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Everything posted by BoSZ

  1. heh i dont follow the news now bur for example i can brief you on a security exploit of phpbb ver former to 2.0.6: u could easily gain admin status(and admin rank 1 ) by adding sth in your post dont ask me what couse im not gonna tell you that
  2. i dont mean to be offensive but do you realize what creatures on this planet show power to ensure their status in a group: monkeys
  3. two words: blaster, sasser https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/default.aspx https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/default.aspx
  4. hehehhei second that ones a nut seconds a suckup
  5. well ... overall PHPbb is good ,even more then good but IPB is even better its try that PHPbb has a great community offering loads of mods but IPB as a generic package has most of them(equivalents) included IPB is safer from security's point of view, it has less "holes" but if you're about to make a choice between the generic PHPbb and IPB than dont even waist your time of thinking. IPB is you choice the default PHPBB is a "naked" package having literally nothing.(this one in available in"scripts in our Cpanel) I run one of my board on a evaluation of phpbb package dwith good mods and with increased security -->PHPbb by przemo available at http://przemo.org/, but i would have chosen IPB if it had supported my language dont worry bout this this only applies to the new ver of Invision Power Board VER 2 IPB up to ver1.3 (as the one included in Xisto hosting is still free as long as you wont remove the copyright credits
  6. i cannoy i fack im just preparing my pc for fedora 2
  8. its simple (if its the same issue that occures in 2003)Microshit came up with this to get even more money from their costumers pocketbill gates woke up one day with this on his mind:"hey what dont i change more for systems having more the 10 users.. they are gonna pay anyways"so it appers that you have that limited verion if 2000I doubt that overcoming this problem is more then a click awaypssssss...(quiet)look around for files storing the verison info ......
  9. heheh ok what i was trying to say is that you ought to use colors with more saturation in those flamy twisty thingis couse for now the color cast of your artwork looks like if you had left it on the sun : 25 years and found it yesterday and if you decide to chage the color cast to a bit more lively i recomend to use small and slight gradients was this clear? i hope so take care
  10. as said before u can upgrade it or export the db install the board (1.3) all over and import the db once moreeverything will be the same (almost)..make a back up 1st just in casebout the betas.. i presume the thing was bout bout IPB 2 .well the final is out but its completely commercial (so you gotta pay for it) and when upgrading the users are lost and have to reregister all over again. if you need the files for 1.3.1 or 2.0 final (nobody sow that ) let me know
  11. well zenchi IPB allows SWF(flash) with a mod like in phpBB but it disabled by default this carries a serious security issue so few board allow it bout html tag here i dont know but most likely html tags are any allowed for admins and maybe mods (unlimited) and the basic tags well .. lets see for our selfs: <B>if this text is in bold the basic html tags are allowed</B> image shack indeed allows to store flash but .fla are not flash movies but flash author files (sorda like the source code in c++ c and so on)
  12. the ideas goodi 'd change sth thoughthe colors of the..."flame"thinigis from the dimmed and pale (sory for the vocab i dont know how to put it in words) to ones having more saturation and ad slight gradients
  13. uuhhhhhh unfortunetally im not a fan of *BLEEP* apps like IE so i wont be able to use it the idea is great though
  14. where do you thing i got that specific info of not being authorized etc.. hehehehftp server accounts are to be utilized with ftp clients not some lousy IE : i use flashfxp but serious can one of the admins give me some info on it if seem like the sub account are disabled and thats how it aint working
  15. thanks load browill check it outappreciate the help
  16. what country are you from?look at my alvatar:) bout the thing IBP uses rregular BBcode used by 90% of board systems so i dont know what board were u using twith <> those codes. There is a bbcode help above. flash is not allowed for security reasons movies ..i have not seen a board system that allows it images yes "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png />you have easy to use buttons in you replay dialog for more info reffer to the IPB help
  17. BoSZ


    and yet again take a good look and youre bound to find what you need
  18. --==== notepad ====--hehehefor real there is no easy way into codingyou have to know the code and you need a assembler thats alla use MS vistual studio
  19. BoSZ


    man have you read at least 1/3 of my post?????i provided you with every thing you need all you have to do now is to use this knowledge GOOGLE.COM
  20. i appears that I'm the only one with the problem so to make it more clear for you guys i have set up a test ftp account leading to a "test" directory bosz.trap17.com or for those of you that don't use the short syntax: user : test pass :test1234 ftp: bosz.trap17.com i have tried this account with bosz.trap17.com and ftp.trap.17.com with null results [br][R] Connecting to bosz.trap17.com -> IP= PORT=21[/br][R] Connected to bosz.trap17.com[br][R] 220-=(<*>)=-.:. (( Welcome to PureFTPd 1.0.12 )) .:.-=(<*>)=-[/br][R] 220-You are user number 5 of 50 allowed.[br][R] 220-Local time is now 13:33 and the load is 47.73. Server port: 21.[/br][R] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.[br][R] USER test[/br][R] 331 User test OK. Password required[br][R] PASS (hidden)[/br][R] 530 Authentication failed, sorry[br][R] Connection failed[/br][R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1 as you can see the pass is interpreted as wrong by the server and i have tried this some time after i made changes so i doubt its a time issue i guess the subftp account are disabled for us but it is written nowwhere
  21. BoSZ


    ok I'm not sure what type of a server are you willing to have so: if your goal is to have a ftp server 464.6......) i can recommend this TYPSoft FTP Server(1mb) or filezilla server(if you wanna let it run all the time)(<1mb) if your need is a HTTP server then if you want sth extremely simple.... then Ability Server(,100kb) (as a matter of fact i can also be a ftp and a mail server) - this one is as easy as it gets You can go the way 90 % of the WWW world went and choose apache the most reliable www server but also a bit more complicated to top it off : if you wanna host php files with a mysql db i recommend apache with addons (php and mysql bianries) and to save you time on configuration of alla those :try Easyphp's trisome (apache1 mysql4 php4) all in one package(preconfigured)(11mb) u can find it at easyphp.org (or net) for the rest use google and search oh and if you wanna have you ip switched for sth like that :you.no-ip.com go to http://www.noip.com/ and sigh in for a free account
  22. BoSZ


    im very sorry but i find thise two sentences very incoherent could you clear it out for me please so i could help you
  23. CHMODs are permission rights in linux (unix) systemsread the install info on the skinyou most likely have to chmod some directory to 777and 99%of skins have installation instruction--you jan change the chmod by.. right clicking on a file folder and depending on the client pres filepermissions or just CHMOD and choose what you need to
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