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Everything posted by no9t9

  1. get Acronis. That program is MUCH better than norton ghost.Acronis is1. faster - in terms of both backup and restore2. no need for boot disk - but it is an option3. program is MUCH smaller - around 25 megs (norton is like 400 megs)4. more flexible - norton ghost must restore to a drive with the same size while Acronis can do it to any drive easily5. i think it is cheaper than norton too..6. both norton (v9 and up) and Acronis work with XP.
  2. that's not how you use the ghost image. you are supposed to back up your C: drive by creating an image file NOT an image drive. Save the image file to your D: drive but don't RESTORE it to your D: drive. Then, when your C: drive needs a fresh install... just restore the C: drive from the image file saved on your D: drive.I don't understand why you are doing it the way you are.. it doesn't make much sense to me. I used disk imaging software too and whenever I need to reinstall, it takes me about 15 mins only.
  3. that's your problem. you cannot use any of those canned php "systems" if you want an original site. php is simply a way to add functionality to your site. it doesn't make it look good. i don't use any php "systems" but what I do is use php to create functions that will help me create webpages. For example, if I put some graphical box around some text, I can write a php script to output the same box by simply calling a function like "box ($text);" which will put a box around my text.
  4. frontpage isn't worse than notepad. Notepad doesn't have color schemes that make it easier to see tags and stuff. I only use notepad for quick changes, but when i am doing major work, Notpad doesn't cut it. Everything is black and everything is just a mess of letters and numbers!!! On top of that, the search and replace function sucks *bottom* in notepad compared to frontpage.
  5. I'll bet your site is already indexed by google but it doens't show up on your searches because it is so deep. just do a url search to and you will know if it has been indexed. A lot of times, google just puts the url in the index with no description. So, you will not get ranked at all.try (in google) "url: yourdomain.com" without quotes or just "yourdomain.com" WITH the quotes
  6. ya and there is only college on the poll with no university. where i come from college is for retardss that couldn't make it into university. university gives out degrees while colleges only give out diplomas... totally different.
  7. There are thousands of people using Google Adsense who are making THOUSANDS of $$ a MONTH. they even coined a name for the high rollers of Google Adsense. The UPS Club for google adsense are for people who make $10,000 and up a MONTH. And it's not just 1 or 2 people. These are thousands of people. Even more people make less than 10k a month but still make thousands.If you look at google's annual report, they paid out something like 360 million to publishers in their adsense program.
  8. I'm not sure I understand the question... what do you mean how to save as .php? You mean the filename? When you hit save, just type in .php for the file name instead of .htmlbut you don't have to name it .php. You can goto apache handlers in your cpanel and make files that are saved as .html run php too.pick apahce handlersunder extension put -> htmlunder handler put -> application/x-httpd-phpnow you don't have to worry about naming your files .php
  9. bnads breaking up is not really big news to me and not really that interesting either. what i do find interesting though, is how some whacko fans can actually be so distruaght over a stupid band breaking up that they cry about it. man.. that's just too mucch.
  10. if there was an away mode, everyone would set it to away... that would never work. what's the point of hosting credits if you can simply set your status to awaay and have the credits not count down? what if i put in 100 days and never post for 100 days?? most people don't even have to edit their sites so it would be a perfect solution for them to remain inactive.
  11. @ rejectedyes, you can put random html code in there as well. that is how some people do random advertisment and banner rotation.@karloi believe the floor function is simple to drop any decimals because he is using thatnumber as an index for an array. (an array can't have decimal index number)
  12. using add-on domain is better than using parked domain because parking is just a redirection (url masking). If you change from parked to add-on, it will not affect propagation.anywhay, what you did sounds right. unless you ACTUALLY put "dns1" and "dns2". For those, it should be ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com
  13. scripting is not for making your site look nice. scripting is for adding functionalitly to your site. it is COMPLIMENTARY to HTML/CSS. So, the statement "PHP is HTML" isn't quite right. As for other scripting languages, they all are COMPLIMENTARY to HTML and work the same way as PHP. The differences are in the functionality where one scripting language is stronger than the other. I have no idea what you mean here. You are saying php is only good for fourms then, your next line says that they are more for "sites" than forums.. I am confused. In any case, there are both forums AND "Sites" that use php. This forum is run on php. The "sites" that are run off php are those that use a php content management system like phpNUKE. If you want an original site, you cannot use these type of canned php sites. you must write your own php scripts.
  14. most ad networks will send you a check. some have the OPTION for pay pal.
  15. no9t9

    Gay Marriage

    I am not insulting their opinions. I am razzing on their ability to hold a conversation. There is a difference. I can't help it if people don't know how to conduct a proper arguement instead of saying the same damn thing over and over again. How many times has the stupid arguement of LOVE been used in this thread?? Besides, this is the damn VENT.. don't read it or post here if you are offended. As for the religion thing, you go look for it. I am not here to educate you. Judasim and Hinduism are against gays and older than christianity and catholicism. first you capitalize and bold your statement about how anyone and anything can be said. Then you go on to say that you have to make sure you don't overstep your boundaries.... LOL... having boundaries clearly indicates that complete freedom of speech DOES NOT EXIST. But, I am not here to argue freedom of speech. My original point was that rights are not automatically granted to people if they infringe on others rights.. Your right to freedom of speech is not a given if you step on other peoples rights while you excersise freedom of speech. You yourself agree that this is true. So, I don't see how you writing all that crap is an intelligent reponse to the discussion.
  16. no9t9

    Gay Marriage

    ignorance disgusts me. to call people a bigot because they hold opposing views is simply wrong. Most people who are against gay marriages are not against gays. You don't seem to understand that. So, if I am a man and I want to play in the WNBA, should I be allowed to? According to you, I should... otherwise it is bigotry. Don't bother considering that the organization is for women only...let people who couldn't make the NBA go play in the WNBA. The people in the WNBA must be bigots. arguing with only insults doesn't make much of a conversation. And don't even talk about kids in a gay relationship. that is a whole other conversation.
  17. same complaint as others. too much flash. (1) Intro pageAlthough I am on highspeed (3MBit down), I still had to wait for the intro page to load. But probably only because of a built in delay when the flash was programmed. For all that waiting time (especially for 56kers), the intro doesn't really show me anything. The intro page could EASILY be made using HTML, animated gifs and mouseovers. 3 flags + mouseover images 3-5k jpgs = total of 18-30k. then the animated logo is around 2 second cycle and at 24 fps, that is 48 frames. Proabably 1-2k per frame making the whole file 48-96k. So the total would be around 66k-126k compared to the intro flash of 367k... (2) left menuthe sounds are REALLY annoying. If you goto any professional business site, they usually will not have any sounds at all. If they do, it is VERY SUBTLE.(3) Flash in generalThe site should really be designed in HTML for business sites. Many people don't have flash and don't even want to install it. On the opening page, there isn't anything but a white box and no link to skip the flash (on a non flash browser). That way, non flash users cant even enter the site. The above is really functional issues. I'm not going to get into the look of the website because that is subjective. Let's just say, it didn't really appeal to me.
  18. i hate messenger or any other instant messenger program because when i am on the internet i don't like to be bothered by people sending me messages. how am i supposed to concentrate on what i am doing when the stupid thing sends me 10 messages every second? i have a pretty big msn list... and the ENTIRE list is blocked. i only unblock the ones i want to talk to at the time. when i am done talking to them, i block them again.
  19. no9t9

    Gay Marriage

    typical of people to ASSUME that when I say religion, I mean christian or catholic.. or even GOD. There are other religions in the world that at are THOUSANDS of years older than the bible. They say gay marriage is wrong too. I've already talked about this. Individual/group rights are not guarenteed if they impact OTHER people's rights. For example, I have a right of free speech but I may not at certain times when it is deemed that it is against the public good. In other words censorship. Are you telling me that KKK and hate propoganda is allowed because it is in the constitution that we have free speech? Get real. I don't think you people understand how rights work in the legal system... And you are the definitive expert on the comparison/definition between gay marriges and incectuous relationiships... There are people out there that WOULD marry family. Let's not go as far as brother and sister... what about cousins? Happens all the time. To say that this is comparing apples to oranges is totally wrong. The principle is the same, you argue that they love each other and that society just doesn't accept it (which they should). Well, that would imply that the next step is for society to accept ALL forms of marriage. It would be the NATURAL progression of your thinking.
  20. i wish i was 23. better yet, I wish I was 21... if only i could be 21 forever.
  21. what about detecting if they are on something like AOL proxy?
  22. oh, alumni.. so you already had some sort of email list when you started. If it is not just a forum, then I would suggest signing up for Adsense but not putting it on the forum pages. Try finding a CPM advertiser as well because you will undoubtedly have high page views. Tribal fusion is supposed to be good for CPM (but I'm not sure how big you have to be to join). Others are Burst Media and FastClick. There was one place that paid like $2/1000 impressions for interstitials. I forgot where tho. Edit: Check out this link http://www.net-ads.com/sponsorship/popups.html
  23. no9t9

    Gay Marriage

    @byrdhouseI agree with a lot of the things you wrote. In fact, in some of the posts, I talk about how the meaning of marriage has been change from the original meaning. Because marriage doesn't mean as much today, people say why not let gays do it? I say why allow it to degrade further?Also many many, posts say if they love each other then let them do it. Even if it's wrong? I put forth the "multiple" wives (or even husbands for that matter) and even incestuous love/marriage. apparantly many people who posted in this thread accept this as well.If there ARE indeed many people out there who are willing to support incestuous and other WRONG forms of love and marriage.. To support something that is wrong is actually worse than committing the wrongful act. Why not support serial killers? They obviously LOVE what they do. If they love it why not let them do it? Just because someone wants something or loves something doesn't mean they should get or do it.I would really hate to see what the world will be like in 100 years.
  24. how did you get that many visitors in just 2 weeks? what kind of forum is it? what did you do to advertise? and where is your traffic coming from?If your site is a forum, then it is not likely that you will get approved for Google Adsense. Adsense hates forum sites because there is too much work in monitoring them.
  25. if you put your index.html file in the public_html directory it will automatically be found. I forget the order but it will automatically look for index.html, index.htm, and index.php. If none of these are found, it will display 404.
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