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Everything posted by BoSZ

  1. simple answer NO there is non you can make the possible pass list samller but decoding it totaly is not possible
  2. BoSZ

    Compressin Files?

    no1 every method of comperssion has options remember that the more time it thake the better the outcome gets (read smaller) be aware that if you wanna compress a "compressed" content you aint gonna gain much. By that i mean JPG,GIF,AVIssss etc - thise sourser are already compressed. no2 winzip is the worst achriving standard ever build winrar is mych better so does Gzip and Bzip(linux) ACE stands even higher and if your into comandline UHARK is the hardcore when it comes to compression
  3. logged in as : -yourname- click it and then go for "find all posts by this member" easy aint it? take care
  4. you guyz have to be out of your mind to day that:)ill go with alperuzi on this on this one i use blendamed but i doubt that good products like those exist on USAs market
  5. as far as i know some of you including me still see the flash banner (or rather hear it) and some of you see the GIF i dont have IPS's files to look into then and back my thesis up but i reckon that is the issue
  6. poor but for a reason stated here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/3048-a-part-of-the-new-layout/=
  7. congratulations xsize great job !!! keep up the studing my 1st one was kinda the same as yours but with "print" [/br]<?php $fa= "soap"; print "i dont use $fa"; ?>
  8. bro what features are you refering to as far as i know triad is a dead project easy php contaones apache php mysql binaries for windows triad has the same except older
  9. good posteasy php my favoritehave been using it for months now
  10. I was away for a few days i came back to discover a new skin im happy to see it couse this brings individualism to our boards the thing that bothers me is the banner (annoy's is a better word) dont get me wrong overall the thing is good but the clip is played every time a requests is made (a new post ect..) this is more then annoying i have 2 remedies for that issue one is to simply replace the swf with a jpg of the same content or to set a cookie with a 24hour validation period so when a user enters the board for the 1st time the swf is played and every other time the jpg is shown
  11. i dont i can clearly say that gmail is a total disapointment
  12. unfortunetally there is only one good flash editor which is obviously macromiedia flash. My friend uses Flash under linux though (thru WINE)
  13. if this is true then im more than happy and one more thing: a word approaches my mouth finally good post!!!
  14. flash has been a problem for search engines but it http://forums.xisto.com/topic/2934-google-can-now-index-flash-files-yes-that-is-itgoogle-can-now-index-swf/= is true at least google will be able to go deep into your swfs. but the crashing who told you that crap (sorry just could stop my self from saying that) if the movie is compiled well and ones flash player is not broken in any way it 99% safe the same thing goes for HTML JS PHP ASp....
  15. in my opinionsize dont matterboth gmail and hotmail suckboth being a high recognizable survives receive (will for google) loads of spamgmial is has nothing bout those 1024MBhotmail has 100 Mb of spam a dayi have a 3MB account which im happy with for email and a unlimited one of files both in "minor" domains.U ppl have to realize that those MB and GB are only marketing
  16. here a choding tutorial http://catcode.com/teachmod/ is simple in practise just read paying attention fe 777 is for accesible for anyone
  17. gmail doesnt support POP3 yet but the one posted here does ill give t a try one thing for sure size dont matter
  18. new one wowplayed all the later and loved it...this one rules yeti goes famous
  19. the first sentence is the english ver of the 2nd
  20. mozesz ale tylko jezeli stworzysz dzial w "regional" i na przyszlosc : bez takich poprosze miej troche szcunku do swego kraju (albo naucz sie geografii)
  21. this should be move to the humor section i pity people that belive that crap ------ jercik niezla sciema
  22. im not sweedish but l live your countryI live on the oposite shore if the balic see
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