks great, but I think most of the credit should go to the person who illustrated that fantastic character in the first place, don't you agree? The font does not entirely match the image. The latter looks very Chinese/Japanese, and meanwhile the font (even though it's pretty) reminds me of something French. Anyway, overall it's an awesome sig Very eyecatching!
  20. Why don't you go get the Gimp for example? Anyhow, I don't know Photo Explosion, but it's quite nice for something done in Paint. I too suggest you add more brushes. I like that font and you chose the colors well. Do continue making sigs
  21. The idea that certain men want this product makes me laugh, personally I think i would look stupid, I really don't want to see bulges in pants. But I don't know, perhaps it's more meant for gay men? Not an insult, but the concept reminds me of men-thongs. I find the latter far from attractive, but when I see someone wearing them, he happens to be gay, which makes me assume gay men find men-thongs sexy underwear. So maybe this push-up stuff is appealing to them aswell?
  22. It's not normal in my opinion, however, it's not absolutely sick either. I find it very immature o_o A fantasy relationship I can understand, but I don't know *anyone* at all who actually physically puts his or her tongue and lips on a bucket with someone's picture on it. (Who knows..maybe the popcorn dude just used the bathroom, didn't wash his hands, and then handed her the popcorn bucket, doesn't the thought of that gross her out? I assumed that kids were taught on an early age that they shouldn't randomly put things in their mouths >_O;) I'd say: talk with her about this, in a calm manner. You should pretty much ask her how she would like it if you would get out on the street, stick a large poster of Jennifer Lopez on one side of one of those tall street lamps and then would kiss and lick the other side of that same lamp. She'd probably *BLEEP*slap you, right? Because it's abnormal, embarrasing towards the neighbours and for her, and because dogs urinate against that lamp. I'm saying this in a rather 'harsh' way, but somehow make clear, make her realize that her behaviour is rather ridiculous.
  23. Indeed, why don't you join us here at .com instead of .net? That way you don't need to give away your address ?nd you won't have any banners at all on your page! This is free too No banners = no address That's exactly what you want.
  24. There's hardly ever anything on tv, but I watch MTV sometimes, I don't watch so many video's anymore, it's rather Hogan knows best, Punk'd, The Assistant and such lately.
  25. Yes, we do need water to stay alive, but don't forget that (like most things..) too much of it is not good for you It's possible that an overdose of water will lead you into coma and then maybe to death. Normally the cells in your body maintain a concentration gradient. There's a balance of sodium and water, and breaking that balance will cause problems. When taking in too much water, there will be relatively little sodium left. Because of that, the water outside of the cell will rush into the cell, I believe. And that action will cause the cell to swell, which leads to tissue damage, your brain cells will be pressured, and the latter is very dangerous. (The opposite is true aswell, when you take in too much sodium (salt) when you are offered peanuts in a bar for example, this will make your body need more water to maintain the balance, and so thirst will be triggered. This will result in you ordering more drinks )
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