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Everything posted by Slay

  1. Hey! Welcome to Xisto!Xisto is a very good forum and Xisto offers excellent hosting without ads! This is a good place to introduce yourself considering its called introductions and its where others introduce themselfs. :)Well tell us some about yourself, don't be shy. :/ I'm Cory but you can call me Slay and I'm from Northern Minnesota.
  2. Slay

    New Here

    Hey there! Welcome to Xisto!I hope you enjoy the site and take up the free hosting without ads. Sure you to keep posting here to get credits to keep your site open and not suspended like mine currently is but its all good in the end.So why don't you tell us something about yourself other then just plain 'ole hi. Be sure to read the rules so you know whats going on and what you can and can't do.Also in the future try to refrain from posting one-liners, it can get you in some trouble.
  3. Oooo, this is an interesting thing, I've never thought that it was possible to lock folders and files on a computer. This will be very helpful if it works, I'm going to go try it now. lol, thanks for this. Hopefully I won't mess up and will get it right.
  4. I use internet explorer, I think its 6. I use to use FireFox but just started hating its popularity and went back to internet explorer. lol, I've never used opera but have heard good things about it. I also once used Safari...Never use it, lol. Its slow and really bad at loading things.Also I have a windows 98.
  5. Haha, thats quite an argument you have going with them. However I have to agree with you and mainly the others that posted here, if I made a tutorial I would want my name to be alongside it saying I posted it. You'd think that most admins wouldn't want this also because of the reason that rvalkass stated. The reason being that they'd probaly be getting private messages about the tutorial. There's several ways they could resolve this. Such as getting something installed like on invisionfree and ipb where the members can post a topic and it has to be approved by a moderator or administrator first. Or like you said in the one message about getting moderators. So many ways that this problem could be fixed but the admins there are to damn strict. Meh.
  6. Yeah they currently have CS2 out (9) but I only have a windows 98 and I can't even use 7 little less CS2.
  7. Thanks for the compliments. I have to try find some new brushes other then abstract. lol, maybe some tech or grunge ones.
  8. Okay, here's the deal with my graphics. I have maybe been working with them for 2 weeks total including the 1 hour each day I used it on my schools computer during study hall. I've only had version 5 for a week and recently got version 6 on my computer but its a tryout version. I can't find a download for the full version...meh. Anyways here's some of my best. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://imageshack.com/f/65hulkamaniac9fyp http://imageshack.com/f/ahcosro5sjp]
  9. Meh, I also hate Runescape. The graphics aren't to great and it takes a long time to load on my computer. Mainly because I have an old computer that I don't like it. lol, because my old computer is really crappy for playing for those who didn't understand it in the first part of what I said....What? Now I'm confused. :/ *Shuts up*I know a lot of people play this game and I've heard it's really good but I've also heard it really sucks. When I did play it though on a friends computer that was newer and better I enjoyed it for the first minute or two. I don't like the fact that you have to go through the training and such to learn how to do everything. That should be an option.I also didn't like the controls and the camera views could have been a lot better. Usually I always got stuck behind a building, in a building, or at the edge of a ledge and couldn't see my character.
  10. Hey Sharif, welcome to Xisto! Bangladesh? Where is that at? Whats it like there? lol, I'm curious about a lot of things. >_< What types of books do you read? Maybe we read the same thing or something, doubt it though, I only read maybe 4 books a year. lol, thats only because my school makes me.
  11. Slay


    Hey there Daniel or dannub, whichever you wanna be called. Welcome to Xisto. I'm Cory but you can call me Slay. lol, I gotta see some of your graphics, probaly better then me. :/ lol, I only have Adobe Photoshop 6.0 tryout with only like 3 different brush sets but they are all abstract. >_< Well until the next time we meet somewhere on the forums...bye!
  12. Hey there! Welcome to Xisto. This place is a good place to get hosting with some cool features and the best part is there's no ads! I hate ads. Pleased to meet you.
  13. Welcome to Xisto Yoav! You've came to the right place if you want a good host.New Zealand huh? That place sounds and looks interesting from what I've heard and seen. I'd like to go and pay a visit there once but I doubt that will ever happen. Have you ever played that sport there where you go in a big round ball and roll down a hill? I saw it on the Rocket Power movie and thought it'd be sweet to do.I use to like Spongebob until my dish reciever in my bedroom went out about a year ago so I haven't had the chance to watch it anymore. I've lost interest in it basically, I watched it until I was 15 lol. If they say your to old to watch it and your only 13 and I was 15, wonder what'd they say about me.Thats a cool site and like hulunes said, I like the cartoonish style you put in it. Videogames! I love them, I'm a playstation fan instead of a meh, Xbox fan. I love wrestling games such as Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 and the old WCW games for Nintendo 64. I also like army and shooting games to an extent and think Metal Gear Solid is sweet. I've only played the second one but it was really cool.
  14. Slay


    Welcome to Xisto! Mine name is Cory but you can call me Slay. :)I'm am 16 and was a Junior this previous year at school but seeing as I'm on summer vacation now I guess I can call myself a senior.Argentina! What is it like there? Is that the place thats like a dessert with the kangaroos? lol. I'm from America so I guess I wouldn't know. lolAlso you came to the right place for website hosting, Xisto is a great host and gives you a lot of cool features and easy to use. The best thing of all though is no ads!!!Once again, welcome to Xisto.
  15. Well I only read about 3 books a year and they are mainly Harry Potter. When I find out the release date of the next Harry Potter book I read the current last one before. I start maybe a month or two before the next ones release date and finish by the time it comes out. So then I go buy that book and know what happened in the previous one so I'm not confused and remember what happened in the previous book.
  16. Very cool, I like the second one the best. It seems to all match togeather and has a really good flow with the colors it uses. Black, white, and purple. Also the render is sweet.The first one isn't that great because its a little hard to see and what are those grey lines in it? Its to bright and I don't like your copyright. Could have done better but I guess it does start to look good after you look at it for a little while.The third one has a decent background but the render doesn't look to good. Maybe if you would have made the render lighter or something so it just didn't stick out from the background it would have looked nicer. Also I don't like your copyright text. Use 10 point arial overlay. :)Well overall good job and I wish I could still do graphics.
  17. My job? I don't really have a job. I mow grass for $20 a week. I'd like to get a job at a grocery store or something but the town I live in only has maybe 8-10 buisnesses and my mom won't let me work anyways. Yet she gets mad at me when I ask for money. Wierd.
  18. Great idea and site. Now if you just get those links working.
  19. I was planning on installing SmartFTP within the next week and now I have a tutorial to go by if I get confused. Thanks! Nice tutorial by the way.
  20. Thats a very nice tutorial, a little hard to understand for me considering I only have access to Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE but its still nice non-the-less.
  21. Wow, that was a long introduction. Lol, I have to take a short break from reading it. *Finishes reading it*Welcome to Xisto Tracey. :)My name is Cory but you can call me Slay if you want (prefer it). Well I'm sixteen and from Minnesota (Brr, its always cold up here) and I was born in August. Not sure what my Hawaiian name is though. :/I live on a farm with animals such as cats, horses, and dogs and meh, I don't like dogs. Lol. II've never heard of your website before but I wasn't much of a computer addict in 2003 and previously like I am now, now I'm on the computer damn near 10 hours a day.I also love making websites and forums and have a very successful Star Wars forum with 500+ members and almost 30,000+ posts. I'm currently making a website for it and hope for it to be a big hit. I also started my first website on Geocities then angelfire then byethost and now Xisto. I also hope to find a occupation in webdesigning someday in the future.Pink, green, and baby blue...Meh, lol. I don't like bright and happy colors, I stick with black, red, and blue. Lol.Oooo, music, my favorite subject, I like Country music but have expanded and also like Classic Rock and newer rock. I like all Country singers and AC/DC and Marilyn Manson. Once again welcome to the site. :)P.S. I also use notepad for html and php. Can't afford Dreamweaver. :'(
  22. Welcome to the site, Xisto is a very good host. Its very useful. Thats a big lost of artists you like, to long for me to read through. Lol, anyways you can call me Cory or Slay, I'm 16 and a Junior in high school with one week of school left this school year.I like various music genres but mostly country. I've also become very fond of Marilyn Manson and AC/DC. I'm a Star Wars fanatic and have a great role-playing game (there's a link in my signature). Welcome again.
  23. That's sweet, I love all the colors and it looks great. The render is really cool and matches the background very well. I don't like the text style to much but it matches so it looks good. Great job.
  24. Thats cool, the render is cool and the background is just as cool. However the background doesn't really have match the render, the text is also cool. Good job.
  25. The background and render look good togeather, I really like the render and the faded render in the background looks good as well. The basic white fancy text is cool considering plain text usually makes the image look good. Good job.
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