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Posts posted by FirefoxRocks

  1. I am a bit concerned about this new myCENTS system. I still haven't registered with Xisto billing right now because of this issue: I do not feel comfortable providing personal information such as Address and Phone number (they are required fields).With the old system, all that was required was a forum account and some details explaining about web hosting and what you intend to use your account for. With this new system, we have to provide personal information, which I am not comfortable doing.Is there a way to work around this issue? Or is it time to backup and find a new web host?

  2. I find this feature to be rather useless for me right now. Perhaps it might be useful later, but I usually do not prefer writing/typing out what I need to do. I already use Google Calendar to keep track of assignments, tests, etc that I need to prepare for/hand in at school, and all events like school sports and stuff are kept track of through Google Calendar.Maybe this will assist people in meeting deadlines and prioritizing their lives. Maybe not.

  3. I will certainly try this sometime after my reinstallation of Windows. I like Chrome's GUI because of the tabs. Although you can't drag tabs out in Firefox, it is still a worthwhile consideration.I too am waiting for the Linux version of Chrome. I prefer Linux over Windows and although Firefox and Konqueror are great, Chrome should be very interesting.Regarding the speed of Chrome, even though JavaScript benchmark tests show Chrome is faster, Opera and Safari both seem faster for some reason.

  4. When you state you backed up the C: drive, I will assume you backed up the "C:\Documents and Settings" directory (C:\Users in Vista). Otherwise you would need a pretty big pen drive to back up the entire contents of C:\WINDOWS, C:\Program Files and C:\DELL. In fact, you can't do this in Windows, you must use a third-party software utility or another operating system (Linux) in order to do this.Please also include what you are trying to do (restore your documents, videos and music or something else). The drive filesystem may also help (NTFS, ext3, xfs, FAT32, etc). From what I've read, it looks like you are trying to restore the entire C: drive. You can make a new partition, format it, and dump the entire file structure onto the empty partition. This may not be the best way to do it, and the partition is most likely non-bootable.

  5. UAC
    I am running UAC now but it can still be slightly annoying. It was off for several months but I turned it back on. I have learned that if I reorganize my start menu or some other task that requires hundreds of UAC acknowledgments then I will just turn it off and then back on. I also have a few regularly used programs that have to start under Administrator privileges so waiting for the extra 5 seconds it takes to display the UAC screen is the slightly annoying part. I still think it is a good idea but it should be faster. Issue still âslightlyâ open.

    I would recommend NEVER turning off the UAC unless you have a real reason to. This is especially bad during program installation as files could copy in weird places with the UAC turned off.

    Also, I don't know how ANYONE would find the UAC annoying. At most (by default Windows installation), I have only encountered 2 consecutive UAC prompts to do something, which is to delete a file in system folders. Otherwise, I have not noticed the UAC that much, which should really happen more often.

  6. Microsoft has introduced competition for software and operating systems, however this can also lead to antitrust issues that is famous with Microsoft, especially in Europe. Microsoft also has extensive documentation on support (KnowledgeBase and Technet documents).Also, Microsoft realizes that they need to implement ideas from other software/technologies. This includes the UAC from Linux (which is absolutely amazing!) and things like AJAX in Hotmail and stuff. Although it is fairly different in some areas (open document support, etc), the programs do include more features than free or open-source alternatives.Finally, the most important thing to most users is user-friendliness.With Linux, it is not user-friendly (even Debian isn't when compared to Windows or Mac). Windows and Office are very user friendly and thus appeal to many users.

  7. This script is not good because it is mostly insecure. Without even a minimal security of user input validation, you can really use this form to spam A LOT. To improve this script, we must check all of the variables passed from the form to make sure it is acceptable input. Also, I think that format of the headers looks wrong, but I'm not sure.It is also best to send plain-text emails. Even though most mail clients can handle HTML emails by now, it may become an issue with security. It is also less bandwidth to send plain-text emails, and since the example you provided doesn't contain much, a plain-text email will be almost just as effective as the one you gave.

  8. There are a number of different ways that you can approach things, each one has its advantages and disadvantages, in all honesty, the best place to look up various design methodologies is on Wiki, top down, bottom up, rad among other systems are a good place to start. The way i have approached The Oriental Dojo design was to start with pen and paper and outline with specifics what the aim of the project was and slowly broke it down into smaller more specific elements, all the time asking the question does this element fit with the original project goal. If something did not fit the projects goal it was not included into the design. As for implementation, i started from quite a high level of sophistication by using a preexisting project, removing parts and modifying others to fit my general goals, this allowed me to fritter my time away with whatever took my fancy at the time. Most importantly, tackle things that you can achieve in a session that can be complete, start with critical functionality and work out form there. Large projects can be very daunting when your the only person who is working on it and it is easy to be discouraged when you do not see any progress.
    Hope that explains some of your questions :rolleyes:

    Where can I find different methodologies on Wiki? I need a good approach to the "problem" I should say, one that will have a high chance of making progress.

  9. I know that for large projects in any programming language, we break it down into small sections to build it easily (actually, this applies to a lot of tasks in life, not just programming). But I was wondering how to do this exactly?Do programmers write down the sections and features that the product requires? Or do they just start typing code and add to the code as they go along?There are 3 types of systems I am particularly wondering about here. phpBB, Drupal (or Joomla) and WordPress. I am wondering how the programmers initially started developing the systems. Where did they start? Do they start with the login first, or the main functionality? Did they have a database set up at first, or is that one of the later steps?I'm considering making something myself, and I need help on how to start and finish the job successfully. I know you need patience and determination as well as a lot of other attributes, but for now, it's still planning. :rolleyes:

  10. I have a Google Calendar set up to show events that happen in a school. It is currently under my Google account right now, but I need to share it in order to allow staff and coaches to edit the calendar events as appropriate. Almost all of them do not have Google accounts.I found a sharing option for Public calendars and I tried to share the calendar to myself with a different, non-Google email address. It didn't work, I checked Hotmail and there was no notification or anything like that.How do I allow non-Google accounts to be able to edit the calendar? It would be a hassle to get people to sign up for a Google account just to do this.Any help is appreciated.

  11. I have tried Ubuntu Linux and I find it to be very user-friendly. You need minimal Linux knowledge in order to use it. And it does come with OpenOffice.org as well as other things like Firefox and Evolution. I hope to see it become more popular over time.Other Linux distributions (mainly non-Debian-based ones) are not as user-friendly. You need more knowledge in order to maintain and use the system. This includes things like updating and fixing issues when there are some.

  12. I'm assuming by Internet Settings, you mean the one you open in Control Panel or Internet Explorer.There isn't a lot to play with there in the box there, especially in Windows XP. I'm also assuming Windows Internet Explorer 7, which can be configured (proxies, privacy, security, preferences and all) in under 10 minutes. You should use settings appropriate for your preference and computer environment, not an old set of settings that you may not like any more.

  13. Of course it doesn't matter if you use a USB drive, a password-protected mountable drive or anything really if the IT department can view your computer screen remotely. My school for instance has NetSupport or something like that and they can view your screen with a program that they use downstairs. I think a bar pops up when they are looking at your screen, it enables you to chat with and get help, but if you do open your personal files there, they can still see it.

  14. Ok I contacted Dell technical support and they suggested that I do a Dell Factory Image Restore. I did that (after backing up my data of course) and the problem still persisted. I guess I will contact Dell Technical Support again this weekend. They also suspected a hard drive or fan problem, but it doesn't seem that hot.What is the normal speeds/temperatures for a fan and CPU?

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