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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. He did it. There are so many things that he has done to kids that just aren't NORMAL for an adult/child relationship. He has admitted these things. This is not the first time he has been accused of this... It all points to him being guilty. And to the person who thinks, it can't be true because he is a star... most "stars" have more problems than normal people.

  2. If there was no internet then I would have a life. I would go out and be active doing things like jogging, rollerblading, or football. I would not be the fat slob that I am right now. I would also develop social skills because I would have to go out and make friends and hang out with them. Ideally, I would like to develop wit and sarcasm.But, since the internet is here and looks like it will stay... I retire to my room so that I am able to continue being a fat, witless, slob.

  3. I truly doubt it. After 35 years,we didn;t improve further.


    That's a joke. It has to be. Because any one who would consider that a serious response has got to be a little blind to the times. How can someone in this day and age say that we have not improved any in 35 years?? Boggles my mind.


    They used to goto space in rockets that were useless after one trip. Now they are using shuttles which can be reused many times. This is part of the reason why the columbia exploded.. but that is another discussion. Now we are close to sending TOURISTS into space. Have you heard of the X-Prize?


    The computers on the old space vehicles are now so far out of date they belong in a museum. Computers are 1000's of times smaller and faster able to control much more of the space craft.


    I'll admit, we are still using rockets to get off the earth. That hasn't changed much but everything else about the space craft has. Better materials, better computers, better tools.

  4. The most surprising thing, they told me is that if the price of my offer is 25% smaller than the others they will discard my offer considering it not good enough.

    It's not that surprising. This is exactly the reason why I suggested you go ask around for quotes. If you are too cheap... the "too good to be true" factor kicks in and people will start to have doubts. They start asking themselves, "why are they so cheap?" They will lose trust in a company that is "too cheap".

    Imagine a guy selling a sports car with all the bells and whistles in it for a REALLY cheap price. Your first reaction is "what's wrong with it?"...

  5. I agree that mods here at Trap are a bit anal about spam. As soon as you make a short post it's regarded as if you are trying to get your post count up. I'll admit, most of the time they are. But, that doesn't mean all of them are. I find at Xisto a lot of times it's just black and white when it comes to posts. Spam and not spam. Nothing in between. Although, I do believe it has gotten better with the new hosting credit system.Just keep in mind that many of the mods here are just kids and they really don't have experience running or moderating a message forum. In fact, I'll bet more than 2/3 of the members on this entire board are minors (under 18).

  6. Exeem has spyware bundled into the program!! I feel they have sold out. The company they have partnered with have been known for shady activity when it comes to spyware on peoples computer. If you are going to use Exeem you should use Exeem Lite which has the spyware ripped out.

    The website used to be http://www.exlite.net/ but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Maybe if you google it, there will be mirror sites.

  7. one thing I've always thought about when considering heaven and hell...First, I have to point out that I am not religious... so what are the requirements to get into heaven? You basically have to live by the "rules" and TRY not to break them. Many believe that even if you break the rules (sin) you still have a chance to get into heaven if you repent because god is forgiving (at times).Next question is, what are considered sins? Well, there are many. Let's look at my favorite deadly sin... LUST. If you commit this sin, you are going straight to hell... Sex for pleasure is a sin (technically), but many people enjoy this...Here's the conundrum... if lust is a sin, then OBVIOUSLY it would not be in heaven. Does that mean it is acceptable in hell? All these people who have sex for pleasure are in hell... does that mean hell is one big orgy? Why would people want to go to heaven if you couldn't do the things you liked?LOL... obviously this is a slightly fecetious post. But the message really is... what's so good about heaven if everything pleasurable is a sin?

  8. I can't reply in the announcement section and didn't see a topic so I am making this one.Xisto - Web Hosting suggestions:(1) Too many words on the index page. I can't be bothered to sift through all that text.- No need to list ALL features of the hosting package. Just pick say the top 10 features that people care about. Put the details on the page with more information/comparison page.- Emphasize your selling features. Is your strategy to be cheap and reliable? If so, emphasize your 30 day money back guarentee and uptime information. Also, the pricing for your hosting plans are just tiny text at the VERY BOTTOM of the page. I didn't even scroll down there the first time through. I think you need a BIG SIGN saying 9.95/year hosting or even make it $0.85/month hosting. - Instant setup section - at first I thought this was a heading because it was bolded so I didn't read that section... I missed out on important details like 99.5% uptime and 24/7 support which are not mentioned anywhere else. In addition, I don't think instant setup is an important feature for me when looking for hosting. So, I wouldn't bold it or even put it as the first point on the list.Summary: Organize your index page to convey the MOST IMPORTANT points of what you offer. Don't try to put everything on the page. Try to plan the page out so that people see the most important stuff on top cause they might miss stuff at the bottom. Prioritize.(2) About the company- Do not mention your launch or creation date unless it is more than 1 year old. People aren't going to buy from a company unless they know it is gonna be around. if you are only launched in january, that puts doubts in peoples minds.- I would not write about your experience with free hosts the way you did. I don't want to hurt feelings or anything, but many people regard free hosting as amatuerish. I would just talk about how your experience has helped you create 2 other successful hosting companies (not mentioning free) that are still here and how this experience is valuable to the customer. This experience has given the team the ability to run efficiently and smoothly.- Finally entering the commercial market... get rid of this. Seems like you are noobsSummary: Talk about your company as if it has been around for a long time and has lots of experience.(3) Clicking the solutions button doesn't pull up much info. - I believe your "solutions" page should already be covered on the index page. You are making customers click more than they have to in order to find what they want.- the solutions page should include "popular" plans that you think people would be interested in. also should be a little more detailed about features compared to the first page but not a complete list cause it still may be too much info. perhaps the four sections (basic, advanced, pro, business) each with the most popular plan.- on EACH plan listed. Place an order button and a "MORE" button (which brings you to your "plansX.html" page).Summary: By clicking solutions, I can't even order from that page. You should be able to order from that page.(4) the flash banner too big- i know many (most) hosting companies have this kind of template and look but I really think that the banner is way too big. It doesn't provide any information at all either.- the space above the fold is the most valuable and you haven't done anything with it by putting in that banner. On my 800x600 browser window, all i see is the banner basically. And statistically, about 30% of people are still using 800x600 screens. In addition, those with bigger screens may not be running their browser at full screen.- if you want to keep the banner so big, atleast use it to help sell.. like put the $9.95/year where the text is.- contact us button doesn't work- short about - get rid of this text. i don't see the reason for it. Summary: Use your banner space to get your point across. Your banner should show what people are looking for. Namely hosting. Not a couple computers, and a lady spouting useless words.Maybe I am being blunt at times but it's better than being wishy washy. Take the feedback any way you like. It's your company.

  9. yes, I don't really think changing the credits to 3 is a good way to do it. Right now, I am on plan 2 (i think) and if I wanted to upgrade... i would lose all my credits (save 3)? So, the spammers would get their upgrade without losing much because they wouldn't have built up many credits... while the people who are active lose more... it seems like people are punished for being active.

  10. What people don't understand about speeders is that they aren't speeding cause they want to get there faster... I have no idea why people always make this assumption. They simply LIKE to drive fast.Speed isn't the cause of road rage or accidents. The cause is basically *BLEEP*S who are not driving with courtesy. I have seen a million times where 3 cars travel beside each other on all 3 lanes, blocking traffic. Clear sailing beyond them. if you are driving at the same speed as the car beside you, you don't need to be in another lane. MOVE OVER. Why do people do this? Cause everyone wants to be in their "own" lane.The next problem I have with these "speed matchers" is when they are matching my speed in my goddam blindspot!!! What the hell! stay the hell out of people's blind spot, especially when there are no other cars around.

  11. if you are comfortable or have used geocities site builder, then just open an account with geocities and create your page there. Once you are finished, you can save the files to your hard drive from their file manager and then upload those files to Xisto.It will look exactly the way it does on geocities except there will be no collapsing ad.Edit: you can goto ANY place with a site builder and do this. It doesn't have to be geocities. Whatever you are comfortable with.

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