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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. I don't think the legal status of a relationship would affect how a brother/sister or father/son feel about each other. Does the fact that they cannot be legally married have any impact on how they feel about each other? I think not. And it won't stop any of the problems you mentioned from occuring, either. The only difference is the title.

    Is what I'm saying really that hard to understand? I am not telling you the legal status will affect the way brother/sister relationships develop. Where did I say this? Do you need to make up stuff in order to dispute my arguement?

    The problem I am referring to is the issue of marriage for ANY ONE who is IN LOVE. I am NOT referring to the problem of a brother who may love his sister in the wrong way.

    Let me try again... (4th time). IF GAY MARRIAGE IS ACCEPTABLE BECAUSE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER, which was the original arguement, WOULD THAT NOT MEAN THAT INCESTUOUS MARRIAGES WOULD ALSO HAVE TO BE ACCEPTABLE? The point is this... IF a brother and sister love each other enough to want to get married, would you think that is OK? If a man has a wife already, do you think it is ok for him to have another? If a guy loves his dog, do you think he should be allowed to marry it?

    You've already acknowledged that the meaning of marriage has distengrated to some degree.

    The meaning of marriage has disintegrated to some degree.. yes... but does that mean it should be allowed to disintegrate further? You yourself have used the term disintegrate which means to fall apart. Why choose a word that means to fall apart? If the institution of marriage should be available for all, wouldn't it imply that today, the institution of marriage is stronger than ever? Adding gay marriages should make it even better. Obviously you chose the word disintegrate because the dilution of the marriage and what it means has gotten worse over the years and it doesn't mean as much anymore. You would allow this to degrade further...

    No matter what happens, it merely constitutes a title, because the religious context by which it was originally initiated has since vanished. And if that's all it boils down to, what's wrong with allowing these couples to hold that title?

    And next... you don't seem to grasp the concept of freedom of religion. So, I guess I'll have to state my point (YET AGAIN). It doesn't matter that you, or anyone else, thinks that marriage has no more religious context. That is YOUR belief. Other people have their own beliefs and they are not being respected. What's wrong with allowing them to hold the title? IF I BELIEVE IN TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE BETWEEN TWO MEN IS A SIN, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO FORCE THAT INTO MY CHURCH. ALLOWING GAYS TO GET *MARRIED* UNDER THE WORD MARRIAGE BY LAW WOULD FORCE A CHURCH TO ALLOW IT IN THEIR PLACE OF WORSHIP EVEN WHEN IT IS AGAINST THEIR BELIEFS. Where are the rights of of the church and its parishioners to practice freedom of religion? Now do you understand the dilemma of the title?

  2. Let me just pick on that, okay? :D


    I should perhaps have added that I don't think the church should have any special position at all. So it would be something like: Law dictates who can and cannot get married. Then you have civil cervants who can marry people. And then they can act out whatever religious/other ceremony they want. The ceremony should however in no way be connected to the legal state of marriage.


    And if there are two men who want to have a ceremony in church, well that is their problem. They can see if they can find a church who will allow them to hold their own ceremony, but whether they can find a church or not, their ability to get married should not be affected.


    Read my first post. I have already discussed this point. In that post, I suggest that gays should LEGALLY be allowed to be "joined" and have all the same LEGAL rights as a married couple. I am not arguing this point. The problem is that when you say gays should be allowed to get MARRIED.. there is a religious context involved with that word.


    If the law says that gays are allowed to get MARRIED, then a church would not have the legal right to deny a gay couple's request to be married in that church. Do you understand my point? If gays are allowed to get MARRIED, then they can sue a church if the gay couple were denied. So, in effect... the law would FORCE something that my religion finds offensive. In other words, by enacting a law allowing gay MARRIAGES, I am no longer allowed to practice my religious belief.


    Now, if the law were to state that gays can be JOINED. That is a different story. A union or joining is NOT MARRIAGE under the law. In that case, a church COULD deny access.


    Because of this point, the church is not given a "special" position. They are simply allowed to practice their religion without governments telling them how to do it.


    As for civil servents, there are already many that are not related to any religion who have the power to marry people. Use those people, I don't care. As long as you don't call it a MARRIAGE and you don't affect the practices of a religious group.



    I still haven't said anything new here and neither have you. Just more detail now...




    I'm saying that the commercialization has caused marriage to be something that it's not supposed to be. The intended meaning of the unity of a man and woman under religious circumstances has been lost. Religion is no longer a factor. And with that, everything else comes crashing down. People no longer marry for love, they marry for power. They marry because they want to secure their place in society. Look at all of these damn reality TV shows. Who wants to marry a millionaire? Give me a break...Face it, tying the knot is not what it used to be, and IMO, commercialization has a huge part in that, which indirectly causes issues like gay marriage to be brought up.

    LOL, commercialization did not cause a break down in the religious or sanctity of marriage. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, kings used to marry off their daughters to other kingdoms in order to gain allies.. How is this different than marrying for money. Are you telling me commercialization was around back then?


    Yes, getting married is not what it used to be. But, it is certainly not caused by commercialization. Marriage looks different now because of the numerous hodge podge of cultures that you see in North America and even in Europe. If you goto China, Thailand, India, etc. they are traditional marriages. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It will look even more weird if gays are allowed to marry.


    I still don't understand how commercialization is a direct or indirect cause of the gay marriages issue. Especially since commercialization isn't even a factor. The "cause" of this issue, is the fact that gays are now more acceptable in society and they are now coming out and ASKING (or demanding) that they be allowed to get married. They regard it as unfair and they think they should have a right to it. It's really simple. Don't reach so far... the answer really isn't that hard. Gay marriage has nothing to do with commercialization


    Think of how gipped a gay couple must feel when they see a man and a woman marry for reasons other than love, while they legally can't despite the fact that their love is genuine.

    Why do you keep writing about love, etc.??? I've already put forth a response regarding this point. Repeating your previous post doesn't constitute a reply or a discussion.


    Again, love has nothing to do with marriage legally. If all those in love should be allowed to get married... you would have tons of problems. Again, brother/sister? how about father/son? How about paligamy? you gonna support a law for all those? Please.. don't repeat the love arguement again until you've got something new to say.

  3. After all, their love is probably more genuine than 90% of the current marriages out there...

    I was thinking about Christmas when I typed my first post but didn't put it in. Christmas is not "Americanized", it has changed because of all these stupid tree huggers who have too much time on their hands demanding that everything be politically correct. Christmas is not even Christmas anymore. You can't even say "Merry Christmas" now because it will offend someone. You have to say "Happy Holidays". Politically correct talk is stupid. A garbage man is a garbage man... he is not a *BLEEP*ing sanitation engineer.


    The root of the problem is commercialization?? Gay marriage is not a byproduct of the commercialization of marriage. That's ridiculous. This is about gays wanting equal rights. And who's pointing the finger? Nobody is saying gays are the reason marriage is now commercialized. What are you talking about? What does commercialization of marriage have to do with gays? Please...


    Love has nothing to do with marriage (legally). I ask the question again. What if a brother and sister want to get married because they love each other? Hell, why not mother and daughter? Nothing stronger than a mothers love. According to you, this should be allowed. What's wrong with it? Apparently, I don't know because marriage is about love and marriage is a "common good" now (see below).


    But marriage is common good now, and it's not for any church to decide what does and what does not go.


    That is the point. People (and you) are saying that it is not for the church to decide. I think it is. How can you support a law that would essentially FORCE someone to go against their religious beliefs? If a law is made that gay marriage is the same as "regular" marriage, then churchs would not have the choice or they would be breaking the law. This is unconstitutional. You cannot force someone to do something against their religion.


    And yes, I know many people get married outside of a church. What if some gays want to get married IN a church? What you don't seem to understand is that once the law is made that gays must be allowed to get married, a church will not have the legal right to refuse. So what do you suggest about religious rights of those who don't want gay marriage in their church? I say it is not for you or anyone else to decide how I practice my religion.



    Also, please don't just pick one line and try to argue with that. It doesn't work. I have not really said anything new in this post. You simply are arguing with me using points already being discussed AND addressed...

  4. Marriage is between a MAN and WOMAN. If this is changed, it wouldn't be marriage anymore. I have no problem with gays getting the same legal rights as a married couple, just don't call it marriage... because its not. Changing the definition would be a bastardization of what its original meaning was. That's like saying, well... I want to be legally known as a girl (I'm a guy). Why? Because I am human and I should have the same rights as a girl. Because I want to use the girls change room. Because I want to collect scholarships for women. Because I want to play womens sports. And so on. A female and a male have been defined by our society (and law). Why even have gender definitions?? Why not change everything to refer to "human" rather than female and male? That would make everything fair and equal.Marriage was originally a RELIGIOUS ceremony defined as being between a MAN and a WOMAN. Part of our rights and freedoms is being able to practice any religion we like. The church says gay marriages are not acceptable. That is part of the religious beliefs that people are FREE to have. You are asking for a law that FORCES people to CHANGE their religious system. So, how can you ask for a right to marriage that will stomp on someone elses rights to practice free religion? Isn't that a bit selfish and a bit ironic? You would ask for a right that, if granted, would take away someone elses.This is the exact reason why marriage should not be allowed for gays. They can LEGALLY be joined and have all the same LEGAL rights as marriage. That would be fair. But to FORCE the church to ACCEPT gay marriage is unconstitutional. It violates what the free world stands for.Finally, what if a brother and sister wanted to get married? According to you, they are both humans.. there should be nothing wrong. In fact, you talk about it being love... well between a brother and sister there has to be even more love, being brother and sister and lovers at the same time... so much love... it MUST be acceptable.

  5. The page doesn't work. But, I don't really need to see what kind of stuff he is saying. I guess, if this is a matter of reputation that will affect your business or ability to earn a living, I think it is possible to take him to court. Assuming you have proof that what he is saying is not true and that what he is saying is hurting your business, you could sue for damages and also force him to take down any type of stuff that hurts your business. But, this is a very drastic move that will likely take a long time to resolve.Probably the best way to work out these things is to call the guy out and talk to him. Maybe understand why he is doing it and try negotiating with him. Your first post mentioned the problem being your boyfriend referring models to other paid shoots. If this is the actual problem he has, maybe he can be negotiated with. For example, get the other sites to offer him a referral fee, access to photos, or something of that nature.If that doesn't work. You can threaten legal action. But again, costly (time and money) and there is a risk you will lose.Unfortunately there is no real way to FORCE anyone to stop saying what they want unless you goto court. Freedom of speech... can be good or bad.

  6. a couple months ago i put together a website that i would just use until i got a new layout. well now i finally got back to creating and finishing my new layout. i just finished coding it (i hope). but when i go to my site, when i type in the url, if i type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it goes to my new site. but if i type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, it goes to my old one. why is this and how do i get it so this does not happen anymore?

    Thanks a lot.


    it is most likely the cache on either your computer or your ISP. If it is your ISP, you can wait a few days and the cache should clear. Then you will be able to view your updated page on both www and non www.


    Also, it would help if you put your website in the post. then I could try going to the website. If I am able to get there using www and non www, then for sure it is a cache problem.

  7. Sounds like a bunch of highschool girls being nasty by starting rumors about each other. Since you operate an adult website, I'm gonna assume you guys are adults.Why let it bother you that he is making accusations? So he told everyone he knows... why does that matter? Do you run in the same circles? These things will tend to just blow over. And if your friends believe the things he says, good riddance.I'm not gonna make any judgements about the "Webmaster" cause he isn't here to defend himself. There is always 2 sides to a story.

  8. lol, 58 impressions being "one of the most popular pages" in Tripod UK is funny as hell. I used to have an account at tripod UK because they offered php. But, it sucked cause it was so damn slow. I would type in the address and it would just time out.Eventually, I got an email saying the opposite of yours.Your site has achieved no hits in the last 30 days and will be cancelled... or something like that. Good riddance. What a piece of crap.

  9. when someone donates to something, there is absolultely no garuntee what is going to happen with the money. One halloween my friend (he is a *bottom*) took around a unicef box and got like $30+ in donations.. and kept it, why? because people were foolish enough to trust him. point is there is always the risk and no gaurentee. they were 'screwed out of thier money' as soon as they handed it over


    I totally agree. Your friend is an *BLEEP*. For $30 bux he basically sold any respect anyone might have had for him. He did an awful thing for almost no money. If you are gonna commit fraud, you should atleast make it worth while. Not for a crappy $30. OMG... being an *BLEEP* is one thing... but being a STUPID *BLEEP*... that just makes me pity him even more.


    And like the previous poster... people like him are the reason why I NEVER donate. I'll never donate to anything (especially online). I have donated to my school, large organizations like red cross (tsunami), etc. but always through their contact number (NEVER DOOR TO DOOR).

  10. The reasons for inactivity are absolutely pointless. Why did you even bother making a list? Every single person can make up some sob story about how he couldn't post.. So what? A stroke? don't be ridiculous. 1. no internet at home? get a job and buy it, goto a friends house, goto library, +many more2. need new computer? get a job and buy another one. I got a computer from ebay for $503.a. holiday? obviously holidays are planned. post more before the holiday3.b. tsunami? internet should not be your number 1 concern and also falls under the category of "*BLEEP* happens"... be glad you aren't dead.4.big bill? GET A JOB5. stroke? gimmie a break.. my fingers are getting carpal tunnel syndrome from typing this message so I should be able to get permission for inactivity6. lost eyes? is your hosting that important to you? YOU LOST YOUR EYES... you should have other things to worry about.. like how you gonna make it to the bathroom so you don't wet yourself.If the reasons you listed are considered valid reasons then I submit to Xisto that I should be allowed to be inactive for the following reasons:1. My fingers are getting carpal tunnel syndrome2. I type slow3. My eyes hurt from staring at the monitor while I am reading posts on Xisto4. My dog peed on my keyboard and now a bunch of letters don't work.5. My keyboard is full of germs because my dog peed on the keyboard and I have obsessive compulsive disorder so I can't touch the keyboard anymore.6. I'm a retard7. etc.Please allow me to stay inactive for the above reasons...Easiest way to be inactive... POST. Build up credits whenever you have time. That way, when aliens come and disable your computer... you will have time to defeat them and reactivate it.Oh, and you can always just pay the $10 for a whole YEAR of inactivity.

  11. Yeah... that sux... but what else can we do in spite of forgetting about bittorrent and start using exeem?... suprnova.org is gone, torrentbits too... I just can't use bittorrent without using suprnova... for me bittorrent meant suprnova... Ill start using exeem and I hope it becomes good.


    This is what I heard about Lokitorrent...


    Lokitorrent was taking donations from its users and managed to get about $30,000+. They took the donations for their "legal" fees to fight the MPAA. What they did in reality was pay their FINES with the donated money. They had no intention of fighting the legal battle. They just wanted the users to pay for the fines the court slapped them with (probably settlement). The users got screwed out of their donation money.

  12. I'm not sure about this exact one, but the free ipod, minimac, shuffle ones are not scams. why do you believe it is a scam? how can you say it is a scam? did you try it and never got anything? if not, please don't pass judgement. they make money from you and your referrals when you sign up for those offers. On some offers they get as much as 20-30 dollars per sign up. And they don't send you the thing until probably 15-20 people have signed up after you. 20 peoplex$20 to $30=$400 to $600... an ipod costs $300. They make money. It's very simple. Just because you don't understand doesn't mean it is a scam. I have personally recieved a free photoipod and a free $275 in paypal.

  13. The meaning of life is something HUMANs made up. To animals and other living things, life is just surviving (food, sleep, etc.). What is the meaning of their lives? There is none. It's really just being part of an eco system that developed because that's how those living things survive (read Darwin's theory and ecosystem).The meaning of life to humans should technically be the same as for animals. The meaning of our lives is to live out our part of the ecosystem. The problem is that we (humans) got smart and developed a brain that could consider alternate realities (ie. daydream, planning, etc.).Because of the ability to think, we get to choose our own "meaning of life". I think the real meaning of life is defined by what YOU want it to be. It will be different for every person and for every person it will be the correct answer.

  14. I am of the thought that I live in a "supposed" land of freedom, where the money that I earn can be invested wherever I so choose.. this is however not the case.. so much for freedom eh?


    First of all, it is a proven fact that social programs, charity organizations, etc. have a POSITIVE impact on the economy AND it increases the standard of living in that country. Investing in social programs will indirectly benefit you through a stronger economy (more jobs, higher wages, etc.), and in turn provide you with a higher standard of living. Social programs are required but the way they are implemented must be carefully planned.


    Next, the "freedoms" you are talking about do not exist. In order for a complex society to function, individuals must give up certain freedoms for the public good. Not only is the idea of having complete freedom absurd in today's complex societies, it is also very selfish. The USA is run on a representation system. So, even if government policies (such as taxation) are not what YOU wanted... it doesn't matter because the majority (as represented through governors, senators, etc.) say otherwise.


    Look at the last election, only about 52% (or was it 51%?) voted for Bush. Obviously, a huge part of the American population did not agree with Bush's policies but they will have to live with it because they lost the election. This is the nature of a government run by representation.

  15. It is actually more expensive in terms of mass to LEO to fly the shuttle then it is to fly many expendable vehicles.

    I am not talking cost. I am talking about improvement in technology in the last 35 years.


    The x prize helped to spur more private investment in aero space technology.

    Same as above. I am only mentioning improvements in technology over the last 35 years. Going into space for non-government organizations was unheard of 35 years ago. Yes it is suborbital, but I don't believe it will be much harder to get into outer space.


    performance of a rocket depends on the mass ratio and the specific impulse.


    rather than talk about performance of a rocket, it is better to talk in terms of efficiency. Efficiency takes the mass out of the equation which is a variable that is never constant anyway.


    But, I have no idea what the efficiency of todays rockets are compared to 35 years ago. It's like cars, the fundamentals of the technology hasn't changed. But, they have become more efficient with incremental improvements.

  16. Wow! How do you crack the binary? Can someone teach me?

    Lol! No one wants the invite!


    It's not really a "code" per se... All the guy did was convert text into its ASCII equivalent number shown in binary. All text on computers (in US english format anyway) is represented by 8bit ASCII number. For example "A" is represented by the number 65 or 01000001 in binary. "B" is 66, "C" is 67, D is "68" and so on. 8bit means you take every 8 numbers (in binary) as one letter. So the first 8 numbers in the post above 01010100 = 84 or "T"


    Hint: hit numlock. Hold down "ALT" and type the number 84 on the keypad and you will see it is a "T"


    The ASCII code has goes from 0 to 255 because that's the maximum that can be represented by 8bits. In those 255 numbers, pretty much everything you can type (plus a little more) is represented here. Also keep in mind that capital letters have thier own ASCII code and is seperate from small letters. 65 ="A" and 97="a"

  17. it should work. you probably have a redirect in your cpanel under "manage redirects"anyway, it doesn't matter now since I see your nameservers are pointed to NS1.COMPUTING-WEB-HOSTING.COM and NS2.COMPUTING-WEB-HOSTING.COMtcclan.org now shows up with opaques Xisto page. So, I am assuming it is working.

  18. That doesn't really answer my question. Posting that really doesn't say anything. I would like to see some REAL numbers from a website showing earnings, the number of visitors, etc. If someone is gonna come on here and recommend something, it is either spam or they have some more information.


    "How much revenue will I earn?


    All Adhearus ads that you display on your site are cost-per-click (CPC) ads. This means that you get paid for every click on an ad. The amount that you get paid is determined by how much advertisers have bid for your advertising space. Our program is constantly optimizing the ads that get displayed on your site so the longer you are with the program the more revenue you?ll make."


    Straight from the FAQs at their site. Also, they send checks at every 5th of the month and if your amount doesn't equal to 20 USD then it carries over to the next month and isn't send out until you reach 20 USD.


  19. I think it's stupid that one person gets 4 turns by creating 4 different battles against me. I am not even online. How can I defend against 4 turns? You should only be allowed to attack a person once until that person takes his turn. I can understand if more than one person attacks me, then that is differnet.

  20. I'm not sure what the tutorial is but this is what you should do.(1) Goto GoDaddy to change nameservers to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.com. If it is already done, skip this step.(2) log into your cpanel at Xisto and choose ADD ON domains (NOT parked domains).(3) type in your domain name (tcclan.org) no need for www(4) the username you can leave as the default one and should be "tcclan-org"(5) choose a passwordthis should be all you need to do. This will create a directory in your Xisto www directory called "tcclan-org".You can use your ftp program to upload your files. Set the username to "tcclan-org@tc-clan.trap17.com" and use the password you set above. Use "tc-clan.trap17.com" as your ftp server.Edit: You should delete it from parked domain first if you have used parked domain.

  21. Take bread for instance, it's been baked and digested by yeast bacteria outside of your body for easy absorption. This puts your gut out of business and now you see all these obese people walking around shaking their big bellies. It's a natural body response - when organ is not performing it's function properly it starts to swell.

    That's not even true. Bread has always been made with yeast. The reason isn't to help digestion. Yeast facilitates the reaction between the ingredients and heat required to produce the bread. So, I'm not sure how being a minimalist would help in this case.
    Next, big bellies are not a result of limited use of the digestive system (gut as you called it). It is, in fact, the opposite. It is OVER USE of the digestive system. People are eating more than they should, especially fat. Add to the fact that people are less active and you are left with big bellied people.

    Now, if you are talking about those kids in the pictures on TV from Africa that don't have any food, that is a different story. They have big stomachs because their water supply is contaminated with parasites. Those parasites are worms that grow inside their intestines.

    The only way to grow and evolve is through exercise, which is not possible when all the decisions have already been made for you, leaving you with no options but to go for a ride and enjoy all the spoilers.  The key to survival is self-sufficiency and we choose the exact opposite.

    Survival and growth are two different things. You can't mix them the way you did. Survival doesn't require much. Food and shelter. That's it. But, is that enough to grow? NO.
    I am assuming you are talking about evolutionary growth when you are say "the only way to grow and evolve..." Humans, in terms of evolutionary growth, have not changed since the cave man. Scientists have shown that the cave man brain is exactly the same as those we have today. In addition, physically we have not changed much either, in terms of body structure.

    The real evolution comes from how we USE our brains. The things that we create to make our lives easier is part of our evolution. The capabilities of our brains is what sets us apart from cave men. If we reject the potential that our brains provide, we will no doubt become cave men again. At that point we would only be surviving but not growing.

  22. i am soo glad to see these here! george bush is a rednecj. rednecks were not born to be presidents.


    actually, he is not a real texan. He was not born a redneck cause he was born in Connecticut...


    I think only eisenhower and lyndon were born in texas.


    Anyway, here is my favorite quote.


    "They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program"

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