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Posts posted by FirefoxRocks

  1. Also try the new Firefox 3.6.4 with Lorentz. If it is OK then we know it is a problem with a plug-in such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight or Apple QuickTime. Firefox does consume quite a bit of memory though, ever since version 1.5 or 2, hopefully it will improve with the Electrolysis project/application tabs (moving towards separate process per tab like IE8 and Chrome).

  2. It's the same as any regular JavaScript you use on a web page, but depending on your browser's security settings (most notably Internet Explorer's Trust/Local Intranet Zone), some JavaScript may not be allowed to be executed through the address bar, which can be a good thing.


    An example of your so-called "URL JS" would be a bookmarklets.

  3. Also please tell me that is frontpage not good for webdevelopment?. I read in a lot of places that Frontpage is very bad because it generates codes that can actually harm your website. Is it correct? If yes than what should be the alternative to Frontpage

    I answered your question about FrontPage in the other post, but as for being harmful to your website, it really depends. The latest version of FrontPage is almost 7 years old. I've never used FrontPage 2003 before, only FrontPage 2000.

    (Please note that I may be wrong about some things here.)

    Back then, CSS 2 became a recommendation in 1998. FrontPage had no clue what CSS was. Styling things used <font> tags, and tabular layouts were popular back then. These things considerably slowed down your page, the more complex the layout was, the more nested tables, the slower the page. FrontPage was not critical about the code, accessibility (blind users/difficulty using mouse) or validity of your page, but rather the appearance of the page in Internet Explorer. Also, back then mobile devices were very rare.

    Now as for coding the page, of course you can code as bad as FrontPgae, but you can also learn how to code better, as to using FrontPage, you rarely need to touch any HTML code.

  4. I personally do not believe in the use of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editors. The best way to design a website is to either write your own code, or to use a content management system (CMS) if you have more than a few pages of content.


    Here is a list of content management systems, you may be more interested in the PHP ones (note that many of them are designed for PHP, which is the most popular server-side scripting language): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    If you do insist on using a WYSIWYG editor, I would recommend Nvu or perhaps Microsoft Expression Web (since you already using a Microsoft product, this is another Microsoft product but it is far superior to FrontPage).

  5. I would have to say that Bing is not that horrible. The user interface works great, especially for image searching. The search history function is more efficient than Google Web History, it is along the left sidebar of the page rather than as a different section of the site.Furthermore, Google seems to have some privacy issues with data retention. Personally, I think that Bing does not store search queries specific to a certain user for more than a session or two, and you can clear it at any time. Then again, Google is coming out with encrypted search (HTTPS / SSL).I use Bing whenever it is default in the Internet Explorer search box, whenever I use Internet Explorer at school. The results are still ok, maybe less relevant than Google, but still gives good information overall.

  6. I'd have to say anyone can be a programmer.It depends on what you want to program and what language you are learning. For application programming, you may consider learning C/C++, or Java as I am learning in high school right now. To develop iPhone/iPod touch apps, I believe it is Objective-C that you need to learn. For web development, you learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and so on.You referred to learning ActionScript before. I'm not sure of how ActionScript works, but you must have picked up basic programming concepts there such as decision statements (if/else) and repetition statements (for/while). This knowledge can be useful for other programming languages such as C, Java or PHP for example.I personally enjoy web development, as many applications are now moving towards the browser/cloud computing, so it is an area of interest. For the sake of my experience, I'll talk about web development as "programming".It is almost necessary to start out web development by learning HTML. Without HTML you would have no web pages on the Internet. Throughout learning HTML, you learn how to use CSS to style your pages (color, positioning, etc). These languages go hand-in-hand when designing a page. If you want your page to "do something", then JavaScript would be a necessity. And finally, to do server-side work on your site, I recommend the use of PHP, unless you're a Microsoft fan then ASP. Both PHP and ASP allow you to use databases (SQL) and perform more complex tasks that require server processing (data storage, user authentication, etc).With an hour a day, you can probably develop a good knowledge of HTML in a week and learn the most commonly used CSS quite quickly.It's up to you whether you want to pursue web development or application development or both.

  7. Does anyone recommend the use of an IDE for web development? If so, which one? I only know of NetBeans right now, but now that I think of it, Microsoft Expression Web and Adobe Dreamweaver can also be considered IDEs, but they are (supposedly) more powerful because they are paid products.Personally I enjoy developing in Notepad++ and I use a lot of PHP includes anyways, so it's not a huge problem. But if I decide to move onto developing bigger sites, would you recommend the use of an IDE?

  8. I have tried making Facebook applications before but I was not too successful. I also tried Facebook Connect, which was a bit more successful in terms of getting it to work, but it was still a lot of work.Nonetheless, if you do manage to develop an application, it can be a powerful tool for advertising and promoting your service/game/etc.

  9. Here is an example of a basic login form in HTML, if that's what you're looking for:

    <form action="login.php" method="POST"><fieldset><legend>Login</legend><p> Email address: <input type="text" name="email" /> </p><p> Password: <input type="password" name="password" /></p></fieldset></form>

    Not sure what you are asking about the CSS style sheet, but if you need PHP code then feel free to ask further.

  10. I prefer FrostWire over LimeWire, because of its appearance as well as its functionality. I find that FrostWire is a bit faster at making connections, and it handles torrents better as well. Also, the spam filter is a bit better, but I haven't used LimeWire in a while so I'm not too sure about that one.The only thing is, I'm not sure if FrostWire 4.x is equivalent to LimeWire 5.x because the versioning is different.

  11. I am also accustomed to using Google for searching, but I am willing to give Bing a try when presented with the search box. ;)I like Bing's image search as it provides a continuous scrolling interface, but I can see how low-bandwidth users might dislike this. Also, Bing maps look pretty cool.

  12. The smallest piece of code is the oncontextmenu="return false;" thing, which you can really use if you want to.But there is no point in disabling right click because there are many ways to view the HTML, CSS and images of your have if they really want. View source, save page, use the W3C validator, there are many ways.To really disable right click, you can design your entire website in Flash, but that is likely overkill. And I can still take a picture by pressing Print Screen.

  13. Well my main concern here is speed. I have more than enough hard disk space to store infinite copies of data. Right now there are enough hard drives to cover every square centimeter of Canada and half of the USA. And if I need more hard drives, I can get them for free and by the trillions instantaneously. I don't even know how many hard drives are hooked up, each one of them holding 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes of data.The problem is, as tansqrx mentioned, is that I do not have an "insane Internet backbone", as I do not run an ISP network or anything close to that, and I'm just on a regular personal (not business) high-speed internet connection (no, not even high speed Extreme or high speed Nitro). The max upload speed I have seen is around 40 kb/s and the max download speed I have ever seen is 7 MBps when downloading a Linux distribution from a server.Furthermore with the network latency issues and server speed, that raises another issue.As for processing power, I only have two computers, none of them are servers, one with a Pentium 4 3.00 GHz processor and the other one with Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66GHz.Even if I do download the Internet, I will have to make backups of the hard drives, in case any of them fail, and that is not a problem of capacity, but a problem of CPU power.

  14. The reason that there is little activity on these forums nowadays is most likely because of the "new" credit system, the myCENTS and myEarnings system. I've found that with this system, you have to post far less in order to keep up with the hosting, as you "pay" annually and for most people, the $1.95/mo plan is sufficient, so that isn't much.Those on the Logic PRO and Logic XTREME plans might have to post more often, but I'm not sure if most of those customers are actually paying or still depend on the forum.

  15. The disk space available to me is in truly infinite amounts, the only question here is process and bandwidth, as well as CPU and disk speed to save and access everything.

    A "backup" of the Internet is for experimental purposes only, and believe me, even if I manage to backup the entire Internet, including private network content, I would be using almost no disk space (an analogy would be say .... 1 electron out of the entire universe)

  16. I'm wondering if it is possible to save a copy of everything on the Internet. Ignoring ISP data transfer limitations (max GB per month), I have a download speed of approximately 4 Mbps.The Internet isn't limited to web pages though, it includes everything that is public accessible (not password-protected) which includes all music, videos, pictures, software, etc. Furthermore, I am not limiting it to HTTP servers as torrents, files on FTP servers and anything on peer-to-peer networks (Gnutella/LimeWire) will count as well.Saving everything at its current state (ignoring changes to the live version after it is saved), how long will this take? What if I upgrade my Internet connection, or theoretically use all the bandwidth of (for example) educational institutions (universities), ISPs (Shaw, Comcast, etc) and large corporations (Microsoft, Google, etc).I am not talking about indexing content, I mean saving the actual file. Every web page would be considered one file, and pictures, JavaScript, CSS, etc would be their own files.

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