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Everything posted by Danieluchis

  1. I know what is bandwidth, but that definition doesn't enter in my brain X_X it's seems to complex how about a n00b in computers enters the page and doesn't understand a word of that thing? (and i know a few people)
  2. Even though you're the one who is hurting himself? the one who is sacrifricing his happiness, i agree of most of the things you say, except this part...
  3. school is full of posers especially junior high school, i was a poser myself too you know pretending to be a 'gothic-bad-girl' stuff but then 'OMG 7'o clock! run we must get home quickly or mum is gonna be mad' yes, that was my 1 year of junior-high-school life until I realize what i was doing and just start to dress like myself, and act like myself, some people doesn't like my way to be, some do like it, but i really dont mind a lot if they do or not, today im at last year of high school and when i see this girls 'gothic-style-bettie-boop' that they are visible posers I just smile at myself thinking that someday those girls will found out too
  4. they are sure lots of domain extensions that arent really using for networks, organizations nor companys i mean i have a .NET domain and im not a network i just use it for personal stuff but since the registrants cant verify that you're a company, organizations, network and that stuff.. besides the other domain extensions are sometimes more expensive that the 'commercial' ones (net, org, com)
  5. my favorite character it could be Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda series even though she is always the 'victim' she hasn't hmm... dunno how to say it in english but she hasnt tired me of being the always kidnapped stuff unlike Princess Peach from Mario, besides Peach is way to bossy <,< hehehe
  6. LoL i agree, you should watch your back because even though he's at prison now maybe he's just planning his revenge (i hope that im wrong) >< after all he was capable of going to disturb you at your home...
  7. yes, it gives me an mysql error to me too, but maybe it's just that the mysql databases are down in this moment it seems we just have to wait until they are fixed
  8. you are going to say that im a stupid... but is this thing like a Microsoft Photoshop? or Paintshop Pro?
  9. well i kind of like this hosting credits system, and about the thing of people spamming, well the forums with most "Danger" to become spamming areas are with a sig of "No post count" which i believe that the hosting credits aren't validated there... am i correct? or have i been fooled all these months x_x?
  10. well, i totally love Super Smash Brother Melee even though im not that good in it, this are my top 10:1.- Sheik/Zelda2.- Kirby3.- Fox4.- Yoshi5.- Link6.- Samus7.- Pikachu8.- Falco9.- Mewtwo10.- Peach
  11. OMG O_oU Doraemon is taking over the world, this is the 5th thing of Doraemon that i've seen in only 1 week! >.<
  12. Right now? i would go like crazy in joy/amazement and then when i chill out i would ask him why does he let bad things happen to us, like *cough "Do you love to see me in problems don't you ?_??!?!?"cough* and that if he love us so much why does hell exists? and mainly about this Mary Magdalene issue
  13. Google surprise me day after day... what is going to be the next thing? i mean google earth, google talk, google,gmail, google video, google pizza, i mean omg i feel like in a Google Empire Monopoly thingie, maybe they should try to open a google-bay or maybe a school from internet that when you graduate you get your "Google Degree"
  14. Yeeaahhh im with you Ô_ó that is so sad! trying to get attention so desperatly we should rather send him to the psiquiatric and the web page it's very poor designed... poor geek kid... anyways about the 10 year old girl, hmm maybe the testers give her an easy test or something like that, i mean i know that it's a very young age but at 10 years old many of the kids are learning how to make html pages (if they want to learn) and at 5-6 they're just learning to use MS Paint or things like that, so im thinking that this cute girl was born programming C++ in her mommy-laptop, man that's unbelievable ._. hey, can i be certified too? i know how to make a calculator too! >O<!
  15. ok don't get mad at me, here comes my opinion about these stuff: i would never come back and be girlfriend of someone who cheated on me by two simply causes; the first one is that if i do that i would be saying goodbye to my dignity (from my point-of-view) and second because this guy would seem that if he cheates on me again i would forgive him, after all i forgive him ne?
  16. so then if i buy a paid hosting account, i have to download ALL my files to my computer and the Upload them again O_O!??! can't u guys just upgrade the account or something ><? imagine the people who has 56k to download and upload their site all again =S
  17. grrr lame ppl =,=.. anyways Welcome to Xisto! Arboc7! my name is Daniela and its nice to "meet" you anyways im 16 and i only know to code a little php, css and html n_nU i live in Mexico in a beach city called Puerto Vallarta, and i attend to high school =D i hope you stay! and if u ever need help u can always count with us! (me included xD) just PM!
  18. Well the boy who im in love too, is REALLY dummie or maybe he's just faking it >< i dunno but i mean everytime i see him i do really stupids things... (latetly i've been dead clumsy) like for example we were saying bye at the same time i was crossing the street and if my friend hadn't grabbed me a car would have crashed me xD!!!! and the boy's face was like "O_o?" oooh god >< so yes, i definetely believe that they're ultra Dummies boys out there ><
  19. I agree, i mean without competitors they wouldn't be any good quality services or no services at all, remember gmail? it was the first company to offer 1 gb email so it forced Yahoo! and MSN to upgrade (well MSN has the upgrade but you actually have to pay! and what i don't like it's thatr only USA or SPAIN users can have access to the 250 mb things for free! while the latin countries? we're still stuck with 2mb ??U) so i've had a look to this Virtual Earth thing on MSN and i kind of like it! i mean i dont have to download anything, (well at least not yet) but well i prefer the google maps, because they're in pics u know.. let's just wait and see what is Yahoo! planning to do about this >=D
  20. well i my hobbys are: to read and collect mangas, to play Pump It Up, Surf in the internet, Play Ragnarok and hang out with my friends =D
  21. i agree with you, wassie, my mum thinks im smoking =,= and she keeps talking to me about how smoking is bad, and all that stuff.. now i've catched a cold, (because she's sick too) and she thinks that is because i was smoking ><! wtf with her!, oh and btw my mum smokes too (but not that often) HAHAAHHA LOL, but that doesn't always work <,<! they will notice the mint air, and then... they will discover you Ź0Ź
  22. im starting to think that President Bush maybe likes war or i don't know... o_o maybe United States would win, and i am saying this if they make war because after all they, (united states) have the nuclear bombs and all that stuff and a very important fact is that they intimidate the other nations with the fact that USA is number 1 potence in the world
  23. I totally HATE! the javascripts they only make the website get stuck you know... and also i hate the stollen information or layouts, i don't mind if they put the same information but with source you know (or that they would ask my permission) but it's very sad that when you browse a site you found all your information (and even pictures) pasted there ??
  24. wow this is very funny! i send it to one of my friends with my name on it and she daid "WOW! did you bought GOOGLE? no way!" xD LOL!
  25. I usually start my school day (monday to friday) this way:I wake up at 6:30 in the morning and wait l?ike 5 to 10 minutos waiting to my brain to "start functioning" xD then i get up and change my clothes or take a bath (these last part just in case i haven't bathed the anterior night) then i turn on the TV and see MTV while brushing my hair and getitng ready (you know make up and that girl stuff) then i go downstairs and make my breakfeast (usually and chocomilk) and then i organize my books, homework and all that stuff oh! and i make my homework if i didn't did it before n_n, then i just go upstairs again and turn off the TV brush my teeth and rush to school =)
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