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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. the best way to create a new partition is by using programs like norton partition magic. It will allow you to do it pretty easily without having to lose any data. Doing it through the Windows installation basically WILL delete all data on your drive. With partition magic, you won't lose a thing. Partition magic will just create a partition using free space on your hard drive.

  2. i am using XP as well and have never changed the scroller size. Just as a test, I changed my screen res down to 800x600 and maximized the window (on both IE and FireFox) I still have the bottom scroll bar in both browsers (doesn't fit in both).Also, I may not be running a resolution as small as 800x600 but my browser window is only opened to that size. Since it isn't maximized, the window border takes up some of the useable space as well. My browser window is basically having the edge of the window touching the edge of the screen (if my screen was 800x600). It's not a big deal but what I see is your "S" in affiliates is cut in half. Also, any site looks better with a bit of a margin around the sides anyway. But, it's totally up to you. If you have to change 30+ pages, then leave it.

  3. it's not really that bad. that number of visitors is assuming many things. Like a 1% CTR. Many sites are able to get 5% or even above 10%. It all depends on your site. So, if you get 5% CTR.. then your 10000 visitors goes down to 2000.

    Also, I was just assuming an average of $0.05 per click for Adhearus (which I am not a member of). there are higher rates. I would go with Google, as they probably have the highest payouts. I have heard from some people who get over $1 a click. It all depends on the keywords for your site.

    Finally, if you don't make the minimum payout, they roll over to next month and just keep adding up until you make it. So, even if it takes you a year to get $25, it will still be enough to pay for your hosting and domain name with money left over. http://computing-web-hosting.com/ $10 a year and http://www.domainsarefree.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t for $4 domain.

    10,000 visitors over a year isn't a lot... the best way to find out how much you will get is simply to try it out and see cause all sites are different.

    Also, if you choose Google Adsense.. DO NOT CLICK YOUR OWN ADS. They will cancel you and not pay at all.

  4. When you sign up to one of the pay per click advertisers (as a publisher), they will give you the code to place in your webpage. Usually, it is javascript code. You just copy and paste it into wherever you want the ads to appear. I don't know how much Adhearus pays but it is probably like around $0.05 a click (Google pays more). Every site is different but if you get a 1% click thru rate (CTR), that means if the ad is displayed 100 times, you get 1 click (or about $0.05). The ad displays are called impressions.So how many visitors do you need? Well, usually those advertisers don't send you any money until you reach a minimum of $25 (it is different for every company). To get $25 dollars on $0.05 a click, that would mean you need 500 clicks. And, if you only get 1 click for every 100 ad impressions that means you have to display the ad 50,000 times. If each visitor looks at 5 ads, that would mean you need 10,000 visitors.

  5. acutally scrollbar size is set inside windows preferences. So on your computer 780 may be ok but on other peoples computers it may not be. Just so you know, it doesn't fit in firefox either. I have to scroll right to see the rest of the page. It's not a lot but it makes the site seem un-professional.The best way to do a site is to actually get the usable area inside the browser window and then generate the size of the page dynamically. It is a little bit more work but it's not hard.And your 30+ pages aren't done on a template?? That's gotta be a *BLEEP* to change any thing on your layout. Xisto has php.. you should develop a template. On my site, I have a template that content gets loaded into. That way any changes to the layout is only done in one spot.

  6. One suggestion that I have for your website is the size. I think you changed it from (optimized for) 1024x768 down to 800x600. But, the ACTUAL area inside the browser window is NOT 800 pixels. There are other things that take up some space, like window borders and mainly the scroll bar.One of my pet peeves when going to websites is having to scroll sideways. You should design your webpage to be about 770 pixels wide for 800x600. In other words leave about 30 pixels for the scroll bar no matter what resolution you are going to design for.

  7. One thing I didn't see in your post is content. One of the most important things to have on your site is lots of content. This will mean users will benefit from viewing your site. Second, content will help you in your search engine rankings as well. As you mentioned in your post load time and speed of the website is important because people don't like to wait.Another thing you should consider is the way your website navigation is going to work. Everything on your site should not be more than 2 clicks away because most people will leave your site if they can't find anything within a couple of clicks.I think the graphics and the fluff on a website is secondary to the 3 things I mentioned above.

  8. this phenomenon is nothing new. People used to pay money for rocks.. the guy who invented the "pet rock" made millions. Then, there's a guy selling plots of land on the moon.. nobody "owns" the moon (right now anyway) and therefore cannot sell deeds to it. Finally, there are people selling stars too. Buy a star and basically they name it after you cause most stars are just numbers in a catalog.People will buy anything. That's why there is always a way to make tons of money. Just gotta figure out what garbage people will pay for.

  9. You can try here http://intelweb.biz/ they have plans as cheap as $3 a year but you don't get much bandwidth on the $3 plan. It is 20mb webspace and 100mb transfer/month. They also have a $6 plan which gives you 30mb space and 300mb transfer.

    I am in no way affiliated with them nor have I tried their service. I'm just giving you info on a cheap paid webhost that I found.

    Edit: This site has .com .net .org and other domain names for $3.99 a year

  10. my first website was over 10 years ago and it looked good to me but by todays standards it would be very crappy. Back then there was very little the web had to offer in terms of visual appeal. Most of the "flashy" graphics had to be animated gifs. There was no flash, no CSS, no DHTML... also, everything was done in text editors like notepad. there was no WYSIWYG editors... well there were a few but they worked like *BLEEP*.It was fun making a website because back then there wasn't much on the internet... Google didn't even exist.. I was using Infoseek as my main search engine. Yahoo sucked, and microsoft still had some competition...

  11. Some of the graphics don't display properly in IE. Yes, I konw you don't consider IE a "real" browser, but considering that 90% of the web uses IE... you might want to design a page that will display properly in IE. Also, I don't think that type of green is very easy to implement successfully in a color scheme for a website. I would pick more neutral colors that are easier on the eyes.

  12. i don't see why you would have to wait for a password management program to load when you can have a half-a-kb simple text file load in a split-second...


    The program I use is passpack as stated before. It is very simple and is only 15kb. It actually loads just as fast as notepad if not faster. I don't see why I would leave passwords lying around for people to find. Saving passwords in notepad is possibly the worst thing to do. Anyone who hacks your computer can then easily get access to everything. With an encrypted file, they can't do anything with it.

  13. Dont worry, I have taken care of most of the things... The script filters the post too.


    I'm glad you took out the 300 character limit cause it was way too many. That is the right decision. I don't think less than 300 characters means spam and inactivity. The following is a quote from your previous posts


    If a post is less than 50-100 characters, we ignore it. Because no genuine post can be so small.

    I'm glad that you realize that this is untrue. Check out this thread http://forums.xisto.com/topic/5758-images-not-showing-up/


    I made a post that was 83 characters long including spaces and the period. I think it was a genuine post and certainly helpful to the person who had the problem. Just shows that small posts are not spam and deserve *some* credit.


    Again, you are making the right decisioin and I am glad that you are listening.

  14. what people don't realize about microsoft is that they are not JUST software/hardware developers. They have made a company that is very good at business AND software development. Although there are many companies out there that produce better products than Microsoft, they are not nearly as "smart" in the business sense. That's why Microsoft grew the way it did compared to other software companies.Basically, Microsoft wants to get their name in front of your eyes no matter what you do on your computer. That's called branding and it has worked for them. Who in the world doesn't know the brand Microsoft? That's why they stick their thumb in every pie.

  15. This is more for the PAID hosting server. If I were to buy hosting from Xisto (or whatever its called) I would like to know what the uptime is. I'm sure this is pretty much the number 1 priority for people looking for hosting. It's fine and dandy to SAY you are 99.9% uptime but it would be more compelling if you used a link to a third party monitoring service that shows the history of your server uptime showing any outages.Even on Xisto, I think it says 99.9% uptime but I used a site uptime tracker for about 3 months and it is not even close to 99%. I realize that Xisto is a free server and I don't really have a complaint but on a PAID server, I would expect to see what is advertisedl.I am keeping my eyes open for a good paid host but don't know who to trust. Uptime is the number 1 priority for me when looking at hosts. EVERY host out there says 99.9% but I am SURE they aren't.

  16. no9t9, Your above post reveals that fact that your active only for getting your post count up. This is wierd, why members want their post count to rise for a post like "Thank You".

    This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Xisto is SOOOO preoccupied by "post count" that you ASSUME all I care about is getting my post count up. If you look at my profile, I have more than enough posts. I don't care if you NEVER count another post again. My message is NOT about POST COUNT. It is about SPAM. Your response to me clearly reveals that YOU are preoccupied with post count.. not me.

    I dont care about post count. I just care when I am called a spammer for posting small messages.

    By making a post like that, Are you CONTRIBUTING? The sole purpose of this forum is contribution. You Contribute, and you get hosting. So, now, suppose you make 15 posts, you go on posting Thank you for each one of it. And again expect that to give you hosting credits... this is wierd.

    Again, I don't see how making 15 good posts and then saying thank you at the end is not contributing to the community. This is beyond me. I understand that hosting credits should not be given on posts like that but I don't agree when you say it does not contribute to the community. Hence considered as spam.

    And just like you mentioned it out, Yes, next time you want to spam by saying "Thank You", you will have to write nice brief text and thank him. As mentioned, This Rule does make it difficult for Spammers who want to increase post count by saying "Thank You" :-D

    If you like your members to keep writing and BS their way to 300, that's your choice. But, personally, I don't like to see people write CRAP. Just get to the point, leave the padding out. With your system, you are simply making spammers write longer spam messages. How does the community benefit from a LONG spam message rather than a SHORT spam message?

    Your hosting credit system and post count system will work for determining member activity or inactivity. But I don't think it will work for SPAM. That is my point (and my opinion). By telling people you will count a post and give hosting credits to posts that are 300 characters, you are simply providing a spamming guideline. You are basically telling spammers you will accept spam messages as long as they are 300 characters long..

    Edit: Maybe my original post was in the wrong place. It was more about word count and spam rather than the activity and inactivity system. But I replied because I saw the famous "300" character spam meter...

    Believe me, This system is as lienent as it can be. It is very very generous when giving Hosting credits.

    I am not asking for a more lienient system. I want to address the issue of spam, short posts, and how mods treat them.

  17. the simple fact is that quantity does not equal quality. why even bother implementing a character count at all? you've got some mods calling posts spam simply because it is under "the limit". Why not just give spammers warnings and ban them when it gets out of hand? 3 strikes rule. Put it in as part of the profile, how many strikes you have... and maybe you can work off the strikes if there haven't been any complaints for a certain period of time.I just think forced character/line minimums for posts will not stop spammers. They will just keep typing. Quality posters will always make good posts and spammers will always spam.Also, I would like to know what this board considers spam. What if I say thanks to someone for helping me? That's basically 2 words (thank you). Is showing appreciation spam? Do I really have to make a BS post like:thanks for helping me out cause I am a newb and can't really do anything right. you really helped me a lot and now i can get it done real fast. thanks again. you are really helpful.^^ that doesn't really say anything... why is it not ok to post short posts? I simply don't get it.I haven't even gotten into other posts that don't require 300 characters to be useful.

  18. you only really have to worry about paypal if you are selling things on ebay. I only buy stuff off there. My paypal account simply has a credit card attached (which has a very low limit). If I ever get into trouble, and by trouble I mean being cheated, I simply cancel the card and report the scam or fraud to the credit card company. The credit card company will not make you pay.Also, some advice to paypal users. Don't attach a bank account to your paypal account because they have been known to take funds from your account without notice or your approval. They do this for charge backs.On a credit card they can't do that. If they do take funds off your credit card without your approval it is fraud.

  19. ya, most "veteran" ebayers put their bids in at the last second. I've actually seen an item with no bids up until the last 45 seconds where like 25 bids were put in. But, it's just like a real auction. That's what happens there too.the problem with bidding at the last second is that you really need high speed internet. You can't possibly do it with dial up or a similarly slow connection. It might take you 30 seconds just to load the confirmation page and by then the auction is over.

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