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Everything posted by Slay

  1. Thats really cool. I like the text and think it looks good, I just don't like how the render is covered with the lights and small dots. However I just don't like those styles. :/ Good job.
  2. I personally like the second and third one the best. The other ones are either to hard to see and hurt the eyes or are to dark or light. I like how you kept the second one in sorta a black and white color scheme and for ones with colors I like the third.
  3. Meh, I never guy ringtones. I only use the default ones and I think my current ringtone is some polka.
  4. The computers diffently, they have about four computer labs and theres only like 800 people in the town so theres not to many that come to school. Maybe a few hundred, anyways the computers are very fast and have lots of cool programs. They get a new set of computers every other year I think and they just got some last year that are very cool and fast.The only thing I dont like is that you can't fully customize your user login name to what you want. Like when I login I can't change my clock, images, and download / uninstall things. However I suppose they can't allow this because you may screw up the computer badly. lol
  5. So whats in MSN messenger 8? A new chat feature or something? Meh, wouldn't matter for me anyways, I always have to use a online messenger when I'm away or home. It sucks.
  6. Well I looked at the site and didn't find to much relating to the game itself. Also you should post some screenshots of it so people can see what it will look like. How do you download it? I wanna try playing it sometime, it looks like it could be fun.
  7. Well mine Mario, he's a classic. Mario had great games and a cool character. A plumber saving the day, come on who wouldn't play it? Lol. With Luigi another great character facing off against King Koopa this feud made Nintendo history. Atleast I think. My favorite game of his would be Super Mario World. I know its one of the older games but it was great. Lol, I'd probaly choose to play that game over some off the current games out for the new systems.Another great character was Link, it was a touch choice between Link and Mario but Mario was more of a legend to Nintendo rather then Link who still has a little ways to go to earn the respect that Mario has. Dont get me wrong, Link is awesome but a few more games and such will be good. Link recently has been having a bad time with games or so I've heard that they are not good. Ocarnia of Time and Link to the Past are my favorite Zelda games.
  8. Hmm, tough to narrow it down to only five. Here's an attempt with all the ones I can think off. Lol 5. Nascar Thunder 2005 4. 3. Star Wars Battlefront II 2. Zelda: The Ocarnia of Time (N64) 1. Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 5. Nascar Thunder 2005 Got this game about a week after it was released and me, a person who doesn't like driving or racing games found this one to be different. It was really fun and addicting even featuring Dale Earndhart. 4. 3. Star Wars Battlefront II Star Wars Battlefront II was great, it had a lot of cool new features from the original Battlefront game which would include space battles, playable heros and villians and new enviroments to battle in. It also told some things about what they didn't say was happening in the movies. 2. Zelda: Ocarnia of Time Who doesn't love this game? Its Zelda! The gameplay was good and the graphics were also very good for the time it was released. It had a very good storyline that would addict you to the game and keep you playing it until you beat it. It showed lots of unique enviroments and characters alike. Excellent game. 1. Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 I am a wrestling fan and love wrestling games. I dont know who half the wrestlers are anymore but I still like the games very much. Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 has a new General Manage mode that allows you to choose wrestlers for your brand and have them sign contracts. It also has some really cool unlockables such as Ted Dibiase, Jimmy Hart, Junkyard Dog, Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, the wrestlemania 9 arena and so much more! It has fairly good storylines but they could have been better. The music is also decent but could have been better.
  9. I like the background but I dont think that Hitman looks good in front of purple and light colors.
  10. I can't remember if I replied to this topic or not already. >_< Anyways I sleep roughly seven to eight hours each day, most seven during school nights. During the weekends when I get to sleep in, (rarely get to do) I can only sleep about nine hours.I know some people who can sleep throughout the whole day and up to 13 hours. Meh, I'd never be able to do that even if I had the time.
  11. Slay

    Hello Everyone

    Hey there! Welcome to Xisto! Enjoy your stay, its a really great site with excellent hosting and a great community. China! Wow, I've talked to lots of people from around the world but never from China. How is it there?
  12. Slay

    Hello Everybody

    Welcome to Xisto husker. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and it really does have great webhosting. You can call me either Slay or Cory and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Colorado huh? I've been there once or twice in my life, dont remember anything though considerin' it was a few years ago. lol
  13. I really like the green color scheme and how everything comes togeather. The background is excellent. I just dont like the font. Lol, but good job.
  14. The picture looks sweet! The only thing I dont like is the text but I love all the multi colors in it.
  15. I voted for Senor Maniac because I like his image overall and think that everything blends in and looks good. I also like the render used and hte cool background.
  16. Oooo, I love it. I like the colors and animations you put into it.
  17. Thats really cool, its also great for your first time with tutorial. The only thing I dont like is the render on the right, I cant place whats wrong but it just doesnt look right. Also your text could be a little bigger.
  18. I have to vote for Gmail. It's simple, fast, provides lots of space, and its easy to navigate. The only thing I do not like about it is the fact that you can't create folders to put certain emails in, instead you get the damn stars that don't do much except identify them better.Hotmail use to be good, then it just started to get slow for me and then I got a new Live version of it and hate it ever since then. I think I had to change it to the newer version and said the hell with hotmail ever since.
  19. I have a LG-6200 I think but I am not completely sure though. :/ I've had it not even a year and like it. It has some cool features such as the speaker, simple contacts list, browser, calendar, well I guess just all the normal stuff for cellphones. :/ Lol. The only thing I am not to fond of is after about a year from what I have heard the batterys start going bad and the same with the phone. Its not a picture phone and I'm sorta glad, those are over-rated. Well I consider them are because I dont have one. My reception for the phone is good and I usually always have 1 bar but you can still hear and talk pretty clearly through the phone. Now I see that they have a new LG phone out thats a slick black color and looks really cool, I know somebody who got one and I am tempted to break my current one and just get a new phone. Lol. I know some other people who have Nokia's and they say the recepition isn't that great compared to mine.
  20. Hmm, well I do think he did get his when it first came out so yeah thats probaly why his broke and nobody else here has had theirs because they got theirs later. Meh oh well, I guess I will just consider another type of iPod if I ever do find enough money to buy one.
  21. Thats a great code to offer, it provides security for your forums and is really neat. You made the tutorial nice and easy to read and understand so it shouldn't be a problem to add it. I may have a try at it tonight if I get time.
  22. Welcome to the site, I hope you enjoy your stay here on Xisto and I hope to get to know you better. If you have any questions the staff and members are friendly here.
  23. I like it very much, I love the text and think a lot of it goes togeather. Good job.
  24. Has anyone else purchased this what could be perfect music player? I know somebody who purchased one the day they came out and a few weeks later the screen was bad so he couldn't see what he was doing. He still could use it but couldn't see what it was saying on the screen. The person did take very very good care of it and rarely took it out of its protective case. So has anyone else purchased one of these? If so have you had good luck with them or do the screens go bad for you?
  25. Great tutorial, it even supplies images! You also should'a mentioned about aligning your signatures. Alignment in your signatures is really cool and is hard to find out just by researching it and stuff so you may wanna add that also. [align=center]YOUR CENTERED SIGNATURE HERE[/align] [align=right]YOUR RIGHT SIGNATURE HERE[/align]
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