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Everything posted by ink

  1. Don't worry, I don't mind you making this thread at all I find it an incredibly interesting question aswell I was just expressing my unbelief/surprise about the thought that somebody really would have a reason to get rid of the complete internet. Just like a human being would want to destroy, not just a country... but make the earth die and disappear. It would be odd if someone had this intention, I'm pondering about what could be the reasons of that person. I guess blocking the internet of some government by a terrorist organization or such would make sense (not good..but still it would d be a logical thought), but making the *whole* internet non-existent...? About the back-up plan, maybe something like that does exist, secretly. In history the world and governments functioned without the internet aswell, with the help of other tools. Communication was slower probably, and a bit less efficiƫnt since video chatting and such wasn't available, but it still worked. A sudden disappearence of the internet would cause panic, and frustrate millions of people, but we should be able to re-adapt to an internetless world over time. I agree that it wouldn't really be possible to destroy the internet permanently. Since we ourselves created it, bit by bit, and are doing it continuously, we should be able to reconstruct it aswell. How fast and accurate that would be, would depend on the exact manner in which it was deconstructed, and it's still interesting how the latter would be managed.
  2. Why o why do you think of such evil things? LOL j/k I think it's possible, I'm not sure how, but there must be some way to make block everything, which makes it impossible to have anymore acces to the internet. Maybe the internet won't be fully 'removed', but atleast it's cluttered and non-usable or something. But then again, why would somebody want to do that It's not fully, but almost something like destroying the earth, since the internet forms another sort of 'world' we are living in and dependent of in so many ways. I hope this thread is not giving certain sick minds hope or inspiration O.O
  3. It's looks very neat and precise, if that's the correct English word. I like the colour scheme a lot, very well chosen. The menu has been designed very well, if it's you who actually made, you really have Photoshop skills, thumbs up! On the bottom, the copyright thing is a bit too big, it shouldn't be actually part of the layout, which it is now, it's a bit overwhelming and distracting from the rest of the design. I like how it's very shiny, incredibly well done. Is this the complete template btw? It looks a bit small, I'd expect something to fill the area around it, some brushed metal background or something, so yeah, it looks rather resized and if it's supposed to be larger. The round thing in the upper left corner looks a bit blurry, could be sharper... but for the rest, it's an awesome layout. I can expect people to pay you for it
  4. I like this very cute. Because of the dots on half of her face, it makes her look a bit comic like, as in: not an actual photo of a girl. She doesn't really match the background perfectly, because of that reason. The colors are very nice, which gives it something modern and mystic. I'm curious to know who that girl is even when she's not a real girl where did you get the image from? Anyway, looovely I'll rate it with a 7.5 out of 10
  5. It's lightweight when you customize it to be so It depends on the quality ofcourse. You could use Jasc Animation shop, just load the file, choose how many frames you want there to be, trim if necessary, resize if necessary, then save, and in the optimization menu walk-through thingie, take the steps to minimize the file size by choosing the amount of colors and stuff. So yeah, the more frames, the bigger the size, and the less compression of the images, the bigger the file size will be aswell. Ofcourse a smooth 5 second duration .gif file with image size 1024x768 pixels will be huuuuge.
  6. Wow, these look awesome, I'm going to download these. They seem very professional, and I like how you zipped them all, thanks Could you, next time, mention the size of the wallpapers though, please? I'll assume these happen to be quite large, but it often happens that people post thumbnails of wallpapers, and each one of them appears to be only 1024x768, which is too small. They somehow look so much fresher than the standard desktop bg of WinXP, even though the second one from the first two rows show a lot of similarities with it (the Telletubbies atmospere ) And indeed, if you happen to have more of these, they're veeery welcome!
  7. ink

    My New Job

    Whoa @_@ that sounds pretty freaky.. Are you sure she wasn't just joking around with you? Some people have a baaad sense of humor you know, they think everything is funny, and they themselves laugh the loudest while the rest is just staring at the situation with their eyebrows raised. They are actually kind of rude, since they can't estimate when it's appropiate to do silly stuff, and when it's not. How many times did she do that before? And to who exactly? Maybe it's her weird way of playing a prank / scaring the *BLEEP* out of newbies at work. She might be totally bored out of her mind. Did you talk to her personally about it? Since she is being sweet sometimes, she must somehow be able to explain the oddnesses of her behavior to you, right? To me it sounds as if she has multiple personalities...Anyway, don't let her impress you too much eh? In need of a doctor visit or just totally anti-social, that sort of people isn't worth your attention and the raise of your emotions and blood pressure I'm curious to the end of the story, when your boss has had a word with her
  8. ink

    Gmail For Mobile

    Do you happen to know whether it works on all phones? Even the prehistoric ones? I never use WAP on my phone, because I have no idea how much it costs, and I'm afraid my phone won't be able to handle certain sites /software. It might freeze or something, and then there won't be a crt + alt + delete key o_O;
  9. Ayuuuuu!! I've made quite some Ayu wallpapers aswell. I like the second one the best, although that design behind the text looks rather pixellated, instead of clean and sharp. It's probably enlargened, while it shouldn't. Other than that, the wallpaper is veeery pretty I'd use it! The others are okay. And btw, nowadays lots of monitors are larger than 1024x768 they are too small for my desktop.. instead I'm using an another, huuuge, Ayu wallpaper You might want to make them bigger from now on Anyway, I do encourage you very much to continue making wallpapers!! I hope to see more, preferably of Ayu
  10. Has something happened to you, which left a deep impact on your trust in people or regular relaxed mood? As far as you describe it, it doesn't sound extremely bad, but anyhow, the waking up at night seems to interfere with you daily life. I guess it makes you feel more sleepy the next day too? Do you have troubles falling asleep? Are there more things you check? And do you check them more than once, as if you seem to forget whether you really checked it, and want to do it one more time, just to be sure? And do you feel discomfort when you're *not* getting out of bed, to have a look in your backpack? I'm not going to label you right away, but I just want to say what it *reminds* me of, namely Generalized Anxiety Disorder or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Before giving you tips to stop worrying, it's important to know how often you do it, when it started and such. Are your parents the same, by the way? Do they ponder a lot? Are they in stress?
  11. I like it very much for a first site Normally, first sites are beyong horrible... You could add a little more content, more colors, more texts in general, to make it less like a link dumping place. Anyhow, it looks quite good so far, it's neat
  12. It would be cool to really have a member over here, who really is 99 years old ;p He/she could share plenty of wisdom with us =D Anyway, Jlhaslip, have a superhappy bday, and I too am curious what your age is really
  13. ink


    Hiii Kuroshiro Nice introduction, welcome at Xisto Good to meet another person who likes anime ;D what's your favorite series? Have fun here
  14. Before I get into this all deep, I have a question, is the part about the 'We had the ugliest baby' serious? ~_O Isn't it a bit insulting towards people who actually do have red hair, freckles or slanted eyes? =/
  15. That's sooo very well done indeed It actually looks realistic and the result looks more complicated than the making-of really is. Many thanks for sharing!
  16. ink


    Welcome here Feel free to tell us a little bit more about yourself indeed How old/young are you, what sort of websites do you like to build, where do you live?
  17. It's very cool actually! Why are you putting yourself down for nothing? Keep designing, I'd love to see more sigs by you!
  18. Hehee, very cute I just hope though, that the girl, in all of her excitement, didn't forget to read the lines at only the odd numbers =O But yes, I agree, she has a very creative boyfriend It doesn't look so hard to make though. I do wonder how it is possible that her father gets to read absolutely ever letter she receives. It must somehow be possible for her to hide it from her father, right? Like eh..hiding it in her bra or something xD
  19. O yes... hype, I'm just wondering, how come Friendster has such a large Asian community? Is it just coincidence or is there some other reason? For instance, some messageboards seem to attract lots of Asian people because the owner of the board happens to be a Chinese person (?nd yes, also because the board is a neat place, but I do think the name of the owner might have attracted them aswell a bit ) but I'm not sure what sort of connection there is between Friendster and Asia ^^; Btw, personally I find the layout of MySpace very hard to customize o__o and I'm not talking about those copy-paste codes which are used by everyone and his dog, but about your actual own creation, transparency, font, background, size of tables and such. But who knows..maybe I haven't tried hard enough yet... Also, just a random note, to girls especially: think before you expose yourself in a push-up bra on your MySpace profile. I personally don't mind boobs at all, but you make yourself such an easy prey to online predators =/ Even though your make your head not visible in your pictures and stuff like that, the location and school you mention, and the list of friends and *their* real names, who point in your direction, will make you sososo easy to find for anyone who has malicious intentions regarding you =/
  20. I won't complain so much on the concept of MySpace, but I will on the layout. It just hurts my eyes, the way people think they prettify their profile, but instead uglify it, is just ashaming @~@ I've become sick of the brightly colored glittering name tags, bears, dolphins, angels and I used to think that that trend died out, and could only be found on 5 year old Geocities pages, but MySpace appears to be full of those! X__X;;; And the way those pages load, plus the annoying ads and the sometimes very low quality pictures with Paint-blabla scribbled all over them...eww... I have yet to find a decent, inspiring and awesome looking profile layout over there. Aside from the layout, I think the concept is nice. Sometimes I do find myself browsing quite some time through the pages of interesting people, and I like the idea of making bands have their own profile and playlist and such on the site. I think it's very helpful for a band to maintain an account at MySpace! I did make an account over there once, but I'm not actively using it, since I can't stand the layout of the website o_O;;
  21. I'm not very much aware of the advantages and disadvantages of those flat screens over old-fashioned CRT screens, so I can't really make out how important people find it to replace it. But my guess is that in 5 years nobody wishes to buy a CRT instead of a LCD/plasma anymore, because the flat screens will look way much prettier than those big tube things, which take up lots of space. As far as I know, nobody desires cd-players, discman's, anymore either, they take up lots of space aswell, compared to mp3 players.
  22. It's a bit hard to see who and or what it is, but I wouldn't classify it as abstract. You could add a bit more colors and effects to this one
  23. Gorgeous although the huge amount of filters (or atleast the look of it) is a bit unnecessary and 'over the top'. Don't add more colors to it I like the sort of monochromity of the picture.
  24. The text is not really nicely looking, but overall it's not bad. Why do people show off their stuffs when it, in their opinion, sucks, anyway? Come on, admit that you do liiiiike it somewhat
  25. Happy birthday to you, I hope you enjoy it to the fullest and I wish you many more years to come! 25 is a nice number, you *still* have got a whoooole life ahead of you ^-^d
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