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Posts posted by FirefoxRocks

  1. My school has both Macromedia Fireworks and Adobe Photoshop. Both business and communications technology teach Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Fireworks remains largely untouched, however on some computers it is the default program to handle JPEG files.I have used Photoshop and found that is a quite powerful software. Even though we only spent 2.5 weeks on working with Photoshop, there is a vast array of tools to help you create/fix-up your images. I have also used the GIMP at home and found that to be very powerful as well.I tend to think of Photoshop to be for photos and images and the GIMP for manipulating images (but not photos). Macromedia Fireworks, it's slow and I haven't worked with it really.

  2. IE7 has fewer quirks in it than IE6, I am moving away from IE6 now, it is less widely used. Everyone that has a computer from 2001/2 running Windows XP should have IE 7 installed in my opinion.I usually call my global CSS file "main.css" and my IE css file "main_ie.css". If there are any JavaScript functions to be used globally, I call the JavaScript file "main.js".If I am doing a more heavy site (which I haven't done for a while), I use "header.php", "head.php", "body.php" and "footer.php". Header contains things like setting the content-type (text/html; charset=utf-8) and compression (gzip.handler). Head, body and foot are self-explanatory.If I am going for intensive bandwidth optimization, I will use "mainCss.php", "mainCssIe.php" and "mainJs.php". Set the content-type to text/css and application/javascript and Gzip compress it to save bandwidth. This is visible by using Safari's built-in developer tools on Windows. It gives you a notice for each gzippable file (textual data) that isn't gzipped.Of course if you have a CMS, you shouldn't need to worry about this :rolleyes:

  3. I took a look at Ruby on Rails applications in the Xisto cPanel and it looked a bit confusing. You have to create applications (like other scripting languages) but I don't know how. :P So I guess I'll stick with PHP for now.If someone can successfully explain to me why Ruby is better than PHP (powerful, features, etc), then I might switch. But PHP is very widely used, and I think I'll stick with that for now since I know it :rolleyes:

  4. Now that I have Windows Vista now, I can say that it isn't too bad. The features are pretty good, especially User Account Control. I don't have Tablet PCs or the Ultimate edition though, and the speech recognition works well in English on Home Premium.One thing that is really irritating is...RANDOM RESTARTING!!! Drives me (and all other users) nuts!!

  5. Help!!! i created a con file!!!!!!!


    You Cannot Create A File Named Con

    I heard on the internet that you couldent createb a con file so I tried it out... First I made a new folder and changed the name to "con".


    It diddent worke and the folder was still called new folder so I tried to call it "con." this time it gave me an error message and I klicked ok. Then I tried to call it con... (don't ask why probably out of pure boredom) and it worked :rolleyes: the file was named con (not con...) well when I tried to delete the con file it gave me an error message it said cant delete data: data cant be read from datasource.

    And now I'm stuck with this con file on my desktop.

    HELP Please!


    PS: I cant move it to an other folder, it has 0 bytes and the path is the correct one


    -reply by unknown

    Use Linux to remove the file from the filesystem. If you have an NTFS partition, make sure ntfs-3g is installed in Linux.

  6. We have done this in our business class last year and it was quite easy. In Adobe Photoshop, you simply open up your image and use the Magic Wand to click on areas with similar colours adjacent. You repeat this for however many areas you want to delete, but since yours are on a blue background it should be quite simple.You can use the open-source GIMP program do this, it is a bit more complicated but once you get the hang of it, it is very easy.

  7. Please note that this method of applying CSS is non-standard and therefore will not validate.Personally, I don't think that Internet Explorer should allow this because I think that it is wrong for the author (designer/developer) to be able to change the appearance of user interface components. Sure it may only be a scrollbar but I still think that it is weird.In fact, I think that this property only works in IE8's quirks mode, so it is not a good idea to use this because Firefox, Flock, Safari, Google Chrome, IE 8 Standards (I think) will not apply it.

  8. I used to use Freewebs when I started learning HTML and stuff. It was a good service, but you needed to put text ads at the bottom of your page (not a huge deal, but yeah).

    I completely hate Piczo!! 3 years ago, it was very popular at my school for creating web pages and stuff. It is absolutely ridiculous of the HTML that it generates. Some of the worst pages include over 3000 HTML validation errors. I mean, it is designed to be used without HTML knowledge, but it must generate better HTML, even when using absolutely positioning for almost everything you put on there.

    Freewebs and stuff like that are fine for basic users who want a site up and running fairly quickly. As for Piczo, either learn HTML or share your photos on Flickr or Facebook!

  9. How to enable User Secure Login on Windows Vista


    You may have worked in a business, educational or other network that uses Windows to log in. With or without being on a domain, most business environments "require" you to press the key combination of CTRL + ALT + DELETE prior to the log on prompt (the username, password and domain box). This is supposed to enhance login security to verify the authenticity of the login box (so that no other malicious software makes a similar box).


    This tutorial will show you how to enable this functionality on Windows XP Home Edition and Windows Vista Home Premium. This may work on Windows Vista Home Basic and/or Windows XP Media Center Edition but they haven't been tested so I can't guarantee anything.

    For Windows Vista Business, Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista Ultimate, again, these instructions may work, I haven't tested them out, but you can likely enable it via the Control Panel applet or by using Group Policy Editor.


    Windows XP Home Edition:

    Make sure you are running an administrative account.

    Open Control Panel.

    Navigate to the User Accounts panel.

    Click on "Change the way users log on or off".

    Uncheck the box labelled "Use the Welcome Screen".

    Click Apply Options, and close the window.

    Press the WindowsKey + R (or click Start > Run)

    Type in control userpasswords2. This is a rather unknown command.

    Click on the Advanced tab.

    Check the box that is labelled "Require users to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete"

    If you wish, take a look at the other settings, but don't do anything that will annoy other users, compromise system security, or lock yourself out of your PC!

    Click OK when done.

    Restart your computer (or log off).

    From now on, you will have to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to access the login box and you have to type your username and password (and select domain if necessary) to log in.


    Windows Vista Home Premium:

    Make sure you are running an Administrative account.

    Click Start.

    In the Start Search box, type in control userpasswords2.

    Click Continue in the User Account Control prompt. (The UAC is excellent by the way, I love it!)

    Click on the Advanced tab.

    Check the box that is labelled "Require users to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete"

    If you wish, take a look at the other settings, but don't do anything that will annoy other users, compromise system security, or lock yourself out of your PC!

    Click OK when done.

    Restart your computer (or log off).

    From now on, you will have to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to get to the Welcome Screen to type your password in to log in.


    Note that in both Windows XP and Windows Vista, this also affects when you Lock Computer/Switch User. You must press Ctrl+Alt+Delete in the Unlock Computer dialog also.


    Hope this helps!!

  10. I have some question in mind that need solution so please


    1) What is benefit of using header and footer tag in our web page ?

    The <header> and <footer> tags are part of the HTML5 specification which allows better organization and better semantics for web documents/applications. In HTML4/XHTML1, people comonly used <div id="header"> and <div id="footer"> to indicate headers and footers, the HTML5 specification eliminates this.


    2) How we can registered our website on any search engine?

    If your site is popular, search engines are going to see it and crawl it sooner or later. However, to submit your site to a search engine, use the following:

    Live Search


    Yahoo! Search

    3) Did I use animated image without flash in website.?

    I don't know, did you? If you are asking about animated images in a website, they are embedding using the normal <img> tag. Without Flash, you can have Silverlight (a Microsoft product similar to Flash), animated GIFs (the common ones) or animated PNGs (a format only supported by Firefox, Opera and some Linux software).


    4) What is the correct way to display web page on center in any browser.? if we use css style ?

    html, body { margin: 0 auto; }

  11. Ok more details:


    The system runs fine on Linux. However the excessive hard reboots has damaged the Ubuntu partition so I can't use Ubuntu right now, but openSUSE is still usable and it is working fine.

    I have an Ubuntu live CD version but since that Linux is working fine, I don't think that it would be necessary to try that.


    I should also mention that sometimes the system restarts at the Welcome screen, that is when no users are logged on. This eliminates anything related to software errors and only focuses on the operating system (Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit edition) and things within it (like services and stuff).

  12. Same guy working on the system ? Are you also involved ? Does it happen while you are working ?If you are involved, I would like to suggest you to use a liveCD Windows version and try working a couple of hours ?
    If the livecd version has no problem, definitively you have a Windows problem.
    However, the problem could also be due to the sites you are surfing on or to the size of the OpenOffice documents you are using, then the diagnostic is harder to perform.

    It is the home computer and yes I am affected also. It happens on all profiles. I don't know what a LiveCD Windows is (never heard of a live CD for Windows). It doesn't happen with certain sites (in fact sometimes I am not even browsing the Internet and it restarts).

    Try installing newer driver versions - my Windows regularly restarts due to bad graphics card driver. Well, not really bad, they just seem to work in an odd way on my configuration...

    I have all latest Windows Updates installed and I updated some drivers (monitor, video card and ethernet card). The problem still persists.

    It could be a driver or compatibility problem. If you are a Vista user, make sure any and everything you install is compatible with Vista 32 or 64. You have to check the proper version. Also read the EULA, read me, and any other last minute documentation, especially on compatibility with Vista or other Microsoft components/technology. Some updates supersede others and/or disable certain compatibility with other software. If you're running OpenOffice make sure you have the latest graphic drivers, check your Java Runtime software/update for compatibility. If this does not help. Check what starts up when your computer loads. Something is not right compatibility wise, not configured properly, or you're stressing the load on your processor/memory. Keeps notes on what you're doing with your machine before any hardware and software additions. If this doesn't work make use of your tech support and/or warranties. You may even have to let your pc sit on the sidelines till newer updates are available - provided this is not a custom setup. good luck :rolleyes:

    I am using Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit edition. I have minimal software on startup (antivirus, firewall, Dell Support center, Windows Sidebar, Microsoft FolderShare and Windows Live Messenger beta). It doesn't matter what software is in startup or is running, it still happens. I have tried phoning Dell technical support and my warranty only covers hardware issues and as for issues to do with the operating system itself, the best they can do is to assist me in reinstalling Windows Vista. They also have a paid "software" support option but I am not willing to pay to fix this problem.

    This means it is time to reinstall your operating system. This problem probably has something to do with your system's registry. Try buying RegCure or something to probably fix it and make your computer good as new...

    I have tried several utilities available from Download.com and found them to be no use.

    Because windows vista may not be good as windows xp for hardware compatibility.It seems that you should first make a backup of the system registry.
    Just in case if the restart corrupted it.
    You still could restore it without fullly re-install the OS.

    So, please try to boot to the safe mode and test it if this unexpected restart still occur.
    If this failed to work. You might need to unplug some hardware inside the case.
    Such as TV card, and then try again.

    In Safe Mode it still occurs but less frequently. I don't think people will like the fact that I am pulling out PCI cards and stuff from inside the computer.



    I have a very annoying and potentially harmful problem with my computer. It keeps randomly restarting for no reason without warning. This has caused 2 users on the computer to lose documents in OpenOffice and it is just plain annoying when anyone is browsing the Internet or playing a game and it restarts. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium.


    There is no STOP error, blue screen, error reporting or anything. All it does is shut off and boot up again. When Windows is started again though, the Recovery Menu appears. The one where you can choose either Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking or Start Windows Normally (not the full Advanced Boot Options menu).


    It happens with all 3 user accounts on the computer, Standard or Administrator. I highly doubt it is a software problem because I have tried uninstalling all non-factory installed software (everything except Dell Support Center, Roxio CD Burning and other stuff that Dell installed) but the problem still persists. This problem began about 1-2 months after we purchased this computer. As of November 20, 2008 it will be 6 months.


    I also don't think it is a hardware related issue because the problem does not happen with Ubuntu or OpenSUSE and Dell Diagnostics runs fine. It only happens with Windows and this computer is quite new so it shouldn't be a hardware issue anyways...


    I have narrowed it down to the operating system if I'm correct, but I don't know how to resolve this problem. I have checked Event Viewer logs in Control Panel but that only showed me what happens during boot up.

    The restarting usually occurs in the evening, and when it does, it goes off a few times in a row, I had 6 times once.


    This problem is very annoying, any help here?

  14. I remotely recall that there are PHP, ASP as well as JavaScript methods to check the user agent (specifically a string to identify the browser) that is accessing the page. I don't think that it is wise to spoof user agents anyways, you should write to the webmaster of the page instead if it doesn't work in something like Firefox or Opera.

  15. Reminder: It is illegal to gain unauthorized access to people's wireless networks in the United States, Canada and possibly other countries.WEP is crackable within 3 minutes according to a security book from my library. WPA is more sophisticated but it can still be crackable. WPA2 can only be accessed by government officials and people like that (military, etc).I prefer broadcasting my (E)SSID because I want my network to be visible. However I do employ security tactics such as MAC addres filtering and WPA2 passphrase security.

  16. I don't use Yahoo! services very much, but I did check out this change because it was featured at Download.com. It is awful!! It is no way comparable to myspace or Facebook or even Windows Live Spaces (which is pretty bad itself). I don't remember what the old profiles look like but if Yahoo! wants to compete with the largest social networking sites (myspace and Facebook specifically), I wouldn't sign up for this.

  17. The task manager and the Windows registry are two completely separate things. Your system will NOT work without the registry since all the login policies are all stored in there.

    I meant that since the administrative group disabled Task Manager, it is very likely that they disabled accessing regedit also, because if they didn't, users could probably undo the changes.

  18. Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Flock they're all a bit better than Internet Explorer 6/7. You can download a Firefox add-on called Flashblock (I think that's what it is called) to block Flash from websites. In Opera there is a Block Content function already built-in with the browser.

    As for Internet Explorer, you don't need to go through all this work. Why not download SpywareBlaster?

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