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Everything posted by trace-uk

  1. to be quite honest, there were better ways to wage a war. 1) claim that some guy ou don't like has weapons of mass destruction, tie that in with an actual threat to yor country - al queda and war on terrorism - lie your **bottom** off about the connection between this bad guy and al queda and then invade. lots of oil for everyone! yay!
  2. if you could you could also dissasemble ebooks etc and get by the ones with a password for the extra content.
  3. I'm not too sure. at the moment there's only 1 place to go to do online auctions - ebay. google won't add more people to the auctions it'll just split ebay's audience. so sellers will have to put an ad on ebay and google base costing them more money but not getting anything more back
  4. if it is anything like win98 then the OS will become more unstable through time. when its re-installed it usually goes back to workign well. Just know how to reinstalll the OS without wiping your files. Do it once every 3 months I'd say.
  5. the only drawback of onine word processors is they are less stable by nature. take yahoo or hotmail's compose for email, sometimes you'll hit delete emaning to delete the word and the browser will go back a page :lol:Then you've lost all that text you've put in.
  6. I don't think google will stop adding new projects to its inventory. it's publishing some new projet every month now!
  7. two of the secret ways I've heard of is 1) submit your blog to blogger.com and get pinged 2) use google sitemap.Even then, still expect a wait of 2 months. I guess there's no secrets after all.
  8. I doubt that list is usefull. As a psychologist I know that human behaviour can't be broken down into just 13 responces. My advice - generally, you're doing well if they make time to talk to you.
  9. I fnd that getting your heart broken actually toughens you up alot. I don't think you can find that special someone until girls (or boys) have broken you a few times.
  10. the only way would be for a portable generator to transform particles in the air into electricty (by using them to run the generaor which would produce the electricity).I really can't see it happening though at least not for another 100 years, hell it'd be THE best form of environmentally friendly power.
  11. I found it alot easier to use the free php form from http://www.thesitewizard.com/ its very easy to set up.
  12. only advice I can give, is if she's an attractive girl then alot of guys have approached her and she won't think its a big deal if you approach her (I guarentee she's approached by many guys on a daily basis). Its only new for you, not her. She won't be mean if you get nervous and screw up.
  13. Some tips. I've always been able to make friends anywhere.1) Expand your social circle, join a school club or a club outside of school. Try something you've never done before, be bold!2) Smile and be Friendly. Try to be funny if you can. Perhaps the other people find you hard to approach? So you do the approaching. Talk to those next to you in class when you can.3) If it is really bad, I mean you have a stigma attached to you a "bad rep" and everyone is avoiding you on purpose. Then just move, get the hell out of that school and start fresh and reinvent yourself. talk to your parents and be very clear. beleive me you're grade will improve when you're at ease in a school.Take it from me. I've been the unpopular kid, the very popular kid, the class comedian, university stud, worker, business man. Your social circle is what YOU make it.
  14. I can recommend paying more attention to me, that'll take your mind off of him :angry:If your girlfriends have got a similar problem, feel free to pass on the advice
  15. Some advice for girls, and I know it sounds really weird. But if you're very attractive lots of guys will already assume that you have a boyfriend (in fact many others competing for you) and won't even bother to throw their hat in the ring or ask you out! :angry:Are there any stunningly beautiful girls out there who suffer from this? (I bet there's like 30 posts now from girls).
  16. is that right? the more you post the less credits you get???? How does that work out? The credit system seems good just now for me, but if I get less and less credits and have to make more and more posts then its like a job...
  17. Bill gates is the bain of most people's lives today. Have you tried another operating system? like linux or something or XP?
  18. google adsense is really good if you're selling soemthing people want or need to buy. alot of people's companits with google ads aren't really complaints about the advertising it that they're advertising a product in a very competitive market or a bad product.
  19. I was waiting for google's april fool joke. i still think pegieon rank was a good one.
  20. yeah anchor text is important in incoming links from other website sand also within your own websites. very very important.you need keyword anchor text in as many link as possible, incoming links from good PR websites and content in your own websites.
  21. Well, the sun won't turn into a super-nova and engulf the inner planets for at leats another billionyears, and by then we'd better be off this planet :-)
  22. I found it in google.com and then I kept a note of it. I came back a week or so later as it seemed a good site.
  23. blogger.com and google blog search pick up wordpres blogs that submit pings very quickly. the same day! it could be a very nice way of getting new websites noitced by google and indexed?
  24. lol that was funny. what was it? more likely a picture error or an optical illusion than a flying car.
  25. Hi, I run these websites and I'd really like to swap links with webmasters:- http://www.privatedetectiveagency.net/ - PR0 - Published only 3 days ago. Already indexed in msn and google blog search. Will swap links with any websites. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - PR4 - Very well indexed and liked by all search engines. Looking for PR2+ websites for linkswap. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - PR4 - Very well indexed and liked by msn and yahoo. Looking for PR2+ websites for linkswap. Just PM me to link swap or contact me through the email form on these websites. Thanks, and I'm really liking this forum. It's very very busy! Andy
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