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Posts posted by FirefoxRocks

  1. I think that the GIMP is great for manipulating any type of image except for photos. This is because it doesn't have more of the Photo editing tools in photo-editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, Picasa or software designed for photo-editing.


    I use GIMP on both Windows and Linux, and found it to be quite useful for creating images. There is a script you can download to add Layer via Copy and layer via Cut options similar to those in Photoshop.


    And open-source is awesome!!

  2. You might be able to control the suspend / unsuspend feature using the bios setup of the lap top. Another option is to disable it from windows,if you got it installed.

    If you had read the original post correctly, they aren't using Windows. They are using OpenSUSE, a distribution of Linux.

    Try going into the YaST program and see if there is anything there. Or try looking around in KPowerSave.

  3. What I noticed:

    Quick installation; a bit concerned about Privacy Policy

    Startup is quite fast

    Interface too simple; took a while to find File and Tools menus

    Was not presented the option to import bookmarks and settings from Internet Explorer 8 or Opera 9; only Firefox

    Noticeably speed increase in GMail and several Wikipedia pages

    SVG <object>s are not displayed for some reason

    Where is the Open command?


    Waiting for Linux version to be released! I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium SP1, Aero disabled with few software installed. I have a Intel Core 2 Duo processor/4GB RAM and it seems quite fast so far. I haven't tried opening tons of tabs yet though. I still haven't found the "Mozilla Prism" feature though, where the site is launched like an app. (e.g. GMail, Facebook, etc).

  4. Personally, I don't mind the Information Bar when I am using Internet Explorer. It rarely comes up except for the occassional pop up window blocked or prompting me to run an add-on.If Firefox or Opera had this functionality, this would be great (at least, for me).Also, your tip requires Group Policy Editor, which can only be found in Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista Business, or Windows Vista Ultimate.

  5. I really wish they have used Gecko, even with the minor bugs and stuff in it. WebKit isn't bad or anything, but I still prefer Gecko.I'm not in Windows right now so I can't try the software yet, but it looks really good. I was reading the online press conference thing and they introduce a lot of features that are similar to other browsers and an advanced JavaScript engine called V8.Hopefully this won't reduce Firefox/Safari market share by too much, and will help bring down IE.

  6. A worse alternative would be frames, but a better alternative would be PHP includes, which you can make 1 file for a sidebar, 1 file for the header and so on by making only 1 file for each reusable "component".


    Then you include the files wherever you need them by:

    <?php include_once("sidebar.php"); ?>
    assuming the file is called sidebar.php. This can save a lot of time.

  7. If you Google several keywords about XHTML and HTML, you'll see that there is much controversy to XHTML, notably the Appendix C section where it states that XHTML 1.0 may be served as text/html. (Thing is, when served as text/html, the browser still thinks it is HTML).

    Can it do more? XHTML 1.0 and HTML 4.01 are equivalent in functions in transitional, frameset and strict modes.
    Does it have more options? It can make your code look cleaner, but you can do the same in HTML.
    Is it easier? That depends. It certainly isn't harder, but it isn't easier either.

    A famous article is this: http://hixie.ch/advocacy/xhtml

    In fact, the controversy about XHTML and HTML has led browser developers, a working group called the WHATWG and (later) the W3C to develop a new version of HTML called HTML5. XHTML2 isn't suitable for today's web applications apparently, so HTML5 is hoping to remedy that problem.

  8. FirefoxRocks, it's normal that you have to reboot if you remove a version of Internet Explorer, it's not a standalone application like Firefox or Opera, but it's an integral part of the operating system.
    I'm not realy sure if I'm going to install it, I'm currentely developping some websites and I want them to be compatible with the most popular browsers available, but it's very likely that a website that works in IE8b2 is broken in IE8F :mellow:

    Well I still think that the uninstallation part was unnecessary, but then again, it IS a beta product.

    Internet Explorer 8 has advanced debugging tools similar to Safari's developer menu. I shouldn't say similar, but the tools are quite good, especially the JavaScript debugger.
    And I think the standards support is finished for now, they are probably working on a few security and usability touchups, bug-fixing and finalizing the product. And remember, there is compatibility mode seeing how the page looks in IE7.

  9. I have upgraded to Beta 2 and it was quite a task compared to installing regular Microsoft updates or other software.1. Remove IE 8 beta 1 if you have it installed.2. A restart is required so close all your programs, save all your work and click Restart Now when prompted.3. When rebooted into Windows, open the IE8 installer if you have it, otherwise download it.4. Let it update which is quite slow in my opinion.5. After installation, YOU NEED TO REBOOT AGAIN!!!What kind of browser needs to uninstall a previous version before upgrading? I know it is a beta, and I think one of the Opera betas did that once (not sure), but this is a bit ridiculous with all the rebooting.In addition, for Windows XP Service Pack 3 users, you have to uninstall SP3 before installing IE8 Beta 2 then reinstall SP3 if desired.The process is way too lengthy, I hope it is not like this in the actual release.

  10. Just released very recently is Internet Explorer 8 BETA 2. This time, the target audience is everyone, not just web developers and web designers. More info can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    I haven't tested it out yet because I'm still using Linux right now, but it doesn't sound too bad except for breaking old pages and web applications which haven't updated yet.


    New features include SmartScreen filter (improved anti-phishing), Accelerators, InPrivate browser (similar to Safari's private browsing), Compatibility View (to avoid "breaking the web"), search suggestions (like Flock has) and WebSlices (something like RSS feeds but a bit better).


    Reading through Wikipedia's page, it explains on what each of those things are, without having to go through complex Microsoft technical documents. Also, it states that Beta 1 acquired 0.03% market share. :mellow:


    Once I reboot into Windows, I'm going to give this Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 a try and see how it works.


    ...Somehow I think that Microsoft is wanting developers to using IE7 mode for their web pages if they don't work in IE8...http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  11. I know that Linux is much more customizable than Windows regarding the system and kernel itself. Now in my other post, I wanted to find out if I can trigger the UAC prompt for certain tasks. Since doing so is nearly impossible or would be very difficult or illegal according to Microsoft's End User License Agreement, I was hoping that this task could be achieved in Linux.


    I am running Ubuntu 7.10 with the GNOME Desktop environment.


    Now normally, I would need to type in my password to open things like Login Window, Network Manager, GNOME Partition Editor and things like that. How I would like to know if I can force the sudo prompt on the following tasks without executing the application as root!:

    Clicking on a menu

    Right clicking anywhere

    Opening any application as a normal user

    Shutting down, restarting, hibernating or suspending the computer

    Opening any file or folder

    Mounting a partition in Nautilus

    Visiting a web page in Firefox, Opera or Konqueror

    Basically doing anything...

    If I can't get it on every one of the above tasks, I'll do as much as possible. I know that I can always be forced to enter my password by launching things via sudo in the terminal window. The thing is, I do not want to launch certain programs as root for obvious reasons, and certain applications shouldn't be run under root (e.g. Wine applications).And also, I want to see the graphical interface.


    is there a way to achieve this behaviour on Linux?

  12. I recommend Ubuntu as the most easy to use distribution of Linux. Debian-based systems are easy to use mostly because of the "apt" function for installing software, which you may need to do often.I recently installed openSUSE 11.0 and found it to be quite advanced and challenging to use, especially with the lack of (normal user) drive mounting and common command-line tools.As for the desktop environment, I recommend one with GNOME, but KDE isn't that bad either. It depends on what you like.

  13. I'm sure most of you know about Windows Vista's User Account Control. I was wondering if there were any registry settings or anything that I could modify to force the UAC prompt to appear when doing these tasks:

    Clicking the Start button

    Opening any folder

    Launching any application

    Adjusting personalization settings

    Opening a new page in Internet Explorer (by that I mean typing in a URL, from Favourites or by clicking a link)

    Turning off, sleep or restarting the computer

    Modifying the Windows Sidebar

    Opening any file (mp3, document, anything)

    There's probably more things I want to trigger the UAC prompt that I can't think of right now, but that is the most of it. Is there anything I can do to allow this behaviour in Windows?

  14. (on topic of OP)When I wipe hard drives, I use a live linux cd/floppy (a linux floppie should work as most of them will have dd and the device tree) and do dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/<hard drive> then collow it with dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<hard drive>, I do that a couple of times esp if I am setting up a encrypted partition, that way if they try to look at the drive down some layers all they see is garbage or null bytes.

    I'm sorry but that is much too confusing. Perhaps you could explain that more? I'm not trying to encrypt a partition here, and is the method you mentioned really secure?

  15. in Konqueror did you try looking in the tools->Konquror settings? IIRC that is where it is (I don't have KDE sitting in front of me :/ sorry)

    That's where I looked.

    Well did you check your path?Usually this command is only for super users and it is stored in /sbin, but even if you do add the path to $PATH you may not be able to run it as a normal user.

    Notice the sudo command preceding it. That should mean superuser, right? But even under a root terminal, I can't run it.
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