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Posts posted by saxsux

  1. You don't have to use Limewire (I do though), you will get the same results with any P2P program that uses the Gnutella network. Kazaa runs on the Fast Track network, so results will be different.If you really don't want to illegally download songs, and risk going to court, etc, try getting a legal alternative such as Napster. You'll have to pay for every song, but it's not much (79p in the UK).

  2. You can try Avast! 4 Home Edition for free, but you have to pay for corporate (I think).Has anybody used AOL's Spyware "Protector"? It is terrible. Also, I couldn't agree with you more about Norton.I've got Norton AV 2004, and it is pathetic. It can't seem to delete or fix anything, even it detects them! I'm seriously considering switching to Avast! when my subscription expires.

  3. I think Google's Desktop Search is brilliant. It works so well, and is so much better than windows's built in search. All though it doesn't provide "real time" results like windows does (it collects an index, a bit like the Google search engine) the results are still accurate and up to date, seeing as Google Desktop Search automatically updates the index whenever your computer is idle.Everyone goes on and on about Google stealing everyone's privacy and everything, but they don't! In my opinion, its all stupid paranoia. Why are you so afraid of it?

  4. Hey :) I'm looking for a review system for a website I'm making. I've seen a few ones on the internet, but none of them seem to be that good.What I need is something where people can specify a product's name and producer, give a rating and short review. Then, these are sent to the adminstrator who approves/denies them, before they show up on the site.I know it sounds like a lot, but does anyone know anywhere where I can get something like this, preferably for free?Thanks in advance :P saxsux

  5. It's the movie where a huge meteor is planned to hit the Earth, so they send out a team of astronauts to land on the meteor's surface and plant explosives in it to destroy it.  They plant some explosives, but they only blow it into two meteors instead of one, causing more havoc!  In the end, the astronauts decide to risk their own lives to destroy the meteor and save the world, but there was a huge wave that went a tremendous amount inland after part of the meteor hit the ocean.  Anyone remember the name of that movie?



    Yep, the film is called Deep Impact, released in May 1998. Its strange that you should bring it up, I was thinking about that film recently (ooh, ESP :) ). Anyway, more info about the film here - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120647/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



    A while ago Horizon (BBC Science Program for those of you outside the UK) had a program about megatsunamis, it was pretty interesting. They said about the island mentioned earlier, and showed pictures from after the tsunami hit; the whole side of the island had the trees torn off it. It would be terrifying to have something like that happen somewhere populated, although I doubt there are large enough land forms to create a landslide big enough to do that sort of thing, so I think we'll be okay.

  6. well, you got lucky if you could install PHP Nuke through Fantastico, in my account, I have to do everything manually since the disk space is wrong, and I just can't make PHP Nuke or Post Nuke work - It says there is a database connection problem, even though i've triple checked all usr names, passwords and dbnames.


    I don't have that problem, and I haven't heard of anyone else having anything like that. Have you had a word with vujsa or and of the other admins about it? They might be able to sort it out.


    Hope this helps :)

  7. Not many deaths and not a huge ammount of injurys.



    Not many? 33 dead on the Underground, at least 10 on the bombeed bus, hundreds injured...

    Okay, compared to 9/11 it's not many, but for us in the UK, this is big.


    The underground's back up now, with the exception of King's Cross, DLR is up and running (I think) and I'm not sure about the buses.


    My thoughts go out to those injured and the families of those killed...

  8. Wow! I've jsut noticed that Google are now offering sattelite maps of the UK too! They're not the best quality in the world, I think [link=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/] photos are better, the quality is better and they cover a much wider area of the UK, however I can't stand the maps. BigmanB, Google Maps do give directions. Type in where you want to go to, the word "to" and then where you're going from, for example "Norwich to London". You can use postcodes, street names, place names or anything like that to get directions, not just the name of towns or cities.

  9. AVG Free Edition is pretty good, considoring that it's free, but I've heard that it's quite easy for virus writers to get around (defeat) it.

    Another good free one is Avast 4. The home edition (https://www.avast.com/index) is completely free, and seems pretty good (I haven't tried it though), and if you want it for commercial use, you have to pay.


    On my computer, I currently use Norton Anti Virus 2004 along with Microsoft Anti Spyware Beta1. They do a pretty good job together (but you should never install more than one Anti Virus package, they could clash with each other).


    McAfee doesn't seem a bad chhoice, seeing as they currently have 205 off thier Home Edition (see http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)


    I hope this is helpful, enjoy your time at Xisto ailentkarma :P

  10. How about you try a Ruby CGI script(an easy one) to see if it works...


    By the looks of things, he isn't hosted yet so he's asking before he gets an account (it would be a waste of time if he got a hosting account, just to find out that it didn't do what he wanted).


    Perhaps you could try emailing or PMing the admins, or if you posted an example Ruby CGI script here I would be more that willing to try it on my account to see if it works. :lol:


    Enjoy your time here at Xisto!

  11. I really can't stand Hotmail, it's really terrible. I get so irratated by loads of people who (after offering Gmail invites to) go on about how Gmail looks horrible and Hotmail is lovely and blue - how can Hotmail look good, almost the entire screen is taken up by hideous adverts and tons of spam.Yahoo must have been so gutted, after finally managing to up thier capacity to 1GB for free users, and thinking "yeah, we can take on Gmail", Gmail more than doubles thier capacity overnight.In my opinion, Yahoo and Hotmail are always going to be inferior to Gmail. Gmail's features are so much more advanced, it is so much more powerful and generally better than all competition, Yahoo and Hotmail don't stand a chance.

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