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Everything posted by leeleelee

  1. Leave both of them. If you are tough enough, that may be the thing to do.
  2. Something with interesting changing content, a forum and stuff can be had for free. That would be a winner - good luck creating it.
  3. Ive had some take 30 minutes and some take the full 48 hours. You never know - but always plan for 48 hours.
  4. I could not see any pictures in your gallery. I dont think having ADSENSE on your site looks very professional as well. But your effort will be rewarded - good work, keep it up.
  5. As for myself - I dont mind them. I dont enjoy them at all, I wouldnt go out of my way to have one. When I was in hospital I was getting 3 injections a day and had a needle stuck in my vain for the 2 weeks. So I got quite used to having injections. Remember be careful of trees when driving cars.
  6. Try not to have your email address on your site in HTML. try just making a gif that people can see but not the bots.
  7. Theres lots of places to get templates from - they have the css and the html for you. If you can write scripts then html and css should be a breeze. You can grap heaps of templates here http://www.oswd.org/designs/browse/sortby/downloads/page/1/ to work with. That will improve your site 10 fold. Getting people to your site is the another story. If you have Adsense on your site why not use Adwords - spend money to make it - but be really careful. Its easy to throw your money away - plus you need a credit card. Link swapping will help with your page rank. Just keep submitting you site to all the search engines. Start a newsletter that people join from your site, get a base happening. Good luck
  8. In Australia being an Island we dont seem to have as much drama's. We have immigrants arrive on Boats from Indonesia and other countries, they are seeking escape from governments and possible jail etc.... But our government is pretty tough - we stick them in detetion centers until they are checked out- takes around 2 years etc.... In a jail ------ Tough------
  9. Is it a Flash based page or are you using photoshop etc.... I really like it - classy -
  10. I think that stem cell research should be more aggressively researched. Some countries do it, anything that can help. And as long as they are only using cells that they are growing - then thats cool. But taking cells from alive 7 week babies is getting tough. Its a decision that will need to be made by the medical, eithic and so forth boards of goverenment departments around the world.
  11. I would give it a go on an older mac we dont use. It would be handy when a computer can run XP and OSX. They say that might be possible on MACs soon. But Dont really need to run and XP programs so its no big deal at all.
  12. Did you work it out. My Addon Domain took 2 days to be live. But its all working now. The add on domain option is great.
  13. When I try to visit your site Im getting a 404 error. Maybe thats why no google. Check to see if everything is set up and working.
  14. I am an Aussie and we think of Ned Kelly as an Icon. "such is life" is what he said before he was hung. Im pretty sure - Yep but we just think of him as an Aussie Bush ranger - a criminal - but we love him.
  15. We needed a second computer - A family friend had upgraded their computer and they had a Clam lid PowerBook running os9 with a broken CD drive. They couldnt use it because of the old OS and no CD dive was a hassel. So they gave it to me. I set up a network at home and installed the lastest OSX on via firewire and its as good as gold. No CD drive but never need it. use USB flash drives that hold 1GB adn its all networked. Its a great score do all the web work and emailing and word on it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. Yes as soon as I had put my email address on my website my spam increased by 20 a day. Its tricky because you need to have it there for customers and then the bots grab it. Set up a couple of email addresses. a Hotmail for random sign in that can get spammed to high heaven. And then private email that is never given away to the internet. You can also have your email address as a gif image on your website - that the bots cannnt see.leeleelee
  17. You would need to go the company who you bought hogwartsmagic.net from. Point the name servers to Xisto and then you can host it. You will need to addon a domain into your Xisto account if you will be hosting to different websites on your Xisto. I think your friend would need to cancel his Xisto before you try to host the same name. But I hope someone else knows about all that..Good luck..
  18. There was a interesting show on about how th einsurgants have been using the internet to deliver images and small movies showing bombings and attacks - Helping to get more insurgants envolved Did anyone watch it . SBS Austalia last night
  19. I have my email address as gif images that can be seen by real people and not the bots. It is a hassle for people to write down the address manually - Buts its the only way to stop spam I feel.
  20. You shouldnt use a title like that - There is no war there now and wont be. God use some positive words - you are saying theres a war in Iran and there is not. You should re edit your post and change it.
  21. 1. Cold Pilsner beer if the weathers hot2. 1994 Shiraz with a nice meal3. Sake with anything4. Iced Shochu with water5. Fresh Western Australian rain water6. Bottled water.............. Wouldnt drink our tap water
  22. My most usefull short cut would have to be using the tab key to toggle between apps. The apple and space swaps between languages - I use Japanese and English. My winning short cut is apple option esc - this force quits frozen apps.
  23. What country and area are you in. If its bad and you dont have to be there, leave. Dont hang around and fight the system unless you have to or want to. Otherwise be strong and tell them to *#$% off.
  24. Alcohol makes you loose your inhabitions and unwind, thats why people drink. You can relax and talk and enjoy yourself! Too much drinking - Binge drinking and getting drunk allows one to completely loose any inhabitions and dont know what they are doing. If your allowing your girlfriend to do that in Public or at home then you are also responsible thats what friends and partners are for. Protecting each other.And the person that had some other guy come and hold his hand and dance. Jesus - Lighten up abit, he was just having some fun. Anyway Its 5pm in Australia and Im over 21 so Im having a Beer.
  25. I have #####.com hosted with Xisto. It all works Fine. Can I park a #####.com.au on my Xisto #####.com . And then anytime anyone types in the #####.com.au address they are redirected to the #####.com.I hope that makes sense. Any help would be greatly apprieciated.leeleelee
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