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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. How can anyone prefer hotmail or yahoo when tey dont get  nearly as much space and the layout is so much easier to work around!


    Well, space isn't the big factor I think. Most people willl never use 1GB for email. Unless you are storing files in your email... but there are better places for file storage. Personally though, I vote for Gmail too.



    (1) Gmail is COOL!!

    (2) It is faster than Hotmail and Yahoo (load times are noticeable better)

    (3) search capability in the emails (have used it a lot)

    (4) not as much annoying advertising (I dont even notice their text links)

  2. Going to the Gym 3 times a week SERIOUSLY works...I know this littlin he's reall small around 4ft something he's been going to the gym for like a few months now....he comes out with a 6 pac !!! And gawd he's only 12!

    I just do a lot of sports....eat...and then get fat.....The end....I have never ever been skinnier before always fatter than the day before... :)


    I'm off to go trampolining now bye!! I have to go tomorrow morning aswell !!! 6am in the morning to go bouncing on a thing....okat tired but definately FUN.


    kids shouldn't work out that much because they are still growing. You say he is 4ft... he will stay that way if he continues working out hard core. Kids can do cardio all they want, but weight training is not a good idea until they are older. If they do weights, they should only do about 60% of their maximum. This is safest.

  3. I do not believe that age has anything to do with wisdom or experience, but it does have a lot to do with maturity. Being wise doesn't always mean you act wisely.


    Hey there are always exceptions to anything. But in most cases age has everything to do with maturity. It's just like stereotypes, they exist because of "statistics". When most, or even a large number, act/look/speak/whatever the same, stereotypes are created. This obviously does not mean there are no exceptions.


    You shouldn't judge a book by its cover but sometimes the cover is all you have to go by. And in most cases the cover says it all.

  4. I find kids aren't the worst. In my experience, the "seniors" in high school and the freshman in university are the worst. The attitude is that they are better than the "kids" but they are only a few years older than the kids they are making fun of."I'm a senior now" or "I'm in university so I'm smarter, cooler and better than you kids". I can always tell from the way people talk. For example, people in this range like to talk about age a lot. Older people don't talk about age because it means nothing to them, in fact, they would rather forget about their age in most cases!

  5. Excersice and eating a balanced meal is the key. All these fad diets and pills are not good solutions. You should not completely cut anything from your diet if you want to stay healthy. Everything must be taken in moderation.In order to lose weight it takes a lot of time. I would say you probably wouldn't notice a significant difference for like 6 months. This is the healthiest way to lose weight. In some cases 2-3 lbs a month is normal. Sometimes people gain wait when working out and they get discouraged. But, weight is not the only thing to look at. Muscle mass weighs more than fat, so working out will build muscles and also make you weigh more. You really have to consider % of body fat. This is a more important measure than just your weight.

  6. I've seen on the news where laser eye surgery has gone terribly wrong. Some people have ended up with double vision, blurred vision, and other problems. Once it is done, it cannot be reveresed or fixed (from what they said but maybe different now?).Basically, they give you a local pain killer and they actually have a device that keeps your eye open. Also note that you are fully awake for the entire procedure. Once your eye feels no pain, they actually take a knife (scalpel) and slice the top layer of your eye to make a flap. Then the laser is used to permanently burn your retina. After that, the flap is placed back over your eye. You have to keep the eye moist with drops and most people recover within days.Honestly, I would keep the glasses. I think women look sexier with glasses anyway.

  7. Why ? We're talking about browsers, in the software board. That's the most suitable place...If you still don't understand something, ask it here and we'll explain you...

    In case you didn't know, this discussion has gone way beyond browsers. Maybe you didn't read my posts... maybe that's why you are having difficulty understanding. In addition, I gather that your first language is not english from some of the responses. So, I forgive you for not understanding. In light of this, I highly doubt you are capable of explaining anything to me. Thanks anyway.

  8. I am hosted now on Xisto. It is a car related site. I wanted to get some feedback on my site. Easy to navigate?? Intuitive? Too busy (cluttered)? Errors or things that don't work? Colors? Are the fonts too small? Anything that is constructive would help. I never really got any opinions on it yet.I'm not a graphic designer so I have to make do with what I am capable of. I am also worried about load times too. If it is too slow, let me know what type of connection you have.PS. why are all the posts on this forum suddenly centered? Or is it just me? I personally don't like it.Edit: website removed.

  9. It is basically a redirecting you to the "real" website. Those domains are simply setup as a redirect (without URL masking) so you will always get the xxx.trap17.com. If you want to use those domains you have to register them with the Xisto name server and go to the place where you bought the domains and point them to the Xisto name server.

  10. Wrong.It has to be widely accepted by professionals which can understand what this standard is, and what advantages it has.

    Sorry, but practices only accepted by professionals does not make something a standard. Please stop saying this. Why do you insist on placing so much weight on a "professional" opinion? Why is it so hard to understand that a default standard is what is widely used? I'll give you another example. Sony came out with a video casette recorder (BETA). You know what BETA is right? Then along came the competition who produced VHS. VHS was an inferior product and ALL professionals used BETA (they still do TODAY). Why don't they sell BETA machines at Best Buy or circuit city? Because it is not widely accepted and is NOT THE STANDARD.

    If you like example, I'll give you one.Imagine one standard for fire security which is to have 3 emergency exits by floor.
    If 90% of buildings in the world only has 2 emergency exits, will you still stupidly claim "No˛, the standard is 2 exits, not 3 as profesionnals decided" ?

    YES. Professionals can only SUGGEST standards. It is up to the masses to ADOPT them. Once the a SUGGESTED standard is widely used and ADOPTED, then and ONLY then will it become a standard.

    You use an example of fire exits, funny... I have worked with building codes and fire safety. Even in safety issues, the standard does not neccessarily include the "best" and "ideal" alternative. Yes, 3 fire exits are better than 2... BUT, what about windows? They are considered fire exits as well but are not as good as doors. So, you have an inferior solution (window vs door) BUT it gets the job done. A builder already has to put windows into a house... now he doesn't have to put extra doors in to meet the fire code... Do you think he is going to put one in because "professionals" say its better?

    Again, I've worked with standards for many years. A standard is actually very rarely the "best" or "highest quality" solution. It is most often MINIMUM requirements. And a minimum requirement allows you to "get it done". Please think about this.

    The death of a product has nothing to do with its market.You should stop thinking in economic terms when we're talking about technology...

    All web profesionnals told it : IE is dead. You can't change it (only M$ can)

    Are you joking? The death of a product has nothing to do with the market? LOL. The market is the main thing that dictates the life cycle of a product, not professionals.

    Stop thinking economic terms? As I've said before (like 3-4 times now). THIS IS AN ALTERNATE VIEW. Why can't you see this? I've already said before, technically speaking, IE is inferior to other products! In this respect, YES it is either dead or dying unless MS is going to improve it. BUT it won't go away if the masses continue to use it. In this respect, it is very much ALIVE.

    This is getting out of hand. I feel obligated to defend my point but, I feel no one understands. I'm just going to stop replying to posts regarding IE in general.

  11. I have been using computers for about 20 years now and I am fortunate to say that I didn't have that many problems. Here is a list that I will try to make from memory.3 crashed hard drives3 mother boards fried2 video cards wasted4 ram chips gone1 power supply3 dead monitors2 CD-ROMs busted1 sound card1 5 1/4" floppy drive2 3 1/2" floppy drives1 fried CPUthat's all I can remember. I don't think its a long list.

  12. no9t9 : BoSZ allready explained it : standard has nothing to do whith how many people implement them.

    You're just using the wrong word...


    And IE is really dead, because its developers stoped implementing technologies released more than 6 years ago.

    Do you realise what 6 years is ?

    The web is less than 15 years old !

    6 years ago, web was in the Middle Ages...

    First, in order for something to be a standard, it has to be widely accepted. If 90% of people are not using your "defined" standard then you cannot claim to be a standard. Since 90% of the market uses IE, it becomes the "standard" by default. It doesn't matter which standard is better. The "standard" is what has been adopted and what is widely used.


    Look at it this way, if you have a fax machine that sends faxes using the "best" or "defined" standard but everyone else uses a fax machine which is "non-standard", who are you going to send the fax to? How can you be the standard if you are the only one?


    If you don't understand this, then there is no point continuing. I have worked with "standards" for a long time and just defining them is not enough. In order to BECOME the standard, it must be widely used. This is actually a very simple concept.


    As for your second point, please re-read the previous posts (I know it's long). I AM NOT SAYING IE IS TECHNICALLY SUPERIOR. IE is NOT DEAD because it still controls the market. This is a NON TECHNICAL look at why IE is still very much alive. I've said this point many times.


    Again, you are simply stating points that have already been addressed. I don't want to repeat myself anymore.

  13. What exactly is a "hotel engineer"?I'm not trying to offend anyone here but one of my pet peeves are people calling themselves engineers when they aren't. I really hate politically correct terms and euphemisms. I know that most people just use job titles that are consistent with the industry but it bother me.For example, a "sanitation engineer" is not an engineer when he/she collects garbage or cleans washrooms. A "sanitation engineer" that does environmental studies, develops/maintains water purification systems, etc. is an engineer.Again, I'm not trying to put anyone down. I just think that if your job is a garbage man, there is no shame in saying "I am a garbage man". In fact, the average wage of a garbage man is higher than the wages of most real engineers.

  14. Heh, maybe I'm getting old or I'm already old but when I learned HTML there was no such thing as WYSIWYG editors like frontpage. Everything was done in text editors and you just coded.Now though, I use the WYSIWYG editors because it is much easier to create tables and stuff when you can see what you're doing! But, I still go into the code and tweak it often because those WYSIWYG editors don't always work the way you want it to.

  15. as a matter of fact it ispush marketing it used by companies focused more on short term revenous then the trade mark and this is the specification of ango-american capitalizm :).Europiean capitalizm is based on loag term thing so if a company wants to use puch marketing it has to be backed up by other factors so it besomes a slight-push marketing :D. HAve been to both the diffrence is easy to spot

    You simply said before that push marketing is not really used in Europe. And I'm just saying it IS. In fact, you say so yourself. You'd be surprised how much it's used. I never went into the discussion of HOW they do it. That's the difference you are talking about. The HOW part.

    So, in fact, my statement is true. Push marketing is not specific to certain regions. Just the way it is done can be specific to certain regions.

  16. The most common way is to compete on price.

    and the quatily ->the best here would be a good ratio between both

    There are actually 3 primary needs of the customer for any product.
    (1) Price
    (2) Quality
    (3) Delivery
    There is also a 4th one depending on the product and company
    (4) Service/Support

    Obviously, every company operates on a combination of those factors. But, usually the companies that target the general masses focus on price. Examples, Walmart, McDonalds. And those companies tend to be big companies because their customer base is so big.

    well , economics strategies vary from place to place. Push marketing is tipical for anglo-americal capitalizims as they base on quantity not quality. Here(in europe) push marketing is not so fameous couse sustomers are a bit more into the product and not their rapper, unfortunetally there are some ppl that seem to like this to change, hopefuly i will not happen.

    You keep focusing on quantity and quality, this makes no difference on push or pull marketing strategy. You can push a product that is good quality or bad quality. Push marketing is not specific to "certain regions". In fact, push marketing, if done well, makes customers believe they are not being sold to at all.
    For example, the famous Apple iPod. Before the iPod, no one ever thought about a music player that used a hard drive to store their ENTIRE CD collection. This is a totally new product that created a need in the market. Apple "pushed" this product into the market by creating a need that people now realize they have. The iPod is a quality product but cost a lot of money, yet EVERYONE is buying it.

    When you talk about "rapper", I am assuming you are talking about hype. I highly doubt that this is not used and accepted in Europe. Maybe you just don't realize it. Hype marketing is used EVERYWHERE, I guarentee it. It comes in different forms which you may or may not see. For example, BUZZ marketing is something VERY DISCREET.

    Buzz marketing is a word of mouth type of marketing to generate "hype". For example, a shoe company gives a highschool ball player a free pair of shoes because he was "mvp" of some tournament. This ball player is very popular in school (since he is mvp and a jock). He is told no one else has a pair of shoes like this and you cannot buy them. He will wear it all the time and show it off. All his friends will see, and his friend's friends will also hear about this. This kind of marketing works extremely well because a friend is marketing the product to you and both you and your friend don't even know it.

  17. you seem to realize what drives the market(supply and demand) so U should also know that monopoly is not legal for some reasons ->i recommend begg's macro/micro economy  books for the deeper look into this

    I am not going to comment anymore on this browser topic (the post is too damn long). But if you want to know about economics and marketing. Feel free to ask and I'll see if I remember... Just so you know, without going into details, I have a technical and business background. So, I'm not just making this stuff up.


    You asked about selling strategies. Well, this is more marketing rather than economics. The most common way is to compete on price. If one cannot compete on price, then you have to look for niche markets and highly target your product to specific market segments. These are the people who will pay extra for certain features that other low cost "general" products do not offer.


    There is also a thing called push and pull marketing. Push marketing (proactive) is when you have a product that customers don't necessarily want/need (or may not even know about) but you manage to create demand for it by "pushing" your product into the market. This usually works for products that are totally new and usually happens in high tech. The pull strategy is waiting for customers to ask for the product (reactive).

  18. (no9t9 @ Nov 6 2004, 05:30 PM) ....Please be open minded in life.  When 90% of people in the world (give or take) use IE, this is the STANDARD.  Not some groups who try to develop alternative "standards"

    i agree with this in 99% but in theory only

    if 90 % of users would choose(not were made to) using IE then yes this would be fair.

    your point does not address the fact that IE is the standard browser for 90% of the market. How does "not being fair" change this FACT? IE is the standard...

    Couse then IE would have to stand for a good application according to market rules and guidelines like -> the better the product the biggers the demand fot it.

    Sorry, but this so called market rule is not exactly how it works in the real world. Markets operate on supply and demand (you agree with this right?). But, both demand and supply can be manipulated. You are taking a very "idealistic" view of market mechanics. How many companies in the world have marketing departments? Their job is to take a product and create demand for it. There are many products in the world that are not the best and may even be crap but sell very well. Look at GM, their cars are crap compared to Japanese quality yet they are the biggest automotive maker in the world. There are many such examples.

    In the business world, in order to sell product you don't have to have the best.
    You simply have to sell it using different strategies.

    people use IE couse its there and MS makes sure then a standard user wont even know about a possibility of a switch to sth better

    You're right. I use IE cause its there. Antitrust, unfair, blah, blah. Life is unfair, the courts decided Microsoft did not have a monopoly and was not operating illegally. Microsoft was not always this big. How did they get this way? Cause Bill Gates is a smart business man. He realized that he doesn't need to have the best product to make money. Another perspective on IE being better... the business side.

    How can MS make sure the standard user doesn't know about alternative browsers? They don't control the media, they don't control word of mouth, they don't control forums like this. So why is IE still dominating? Opera, Netscape, and other browsers have been around for a long time. The reason is because the masses don't really care...

    how many users that know what is what in the binary world use IE as their primary browser ?

    Me. You assume I don't know anything about "the binary world" because I use IE? This is both ignorant and arrogant.

    how many supporters does IE have amongst proffesionals?

    My point and alternative view is... WHO CARES? What percentage of the market does professionals make up? They are insignificant compared to the masses. This is the BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE...

    And, just because professionals use something doesn't make it the best. Again, you have to look at the users needs. If a professional is always trying to use the latest technologies and the fanciest features, obviously their needs lie outside of IE. If a professional race car driver buys a Ferrari, does that mean Ferrari's are the best car for everyone? Absolutely not. Most people don't need to drive faster than 70mph so they can get away with buying a Ford. Are Fords the best? No. But it fulfills the needs of the user, making it best for them.

    how many users would choose IE when aware of the diffrences(both advantages and disadvantages) comparing to real browsers?

    Again, you are missing the point. I told you in the previous post already. Listen (or read) carefully, I am not arguing that IE is technically superior to any other product! Besides, being a "standard" user they don't quite care (or maybe do not know how) to go out and look for another browser and install it. Then... learn how to use it. Why bother?

    call it as you wish couse what we were trying to get across was global not your own situation. BLIND was for all of IE users and bu that YOU to

    Includes me?? Please read my previous post carefully. I have used many of the "alternative" browsers. In fact, I have been using the internet browsers before IE was even on the map... Also, I have been using the internet before browsers even existed... Please don't make the assumption that, if I am using IE as my primary browser... (1) I don't know anything about "the binary world" (2) I've never tried alternative browsers. (3) I don't even know alternative browsers exist.

    Finally, I don't understand what you mean by "global". If you mean "most users world wide", then you are wrong again. IE is the most popular browser making it the standard and by default the best to most people.

    TO TOP THING UP:-scan your pc for wiruser trojans
    -get rid of IE for some time or just dont use it(set it so it wont connecy to the net(the same with outlook)
    -install mozilla of firefox and firebird as you mail client
    -disable your antivirus (yes)
    -after a week run a scann of you PC and you are bound to find 1/4 or even less of threats then while using IE and other ms crap

    What is the point of this? To tell me how many people target Microsoft? If that is the case, I already know. Thanks anyway. Yes, MS is big and people target them because their "attacks" will have the biggest impact. One reason the "alternatives" are "safer" is simply because nobody cares about them so they don't even bother trying to find the security holes in the alternatives. But, trust me, they are there.

    Again, I already told you in previous posts. I don't get spyware, I don't get viruses. In the last 2 years (this is as far as I can remember since getting my last computer), I've had ONE browser hijack/spyware incident which took me a whole 2 mins to clean. I have had ZERO viruses. And I use Internet Explorer AND Outlook... Go figure...

    Man, these posts are too long. I am gonna stop. I'm not here to try and open eyes. I have been around "professionals" a long time and I know the type. I used to be like that. I couldn't understand why people used inferior products. But, I've grown beyond my old views and become more open minded. There are other views and only when you see those can you understand other people.

    That's all I'm gonna say on this topic before it gets out of hand.

  19. Yes, they're called hexidecimal codes. Hex (greek for six, which is why we have hexagon), and decimal (number, essentially, although the Latin root is decim, which means 10). So a six number/letter code for every color.

    Technically, hexidecimal does not mean there are 6 numbers. It actually is used to describe the base number which is 16 (deci + hex = 10 + 6 = 16) This refers to the number of units before carrying over to the next unit (or digit).
    In base 10, which we all know, we count from 0 to 9, then we go back to 0 in the ones unit (digit) and we carry 1 over to the next unit (tens unit). Just think of it as an odometer in your car. Thats the way it works.

    In the number, say 12, the left digit is the tens place and the right digit is the ones place. so the number "12", in base ten, means 1 in the tens unit, and 2 in the ones unit. Add them together and you get the number 12.

    So for base 16 you actuall count from 0 to F (which is 16) before placing a 1 in the next digit. taking the same "12", the left digit does not represent tens but 16's. So 12 in hex means something different. 1 in the 16's unit and 2 in the ones unit. Adding this we get 18.

    The reason why there are 6 numbers in choosing a color for HTML is simply because colors work on a red/green/blue (RGB) pallette. You will learn from science that any color can be produced using RGB (they are the primary colors of light). Each color on an 8 bit color scheme (RGB) has been designed to have a range of 0 - 256 (2^8). HTML chose to represent this using 2 hexidecimal digits to produce the range 0 - 256. 16 x 16 = 256.

    So color=#RRGGBB in html. That's why when u say color=#FFFFFF you get white. You are basically saying maximum red, blue, and green (from science we know that RGB produces white light). And when you say color=#000000 you get black because you are saying no red, no blue, and no green. Again, from science we know that the black represents the absense of light (no RGB).

  20. this is :rofl:

    this post nees no comments

    and can be briefed as:

    why use sth proffesional when u can be stuck up to your eyes in crap(IE) and be blind enough to take it for perfection

    You guys can say what you want. But, I am not arguing TECHNICAL abilities of IE and other browsers. Please be open minded in life. When 90% of people in the world (give or take) use IE, this is the STANDARD. Not some groups who try to develop alternative "standards" (even if they may be better). There is no arguement here. A standard is simply what everyone uses.


    Let me put it this way, if you were running a business and 90% of your customers are using IE, would you design your website for IE or some other package?


    And to those who think IE is dead. You explain to me how a 90% market share means the product is dead. Sure, market share may be declining but it is still the standard. I used Netscape (up to 4) before and it had most of the market, but IE took over. So now, I use IE. When that changes, I will use the new standard.


    Because I use the standard, I have never have problems viewing ANY website. But using non standard browsers like Opera, Netscape, Firefox, and Mozilla... I have regular problems (some minor, some major) when viewing websites.


    Finally, here's another perspective that you may not have seen... Why do you always have to use something "professional" when something else you have already does the job? I would prefer not to install another browser on my system if I can help it. My laptop has a small hard drive so I dont want to waste space on 2 differnet browsers. Have you ever thought of that? Yes, I might be able to remove IE from my computer but what's the point when it gets the job done for me?


    These are 2 perspectives that you simply disregard and see as invalid. This, to me, is being narrow minded. To call me "blind" because I think IE is the "best fit" for my situation is simply ignorant and arrogant.

  21. You guys are forgetting about Javascript. I use all three, HTML, PHP, and Javascript. I actually prefer to do a page in HTML but I use PHP to create a standard layout for my page. I also use PHP to create functions that generate HTML that I use often. This all makes changes much easier. If you have to change your layout, you just do it in one place. Also, I find this makes the HTML code a little easier to read.

  22. Personally, I like IE. I don't know why you guys are against using IE. Sure it has bugs and security problems, what software doesn't? Besides, I have never gotten any viruses from using IE. I have gotten the odd spyware and browser hijack but those are so easy to clean. And you can get those from any security holes. Why use windows at all? Switch to Linux if security is important to you.Why wouldn't you use a browser that will work with 100% of websites? I was actually a netscape user (before that I was using mozilla) but netscape had so many problems it wasn't worth it. Took forever to load, didn't display webpages very well, buggy. BTW, I got up to netscape 4 before switching to IE.

  23. I think you will definately need to learn both. You can try using the WYSIWYG HTML editors but there are a lot of times where they don't work as well. And when you are using PHP, it is difficult to see the actual result of a page anyway.HTML is pretty easy to learn anyway. There are only a few basic tags that you will use over and over again. I find that all you have to do is learn how to READ html. I don't remember half the stuff in HTML but I just program it once and reuse it. For example, style sheets. You can copy someone elses, and try to understand it, then you can modify it to suit your needs (change colors, border sizes, etc.). There is no real need program.In terms of PHP, if you've had experience programming in any other structured programming languages like C or Basic, it will be very easy to pick up. You just have to figure out the different function names.

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