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Everything posted by Slay

  1. Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People Yeah thats right, I'm listening to Marilyn Manson. The man who many call a freak and wish for him to die. But hey, he's got a few good songs.
  2. Well I went to see this movie in the theaters and was rather disappointed. I liked the first one much much better, this one was to boring. Atleast in the first one there was some vampire and lycan fightings through a better part of the movie. This one it was mainly only at the end except a small fight here and there.
  3. I also think it was Count Dooku. However I have a slightly different theory from both of yours. I think that Count Dooku portrayed Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas when he was still a Jedi and went to Kamino to mention the cloning.Then when Obi-wan confronted Jango Fett on Kamino and asked him about who recruited him, Jango said he never heard of Sifo-Dyas and that he was recruited by a man called Count Dooku.So pretty much I think that Count Dooku portrayed him and made the Kamino's believe that the Jedi wanted a army just so the Sith would be kept un-noticed until well, you know...The Great Jedi Purge.
  4. I like many others I'm sure bought this game within the week it came out and beat it within two days. This game was awesome the first time you played it but it started to get boring towards the end. I prefer Star Wars Battlefront more then episode 3.Some highlights for this game that I liked were: -Force powers! You can use the force, how cool! -Sweet Combinations! You can do some kickass combinations with the lightsaber and normal fighting.-Coop! I sorta thought this would have been better but the coop mode was still cool.Somethings I did not like:-To short! The game was way to short but then again it followed a movie, what more could you expect.-Ranking up! I didnt like that you can only improve each of your characters rank up only one time no matter what for each level.Thats about all I can think of for now.
  5. My favorite Zelda game is Zelda: Ocarnia of Time for the Nintendo 64. It was awesome! It had great graphics for the time, excellent plot, and lots and lots of other stuff such as your items, weapons, horse!, villians, mini quests, and mini games! I loved that game and use to play it non-stop. I really want to go play it now as a matter as a fact, however I lost the game and cant find anybody else that I can burrow it from. :s I really wanna play it. As for my least favorite Zelda game, I've only played 3 of them so the other two I have played are Majora's Mask for the Nintendo 64 and another one for the super nintendo with the tri-force and such. Forgot name, think its Link to the Past. My least favorite out of those three is Majora's Mask, I hated the fact that every three days you had to go back in time. I did like the masks though, thought that was rather cool. I have been stuck on getting inside the last temple for about two years now, lol. I even have the strategy guide!
  6. Isnt there a poll for this topic?Well if there isnt then oh well. I vote for Albus Dumbledore in this round, I like his better. It seems to be smoother and has a better feeling. <--I might sound wierd to say images give me feelings. Lol.Zabb's is good but it seems a bit to crowded dark and hard to see. Is the soldier holding something or what? I'm also not a big fan of the text.(Sorry if the image is brighter then I see, my monitor is shot so things appear darker then they really are on my computer)Anyways I vote for Albus. Albus: 1Zabb: 0
  7. Well I guess I wouldnt know what my teachers do after school, I dont stalk them or anything. :/ I know for sure that one goes out often and drinks and comes to school sometimes with a hangover. Lol. Also a few of them are coaches or assistant coaches for extra-curricular activities after school so they are often practicing. Thats about all I know they do.
  8. Well let me think for a moment...My first 8-9 years of school I was pretty damn shy and basically kept to myself and didnt focus much on my studies. I rarely understood the stuff but still managed to pass my classes with C's and D's. Now I'm a junior at school and am not as shy as I once was and even got a A! Well that and lots of B's and C's. Lol, but a A, yay! LolI just took the ACT's I think yesterday and the day before, I did horribly bad on them. I didnt know what any of the answers were or even how to get the answers even though we studied what was on it for about a month in Math class. So I pretty much guessed on all of them. The ones where they leave you a open box to fill in your answer I put a big smilie face in one and a comic book styled Star Wars cartoon in. >_< I think I'm going to fail it, but it dont matter I dont have to pass. Lol.Hopefully when I'm a senior next year (I hope) I will be more "active" with the class and such. I'm taking about 3-4 study halls so I should have lots of time on my hands. Lol.
  9. I dont mind noobs, I actually dont even hate them as some do. So what if they are new, everyone is new to a site at some point in time. But anyways onto the topics subject. Somethings I can not stand or tolerate.-Grammar; I do not like people who can not type words out, it gets very annoying and also I dont like people who use "txt tlk". -People who hate noobs; so what, they are noobs. Everyone was once a noob! Give it a break!-Rippers; I hate people who will try and steal stuff from your website or copy your content.
  10. I myself use Internet Explorer more then any of the other browsers. Mainly because its the only browser I have on my home computer. I've used FireFox before and dont think its bad but dont think its the greatest. It has a good security system and such but I still prefer Internet Explorer.My school also has Safari on the computers which I hate. I do not like Safari at all.
  11. Slay

    Slay Here!

    Hey JC05, thanks for the welcoming. Thats cool that theres been sightings where you live, where do you live? Oooo, you know lots about computers. I may be needing your help, my computer always seems to get screwed up some how. Anyways thanks for the welcoming again.
  12. Slay

    Slay Here!

    I've already been reading up on the rules and TOS. I believe I didnt miss anything but then again its late, I'm tired, and I can hardly read. Lol, I'm glad you have all that information in your signature. Quick and easy links.
  13. I'm not sure if I can narrow it down to one favorite game, I have lots of them! I like Grand Theft Auto: Vice City because it involves guns, killing, drugs, and a great storyling. Lol, I also enjoy just about every wrestling game except the Backyard Wrestling and Legends of Wrestling. Now if I go back to the old school systems, I still have a few favorites from them. I liked Super Mario for the Super Nintendo and Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64. All the Donkey Kong games for the Super Nintendo were superb as were the Zelda games.Zelda games are awesome! My favorite is The Ocarnia of Time. It had an excellent storyline with lots of side missions and a kick **bottom** appearance for Link. Majora's Mask wasnt to appealing to me, I am still on the last temple and stuck. >_< I even have the strategy guide for it. Lol. The Zelda game for the Super Nintendo, forgot name. It was also great, it was some-what easy but excellent. So here's probaly what I would narrow the games down for the main systems I own.Super Nintendo - Super MarioNintendo 64 - Zelda: The Ocarnia of TimePlaystation 2 - Smackdown vs. Raw 2006
  14. The link to your site doesnt work Albus. :lol:Anyways onto the topic. I will just tell you about my who website experience as Albus did. :lol:I took a class for web design during the eighth grade I think and learned all the basics about HTML for half a year. That was the first thing that sparked my interest into webpage development. I made a site on geocities using their page creator and my first site well, sucked. I found out about angelfire and made a site using all html and between angelfire and hostultra made quite a few websites. They werent anything to brag about but were pretty good for a beginner like me.I then figured I completely sucked at make websites and decided to quit making them because my sites never seemed to improve. Then I found out about forums and made a forum that would turn out successful and is still running good. I talked to Albus on MSN and found out he liked creating websites so I've learn't quite a bit from him. I learned about templates and how to use them, news programs, and now some php. I am currently working on two websites, one pertains to my Star Wars forums and another for a friends forums. I'd post a link but they arent nearly ready to be viewed to guests yet. Also I'm waiting to get a Xisto host so I dont have the ads. I put information about the website such as staff, COPPA, forums, partners, and the rest of the main stuff. I also put information for my forum such as the rules, plot, main characters, and soon a databank. I also will put site updates, statistics, and a shoutbox on the page. Along with my copyright.I hope I can learn to make drop-down menus soon with Javascript but I dont think thats going to be happening anytime soon because it really confuses me.
  15. Slay

    Slay Here!

    Oh ok, thanks again Albus for clearing that up for me. Well it seems like waiting to get thirty credits would be my best bet instead of having to waste time getting another ten to get the better package.Anyways is there anything else I should know?
  16. Wow, some of those templates are great! I like the orange/yellow/black one the best. Good job on them.
  17. My favorite sport is ice hockey. You can check people and get in fights and the most you can get most of the time is two minutes in the penalty box. Awesome sport!
  18. Hmm, well my least favorite sport would have to be....Cant think of any. >_< Some sports that I dont like watching are basketball, baseball, and football. Lol, basically a lot of the ones where they have time outs and the game goes longer then it should.
  19. I played basketball for seventh and half of eight grade, our team completely sucked so now I try to forget any and everything about me ever playing on the basketball team. I play ice hockey for fun up town with a bunch of other people and we get some really good games going. There's only been one major injury and thats when somebody get hit by a slapshot without wearing pads. I think he was on crutches the next day.Thats about all the sports I play, I'm not much into sports anymore and prefer to spend my time on the computer making websites, forums, and meeting people.
  20. Theres a lake about 10 miles away from me that I never go swimming in. I took one year of swimming lessones I think, maybe one lesson. Anyways I never really learned how to swim and this past summer I decided it wouldnt be that hard and went into the water. I slowly kept getting deeper and deeper in the water and did manage to swim out to one of those orange things in the water. However on the way back I couldnt hold my breathe any longer and almost drowned until somebody I was with sorta helped me back to the shallow water. Now I hate water and dont want to go swimming ever again! Wonder why? lol
  21. Slay

    Slay Here!

    Thanks for the welcoming Martino!Thank you for clarifying that with me Albus! I thought that only the second package would get you no ads. If I got the ten hosting credits package now would I be able to upgrade to the second package once I get thirty hosting credits? And one more question, how would I go about getting a host setup?
  22. Hmm, well I cant say the playstation 3 is because, well I've never played it. I voted for the playstation 2, I like the system because its not to flashy or fancy. It has the Final Fantasy series which are awesome games and can keep you busy for weeks! I have a playstation and only have played it once because I got it after I got the playstation 2, I got it for free so thats why I got it.Xbox and the Xbox 360 are very good systems and have excellent graphics. I played Call of Duty 2 I think for the Xbox 360 and must say I was blown away by how great it was. I just dont like the gamecube and nintendo revolution.
  23. Happy Easter everybody! Well Happy Easter Monday today everyone! Well I would have planned some stuff for this weekend but no, my parents say we have to work work work. We already started planting one of our three gardens and have been cleaning around the yard. The only time I get to go on the computer is around 9 at night and stay on until about 2 in the morning. Then wake back up at 9:30 in the morning. Wow, what a life I have. I'd rather be in school.
  24. I do not think that this was a conspiracy, it's stupid to think that it was. Sure there was a video released a while back about how it could have happened but it didnt. That damn Bin Laden bombed us! We need to go find him and torture him and kill him!
  25. Slay

    Slay Here!

    Wow, thank you for the nice welcomings. Hey there Albus! Thanks for showing this site to me, hopefully I will get 30 hosting credits very soon so I can get back to work on my site. Hey Mich and thanks for the welcoming, its nice to be welcomed to the site by an elder members. Cool your in Michigan, I know somebody who goes down there about twice a year. Also yeah your right, my aim is to earn enough hosting credits to get the host without the ads. It will be really nice and worth it. Hey hulunes, thanks for the welcoming. What are there a lot of Star Wars fans here? Thanks for wishing me good luck. Hmm, what else is there to say about me. I am sixteen and am a junior in high school, I currently dont have a job except being a full time pain in the **bottom**. I like to drink pop, and lots of it. My current favorite television show is Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.
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