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Everything posted by trace-uk

  1. I like mayspace.com but a similar site is https://bebo.com/ . I really don't think kids should be on the site though, as I like goign on there and flirting with the ladies. from the sound of it everyone does.
  2. India has a parlamentary system of democracy like the UK (for obvious reasons). Any country that has a prime minister will have the same system. But yes, democracy has to be the best way for the people to oust a government and install a new one without bloodshed.
  3. to be honest thogh, the people who are out there charging you $$$ to build a website are usually amatures. A pro will make a good 5 page site for about $40. I've seen people charge inexcess of $100!!!webmastering and website building have to be the most prevelent and unqualified industry out there today.
  4. even putting your tv on standby wastes alot of electricty. if everyone stopped using standby mode and just switched the thing off the planet would be much much cleaner.
  5. as far as eye-witness testimony is concerned your memory can make you think a red car was green etc so if your memory can be easily corrupted then you can infact loe to yourself in that its not the true recolection of the event.
  6. what about bandwidh limits? do you have to use their page creator or can you upload yourself?Think they'll use adwords ad, or make you put up your own adwords code so you can share revenues?
  7. the worst part about that movie is when you hear the recrdings of the people in the library taking to the polcie on the phone. And you know what they didn't knw at the time - there's a slaughter in the library.
  8. https://www.google.com/trends/ this new google tool will show you where the most people who have searched for that search term come from (country etc). It's only used for common keyword searches.
  9. 2. Guys love flirts.That should be number one! lol And in my eperiance guys tend to fall in love quicker than girls, but I can't be 100% sure.
  10. trace-uk

    Google Toolbar

    I only think that the google toolbar is useful for webmasters due to the PR display.gogle is usually your homepage anyway, all you have to do is press the home button.
  11. you'd need to have a very general website for them to be useful. you ould perhaps use them to increase the displayes on banner exchaneg programs you're advertising on your site.They're not very good targeted visitors though. just a waste of bandwidth usually.
  12. the trouble is google can't do anything big without stepping on other companies toes. if ti did this ewallet thing it'd have trouble with ebay/paypal etc.
  13. wow! I doubt that's morally okay! shouldn't google add to its algo so that it ignore webpages with that code?
  14. I reccommend yahoo! mail because it lets you search your entire inbox for matching email just like a search engine. you can search the email titles and the contents for any phrase or word.
  15. you'd need to build pretty decnt cits to get your oney's worth for time spent developing it.the ley things to get are - listed in the search engines, a pr rating, links to the site.
  16. if a new domain come out then you should seriously consider buyin g"google" in it first and get loads of free traffic."google" in several other free domains is still available. there may eb acopyright issue though...
  17. WHAT!!!!!!????That's crazy! I hope you hit him back!And liking computers is not nerdy. I like playing playstation and my PC and I'm not a nerd.
  18. well yeah there's other galaxy's but the UNIVERSE is intfinite. if you're saying that there's another universe then you're really talking about alternate dimensions.
  19. google is also a number domain - https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=290wVOefA6iH8QfO1YHABQ&gws_rd=ssl look at your phone keys. 4 = g, 6 = 0, 5=l, and 3=e I didn't know google was 1 followed by 100 zeros. I get the whole gooooogle hing now...
  20. you need to learn about flirting mate. in fact, you should know that she's likly to say yes before you ask her out. if she flirts back then keep it up and you'll oknow she's into you.
  21. use Xisto hosting that way you can put your game online. freewebs doesn't allow scripts at all.
  22. Please. Thousands of cows, sheep, pigs, chickens are slaughtered every day so you can eat. In your lifetime you have left nothing but a trail of destruction in the animal world. Just because you didn't kill the cow doesn't mean you're not guilty. You ate the burger. Now you're getting upset because you killed a kitten? I think you have it too good.
  23. it seems more and more like google is trying to build the web rather than just organise it and search it. they made everyone get links to their sites and build up PR, they want you to list your ownership of a url on their sitemaps system, build websites using their page creator... what's next?
  24. I think google should make its own browser rather than promoting mozilla just because its not IE.Do people really need all this stuff that's in the pack?
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