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Everything posted by Slay

  1. There's lots of things I haven't told anyone before, for example..-looks around suspiociously and starts whispering- I still play with..action figures. Oooo, lol. Okay, but seriously, I have really bad teeth and they will probaly all fall out soon, lol. I drink lots and lots of pop, maybe 7 cans a day, I love playing ice hockey and going fishing with friends.
  2. I've heard of these books before and a few people I know really well online say they are great and are a must read. I'd be interested in reading Eragon but I've looked for it but can't find any around where I live, hopefully I can though...sounds like a great book.
  3. It sucks that he died, I always figured he get his arm bitten off or head or something but nope...got killed by a stingray, lol. Anyways, I hope the best for his family. Atleast he lived his life doing what he loved to do.
  4. @ Mjay06, thanks.@ KuBi, heh...I always merge my first few brush layers, lol. Hmm, I might try doing the curves and stuff if I make another tutorial sometime or if I feel ambitious enough to go and take a screenshot and add a curve to this one, lol. Anyways, thanks..I think. =/
  5. Thanks for the compliments garbage, yeah I'm hoping it will help out some beginners and hopefully I can find some time to make a few more tutorials.
  6. Thanks, and for blending...I'm not really sure, try Fire Designs on Invisionfree...they have a lot of good tutorials.And to answer your question MIGUE2k7, above the layers is the Blending options (Overlay, soft light, luminosity etc.) It's default setting is normal, just click on it and a drop-down should appear where you can select luminosity.
  7. Oh yeah, you caught me....I'm a fruity kind a guy..
  8. My vote goes to God of War as well. The render in Dawiss's signature seems to dark for the background and I don't think it looks good. God of War's though, matches and looks really cool.
  9. Simple and easy signature that has a good ending result. Nice tutorial as well, easy to follow and just nice overall.
  10. Text is a bit hard to read but the hearts on it look good and look good on the background as well.
  11. It looks great! And the pop out part even looks good in IE which usually don't. Great job on it God-Of-Earth.
  12. My vote goes to Agentb's, its full of details and you have to look at it for a little bit to catch every detail. I also love the background of it.
  13. Nice and simple tutorial, the images and red text for the key commands are also nice. This should help quite a few people who are new to photoshop out.
  14. @ Dawiss - Thanks, my intentions for this signature tutorial was for those people who are just starting out and hopefully this will also teach them some stuff about photoshop.@ Adobemedia - Glad you decided to try out my tutorial and posted your result. It looks pretty good, what's all part of the render? Just the wing on the left?@ tristan - Thanks for the compliment.
  15. It looks good, just should have left the border as normal so you could see it.
  16. Well here's my 3rd tutorial, it took about a hour and a half to make and I hope it helps people out. I use this technique in a lot of my signatures. Easy Full Signature In this tutorial I will show you how to make a signature like this: Resources used in this tutorial: Dark Crystal Script Font Rust and Grunge Brushes Link Render Brushing the background 1) Create a new canvas (I used 340x120) 2) Fill the background layer with black 3) Load your brushes 4) Set your foreground to white 5) Create a new layer (CTRL+Shift+N) 6) Brush the background white until it covers the whole canvas, just don't overlap to much 7) Create a new layer (CTRL+Shift+N) 8) Keep switching back and forth between black and white over the parts appropiate, (ex. if its to dark click once with white, if its to light click once with black over it) 9) Change the layer Fill Opacity 10) Merge the layers so its all in the background layer Adding Color 11) Create a new layer (CTRL+Shift+N) and put it on top 12) Fill the layer with the color you want to use, I'm using #007236 13) Change the layer to Soft Light 14) Now to even out the signatures brightness and darkness out. If your signature is still really dark or really light in places, make a new layer (CTRL+Shift+N) above the background layer and repeat steps 8 and 9. Once you get it to look good, merge the layer down with the background. 15) You can merge all the layers now Adding the render (Image) 16) Open the render you want in photoshop (You can find renders at http://planetrenders.net/ ) 17) Drag the render onto the background you just made 18) Delete the background, preferbly using the magic wand tool Before: After: 19) Resize the render to the size you want by using Transform (CTRL+T) and drag the corners, press SHIFT while dragging to keep the image the same height and width Modifying the render 20) Duplicate the render layer (CTRL+J) 21) With the bottom render layer selected, go to "Filter > Blur > Motion Blur" and put the settings at something around 36 for distance and you decide on the direction depending on where your render is. I used 29, click OK 22) Now some of the border may have been affected by the blur because all the background wasn't taken off, if so just delete the extra's Before: After: 23) Merge the 2 render layers (CTRL+E on the top render layer) 24) Change the render layer to Luminosity 25) If you need to move the render somewhere, do it now. Note: You should have 2 layers now, 1 for the background and one for the render Adding Text - Probaly the hardest part alone when making a singature 26) Select the text tool and click where you want your text to be, type in whatever you want 27) Edit the font and size for the text to whatever you want (I am using "Dark Crystal Script" and a font size of 32) 28) Double click the text layer to open the blending options setting 29) Here's the settings I used Drop Shadow Color Overlay Stroke 30) Move the text if you don't like where it is Adding a border 31) Reset the foreground and background (D) 32) Create a new layer (CTRL+Shift+N) 33) Press (CTRL+A) 34) Edit > Stroke, these settings 35) Same settings except a width of 2px and white as the color 36) Same settings except a width of 1px and black as the color 37) If you want, change the blending options to overlay or soft light (I left mine as normal for this one) Saving 38) I'd save tfhe graphic as a PSD incase you need to change text or something and / or 39) Save it as a .jpg and use the default Quality settings Ending result: This tutorial was made by Slay from A Knight's Tales ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) and you are allowed to repost as long as you give me credit. If you used this tutorial, please post your results, I'd like to see if this tutorial was worth making and if it helped people.
  17. Well here's my second tutorial, I made it for all those people who are just starting to get into adobe photoshop and don't know how to load / replace / reset brushes. How to load / replace / reset brushes Tutorial: How to load brushes 1) Open Photoshop 2) Select the brush tool ( B ) 3) Select the down pointing arrow on the left side of where it shows the brush you currently have selected 4) To the right of the brush size, click the arrow pointing to the right 5) Select Load Brushes 6) Locate the brushes you want to use and double click on the brush set (Images Below) ----- How to get rid of the default brushes and replace them with a new brush set 1) Repeat steps 1-4 above on how to load brushes 2) Instead of selecting load brushes, select replace brushes 3) Repeat step 6 above on how to load brushes (Images Below) ----- How to restore the default brushes 1) Repeat steps 1-4 above on how to load brushes 2) Instead of selecting load brushes, select restore brushes 3) When the gray box appears asking if you want to replace the current brushes select "Ok" (Images Below) This tutorial was made by Slay from A Knight's Tales (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and you are allowed to repost as long as you give me credit. ===== Well there it was, hope it helps people out. If you want to repost it on ohter forums go ahead, just be sure to give me credit for it.
  18. I saw this tutorial somewhere on google when I was searching for a lightning tutorial, this isn't exactly what I wnated but it has a cool ending result and I'm sure I'll end up giving this a try.
  19. Wow, I was just going to go look for a tutorial on how to do this after I get done posting here on Xisto, lol. You just saved me some time, the tutorial looks nice and simple with a good result. I'll have to try it tonight and hopefully get a good ending result.
  20. Wow, I'm really sorry to hear about your friend and his friend getting in the accident. I hope they get better soon and they have prayers coming from Minnesota. Sorry to go of subject, but something similar happened like this to my brother. He was out drinking with some friends and was pretty well drunk, they put him in the box of the pickup alone and they were doing probaly 60-70 down gravel roads. Apparently he fell out of the pickup and nobody knew he was gone for a few hours. They sent out like 3-4 groups of people ot look for him and they finally did and sent him to the emergency room and well ended up pretty messed up. He was full of burns and scraped up badly, blood every where. Nobody even told my parents until they brought him home the next morning, ><. Anyways he's back to normal now, sorry about going off topic here. ><.
  21. Yeah thanks for putting these up, I wanna see how you do make a few of them like the fifth and eight one. I'm going to download them and hopefully get learn how you did it and get good results when I try to make signatures the same way.
  22. I couldn't looked good to me, you sure you refreshed the page?
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