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Posts posted by FirefoxRocks

  1. Ok I got them to sign up for a Google account using their existing email address. They can edit events on the calendar, but there is a problem.Whenever they create an event, it does not add to the calendar. I have just noticed the problem and I have notified them not to add any events at the moment. Right now, the setting is at "Make changes to event", there is no "Make changes and add events" option. How do I allow them to add events that will stay on the calendar. I have seen them add events and it does say "Your event has been created." but it doesn't appear when I actually check the calendar on my account or the calendar that is posted on the page.How do I solve this issue?

  2. I also need a program to rip .cdg files from CD+Gs (files are on CD as .cda files). We have tried Power CD+G Creator but it doesn't work.The Karafun program somehow doesn't display the text when playing the CDs from the CD drive, but it does display the text when playing a custom made CDG file.

  3. I am currently developing an application that requires (well preferably) uses maps. I have found several different online mapping sites, such as MapQuest, Google Maps and Live Maps (Virtual Earth).Now I have tried some of their APIs and they work fine. However, I can't find how I convert locations (businesses, etc) to lat/long co-ordinates to use in the function. I have to be able to convert locations and city names to lat/long co-ordinates to provide an accurate map.Example: Location: CN Tower, Toronto, ON.The value "CN Tower" would be passed to function to get the co-ordinates. If "CN Tower" is not found then "Toronto, ON" would be passed. Either one must give me latitude/longitude co-ordinates.I have the location stored in a variable when I get it from the database. It can be silently passed through a function to lookup the co-ordinates and then return it to the main function to map it accordingly. But how do I do this?I would prefer Live Maps, but it is ok if you use Google Maps or MapQuest.

  4. I'm trying to select records that have an ending event date/time after the current date/time. I have tried using a PHP variable $now=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");, CURDATE() as well as UNIX_TIMESTAMP in combination with strtotime("now");, but so far nothing is working.

    SELECT * FROM `events` ORDER BY `eventStart` WHERE `eventEnd`>$now

    Somehow I keep getting this error:

    Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/portal/public_html/sandbox/<blocked>/calendar/calendar.php on line 63

    The eventEnd field is a MySQL datetime field: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
    How do I do this?

  5. I know someone who has over 200 CD+Gs and they want to create mix CD+Gs to use.I tried Googling CD+G tools but the software that came up wasn't good. They either had me to purchase songs from their collection of songs or failed to rip any tracks properly.I need tools that rips, burns and plays CD+Gs on the computer. It doesn't have to freeware, just as long as I know it works.Any suggestions?

  6. AVG works perfectly, but Comodo Firewall does not. You need to use the Program Compatibility thing in order to install it. And it sometimes hangs during installation of the firewall kernel, causing the program to be half-stuck in there and causing BSoDs whenever a firewall event is triggered.So far, these programs work fine:Firefox, Safari, Opera, Google Chrome, Apple Software Update, Notepad++, AVG Antivirus, and Windows Live Messenger (I don't like the new version)I am going to test more software to check compatibility.

  7. Norton is well-known for it's slow speed and it can bog the computer down by quite a bit. When I had Norton AntiVirus 2005, it didn't affect a lot of my normal computing actually.You can try temporarily disabling Norton AntiVirus whenever you need the speed and/or processing power (e.g. video editing, video encoding, gaming, etc). Just make sure it automatically re-enables after x minutes or that you restart your computer.I'm not sure about newer Norton software, but I remember that it scanned through almost everything (didn't have MSN messenger back then). It was quite extensive and it stretched out the installation time of many software applications. Today, most antivirus software are designed with Heurustic scanning, which detects virus-like behaviour instead. This can help reduce database size.My best advice though is to get AVG anti-virus, it is free for personal use and it works wonderful!!

  8. (For reference purposes, in this article, W7 refers Windows 7 Beta)


    Recently, W7 has been released for download. Initially the download was released yesterday (Friday), but the massive amounts of traffic trying to access the download crashed Microsoft's servers rather quite promptly so the download was delayed to sometime today.


    To download W7, you must have a Windows Live ID (@hotmail.com; @msn.com; @live.com emails will all do). Go to the Windows product page located at https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/products/windows and click Download the Windows 7 Beta. Currently, W7 is released in 5 languages in both 32 and 64-bit editions.


    It is highly recommended that you do a backup of your computer, because this isn't any piece of beta software (e.g. Mozilla Firefox 3.1 beta), this is a beta operating system! You have a high chance of losing data when working with partitions, formatting and operating systems, so BACK UP YOUR DATA!!!


    You need a blank DVD to burn the ISO image onto, once you do that you can boot to it (if you don't know how to get your BIOS to boot to this, it is best not to try W7 right now :P). The minimum system requirements are:

    Minimum recommended specs call for:

    1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor

    1 GB of system memory

    16 GB of available disk space

    Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (to enable the Aero theme)

    DVD-R/W Drive

    Internet access (to download the Beta and get updates)

    And yes, like anything tech-related, these specs could change.
    Once you boot from the DVD, the installation looks fairly similar to the one in Windows Vista. It should be pretty straightforward from there on (I'm currently at the stage where it is setting up services).


    Please thoroughly read through Microsoft's technical notes on the download page and do not use this on your primary computers!! Remember, this is a beta. One thing you may wish to note is "Watch the Calendar", this beta expires in August. Microsoft may or may not release additional betas after that date, so be prepared to uninstall it


    After using it a while, please post your opinions and stuff about W7 onto here!


    IMPORTANT NOTE: I am currently running W7 on Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, since I only have 1 computer that has that amount of memory in it (my primary computer unfortunately). If you do decide to install W7, this may be a good choice.


    Hope this helps! :mellow:

  9. I recently obtained Guitar Hero III for PC. The game works fine but the guitar controller does not work in the game.It is recognized in Device Manager and in Game Controllers in Control Panel. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 right now. The controller is calibrated in Control Panel, but when I load the game, it does not respond at all. I have met the minimum system requirements for the game and when the controller is plugged in, Windows automatically installed the drivers for it.Does anyone have a solution to this issue?

  10. It usually means that user profiles were incorrect wiped using the uber-advanced tool (control userpasswords2) or that the registry keys for the user profiles (the SIDs particularly) have been corrupted or deleted.


    Go into Safe Mode and log into an account with administrative privileges. (If you can, avoid using Administrator because you can't access it via normal mode) Copy the other users documents, videos, music, files, etc into separate folders, (preferably on the desktop) and delete the old accounts through Control Panel. Check in control userpasswords2 to see if they are deleted.


    Now go back into normal mode and create new user accounts. Recopy the files into the user accounts as you backed up them.


    Hope this helps!!

  11. Now that I have switched over to the new hosting plan format, I am getting this error:

    ATTENTION: Using 5 out of 5 available MySQL databases


    .highlight{ display:none; } Warning: You are currently using the maximum number of MySQL databases. If you need more please contact your service provider.

    I have 1 database for WordPress, 1 for Joomla, 1 for a site that I used to run, 1 for testing out a new product I'm making and 1 that is stuck there for some reason.


    The one that I want to delete is:


    portal_xkdforum 0.02 MB Delete Database

    For some reason, when I click Delete Database, it says it has been deleted but it is still there. I tried creating a user to go with it and then deleting it, but it doesn't delete for some reason.


    How do I get rid of this unused database?

  12. I do not like this keyboard because of the lack of tactile response. Also, it may hurt your eyes if you look at it too much in my opinion. I prefer traditional keyboards because it can be compatible with Windows XP/Vista's language settings. I mean, how would THAT keyboard be adjusted to type in say...Chinese or Greek languages?Also, I press key combinations differently. The sensor may detect the wrong key movements and in addition to key combinations, this can seriously increase the number of errors in a document by quite a bit.The portable idea is good, it's just that it may cause too many issues with regular users.

  13. All of these services mentioned "free PC-to-phone calling" usually only offer you either a preset amount of credit (e.g. $10 when you sign up) or limit your call length to 5 minutes or so. They aren't truly free. Even the Gizmo project has some restrictions like this.The only one I have actually trusted and believe is Skype, in that year when it allowed you to call USA and Canada for free. It actually worked, and it is a reputable company.

  14. Now that I have converted to the new Credit System 3, I am very confused.

    First of all, where is the hosting details? How do I know what my hosting package includes now? I have tried "ordering" services with myEarnings, but it requires me to have a domain name. I don't have a domain name, I have a subdomain on Xisto.com, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

    I do not want my services to stop, how do I continue my web hosting here?!

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