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Everything posted by ink

  1. The word injection sounds a bit creepy it reminds me of flesh and blood and such. But if you mean a regular cookie, like one with chips, you won't find so much room to fill stuff in it. I'm not sure whether the needle would be easy to clean either, afterwards. You could make some sort of fill-thing out of baking paper (?) I guess, but it won't be as thin, so you'll need a cookie with lots of free space on the inside. Actually I think waffles indeed would taste better, instead of hard crumbling cookies and icecream.
  2. I can see why it is your all time favorite I must say that it looks very professional, one can notice that you thought well about it and designed it with care. It looks really awesome But huh..is there any text near the bottom middle? I'm not really missing a border but if you make one, I suggest the color to be white or light-yellowish. Also, the text saying 'Deadcel' and 'Masters of..' looks a bit raw, as in 'the borders are a bit pixellated'. Perhaps you can turn anti-alias on next time. Anyway, I like it a lot
  3. Very cute sigs I won't give much critics, since I think what the others said was quite enough and helpful already I'd love to see more, and welcome here at Xisto!
  4. I'm happy to see someone posting a wallpaper I'd love to see more of those over here at Xisto. I don't mind the black at all. The colors indeed don't match very well, but I think you'll overwin that problem easily, it's not like you really need to follow a tutorial for that or something. The effects look really good, I like the texts, it doesn't bother me so much that it's hard to read. It's not a book, and I'm quite used to wallpapers with unreadable text. As long as the overall 'look' of the text looks flattering on my desktop, it's great enough for me Also, maybe this wallpaper is a resized version of the original, but I'm mentioning anyway: it's very small. Nowadays people have got much larger screens 800x600 pixels is a bit too 1998, so make sure you make wallpapers in different resolutions from now on, as big as possible.... I am sure you will improve and I'm looking forward to seeing your next works!
  5. Does it happen to be Christina Aguilera in the first one? It's gorgeous Your friend must be happy with such a gift, and a talented friend like you. I like the second one aswell, but I can't quite make out what it represents but I guess graphics don't always need to be clear *shrugs* Wonderful works
  6. ink

    Was Sup

    It's a tad difficult to read, but I did understand it Welcome here anyhow!
  7. Not all rock music has screaming in it In my opinion rock music is more diverse, and shows more variety in the sound. Furthermore, it isn't the most important reason, but I like the clothing and looks in general of rock artists better. Especially Japanese rockers often wear beautiful make-up, hairstyles and such, it's more 'artsy' than the looks of rappers.
  8. ink

    Call Centres

    In general I already don't like calling, because I'm so..supposed to show emotions and I hate it how I should sound friendly and cheerful while I can't see the other person's facial expression. And especially when I have a complaint or a question...I always try to avoid calling in those cases, hearing those jingles makes me nervous and the options get me confused. Sometimes it's not even clear which option one should choose. That's why it makes me very happy when those customer service have an email address too, saves me so much money, time and helps me avoid the puzzling option menu they always seem to have.
  9. The ones above me already said what damage it could cause, but I again would like to remind you very much: be extremely careful with your eyes!! A little mistake with contact lenses can cause so much harm to your vision, and the latter is something you'll miss so much, and regret damaging O_O Your eyes are one of the most precious things you own Special says that you should get your eyes lasered, but personally I don't recommend it yet. It's too new, and there's little known about the long term consequences. Glasses are really not that awful
  10. It wasn't mine, but it was my dad's. I don't know what he used it for, I never really had much interest in it. I only remember the operating system was DOS and it had a veeery small b&w screen. The screen was so tiny, now as a graphic designer and illustrator I can hardly imagine that people ever wanted/had to work on such a mini-monitor, bigger screens are so much more fun and candy for the eye It made a lot of noise aswell, when being on one floor of the house, you could hear the computer running even when it was located on the floor above you. My dad never let me turn off that computer myself, because it was a 'sensitive machine, not meant for kids to play' or something, hehehe... I think it did have a prehistoric version of Paint on it, which was also only in black and white (and in grey ) and I only drew houses and eyes with it, and perhaps random rectangles and circles. I didn't spend more than 4 minutes in Paint. What did fascinate me was this game in which you were controlling some airplane and had to fly forever over some map. When a city became visible you had to drop bombs or shoot and then you heard a lot of noise. That was the first pc 'game' I ever played, and now when I look back I realize it was a very boring game, I can't believe I nagged and begged my dad to let me play it Even simple old PacMan or ping-pong is better than that. Furthermore my dad used to give my typing lessons on that computer, and that's how he learned me some commands, but I've forgotten all of them by now.
  11. Ahh! =D I can't wait till they make it available to countries other than the US aswell. I hope lots of people switch to this. They're indeed not linked to EBay, like PayPal is, but who knows.... Perhaps they can replace EBay with something of their own aswell ;D
  12. How much are you willing to pay for it? I'm afraid I'll mention way too expensive models...
  13. I don't mind Google Earth blocking out those secret parts, I'm not planning to do anything with those spots anyway, so why would I bother checking it out? I'd much rather have it protected so that certain stupid people can't abuse this wonderful software.
  14. Utorrent or Azureus! The latter one is a bit slow though.
  15. Hilarious thread =9 Most of the time, instead of pick-up lines I just get interviewed -___- appearently they are not so creative .__. and it's aaalways by men who are atleast 20 years older than I am and sometimes they even try to *bribe* me to make me give them my phone number. So yeah, I can't think of a lame pick-up line I heard someone using on me, but I do remember this one I once read at another forum~ 'If your left leg was Thanksgiving and your right leg Christmas, can I visit you between the holidays?' of which I think it's pretty close to being terrible x_x Btw, Albus Dumbledore, Club Sushi sounds so Japanese instead of Chinese?
  16. They can wear those clothes if they like...and shave their heads even though they're not becoming bald yet....nothing wrong with that, but if they really think the 'white race' is superior and such and act that way, I think they're quite dangerous. You know, in general those people are not very well-educated, they also tend to copy eachother's talk instead think for themselves. Funny is that I know one of them through the internet, and he and his friends have listed the movie American History X as their 'favorite movie' in their profile, while the movie is not exactly pro nazi-ideology. Well, they're not quite the smartest people out there. I have a few friends who are goth and punk, and my *cough* normal (preppy =P ) friends unfortunately don't know them very well, and even nowadays they still think my punk friends are nazis .__. *sighs*
  17. Install some fonts, download a good, free, graphics program (which really is not so hard to learn as many people think ) like the Gimp and you sort of have all the necessary ingredients for your banner Maybe you can sketch out your idea on paper first. Try to think which 'atmosphere' the banner should display, what is your forum about?
  18. Earning money with this is way too slow. I honestly suggest one tries to find a real job instead Actually, why are there almost no threads out there which are about earning money in real life? It goes so much faster, and there really are great part time jobs. But if you insist on trying to get rich online, I still don't think reading a ridiculous amount of emails is the easiest way. For example you could try one of those websites about product-testing or filling in surveys. It's more fun
  19. The last word in the sentence, family perhaps, is a bit hard to read and the image overall is a bit light, but I like the pictures you've used.
  20. Who says he's not looking at porn? Or emailing someone to bring him toilet paper because he ran out of it? And what kind of job does he have exactly which lets him work so much, yet allows him to wear flip-flops? Judging from the tanned and rather non-hairy arms and legs, it's an Asian boy or girl, and I just hope it's not a Japanese person, because I think the working climate in Japan is already very harsh =/ But I assume this pic is just a joke, right? O-O Anyhow, he should take a little rest in the *rest* room o-o
  21. You like to have us guess, don't you? There are billions of names out there, in many languages. Reveal some of the content of your site so that it's easier for us to think of something. What 'image' should the domain have?
  22. Are you in university? Some universities offer free internet at home to their students.
  23. ink

    False Advertising Lame

    I'm curious to that commercial with the 16+ year old girls playing with a doll, what sort of doll is it? Are you sure it wasn't a sex-doll or something like that? Anyway, there *are* 16+ girls out there who do play with dolls I know a few of them, and they own the doll because it's a magnificent piece of art, like this one for example >> http://html.gdreamweb.com/404.html Also, I guess false advertising will always continue to exist. What else should the companies do? Use an incredibly ugly male for make-up from now on? It wouldn't sell... But yes, some commercials are beyond evil. Getting that certain product will make your life only way worse than it was before =/
  24. At brainless: whoa! Your first line made me laugh at loud, but at the same time: gosh...that is so sad! O_O Those guys obviously didn't pay much attention in history class. Btw, over here in Europe it's common knowledge that some Americans (some..not all ) think that the USA actually is the whole world. They're so narrow-minded, they have no clue about what is going on elsewhere on the planet and if they do, their opinion is 'whatever is best for America is best for everyone else'. There are Americans who think that Europe is a country! I assume those are some kind of hillbillies, I hope people who had actual education don't think that way.Anyway, I agree with the topic started, it can be annoying yes. However...I think you should consider yourself lucky. Over here we have to learn English, but German and French aswell! To enter uni we should pass all those language classes first. The majority of our university study books are in English, some of our courses' lectures are given in English and then even the test is written in English, just because we have some international students among us O_O When we know only our mother tongue, Dutch, we won't get very far unfortunately. (Unless we choose to study on a below-uni level =/)iVTEC, for a second I thought you were talking about aliens xD Spanish speakers come to the USA often for economical reasons, they just want work/a not so corrupt society. They are not a bunch of retards, they know exactly what a phone is I doubt they will teach Americans a better way to live like the way you mean it. They love tv, internet and mobile phones as much as we do! The people you're talking about are not Mexicans but probably Kalahari bushmen hehehe xDI feel very sorry for the native Americans btw, indeed in the first place they were forced to learn English, their whole culture was taken away from them by the English and Spanish invaders. Lots of them, children, nowadays find it very hard to keep up with their native language and all of their old traditions, and there are so very few members of their tribes left, and that's so sad imo. I think it would be good for all of us to learn more than one, our native, language. Spanish speakers should learn English, but I also think it doesn't hurt for Americans to have a few years of education in Spanish Actually I'm happy that I know a few languages, besides Dutch alone. It helps me to conversate with my Japanese penpals in English for example and I notice Germans are very happy if I talk to them in their mother tongue when I'm visiting beautiful cities in parts of Germany where not everyone is that fluent in English
  25. I doubt many people will admit that they have ever been a cyber bully. Kids shouldn't just give their emailaddress and phone number to everyone in the school. You know what suprised me? My 8-year old student has a cellphone, one with a camera. She doesn't really need it, since she doesn't go anywhere alone. But you'll see that once she leaves primary school, it will become 'popular' among kids to exchange phone numbers just for fun, and that's when she's probably going to hand over her number to everyone and his mom and dog. The perfect moment for bullying to start. Nowadays I have different email addresses, one for work, one for family and good friends, one for might-be spam (when I have to sign up first in order to receive a free surprisebox at uni ) and a few accounts for 'online' stuff. I did have an email address when I was 13 years old, but then I already knew to not give it to just anyone. My other classmates however, were rather eager to make their msn friends-list become as huge as possible They had (and still may have) persons in their msn list who they don't even like!! Unfortunately many parents have no clue what MySpace is It's not only MySpace btw, parents have absolutely *no idea* what their kids do on the internet, that they talk to strangers and that they share their mobile number in chat boxes and such. 14-year old girls nowadays take off their clothes very easily in front of their webcam when a 16-year old guy (who in reality is probably a lot older than that) ask for it on msn. Some teenagers are so insecure...they need a lot of attention and want to be called cute and cool or hot. In the beginning they are very happy to actually get involved with perverted strangers online voluntary, then they get scared because their 'friend' is asking for more and also for personal details and it's *then* that they start calling it bullying because they start feeling threated. So, in some cases, kids are naive really, they 'open too many possibilities' to become bullied. They talk to every weirdo who adds them on msn, not knowing that it's three of their classmates who are tricking him. But it's more complicated when you don't have a MySpace account, don't give out your phone number and such, yet....out of nowhere people create a website themselves to harrass you... Even if you don't allow others to spam you, what can you do to prevent someone to open a website about you, with your real name on it, your address, your pictures, disgusting gossips about you etc..? Sometimes it's hard to do something about becoming bullied online.
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