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Everything posted by matto

  1. I can't take place in the poll, because my food catagory doens't fit into either (add an 'other'?)But, the primary foods that I eat daily are fruit, dairy, and wheat. I eat cereal (Frosted mini wheats) 2-3 times a day (and I'm generous in my bowl size) with skim milk. I have fruit for breakfast, lunch, and any snacks I have. I have fat-free yogurt for lunch. Sometimes I have a sandwitch or trail mix for lunch too, and if I don't I sometimes have a sandwitch or trail mix with the snack I Have when I get home from school..Then I have most of my protein for dinner.
  2. Actually, booting up uses the most electricity. Depending on how often you would be using the computer without rebooting, it is more than feasable that leaving the computer on will save electricity. And wow. That's a very interesting idea. My computer is pretty efficient, and doesn't give off a whole lot of heat (it isn't very powerfull for its age...), but if it were hotter, I would definitely consider doing what you've done. It's a really good idea, especially considering the fact that the systems would have been on anyway. Good job =D
  3. do you have any you would be so kind as to recommend?
  4. You should consider going with PhpBB or SMF if you are looking for some free forum software.
  5. Hey there Xisto community. As a re-instated (not officially or anything) PHP programmer (i'm about to get started on the first site I've designed in about 2 years..), but never really being into taking care of security issues in the past, I'd like some help in figuring out what SQL Injections are and how I might prevent them from taking place on my website. I know they have to do with putting some symbols into forms on your page, but.... what can specifically be done to counter them? And I know that there are some XSS things too that serve as some security issues... what exactly are these, and how might they be prevented? Thank you =D
  6. Explain the fact that he throws a mac on the ground, plz?
  7. I like the Harry Potter series. It's full of lots of twists and turns, and loads and loads of foreshadowing. There's a ton of symbolism, which makes it fun to analyze, and the plot is just fun to read (even as a 14 year old). I am aware of the fact that the story is probably intended for childeren a lot younger than me, and that's fine. For younger childeren, they get to enjoy thinking about how cool it would be to be a wizard/witch. For us older(ish) people, we get to look into the literary techniques used by the author and have fun analyzing them, or predicting what will happen next by looking back and finding foreshadowing clues. In the last book that was released (#6), there reveals the fact that a lot of answers will be given in the next book (#7), which in turn makes all of us older people who are learning, or have already learned, about literary analyses, start trying to figure out what's up before the next book comes out.And the older kids are also able to enjoy thinking about being a wizard or witch... though I would much prefer a jedi
  8. While I may not be the person to say this, I can assure you that it is normal. There have been scientific studies of childeren who simply choose to act more "feminine" than the other boys (in fact, the children who were studied for the specific study i'm talking about were TWINS, and one boy was "boyish", the other boy was "girlish"). This happened under the same parenting. Later, though not necessarely true, the study showed that the girlish boy would later become gay. And my reason for it not occuring in nature is the fact that all other animals have been shown to be less intelligent than humans. It is more than likely that the thought never really came up to them. Are you honestly saying that this world needs MORE reproduction? THe populations are friggin HUGE dude. So you are saying that being gay is similar to having a heart disease, or not having functional legs?And it seems as if, in this particular quote, you are saying nothing but that gays aren't able to function like a couple of different sexes (as in, can't have kids). So what? What's your point? Umm... so you are saying that gays might not be "real" gays, and therefore shouldn't be allowed to marry? If they are not real gays, they would not stay "fake gay" long enough to marry, and thus that should not be a problem. So what? The United States are not Asia, nor the Middle East. Why? What compells you to say that (talking about your last sentence) (unless its no different than your last two paragraphs...) And also, I don't see your comparison between prostitutes and gays to be very accurate. You see, prostitutes go out and live on the street, have no jobs (except for being a prostitute), and just have sex over and over and over again. Gays are actually in relationships. I live in San Francisco, I see them and know them. They don't go walking around the street with one guy's hand down the other guy's pants or something like that... no that does not happen. Your comparison of gays and prostitutes is both inaccurate and disrespectful to gays. And thus, I think gays should be given the rights to be wed. My first argument is that it does not harm anyone. No one is going to suddenly be sick to the stomache when they see two guys standing next to each other, being (or believing that they are) in love. I'll add more arguments later, if the need arises =p edit: took out end of the guy's quote that was left in, and: I agree with WindandWater's idea. It should be legal to be married and be gay, but religions should still have the right to not marry someone because of being gay. That's a good compromise.
  9. Me? I'm a Jew. I've been searching for a religion for a while, I went to Church from before I could remember until about 4th grade, but it wasn't always the "church church." I was a UU for a few years, but that didn't cut it for my family and me, but I didn't know why at the time. I was too little to understand what's what, I just went to go to sunday school and play with my friends... Honestly though, back then I didn't really have a choice as to where I went. I've been Jewish now since I was about 9 (I'm 14 now). It's done its thing for me. The reason for my being at ease and accepting of this religion has to do with who leads the religion. I participate in two, I'm not sure what to call them, lets call them "sub_faiths." My actual synagouge is a renewal synagouge (the most "liberal" kind of Jewdaism). I still belong here, and I have belonged here for a long time. It is because of this place that I enjoy Jewdaism, and got into Jewdaism. The Rabbi is probably what did it for me first, though. Rabbi Michael Lerner has an interesting history, and a PhD in Psychology (and a doctorate in something else that I can't remember, but its not that important to this). When he lead services, he's pause after a while and do a spiritual [almost] medititation. If it was a special holiday, he'd adjust the meditation for something specific, if it wasn't, he would simply have us think about things. Now I don't know what did this for me, but whatever happened happened, and I was stuck. But this wasn't even it! This Rabbi went one and one with almost ALL of my political beliefs, except there was a difference. He's a co-chair of a big community/organization that focuses on changing the world, while I'm just a 14 year old kid. Wowcoool =D And then there was another thing that made me enjoy Jewdaism. After starting to enjoy it at the synagouge I mentioned above, I started to want to reach out to other Jewish kids like myself. You see, the _one_ (well, maybe there are more [there are]) problem with the synagouge I belong to is that there are hardly any kids. So, I knew that two of my friends from school were Jewish, so I talked to them and got to know them better. I started going to the religious/hebrew school there, and we became best friends. And then, on top of being able to learn about Jewdaism and stuff with my new best friends, we joined Kadima (a Jewish Youth Group for preteens), and then after 8th grade we got upgraded to USY (which is THE BOMB. It's a Jewish youth group for teens. We party so hard.) So while my synagouge makes Jewdaism very meaningful and spiritual, my friends' synagouge makes it hella fun. And now, to further question my beliefs, why do I believe in Jewdaism? You know what, there are some things in the religion that I do not believe in. But that is allowed. Jewdaism promotes questioning The Torah, and studying it, and ARGUING about it. Jewdaism has lots of beliefs and/or laws that are disputed every day. It's dynamic! Lots of laws have been modified from the uber panel of Rabbis in Israel to accomodate changes that have been made in the real world. So I enjoy Jewdaism because it is different for every person. Another thing that just popped into my head is that I believe in science. I read Stephen Hawking's work and respect it, but I also believe it. I learn about evolution, and since it makes sense to me (and I can think of no way to disprove it), I believe it. And I'm allowed to believe it. All of these reasons listed above are why I am a Jew, and why I am proud of my Jewdaism. P.S. I found it interesting to read all of the posts above mine, thanks for taking the time to post them =D
  10. haha I've seen them before, but I never knew about that extra scene w/ Ron.Ronicus explodicus...hahaBut seriously unserious, the second one was hecka funny. I know the guns are like amazingly funny, but... I just love it when Dumbledore is all telling the kids that the dark lord is coming back, and they ask what to do, and he replies, "Iono..." hahahaha!!sorry, but I thought it was tremendously funny =D
  11. Are you a freshman? Me too(if so...)! I had one of those retarded classes for people who are never going to go anywhere in life anyway. I got a B in it too =D Anywhoz, my grades from the beginning of school up 'till now have been: But yeah... my school is easy. Other people say it gets harder, though... And the 2nd grading period of the second semester just ended yesterday... so yeah. and hopefully I'll be taking AP Statistics next year. THAT will be interesting, as a sophomore...
  12. I think you can do it without a book, if you've learned what you have so far without one. Don't let the sometimes complexity of what is actually quite a simple phenomenon scare you. Get yourself signed up with Xisto (as in get hosting), then go through all the information about it on w3schools.com to start (it won't all compute, but take a look at it). Play around with .php files on your hosting account using the snippets of code provided to you from the w3schools information. Then, try looking at more complex tutorials of how to do certain things (they're all over the net. php.net has good documentation for things if one particular thing is messing you up), like how to send e-mails and how to play around with MySQL databases (don't do anything like send 50,000 emails "by accident," though) and eventually you'll learn it on your own. The best way to learn any programming language is to play around with it, and discover things on your own. If you ever get stuck on something, you can post on forums like these and all the users will be glad to help you through your particular situation, and then you'll be able to continue on coding and learning and becoming super dooper. =D
  13. Microsoft has done it again: They made a new program that (seems to me from the ss's to be) is bulky and complex. What they're doing is exactly why all the other companies like Google and stuff are "winning." They're not being simple enough. Users today don't want to configure everything and make it exactly how they dreamed, they want to be able to open up the program and start typing away without changing anything, and without having to stop and look-up how to change something (rather than literally stopping, looking up, and instantly seeing what to do in most other pieces of software). It's stupid. And they're spending way to much time making the user interface look "cool," instead of making the application work properly and efficiently. That background will probably make it take a noticeable amount of time longer to load for every person to load it. Not to mention it costs money to use... Stick with Open Office -.-
  14. How ironic: Microsoft's website passes the standard with no errors (as far as I was able to see from running the validator), though, as you just stated, Google failed with 47 errors. Pretty weird. But then again, after a bit of peaking around, a lot (if nor most) of Microsoft's other pages seem to fail. At least they tried hard in making their home page, which is weird considering how Microsoft is Microsoft (and how Google is Google...)
  15. You mean entitled, "Animal Farm"? (They were both wonderful books )
  16. While I agree with you that a black person getting more points on a test because of being black than a white person is totally unfair and racist, I do not believe that this website not filtering out the words you have listed that are, in theory, derogatory against white people, because I'm pretty sure that up 'till now they have not been used (or hardly ever used) on this forum, so there was never a need.
  17. Isn't there a way to get the OS into there? How would that be done?
  18. I think the main reason for the amount of obesity in the world (or just the U.S....) today is mainly caused by (a)laziness of people in the sense that no one gets as much excersize as they should; and (b)eating a lot of UNHEALTHY foods.Now, actually, I think that the main main reason is the fact that people eat too much unhealthy foods. People "eat out" at McDonalds every day, or after school stop by the 7Eleven or BurgerKing and get themselves a HUGENORMOUS big-gulp of almost straight surgar. The fact that all these big companies are throwing sugar down everyone's (particularly childeren's) throat is the main cause.
  19. my browser doesn't have a browser.turbo (therefore no browser.turbo.enabled), so I'm unable to change that one. Any ideas about why, or what to do? o_OActually... I tried adding the string 'browser.turbo.enabled' with value 'true' -- will this produce the same outcome, you think?
  20. Hey all. I think I accidentally used this form: https://support.xisto.com/ instead of this form: http://ww2.forum500.com/?folio=9POR7JU99 So, my bad (I think). What exactly am I supposed to do now, since I wanted the second free hosting plan thing. I would just submit the new one, but then that might look as if I was applying for two hosting services (which is not what I want to do, nor appear to be doing). Thanks for your understanding, and again, I apologize for my stupidity =D
  21. I've been wearing glasses for about 5 years. I would either like the surgery or contact lenses to use sometimes because of sports. Glasses can be a real pain when playing sports, especially contact sports.
  22. Yeah, almost everyone is gonna be skipping school on Monday at my school. It's sort of retarded, though, how all these asian and white kids aren't going to come to school even though it doesn't really matter to them. At my school, at least, it's retarded. My school's in this big school district and having some issues, so this is just what we need... lots of absenses will surely make the school district like us better. -.-But yeah... and it sounds sort of retarded for all the illegal aliens to be out on the streets claiming to be illegal, but asking for rights. If they dont' have any rights, won't they just be arrested and stuff?
  23. Some teacher at my school was telling our class that everyone will think stereotypically of everyone else, always, just that it will have different levels depending on what exactly is triggering the stereotype. I can see how this is conceivable, but it is sort of similar to saying that humans will always treat each other badly... just not necessarely at the same levels of bad-ness. Racism is an interesting topic, and if you asked almost anyone today (actually maybe not... I live in a pretty liberal part of the United States, it may or may not be completely different if you were to go to another city or state) they would say that racism is still in this world at a very high level.So if what the teacher-lady at my school said is true, then I suppose racism will always be present, just not necessarely as little (or as much) is it is (or was, or will be) today.
  24. On the other hand, if one were to have a heart attack right before they turned this new wireless technology on (if they ever do), it may be easier to get the heart started again, no? Haha, though that would be amazingly unprobable. And yes, definitely quite dangerous and uncomfortable for all others in the vicinity, and for the heart-attacked person after his/her heart starts again. =D Still, fun to think about...
  25. Google should try taking a stab at it with their uber network. Probably less than an hour of downtime, and they'd get 100,000 out of it. But then again, would the loss of adsense revenue for that one hour be worth it? o_O I agree with you in the sense that finding any irrational number, or kind of number, that is bigger than can be easily spoken about or used is most likely pointless and unnecessary. However, so is a lot of stuff we do daily. I think the main reason anyone would take the time to figure such a thing out would be entertainment. They find it fun (for some reason or another) to figure stuff like that out. It's just as pointless as watching The Simpsons, or playing peek-a-boo as a child, but that doesn't make it "un-fun".In fact, I've done something very similar to this, and I'm completely aware of its unimportance and stupidity, but I find it entertaining to take part in. I memorized something like 55 digits of pi in like 3 hours, while playing computer games wasting my time. My reason behind it? There are two reasons I can think of: a) I enjoyed memorizing it and utilizing my brain, making me think, on a day when all my friends were on vacation and i had nothing to do (winter break =p) and if I did not take time to memorize it, I would have just spent the 3 hours playing computer games doing absolutely NOTHING. So, sometimes these pointless things can actually be similar to "brain excersizes," I suppose =D
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