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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. my favorite is when people use internet browsers in public places and don't realize that there is a password save thing on. Half the computers at schools, library, etc. have people who just don't know or don't care that their password is saved. the other thing that cracks me up is people who install MSN on public computers and have it save their password. I have fun telling off their friends..

  2. I think bidding at the last second is the only way to go. If people all bid near the beginning or at anytime other than the final 20 seconds, the prices tend to be higher because everyone is driving up the bid. I find that jumping on something in the last second gives better results because people won't have a chance to increase their bid beyond what they have already put in.

  3. i use a program called passpack. It is a very simple program that is only like 15k. You can save all your stuff in there and you can search all the data. It doesn't offer a whole lot of "extra" features but it is supposed to be really secure because it uses a bunch of encryption techniques on the save file along with a 160bit key.I'm not even gonna pretend I know anything about encryption, keys, ciphers, and all that crap. I just know that higher is better.

  4. I had 2 subdomains on my account and they were deleted. Actually, one was a subdomain and one was an addon domain. All the files and stuff were still there but the redirection was deleted. As a result whenever I typed in the address and tried to goto my webpage it ended up being redirected to the Xisto Xisto webpage. I went into cpanel and added back the subdomains and they work now but I want to understand why they were deleted in the first place. Also, I'm not sure when it happened as I justed noticed it now.

  5. Please stop attacking my efforts.  Please stop being so negative and discouraging.  I am not as STUPID as you are making me look.  STOP!!!  I'm sorry you have such a negative attitude but DON'T rub it off on me. 


    I am and will continue to be optomistic about my venture.  WITHOUT the likes of you putting me down, talking down to me, and insulting my business.  You sound like a 15 year old know-it-all. 


    Go offend somebody else, if it makes you big man on campus.


    lol, who sounds like a 15 year old? I'm not making you look stupid.. you're doing a good job of that all on your own. If you don't like what I have to say then simply ignore it. I am simply pointing out things you need to consider. This is an online message board and I cannot make assumptions about what you know or don't know.


    Being optimistic is good and all but that doesn't mean you neglect other important aspects of online shopping. Anyway, I'm not gonna bother talking about it. You clearly are offended, though I'm not sure why.


    If you percieve some constructive critisism and feedback on your approach to an online store as negative/discouraging comments, and even insulting... then fine. No skin off my back. I don't have to prove, nor do i even want to prove, my credentials in a forum such as this. To that end, I will not be replying in this thread anymore.


    @boycradle. as I tried to say in my post earlier, informational websites are usually the way to go on big ticket items (like the house example).

  6. Opening an online store just for "another outlet" is not always the best idea. You may end up just wasting a lot of time and resources for nothing. The example of selling a house online just wouldn't work. Yes, people goto the website to VIEW the house and gather information but they won't actually make the purchase online. How can you say that you don't see the relavence in me knowing the product before making suggestions? The product is the most important thing!! Your product has a target market which defines how you will set up your website (if at all) for online shopping.. You can't just say "some will buy and some won't". You have to KNOW who will buy and who won't.Let's say you sell jewlery that is cheap which would likely be targeted towards young teenage girls... They have a lot of disposable income and would be a good target market. But, if you setup online shopping.. how many of these young teenage girls will have a credit card where they can use paypal or some other online payment?? They usually have CASH. That means they walk into a REAL store and pay using paper, not plastic. In this case, your website should only be informational with a simple payment method like money orders.Knowing your target customers is one of the most important things. Take another example, if your target is old ladys. They have credit cards and probably have some money. But, they don't use computers!! How are you gonna get them to buy online? In this case, you should not even use a website.Now look at the computer example.. the target market is computer people. They are usually comfortable doing things online. In addition, a computer is a computer is a computer. I don't have to try it on to see how it looks on me. That's why computer online sales work (like books and cd's). Jewlery is not computers.. you can't make that connection. Jewlery is part of fashion and people would probably like to see how it looks on them before buying it. UNLESS you go for the cheap cheap and more cheap strategy.And yes, paypal is easy... for you... but is it easy for the customer? Again, you have to look at your customers. How many would have a paypal account? How many would go through the hassle to open a paypal account?I'm just pointing out things you need to consider. Going online is not simply throwing up a website. If it isn't done right, it can end up hurting your business. If you are experimenting, I would go with a different name. Register a second company under the original one. If you are serious about going online, I think there needs to be a lot of planning.

  7. compiler software is written in the most basic programming language. All your C/C++, Visual Basic, etc. are called HIGH LEVEL programming languages. The most basic programming language is a LOW LEVEL programming language called Assembly. This language is as close to machine language as it gets. The compiler basically translates high level programming languages into machine language.I've written some programs using assembly to program a processor to perform automated and controlled tasks. It's not that difficult but you have to control every aspect of the processor.

  8. do you expect people to buy jewlery online? have you done any market profiling on people who buy jewlery? I don't know if it's just me but I would not want to buy an engagement ring online. I would like to see how it looks for real. Big ticket items are rarely done online.On the other hand, if you are selling mainly cheaper stuff then it may be worth looking into. The way to go is to design the website yourself but have a third party handle the transactions. You can design the website all the way up to a login system and shopping cart before going to the third party. Many webhosts offer add-ons like agora shopping cart that is pretty easy to implement into your website.The third party company will handle security, credit card transactions, etc. Personally, I would not want to give out my credit card number over the internet unless there were some form of security from a big company.Read up on companies like verisign, cybercash, segue systems, and ICVerify. They offer transaction processing services and are secure. They can offer your customers peace of mind and is one more thing that will push the sale.

  9. Yes it is true that you can't create file names beggining with"." which is why you should create a file on your windows system like 1.htaccess then upload it via ftp or file manager. Then rename it on your non-windows server to .htaccess using your ftp manager or file manager (in cpanel).

    Since the majority of servers are mostly linux/Unix (because they are cheaper) you probably won't have any problems.

    Xisto does allow mod_rewrite as we have apache installed.


    so you're telling my I have a special copy of windows that allows me to save files beginning with a dot? whatever... i don't have to prove nothing. believe what you want. sheesh.

  10. no need to get angry about it... i was replying to the comment where it was stated that the file COULD NOT BE CREATED IN A WINDOWS SYSTEM. I said it can. This was the point of the post.So when you quote my point and tell me to try renaming the file I am logically assuming that you are replying to MY POINT. Am I supposed to KNOW that you aren't even talking about my point after quoting it? why even bother quoting me if you weren't addressing my point? Please stop trying to back peddle cause it aint working.It doesn't take an incredible amount of thought to make an intelligent response to a post... but it does take SOME thought.

  11. Try this on your desktop. Right klick > New > textfile. Write '.htaccess' as the name, hit enter, or klick somewhere on the desktop. You'll get an error message.

    umm... but that's not what I told you to do.. this is what I said (TWICE)... save the file from notepad as ".htaccess"... please actually try what I've said before telling me I'm wrong.

    the comment made before that the .htaccess file "cannot be created in a windows system" is simply untrue. that's all i'm saying. Just because someone doesn't know how doesn't mean it cannot be done.

    btw don't forget the quotes when saving the file from notepad (I also included these in both instances previously but never specifically mentioned them)

    EDIT: If you want to do it without the quotes, you have to choose filetype "all files" otherwise it will tack on the default .txt extension

  12. goto your cpanel and goto park domains. add your domain in there. change the nameservers (at your registrar) to ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com. you might have to wait a couple days before it takes effect though.you can also use add on domains but this will create a new directory within your www directory. this is useful if you have another domain and you are creating a different website.

  13. if php is available, it is the best method to evaluate forms. This is because some people have javascript disabled. If you use javascript, your form will not work in this case. Using php means the server does the work.Plus, php is very simple. Just a bunch of IF statements and you are done. All my forms are done in php and I don't even have to use a seperate file. Just need an IF (!submit) {display form} ELSE {validate form}

  14. If you are talking about php programming, you can change the file permissions using the chmod function.chmod($filename, 0666);or if you are simply uploading the TXT file to the server, you can use your FTP program to change the file permissions. In most FTP programs, just right click on the file and choose chmod. I think you can also do it through the file manager in cpanel. But, I'm not sure because I never use that (it sucks).

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