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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. I know a couple of women who used to be in that line of work. They tell me that some clubs are worse than others. It all depends on the girls you work with. I hope you agree that there are indeed exotic dancers who DO sell extra's once they are in the back room. The percentage of girls who do sell extra's are the ones sending out the message that this is "normal". I don't know what the percentage is, but it isn't negligable. This is where the reputation comes from. Obviously not JUST from this, but it does play a part.. In addition, in some clubs this "extra activity" is more "acceptable" than others. Some clubs have a policy that if any "extra" stuff is happening (on or off site), the girl will be fired. Other clubs will turn a blind eye to those types of activites.Edit: I forgot to add, it is not the same in different countries.

  2. As far as I'm concerned, issues like gay marriages in America should be put to a referendum. The government can make the decision only if they represent the people. It is clear that the current administration in America does not represent the people. They only had a SLIM victory. In addition, the government has no place in changing/creating laws based on personal religious beliefs. Church and state should be seperate. It is as simple as that. Religiously influenced decisions by a government administration can only cause trouble. History is FULL of examples that prove this point.The american people voted Bush back into office.. It would seem that the majority of people agree with Bush's policies. But, what really worries me is that the Bush administration has misled the public when it comes to the WAY in which it intends to carry out its policies. For example, Bush says he is against gay marriages... this is fine until he starts messing with the constitution. The public may simply hear "I'm against gay marriages" but not know how the administration intends on treating gay marriages. In addition, the general public may not understand the consequences of ammending the constitution to block gay marriages. I believe the public needs to be educated in this issue and a referendum needs to be held. It is clear that the Bush administration has its own agenda which is unethical. But, if Americans don't stand up for their own rights... obviously people (like Bush and his administration) will squash them.

  3. i thought this thread was gonna be about favorite "drink". In other words, your favorite ALCOHOLIC drink. There are so many different types of shots out there, that would be a more interesting topic. Who cares about soda pop? soda pop is all crap anyway. I'd rather drink water over soda pop.

  4. Everyone but one person has refused to say anything in regards to the Van Allen Belt you know the 300+ rads of radiation that wold penetrate the ships since they are made of a lightweight allow titanium to keep the weight of the ship down that doesn't reflect radiation in one bit.  Humans would be dead before they got through the radiation belt.  Even NASA themselves has refused to comment on passing through this belt of radiation that would kill a human due to the exposure of the high concentration of radiation.

    I don't know where you get your information (or lack of) but the space shuttle/rocket/space station/whatever have protection against radiation. The titanium is for the STRUCTURE of the vehicle while other materials are used to protect from radiation. For example, gold and mylar are used for this purpose, along with other materials I am not too familiar with.

    Space suits are lined with mylar but it is, admittedly, not as good against radiation. That is why space walks are scheduled when there is low solar flar activity.

    Next, and the most important point, radiation exposure is TIME based. You can have radiation up the yin yang but if you are only exposed for a short time, it is not dangerous. The time spent in the Van Allen Belt was something like 1 hour which is not long.

    This is for the person that said 2nd lightsource was the earth. If you do some basic science and paid attention in astronomy scientists/astronomers have proven the ONLY light source for the moon is the sun.  Reflections from earth are not in that category for any form of any type of light source.

    again. do you just make this stuff up??? Have you ever heard of earthshine? Basically, the moon is reflected light from the earth. The earth is such a big source of light that the moon seems brighter because it is reflecting both earth and sun light.

    yes, if the sun were out, it would drown out all other light sources. But when the sun is at dusk or dawn, it is a different story. Haven't you ever seen the moon out during the morning hours? Same thing. When the sun is on the horizon, the light is weaker and also casts longer shadows...which I think is what the main issue is with the photos, not a second light source. If there were 2 light sources, there would simply be 2 sets of shadows (which there aren't).

    Lastly, with all these high powered telescopes that the average human can purchase and can see in detail the moons lunar surface so much as to see ridges and rocks on "hill sides" on the moon why has no one seen this flag that is supposed to be up there?

    i'm not sure where exactly the flag is located. but there are many possibilities.
    (1) it is totally visible but only using "high powered" telescopes. people who have access to these scopes don't sit in the conspiracy theory camp because they KNOW the landing was real. people in the other camp are uneducated and are fed with false and misleading information of which, they have no means to verify. they don't have access to high powered scopes.
    (2) the moon's terrain is not flat and the flag could be hidden by the terrain of the moon
    (3) the earth only sees one side of the moon. the other side of the moon is ALWAYS facing away from the earth.. so if the flag were on the other side it would not be seen from earth.

    I believe it is a combination of 1 and 2. Real scientists don't care about stupid "conspiracy" theories designed to entertain the masses. Responding to them only gives them credibility.

    Also note: I found out that the flag is not "flapping" at all. There is a rod underneath the flag that was supposed to be extended so the flag would stay "up". The astronaughts did not fully extend the rod which causes the ripple effect.

  5. any cool names on gmail are already gone. I got my gmail last june and by then there were already a lot of "cool" names taken. Oh, and I also got tons of invites. I have over 300 available now. I have absolutely no idea how I am gonna use all those invites.

  6. so you earned $60 in the last 2 months on ALL your sites or just the 2 listed above? Also, how much traffic are you getting for those 2 sites. Just like to know how much traffic we are talking so it is comparable to other services. For example, if you are only getting 50 uniques a day and are making $30 a month.. that is much better than someone making $30 a month on 500 uniques.

  7. my previous post.. yes, the infamous George Jr.As for Thoughtvoid, I'm not sure what you are trying to say in your post. Being an athiest simply means you don't believe in a higher being. Why then would you mock someone who has faith? Why is it blatently ignorant to have faith in something?You may call me ignorant for this but... I personally believe calling someone ignorant for having faith or even having religious beliefs is ignorant.

  8. i haven't bought anything since the first day I found out there were items. I havent used any items because i don't need it. I am using fists right now and i am hardly hurt. Also, I didn't kill any people from the main map. All my kills are from training.

  9. i have spells.. don't you? I got 3 fire spells. The first level fire spell only cost like 50 bux to learn but is really weak. the spells themselves are pretty useless since my regular attack takes away so much more than the spells. Plus, I don't have enough MP to cast too many spells. The level 3 fire spell takes 75MP to cast and my maximum is something like 35.

  10. Well if you want to be general isint that the same thing as men saying they want love when all they really want is sex? *Yawn* Im the type of woman that if a guy left the seat up I would just put it down. I dont sweat the small stuff and in life its mostly small stuff *grin*


    When I say women say one thing and want another, I am talking about how cryptic they are. I've heard it so many times. Example, woman says to her man... "you never bring me flowers anymore". Man brings her flowers. The woman is not satisfied because she didn't really want flowers, she wanted the guy to pay more attention to her. Why not just say "I feel neglected, please pay more attention to me" ?


    Men say they want love to GET sex. The difference is that men are LYING when they say this. They aren't trying to be "subtle" or cryptic about the meaning of thier message. Next, some (proabably many) think that LOVE=SEX and SEX=LOVE!! To women this is not true but to men it is... So, I don't really see the contradiction...


    Also, I'm glad you can see past the toilet seat cause it is a really stupid thing to get annoyed at. CHECK THE SEAT BEFORE SITTING DOWN! Simple. I do it all the time.


    As for peeing on the floor.. do you really want to know why?

  11. My personal favorites are from a very famous christian."Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.""They MISUNDERESTIMATED me.""They want the federal government controlling social security like it's some kind of federal program.""The fact that he relies on facts...says things that are not factual...are going to undermine his campaign."There are too many to list! He is either the most brilliant comedian or a true idiot. I hope you guys can guess who I am talking about.

  12. Although I am being totally serious, some of you have misunderstood what I mean by "equality". I am not talking about rights. Everyone should have the same rights. That is a given. Equal rights and double standards are not the same thing. Glass ceilings are a result of DISCRIMINATION not gender related double standards. Glass ceilings do not only exist for women, they exist for minorities, disabled, and other groups. A double standard, in regards to gender issues, is where society accepts actions taken by one gender while denouncing those same actions by the opposite gender. Why should men have to put the toilet seat down? I have yet to hear ONE good reason. Why is it acceptable for women to leave the seat down while it is unacceptable for men to leave it up? Are women really THAT stupid that they would sit down on the toilet before looking to see if the seat is down? Men, have to sit down to take a "no. 2"... I have yet to hear about a man who has "fallen in"... why is it that men don't fall in but women do?It was also mentioned that a couple does things for each other because they love each other. But, the underlying issue is still there. Certain "things" are expected to be done by one gender over the other. Don't try to tell me these expectations don't exist. They are there. Chivalry dead? I say women killed it. Women have been sending mixed messages about what they want all along. How can Chivalry exist when men are critisized no matter what they do? Bottom line is Women say one thing and want another. Ask ANY guy and they will agree.

  13. Thailand is probably one of the countries that Google does not accept into the Adsense program. There are many countries that have "questionable" practices when it comes to PPC advertising. Google is trying to distance itself with those countries because it will hurt their image and their bottom line.I've heard that there are people in certain countries that hire people to go to internet cafes and just <- snipped -> This act is basically fraud and will inflate costs for the advertiser. In the end the advertiser is not going to get any sales from those clicks and will pull out of the program. Thereby, hurting the Google's image and bottom line.}}}}}}

  14. I didn't know MSN was working on a new search (or atleast improving the old one). I guess that's why MSNbot has been around my site so much.I find google's results are not as relevant as either MSN or Yahoo. It seems google's directory is just a lot of spam. Although i still goto google first when i am looking for stuff on the net, i find myself getting pissed off more often than not when I see the results.Google, better smarten up or they will not be in their current position for long.

  15. i always get the complaint that "I almost fell in" or "I sat on the bare toilet". My response is always, "check before you sit down then!!" I mean seriously, I have NEVER sat down on the toilet unless the seat was down.. it is pretty obvious that one should check before sitting down... I just can't understand it.it is a double standard. women still want men to be the "gentlemen", open doors, pay for dinner, etc... they want to keep all the good things they had when it was "unequal" and take only the good things of equality. Sorry to say this, but if women want equality, they have to take the good AND the bad.

  16. The shadows and the flapping flag are certainly good enough to raise doubts. and if u think long enough, the logical thing is that if we have gone there once, why did they not go again. It has been a long time since and the technological progress would ensure that we gather more important data which can be used by the scientists. Its not like that they had collected all the data that time.


    Moreover what i suppose is that if the landing was real, then there wud definitely have been more missions.


    btw all said, no9t9 what made the flag flutter when there is no atmosphere.


    I've already answered ALL of these questions. Asking them again is not an arguement or a conversation.


    As I have already stated. The moon is not that interesting compared to the cost of going there. The last time they were there, they brought back a LOT of moon crap. Also, the funding must be there in order to actually send people there. Much of the funding is POLITICALLY motivated. Would americans want to spend billions to send someone to the moon or use that money for something else. Nobody CARES about someone going to the moon. Space missions have had very poor public interest for the last 20 years, so it is very hard for the government to dump money into that.


    The foot-prints would not have been so deep, since the gravity is 1/6th that on earth.

    Does this really need an explaination?

    (1) moon dust is soft

    (2) the space suit/equipment easily weight 50lbs or more (a fireman's equipment weighs 50lbs (oxygen tank, helment, jacket, etc.)

    conclusion - 1/6 gravity can still make a deep imprint in the ground


    All the facts put forward in the documentary seem to have a reason.


    Also, it has been long since the documentary was released but I have not heard of any comments/clarification to the doubts raised in the documentary by the space agency in question.

    Yes, the reason is ENTERTAINMENT. Seriously, you think FOX is a credible TV station? they are a joke! they do EVERYTHING for ratiings.


    I don't see why NASA needs to come out and dispute the "facts". The so called "facts" are easily disproved with only a LITTLE thought. NASA doesn't, and shouldn't, speak out against FOX's drivel becuase it would only give it credibility.

  17. 2nd light source in the photos coundn't be a light bulb, flash or something because they didn't have flashs on their cameras (and by the way the cameras are much to hard to manipule since they are attached to the suits... the question is how did they take that cristal clear, well focused photos). Even if we would have only the photo with the 2nd light source that would have convinced me that we've never been to the moon


    crystal clear photos? how hard is that? besides, how do you know those photos weren't cleaned up? photo development techniques can be used to improve picture quality you know. polariods (instant pictures) were point and shoot and they too very decent pictures... These cameras were invented by 1948 (google it). That means instant picture technology was already 20+ years old by the time they went to the mooon. So I highly doubt that taking a clear picture would be that hard.


    so your arguement hinges on the photo with the second light source? man... I am sure there was at least ONE light bulb on the space ship and if there somehow wasn't any... you still have the light from earth. Or did you conveniently miss that part of my message?


    think about it.. on a dark, cloudless night with no street lights or glow from the city, the moon is VERY bright. Remember the blackout that happened to the east coast and canada? It was like midnight and it was pretty bright outside..


    Now consider this, you are on the moon. It is dark because you are on the night side of the moon (or maybe dusk). The Earth will be shining and casting a bright light on the moon. The Earth is MUCH bigger than the moon and will reflect much more light compared to the moon. Think how bright the moon is and imagine how much brighter the earth would be since it is many times the size of the moon. Next, there is no atmosphere on the moon so there would be no clouds to block the light.

  18. I started with MS DOS 3.3. Didn't use Windows until Windows 3.0 came out because it was supposed to "revolutionize" computing and productivity. Here is my list.Microsoft StuffMS-DOS 3.3 MS-DOS 5.0MS-DOS 6.0MS-DOS 6.2 (and 6.22)Windows 3.0 (and 3.1)Windows 95/98Windows ME (Got rid of this crap real fast)Windows NT 3.0/4.0Windows 2K Pro/ServerWindows XP Home/ProOtherDR-DOS 6.0OS/2 WarpLinux (Lindows/Linspire, Redhat, Mandrake, Gentoo)OSX and OS 9 (stupid Macs)

  19. I didn't see this so called "documentary" about the alleged fake moon landing. But it is totally ridiculous to say that it never happened. It's almost as bad as those freaks that say the holocaust never happened. It is not hard at all to send someone to the moon. It requires a lot of details and it is risky but it is very possible (and DID happen). Just some things that I thought were pretty ridiculous...I would like to point out again that I did not watch the documentary...Flag Flapping Issue - things are able to move in a vacuum. When they stuck the flag into the moon, they undoubtedly caused the flapping. It likely continued to flap for a while since they were in a vacuum and the moon's gravity is so low. There are much less forces there that will stop the flapping.Lighting - How do you know the "other" light source was not from the vehicle they brought to the moon, the light of the video camera, the flash bulb in the picture camera, the moon lander, their space suit, or any other million possibilities? They did have flash lights and light bulbs in the 60's you know. Finally, the Earth is also a source of light!! Just as the moon is a source of light on earth, the opposite is true.Crater under LEM - I don't know what they landed on. Could have been solid rock beneath that moon dust.Dust on Lander - First, pictures may not pick it up. Second, gravity on the moon is much less than earth. Even on earth, dust takes a LONG TIME to settle. It would take even longer on the moon.Temperature - On the cold side away from the sun or atleast partially away, is nowhere near 280F. Temperature on the moon ranges from about -170C to 100C. Plus, they have space suits that are thermal barriers. 30 years since last moon landing - it IS expensive and there probably isn't much incentive to go back. They brought back tons of samples and the moon really isn't that interesting. They WILL be back, just a matter of time.

  20. its kinda stupid that you can see what my inventory is... :D but anyway, I guess i was lucky that I got in and bought them. I bought a lot of the $20 potions as well but they only gave me 20 hit points and I ended up using them up fast. As for the super potion, I think they give you full hp. I tried sending you one but it gave me a MySQL error. And ya, keep attacking me. I don't mind. It won't force me to use potions cause I can goto the hospital... I think if there are no settings to increase the number of items in the shops then it must be time based. The shop will probably get more inventory after a certain amount of time... in which case, I will be ready to buy it all again! :D Actually, on the elixers are useful. I bought a lot of those too. That's why i am now invincible!!Edit: @Opaque, when you first put Kenka on, there were missions available.. what happened to them? I thought you get missions and stuff from "Kenka" websites.

  21. personally, I don't have an 800x600 screen res but I run my browser at that res. So just because 800x600 is not "common' anymore, you should still consider designing websites at that size. In addition, 800x600 still makes up a big portion of users. On my website, I design for 800x600 screens. But then sometimes it can look a little small on higher res computers. Atleast, everyone involved is able to see it though.

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