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Posts posted by FirefoxRocks

  1. Remember that you can download Mozilla Firefox (and usually its derivatives like Flock) on a Mac. If Safari isn't displaying your pages properly, you can use a different browser.There are a few IE only sites, such as Yahoo! LaunchCAST music player. Of course on a Mac, you don't need to worry about Microsoft Updates.But I don't think there is an actually noticeable amount of IE-only sites.

  2. If you want to test your browser's cache, you can try using a different browser to open the file to see if the changes have been made. It should be immediate. Internet Explorer has some caching issues, and if your ISP caches files, or you are using a proxy server, the caching problem might be there also.And try using Ctrl+F5 or Shift+F5 to reload the page, it will force the download of the file regardless of cache state.

  3. Nowadays, it isn't particularly useful to alter the User Agent string. Most sites are compatible with Gecko (Firefox/Mozilla/Flock/etc) and Trident (IE/Maxthon/etc). Notable exceptions include Microsoft Update (for obvious reasons) and things like Yahoo! Launchcast Radio.Opera is very easy to change the user agent string, just add the appropriate drop down box to a toolbar. I think that Firefox (and it's derivatives) have an extension that allows you to modify User Agent strings. As for Internet Explorer, you can download a 3rd party program to do so.

  4. OMG who would seriously try to program in this language? From my perspective, it is something just for messing around with and not for anything serious. Is this even a compiled language? Or is it just interpreted (like JavaScript)?Something as simple as Hello World is at high difficulty to figure out, imagine trying to program a Snake game or any common desktop application with this language!!

  5. I need to construct an automatic typing script that type a specific string of text (less than 30 characters) in a Flash object running in any browser. It must be run in Windows.What programming language do I do this in? How do I do it?Another option is to have a GreaseMonkey script to do this within Firefox. But I have no clue how to do this.The program needs to "type" a predefined string into a Flash object (there isn't a text field in the Flash object). Timing must be controllable so that the program types 5 characters per second or whatever I define it to. The typing function should be triggered when I click a button.How do I go abouts to do this?

  6. If this is a script that is supposed to produce a hit counter that loads images for its numbers, it is poorly designed. The concept that is.With the fonts, colours and various CSS properties available and usable in todays browsers, why do we need to make a counter with images?As for the functionality of your PHP script, I haven't tested it out yet but I would think that if I were to write a counter, I would store the data within the PHP file itself.

  7. Sorry, but I do not understand what you are referring to here. Are you talking about multi-threaded applications (e.g. games that utilize the full processing power of Intel Core 2 Quad processors) or what are you talking about?

  8. That was a very good and thorough explanation of open source software. ;)With open-source software, the developers of the application make money by displaying advertisements on their web site and donations from users. In rare cases, the organization from which the software is developed may be funded by a for-profit organization. (e.g. Mozilla is funded by Google partially quite a bit)As for editing open-source software, you must have knowledge of the programming language that the software was created in (e.g. PHP for things like phpBB and C/C++ for most desktop applications). You can probably use anything you would program with to edit open-source software. Generally this will be bug-fixes and feature implementations. Also, you may be able to write add-ons (extensions) for the software itself if it is open-source (e.g. Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice.org, Notepad++, etc).Hope this helps

  9. Unless I'm not following the instruction properly, this doesn't work in Windows XP.The only time I can think of when windows appends (2) and so on to files are when you make a copy of it and paste it in the directory which contains the file that you are copying. It would then say "Copy of filename (2)" and so on.In Linux, you can write a simple bash script to do this, I've had to do it before to rename a bunch of PHP and PNG files. Google around to find it.But as for Windows, I don't think there is anything that allows you to do this unless it is third-party software.

  10. Slicing images to use as a web layout is a very bad idea. With the level of CSS support in browsers today (IE7, Firefox, Opera, Safari), there is no need to use sliced images to construct a web layout.

    Use <ul> for a navigation menu, you can find lots at http://www.cssplay.co.uk/

    Frames aren't also a good idea, you can use PHP/ASP includes or if you are embedding content from other sites, use JavaScript or Flash.

  11. I wouldn't recommend installing PHP3, PHP5 is much more powerful and is more secure than older versions. I assume you are using Linux, so you can try downloading the LAMP package, if you are in Windows, XAMPP would be the equivalent.

  12. Yes, VBScript is an Internet Explorer-based technology. It can also be used in ASP, but as for its client-side purposes it only works in Internet Explorer and Trident-based browsers.This piece of JavaScript works with Firefox/Flock, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari and also Google Chrome. However in some browsers the message will seem to appear from the URL of the page you are currently viewing.

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