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Posts posted by FirefoxRocks

  1. Wow! Mozilla 4 ! I'm still satisfied with my FireFox 2, why should I switch to Mozilla 4 ? Will eat more cpu, will need a bigger computer?

    Well I would recommend you switch to Firefox 3.5 immediately as Firefox 2 is not supported anymore. But yeah, Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and Mozilla Firefox 4 is planned for release, this year and the beginning of next year I think.

  2. Well at least we don't have to depend on Flash videos anymore with the <video> tag hopefully. I am going for the Ogg formats because they are open or non-patented or something, I hope it gets through to Google and Apple instead of just Mozilla and Opera to support Ogg instead of H.264 instead of both.And as for SVG, there is canvas which is supported in all major browsers. A JavaScript thing is needed for IE I think, I'm not too sure as it is not too important to me at the moment.

  3. Converting from HTML 4.01 Transitional (Loose) to XHTML 1.0 Transitional Many of you who write HTML are probably writing HTML 4.01 Transitional. This includes all of the deprecated elements and attributes such as <font> and bgcolor=””. This tutorial will cover how to convert from HTML 4.01 Transitional to XHTML 1.0 Transitional. The main reason here is for cleaner code. This tutorial does not cover why XHTML is better or worse than HTML. You can Google that for more information if you wish. 1. Add a document type declaration. This is the first step to being valid. If your document has an existing document type declaration, it should look like this: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; It should be the very first line in your document. If you have that line, replace it with: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; If you did not have any of those lines before then please add it to the top. 2. The <html> tag needs the xmlns attribute. You may have something like <html> in your document. It needs to become:

    <html xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/”>
    It is also a good idea to add the language of the web page to the <html> tag. Therefore, you can use: <html xmlns=”http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/lang=”en-CA” xml:lang=”en-CA”> en-CA is for Canadian English. Use the appropriate language code for the web page in the lang and xml:lang attributes. You can find a list of language codes here. 3. The optional HTML structure tags have to be added. If you do not have <html>, <head>, <title> and <body>, they need to be added at the appropriate places in the document. Also they need to be closed properly. The last line of your HTML document should always be </body></html>. 4. Some tags are now self-closing. In HTML, some tags are considered “empty” and did not need closing tags. In XHTML, all tags need to be properly closed. These tags are self-closing in XHTML: <area>, <base>, <basefont>, <br>, <hr>, <input>, <img>, <link>, <meta> Self closing means adding a slash inside the tag to close it off. Examples of this: <hr> becomes <hr /> <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”styles.css”> becomes <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”styles.css” /> <meta name=”keywords” value=”xyz”> becomes <meta name=”keywords” value=”xyz” /> 5. Alternate text in images is now mandatory. Some of you may still specify images without any alternate text. This is bad practice as screen readers will not know what the image is, also there will be nothing (or an X) shown when the image cannot be loaded (e.g. broken URIs, users turning off images, etc.). This is easy to fix: <img src=”dogs.jpg” /> becomes <img src=”dogs.jpg” alt=”Dogs playing in my yard” /> If for any reason the image does not need any alternate text (e.g. decorative images), you can just use alt=””. However, decorative images should really be specified in CSS, but that’s another tutorial. 6. Tags and attributes must be lower case. Older HTML books and tutorials may have specified tags in uppercase letters. In XHTML, all tags must be written in lowercase letters. <TABLE BORDER=”0” RULES=”rows”> because <table border=”0” rules=”rows”> 7. Attribute values must be quoted. In HTML, you didn’t need to quote attributes that had values containing only letters, numbers, dots (periods) or hyphens. In XHTML, all attribute values need to be quoted. <th scope=row> becomes <th scope=”row”> It doesn’t matter if you use single quotes or double quotes but if the value contains a certain type of quote then you must use the opposite type to quote the value. In this example, you can only use double quotes because the value contains an apostrophe: <p title=”Don’t touch that”> Similarly in this example, you can only use single quotes because the value contains a quotation mark: <p title=’Exponential “growth” pattern’> 8. Minimized attributes need to be rewritten in the non-minimized form. These attributes can be minimized in HTML: compact, checked, readonly, disabled, selected, defer, ismap, nohref, noshade, nowrap , multiple, noresize To write proper XHTML, you need to do this: <input type=”checkbox” checked /> becomes <input type=”checkbox” checked=”checked” /> <select multiple> becomes <select multiple=”multiple”> <script type=”text/javascript” defer> becomes <script type=”text/javascript” defer=”defer”> There is nothing wrong with using the full version of a minimized attribute in HTML 4.01. 9. Encode special characters. These characters should be encoded in HTML: < > & and “ If you use special characters within the text of your HTML, they may not display properly because they have special purposes in HTML. They should be written as: < < > > & & “ " 10. Don’t use embed, blink or marquee. When you “embed” Flash content, you may use the <embed> tag. This is wrong, you should use the object tag, like this: <object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” data=”someMovie.swf” width=”640” height=”480”> <param name=”movie” value=”someMovie.swf” /> </object> <blink> has been replaced by CSS, it was never really a valid tag. <marquee> is something that I think should never be used, but if you wish, use a JavaScript equivalent of <marquee>. There is a marquee module in CSS 3, but at this time that hasn’t been released yet nor is it supported in any browser. 11. Paragraphs, list items and table cells need to be closed. When you were writing HTML, it was perfectly fine to write this: <p>Paragraph 1. <p>This is a new paragraph Or this: <ul> <li>Item 1 <li>Item 2 </ul> Or even this: <tr> <td>Cell 1 <td>Cell 2 </tr> But in XHTML, all tags need to be closed. Therefore: <p>Paragraph 1.</p> <p>This is a new paragraph</p> <ul> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> </ul> And this: <tr> <td>Cell 1</td> <td>Cell 2</td> </tr> 12. Validate. Validate your page at http://validator.w3.org/. If you have any other errors, either post here or learn how to fix them. The more valid pages you produce, the better you’ll get at it. Also, with writing valid XHTML 1.0, it is easier to see the code especially if you have an editor which supports syntax highlighting (e.g. Notepad++, HTML-Kit, gedit, and other bigger development software IDEs such as NetBeans) I may write future tutorials on how to convert from Transitional to Strict or from XHTML 1 to HTML 5 but I hope this helps clean up your pages a little.

  4. I installed the 64-bit of Windows 7 because the upgrade shipped with both versions, but now I'm not sure if that is what I want.With the 64-bit Windows installed, I cannot play Guitar Hero III or use Skype, and there's also some minor incompatibilities (but I'm not sure if that is related to the 32/64-bit issue or not). I downloaded the 64-bit iTunes but sometimes it does not launch for some reason (it works most of the time, but when it doesn't, I have to restart).Also sometimes after leaving the computer on for a long time, windows will not open (at first I thought this was a Chrome problem). Again I have to restart the computer.I thought 64-bit was supposed to be faster in the way that programs handle the memory available to them or something, but I haven't noticed any major speed increases. Startup and shutdown are a bit faster but I think this is due to the lesser amount of programs installed on the computer.None of these problems occurred when I was using the RC version of Windows 7 32-bit. Should I reinstall 32-bit or leave it at 64-bit?

  5. I am trying to play ASX files on Linux and I cannot seem to get it to work. The files are these two radio stations: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I have also tried mm and mm but they did not work either. Totem Movie Player just freezes, and Mplayer on the terminal connects to it but returns this:


    MPlayer 1.0rc2-4.3.3 © 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
    CPU: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E8200 @ 2.66GHz (Family: 6, Model: 23, Stepping: 6)
    CPUflags: MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
    Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
    mplayer: could not connect to socket
    mplayer: No such file or directory
    Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

    Playing mm
    Resolving for AF_INET6...
    Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
    Connecting to server[]: 1755...
    read error:: Resource temporarily unavailable
    pre-header read failed
    Resolving for AF_INET6...
    Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
    Connecting to server[]: 80...
    connect error: Connection refused
    Failed, exiting.
    Resolving for AF_INET6...
    Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
    Connecting to server[]: 80...
    connect error: Connection refused
    No stream found to handle url mm

    Exiting... (End of file)

    It works fine with Windows Media Player on Windows 7 and Windows XP so what is the problem here?

  6. Ok I'll see if the wireless card has Wake-On-LAN capabilities. Initially I thought WOL was only for computers connected to the network using a wired connection, but I'll see about wireless.Will WOL work if the computer is shut down though? I try to encourage other users to use "Hibernate" instead of "Shut down" when they are finished but it seems that they are not following the instruction...Wake on modem is not an option because there are no telephone jacks and even if there are, there's no open telephone jacks in the house and well, the Schedules Tasks thing requires Standby. Leaning something against the mouse is not an option because the laptop is put away carefully and putting something on the touchpad may be interfering.

  7. Recently, we purchased a new Gateway laptop. I am unsure of what the motherboard is, but I would like to set up so that the computer can turn on automatically at a certain time. I have checked the BIOS settings and there is no Auto start-up time option like my Dell computer. There is no option for the computer to automatically turn on in fact.It is running Windows Vista Home Premium (soon to be upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium) so I am wondering if there is any software that can do this? There is no Ethernet connection however, only a wireless network.

  8. For the next 2 weeks or so, TrialPay will be offering "The Big Bundle". Basically you donate $29.99 to the American Cancer Society and you get $799.01 worth of savings, software and other products. These products include $20 flowers, Foxit PDF creator, 1month of Skype unlimited US/Canada calling, 6 months Picnik premium, 1 free domain, RoboForm Pro, Diner Dash, Bejeweled 2 as well as other software and a variety of gift certificates for retail businesses.


    Other options include:

    An extra $20 donation for the American Cancer Society

    Sending "The Big Bundle" as a gift certificate to a friend


    Best of all, this offer is also open to Canadian residents. (Although Canadians will pay $30.81 CDN, not a huge difference)


    More details can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  9. Is there any way to get Facebook to send you an email if someone likes your wall post, photo, video, etc? This would be a great way to keep track of stuff by searching through Hotmail and GMail rather than going to a bunch of pictures and checking who "likes" it...I already enabled all my email notifications for Facebook stuff (not third-party applications). It seems that I am never getting enough emails.

  10. https://www.cnet.com/news/ten-ways-to-break-your-laptop/

    I guess spilling stuff on the laptop (#1) would be the most common, but my personal favourite is #9.

    The List:
    10. Sorry, honey, I punched the laptop: "Striking a laptop computer with a fist, even while (the laptop is) closed, will jostle the logic board and stop the computer," said Joseph Kouyoumjian, president and founder of MicroReplay. Estimated repair cost: $1,000.

    9. Facebook freakout: A teenage girl discovers a picture of her boyfriend kissing another girl becomes outraged and flings her MacBook off the desk, sending it crashing onto the hardwood floor. Estimated repair cost: $475.

    8. Cockpit crusher: The pilot of a commercial Airbus A320 moves his seat forward while the laptop is on the floor, crushing the case and breaking the logic board. Estimated repair cost: $800.

    7. Temper Toss (a subset of the "Facebook freakout"): Thrown objects can easily break a laptop's screen. "If you receive bad news on your BlackBerry, resist the temptation to throw near your open Apple MacBook Air." Estimated repair cost: $500.

    6. Hurling. "If you puke on your laptop, don't even tell the laptop computer repair company what the liquid is," notes Kouyoumjian. "If we know it's bodily fluid, we don't want it." Estimated repair cost: Fix it yourself, please.

    5. Passing out drunk on your Dell laptop: Your sleeping bodyweight can bend the case, and may also ruin the screen. Estimated repair cost: $325--$500.

    4. MacBook laptop as foot stool, or scale: No Laptop computer is designed to support your weight, so stepping on your laptop will almost certainly break it. Repair cost: Depends on how much you weigh....

    3. Ear buds as laptop or notebook computer terrorist: "Closing your laptop with your ear buds inside will crack the screen," according to Kouyoumjian. "This kind of laptop computer repair is growing with alarming speed. It seems we love our ear buds, yet forget that they are not made of cushy foam. We see a lot of cracked screens as a result." Estimated repair cost: $440.

    2. Your 5-year-old discovers gravity! Any time you drop your laptop from more than 2 feet, it can shake loose a chip or board, and break the machine. Estimated repair cost: $300.

    1. Starbucks hates your keyboard: "Liquid spills on a laptop's keyboard short them out every time. Maybe it's the caffeine that makes us jittery, but so many laptops are killed by coffee there should be a warning on the paper cup." Estimated repair cost: $350 to $500, depending on the amount of time the computer was left running after the spill.

  11. Does anyone know how I can get a YouTube video to repeat automatically? I've tried adding it to a playlist but it does not have to option to repeat all, it just stops at the final video.I do not want to download the videos/songs, I simply want to open a video or playlist and have it repeat indefinitely until I close the tab or go to a different page.I would prefer not downloading any software, and it would be excellent if I could do this in Chrome, but Firefox is fine I guess.

  12. JavaScript is a very lenient language. It allows you to use variables without declaring/initializing them first. Even though it is object orientated, quite a few JavaScript programmers do not know about the object orientated aspect of JavaScript (this includes me). Furthermore, JavaScript is used in almost all browser-based applications. It is muscle to power the page (the skin and bones are CSS and HTML).


    1. Avoid global variables


    One of the biggest problems in JavaScript is global variables. They may be convenient, but once you have 50 functions defined, you will find them to be harmful. Since they can be accessed by any function, they can potentially cause problems by interfering (colliding/overriding each other). Read more about it at Yahoo! Developer Blog.


    Now I'm not saying that you must not use global variables, but do avoid them. I still haven't found a way to get rid of all globals because they are essential sometimes (or maybe I'm not that good at JavaScript yet).


    2. Declare variables before you use them. And functions too


    This one is obvious. If you haven't declared them, the JavaScript parser will not know what they are. This goes for functions too. If you need to call a function within a function, don't write it afterwards, write it before, so here is an example:

    function def(number) {[tab][/tab]   // do some stuff[tab][/tab]  return true;   }      function  abc() {[tab][/tab]  document.write(def(i));[tab][/tab]   }
    In the previous example, declare def() before abc() because you will be using it in abc().


    3. Use semicolons.


    JavaScript allows you to omit semicolons at the end of statements. Not a good idea. It is good practice to use semicolons because they are required in PHP, C, etc. This is easy. End each statement with a semicolon, this includes function calls and variable declarations. The only exception to this is function declarations, and if/for/while/switch statements.


    4. Comma usage


    Use commas as a separator only (and of course in strings). Also, omit the last comma in a group of stuff in arrays, objects, etc. as the extra comma will likely cause problems in Internet Explorer and/or other interpreters.

    var cars = new  Array("Dodge Ram", "Ford Mustang", "Toyota  Yaris");   // note that there is no comma after the last  item

    5. If you can, use only 1 var statement per function.


    This one was tricky at first, but now I'm getting the hang of it. Maybe it's to save space, maybe it's for some other reason. Instead of writing this:

    function doSomething() {[tab][/tab]   var i = 0;[tab][/tab]  var j = 5;[tab][/tab]  var k = 61;[tab][/tab]   // some stuff....   }
    You can do this instead:

    function doSomething() {[tab][/tab]  var i = 0,  j = 5, k = 61;[tab][/tab]  // some stuff...   }

    6. Encapsulate blocks with { and } even if they are 1 line.


    You may see if statements do this (and maybe even while and for):

    if(x!==3) return false;
    At first you may see that it returns false, but in a long line of code it may not be obvious. Use the curly braces each time:

    if(x!==3) { return  false; }
    It prevents mistake if you are adding code later on.


    7. Do not declare function arguments again in the function as variables.


    Don't do this:

    function showMe(blocks)  {[tab][/tab]  var blocks = "...";   }
    It is unnecessary and can produce unexpected results.

    Also, make sure that variables are only declared once. You can set a null value to them if you wish.

    Another note to add here is that variables should be declared at the top of the function, not within the if/else/for/while statements, unless you are only using them within that block.


    8. if(a = :( ... we aren't assigning a to be equal to b

    It is likely that in the above statement, we are comparing a and b. Use the == operator to compare values. This goes for while and for statements as well.


    9. Use === to compare instead of ==


    === compares the type also, to further increase security and to reduce errors.


    "0"===0 returns false, but "0"==0 will return true. Strings are not integers (numbers).


    10. Avoid ++ and --


    Now this is one that I don't understand. Apparently it is a security issue to use ++ and -- increment operators. It is however easy to fix: i++ just becomes i=i+1.


    11. new Array() isn't efficient


    Instead of writing:


    var cars = new Array("Dodge  Ram", "Ford Mustang", "Toyota Yaris");

    Write this instead:

    var cars = ["Dodge Ram",  "Ford Mustang", "Toyota Yaris"];

    This is also less typing :D


    12. with and eval statements are evil


    I'm not going into further detail here. With statements make code hard to understand when you are revising it. Eval is probably the result of bad coding or beginner's programming (it is very conveinient, maybe too conveinient).


    So there are 12 tips to writing better JavaScript. I have applied almost all of them to my code, it is so much better now! To validate your JavaScript code, use JSLint. Click on "The Good Parts". Also, more information can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  13. I have just installed MySQL and ran the configuration wizard. The wizard failed to start the service, and I can't start it using services.msc either, this is what comes up in the Windows Event Viewer:

    Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
    Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
    Unknown/unsupported table type: INNODB
    Forcing shutdown of 1 plugins
    C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld: Shutdown complete

    I have tried reinstalling MySQL but it didn't help. I also tried deleting the service and recreating it via the MySQL configuration wizard but the same error occurred.

    What should I do?

  14. I'm in phpMyAdmin right now and I see that the version of MySQL used on the Xisto servers is 4.1.22. This seems quite old because MySQL 5.1 was released in November 2008.The latest stable version is 5.1.36 and was released approximately 20 days ago. Since we are using an older version of MySQL, when can we expect an upgrade?Not that I need to use anything specific to MySQL 5/5.1, but the PHP extension mysqli only works with MySQL 4.1.3+.

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