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Everything posted by trace-uk

  1. no we don't live in a world where we'rethat technologically advanced yet. do a degree in psychology or emdicine and you'll see how not advanced we really are. I did.
  2. what's the minimum payout for adsense? I'm thinking of using it on one of my websites. sounds like a great and easy way to get paying advertisers on your website.
  3. I think its weird that people form the USA, UK, canada, and australia have to go through allt hese check to immigrate to each of these countries. I mean, they've all got the same culture and genetically most of the populations in the countries are very similar, they all speak english (hell the UK invented the english language). And they are all very, very, very close allies.Anyone else agree? Shoudln't there be an open borders policy like there is in the EU? I can go to live in france or spain NOW without any green card (and that's a different culture and language) but I can't go to australia or canada without a greencard????Also, all of these countries have really good economies.
  4. you need to swap links with other websites and put a link to your website in several dircetories. the search engines "crawl" the net following every link in a webpage, when they find a link to a new website they index it.
  5. that souns like adware to me try adaware.com for free anti-spyware software.YOu may also want to run anti-virus sftware as well and any windows tweak software you have to make sure that your registry is not corrupted due to any virus you have.How'd it turn out?
  6. yeah it is a pity that syngate has stopped its free firewall. has anyone tried outpost firwall? It seems okay. There are firewall reviews and free downloads at CNET's http://download.cnet.com/windows/
  7. I blog using greymatter software on my own website. blogging is a good way of showng customers that your website is current and there's someone active behind it.
  8. not sue about blogger, it'd need to be done through the online control panel. with blogs you you install on your own server you usually need to modify the header script called "header.php" usually.
  9. zonealarm has always worked for me as well as Mccaffee's firewall and norton internet security. I liked the syngate firewall but its no longer free.
  10. I'm always very wary of emails sent from phishers saying paypal account closed etc. the real paypal only send you several predictable emails 1) when the account is set up 2) when you do something i.e. send money or get money.
  11. if you want to change your life then I suggest not waiting for time travel to be invented. make a list of your problems and find solutions.
  12. I think the way with the best shot of success to win at gambling is to own your own casino, coz you're probobly still gonna lose to those guys
  13. I didn't know about google not reading the code tages <...> I suppose it does make sense as google is only really interested in the text. BUt I'm positive google does read the alt tags for images which are inside the < ... > ???
  14. if your life restoration performs anythign like windows then it'll be expensive, stop working half-way through the restoration process and possibly still wipe your memory.
  15. I liked the opera browser for browsing forums as it keeps all the website pages within one taskbar batton when you're using IE to surf the net.
  16. I'd have to say wordpress is the best software I've tried for features though modifying the header is murder. how about this blog software:- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. sounds like you got a system. but then again every gambler does and most of them lose money.keep us updated and see if it works
  18. If I could give you some advide about getting published -1 - publishers don't publish new writers who have never written before.2 - best thing to do is to get a few short articles published in a magasine first. even I've done that.3 - take a writing home study course so you can work on describing things and writing like a pro. the course will look good on your CV when you send it to a publisher.4 - then write the novel.That said though I do admore your creativity and its a good idea for a story.
  19. I have only basic programming knowledge, but isn't AI simply just a whole bunch of IF, AND, OR commands and rules that govern how the computer approaches any task?AI is being used by psychologists now to investigate how we think and processes that go on in our own brains. make sense.
  20. thatw as a decnt guide to SEO. Duplicant content is soemthign to stay away from though, but as far as I know the SEs won't punish the original website they will however not include the duplicate sites published later.Also, pay very close attention to your selected keywords or the SEO may be very hard or in vain.
  21. I wouldn't bother with these surf exchange programs they don't bring in any targeted visitors - people that WANT to see your webste.Just remember, other people will onyl pay as much attention to your site as you pay to the other sites you see on the program for 30 seconds - very little!
  22. I have a PR3 website that does very well in google and a PR4 site that is barly mentioned, its in the top 200 for its keywords... Why? The PR3 website keywords have less competition and traffic, but the PR4 site's keywords are very competitive. YOu may want to check your competition for the keywords and re-optimise your website if google hasn't indexed it within 4 months.
  23. that's a whopper of a story!!!unfortunatly there is alot of deception with people in general, never mind online. A good example would be that 70% of us lie on our CVs and job application forms. And if we can lie for a job we want we can lie for love of money, that's for sure!
  24. I think the next step for remote controls is to get a "universal remote" that would work your tv, dvd player, sky channels etc. At the moment I've got 4 remotes lying around!I like that idea though, its very simple. Trouble is theres so many thing that beep in your home already
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