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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. i have used flash get to download from websites. it makes multiple connections to the site to maximize the download speed. It also has options to "donwload all" which is useful because you don't have to click each link yourself when downloading.I'm dont know what type of connection you have but, making multiple connections will not work if you are on 56k modem for example. This is because you ahve not maxed out the server's speed limit per connection.

  2. Hi

    How can i open and close tables like this site


    the right and left table has Plus Jpg and when you click on the table close ?

    Plz Help me



    you should use a DIV to hold the information in the table and give it a name. That div can be "collapsed" by changing the HEIGHT property through javascript.


    [/br]<table border=1>[br]<tr><td><img src="arrowup.gif" id=arrow onclick="collapse();"></td></tr>[/br]<tr><td><div id=div1 style="height:100px;overflow:auto">Your info here</div></td></tr>[br]</table>[/br]


    you have to use java script to create the function "collapse" that is called using the "onclick" event for the arrow image.


    in the javascript function you have to change the height of the DIV (named "div1" in this case) and also change the arrow image (named "arrow")


    [/br]<script>[/br]var originalwindowsize=100;[br]function collapse() {[/br]if (document.all.div1.style.height != "1px") {[br] ?originalwindowsize=parseInt(document.all.div1.style.height);[/br] ?document.all.div1.style.height=1;[br] ?document.all.div1.style.overflow="hidden";[/br] ?document.all.arrow.src="arrowdown.gif"; }[br]else {[/br] ?document.all.div1.style.height=originalwindowsize;[br] ?document.all.div1.style.overflow="auto"; ?[/br] ?document.all.arrow.src="arrowup.gif"; }}[br]</script>[/br]

    This code will only work in IE (document.all)... I will let you figure out the equivalent for netscape/firefox/etc. If you want, you can view the source on my website for the firefox/etc. code but mine is a little more complicated than the one listed above.

  3. It's actually not that hard to set up a webhost. all you really need is to get some shitbox computer like a celeron 500. MS XP IIS can be used (since it already comes with XP) to set up all the sites. The hardest part is actually maintaining the thing. This is assuming you are just playing around. If you are serious about setting up hosting, then there is much more you need to worry about. You would likely want to get rid of IIS and get apache, probably install linux, learn how to use both apache and linux, get a decent connection with good upstream, and a decent computer. There is a lot of other stuff to consider too... Plus, paying for this stuff can be a *BLEEP*...Beyond that, you would be looking at temperature controlled rooms, backup power supplies, etc. Way too much for a hobby.

  4. the alert at above the shoutbox has bothered me for a while. please fix the mistakes. I feel notices like this should be done professionally. It doesn't look good on the board.


    "Spamming will not be tolerated and WILL be dealt WITH severely. Your posts must mean something and CLARIFY your point..."


    these are the ones that bother me most.. everytime I load a page, the thing stares me in the face. that's what loads first and i have nothing to do but read it until the rest of the page finishes loading.

  5. at first i thought this was gonna be about the USA. cause those southerners are hated by many as well. those ignorant, religiously fanatical, Bush loving, southerners fell like they are the *BLEEP*. they think if u arent christian, or like bush.. you are gonna go to hell and you are some kinda moron..

  6. where did you get the info that arafat was poisoned?? that's a joke and a half. LOL, the guy was 75 years old!! If Isreal wanted to assassinate him, why wait till now when he already had one foot in the grave? it is so absurd that anyone would try to perpetuate such a stupid rumorJews are not the only ones killing people.. have you ever heard of suicide bombers? you might say they are in retaliation but you have NO IDEA who is retaliating and who is initaiting.. it can be argued both ways...

  7. hosting other people with your Xisto account is EASY. just create a subdomain and ftp account. The only thing they won't have access to is cpanel.. but there is no real need for them to have access to it.so, the new site will be subdomain.yourtrap17account.trap17.comthe new login for ftp is subdomain@yourtrap17account.trap17.comdoing this, you allow the user to upload only to their account.. in other words, they can't go to any directory higher than the subdomain directory.if you have a top level domain you want to host with your Xisto account, then just put that TLD into your addon domains. this automatically creates a subdomain, and ftp username.. works the same as before except the site address is now the TLD.

  8. Hi,

    Im creating a website that sells carpets and basically ive created webpages with the picture and checkboxes underneath the pictures so users can select which carpet they want!

    Once they submit the form, we get the order including form details!

    The problem is that once the user checks the checkboxes, i want to be able to delete that image from that webpage or move that picture to another location in the folders i have stored on the server. The reason is becuase evry carpet is unique so that two people cant order the same carpet!

    Now wat is the best way 2 do this.....

    Using a database or can this be done using sumat like javascript or sumat?

    Thanks in advanced!


    i think the easiest way is to use php. I am not sure how many carpets there are and how the you display them, but with php you can write a script to display whatever is in the "carpets" directory and then add exclusions.


    So, when someone submits a form to buy a particular carpet, the php script for the form can also change the file extension to "sold" (or whatever). When the carpet display php script goes to display all the carpets, tell it to skip all "sold" extensions... if !(strstr($filename,'.sold')) { display some html stuff here }


    i'm not sure how much php you know, but i can help you. I wrote a similar script to display images so that whatever images I put in that directory would get displayed. No need to update html code... just upload the file into the directory.

  9. personally, i think drivers who continue to drive drunk should be in jail. they will eventually end up killing themselves or someone else. what if this guy kills somebody and you could have stopped him? how would that feel?is he a friend of yours? why don't you offer him a rides or soemthing to keep him out of a car? and also try talking him out of drinking and driving. maybe even AA meetings cause I think this guy needs serious help if he is drinking 4-5 hours a day.

  10. i just went to drumcash.com and it says their minimum payout is $100. that would explain why your friend didn't get paid. As for google, they don't become one of the most recognized companies by being stupid. Don't click your own ads. They usually accept sites that have original content. If your site has doesn't have decent content just make one that does. Once they approve that site, you can use the ad code on any other site you want. provided those sites aren't violating their TOS.

  11. for flash animations it is less like programming and more like real animation. the flash MX program is what people use to create flash animations. I don't know of any other program that can create flash animations.As for the handwriting thing on the side, that is just a simple imgage over routine in java script that swaps images if the mouse is over the image. just search google for "javascript image swap" and you will find tons of examples.Edit: there is an option to select "programmer" interface in flash mx when you first run the program. I've never used it because I feel animations should be done using real animation tools

  12. i use frontpage mostly... but only as an editor because it highlights things and makes it easier to read. The other thing I use frontpage for is to create and edit tables.. it is a lot easier in frontpage compared to notepad. To interact with databases, you need to learn some kind of scripting (cgi, perl, asp, php,etc.) Personally, I used to do perl but I thin pl is out dated because it isn't being used as much now. right now the most popular are php and asp (.net). I went and learned php. basically, php (and other scripting language) allows you to put programming statements inside your html so you can change the way your page is displayed based on your program.as for bulletin boards, there are packages you can install on your webspace.. no need to program one. I believe Xisto offers Invision Power Board (IPB) and PHP Bulletin Board (phpBB). All you have to do is goto cpanel and click addon scripts and then pick the one you want and hit the install button.

  13. ya, I think it's kinda cool. and yes it is still in beta (there is a BETA underneath the logo)... it's kinda funny to see what other people search for. the keywords show up based on popularity (I assume).. goto the link and just type the letter "P".. hilarious..now there will be a whole new SEO for google... how to get on the top of the list for their suggestion box.

  14. Check out this link.




    Google is working on having suggestions for your keywords as you type. Basically, it tries to guess what you are trying to search for. It shows the suggestions in a drop down box similar to the history in IE. In the drop down it also shows the number of results you will get for each suggestion.


    Anyway, click the link if you want to see. I'm not gonna explain it.

  15. In canada, the situation is reported by the news as Yushchenko being the victim. And it's gonna be east vs west again. Some even referring to a "chilled" war. Because russia wants Yanukovych, who is partial to russia, and the west wants Yushchenko, who is partial to the west. Basically, russia feels they will lose control of ukraine if Yushchenko is elected.The Ukraine elections reminds me a little about the US elections 4 years ago when Bush was declared the winner. People didn't agree with the decision because there were so many votes from minorities that were not counted (who were mostly Gore supporters). In the US, the decision went to the supreme court but because the supreme court was full of bush sr. friends, they gave a favorable decision to bush jr. Unfair elections happen in the west too. Although it may not be as bad as the situation in the ukraine. Atleast, the ukraine people were able to force a new election... something the american people couldn't do.

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