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Posts posted by saxsux

  1. Unfortuantely Vujsa, m^e, and everyone else who've posted are right. There's no easy way to stop this, other than going to thier ISP.Seeing as billion dollar companies like eBay suffer from this problem and haven't been able to resolve it, I think that you don't stand much of a chance either (no offence intended).Sorry neverseen, and good luck in with your website - hopefully the spammers shouldn't blight you too much.

  2. I've recently put ads on my site, as Oaque says you can in the Staying Active Rule (http://forums.xisto.com/topic/80428-topic/?findpost=1064277532). My hosting credits have run out last night, and my account has been suspended, even though I put ads on to compensate for the fact that I haven't been able to post on the forums too much recently.Is there anyway to resolve this without having to start posting everywhere?

  3. Yeah, I knew that. I don't know why though.You also can't name a folder ".SOMETHING", if you do you get an error message/dialogue box thingy telling you that "You must type a file name"It seems that Windows treats the folder as a file when you rename it. But, if you do give a filename and extension (eg naming the folder "something.txt"), it's still a foler, it doesn't turn in to a text file. It must be a bug in Windows.Is there any reason like that why you can't call a folder "COM"?

  4. What's that supposed to mean?GMail allows people to search thier emails, with special, innovative ways to sort and organise thier mail, and an unbelievably large amount of storage space. Google used thier search technology to create the backbone of GMail and then bulked it out with all these extra features, Google Talk being one of them. Google Talk is just a logical progression of GMail.MSN, Yahoo and loads of other companies provide email and IM services, but you don't complain about them, do you?!?!

  5. I saw that OpaQue siad that we could put adverts in our sites if we couldn't (temporarily) stay active in the forums.

    Will the system automatically detect that my site has adverts and not suspend my account when my credits run out, or will I have to explain to one of the admins that I've got ads, and ask to have my site temporarily unsuspended, etc?
    Will my hosting credits "freeze" where they are if I put ads on my site instead of posting in the forums?

    Does the rule regarding adverts even apply any more?

    Thanks in advance,

  6. Yahoo! have recently launched a new security centre in which "youâll find help and advice to keep your PC safe and secure". It's available at https://uk.antispam.yahoo.com/

    My first impression is that the page seems to be sponsored by Symantec. The entire right-hand side of the page seems to be dedicated to Symantec stuff, which is terrible if a Yahoo! user has McAfee, ALWIL, or some other security software, provided by anyone other than Symantec, like me. The article of the month is also provided by Symantec. In fact, it seems as though almost all of the content on the site is provided by Symantec.
    The rest seems to outline Yahoo!'s security policies regarding spam, etc and seems more like a front to get more people to sign up for Yahoo! Mail than anything else.

    To be honest, all the information on the site is either easily available from somewhere else (eg Symantec), or seems to be terribly biased in Yahoo!'s favour.

    In my opinion, this new Security Centre is a waste of Yahoo!'s server space and bandwidth, and a waste of anyone else's time. The people that benefit from it aren't the end users, who visit the centre, those that benefit are Yahoo! and Symantec.

    But, that's just my opinion. What do you think?

  7. Why the earth 2150 bit? If you care so mcuh about it, why not make a thread about it?!

    I used to have a little 128MB Samsung USB Flash Drive, but I lost it. Now I just use my iPod! I've hardly got any music on it (aren't I sad? :huh:) so it's like a 20GB Flash Drive to me.

    If you're looking for a nice, cheap one, I recommend you Froogle it. You can sort them by price, and compare them to each other. I ran a US search for USB Flash Drive, and it looks quite promising - https://www.google.com/shopping

  8. Does this new antivirus thing apply to Google Mail too, or is it just GMail?

    I looked on the Google Mail "What's News?" page and there doesn't seem to be anything there about it - http://www.gmail.com/intl/en-GB/mail/help/about.html


    This does look quite interesting, although I don't like the idea of not be able to download attachments. I think that GMail should just give a very prominent warning that what you're downloading is likey to cause damage to your computer, etc

    Hopefully they'll change this if/when (assuming they haven't yet) they roll this out into the UK.

  9. Ok, you can check this very easily... go to https://www.siteuptime.com/ and signup for your account, enter your site's specifications... and voila! you'll get a report on your email every time when your site is down... you can check from what location in the world siteuptime will try to visit your site. Siteuptime will check your site every hour, and if it's down it will notify you, and will notify you again when it's up again... This way you can be sure that it's down, because, in many cases it's just something with your ISP.


    You said that SiteUptime will check your site every hour. That seems pretty useless seeing as James K's site only seems to go down for five minutes. The chances of SiteUptime checking at the time that his site is down are quite slim.


    I've been experiencing slight uptime problems recently, only for a couple of minutes each time. I'm sure they'll pass soon. It might just be a temporary problem with the new server, I'm sure OpaQue will fix it eventually. Until then we just have to wait...


    Sorry I couldn't be of much help James.

  10. Yeah, they are brilliant. I've used both of them in the past and they've been great.Something I've found quite useful in Windows is the User Control Panel. Not the one you see in CControl Panel; there's another one.Click Start>Run, and type "control userpasswords2".It's amazing, some of the things you can do with it! You can make the Guest account an administrator!

  11. Oh yeah.. so it is. Don't know what happened. For more news articles, try a search like this - http://news.google.co.uk/news/section?hl=en&ned=uk&q=Google+Space&cf=all&js=0

    While I was having a look on the net about Google Space, I found this in Google - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Google%20lr=&sa=N&tab=iw

    It's the search results from another query (in this case Google Earth, which I have and is amazing, BTW) embedded into my results page. This must be a really new feature, I haven't seen or read anything about it before!


    I honestly haven't got a clue what the Googlers at Google Space look like, I honestly haven't been there. It sounds stupid, but I actually detest air travel for the amount of pollution it causes, and how the UK government are doing nothing about it. I reckon, however, that Googlers probably look like this.



    -----(fixed your last link)-----szupie

  12. It's Google Space because it's a space (area), run by Google, where people can relax and use Google's services. I think.
    But it's not really an open space, it's full of individual "pods". Confused? I am.
    None of the articles I've read seem to be amazingly specific or clear about what Google space exactly is (even Google Space's website isn't - it outlines the services available, but doesn't go into any detail what the physical "space" is). This news article explans it reasonably well.

    Thanks for merging my posts by the way

  13. Arrrgggghhhhhh....
    No offence, but stuff like this really annoys me! Can none of you read?!?

    It's part of Google Q&A. Google obviously misinterpreted your search for "Photography online", and displayed how many people were shown as being online on a photography site it indexed.

    To be honest, Google Q&A is pretty useless. It doesn't pick up half of the queries you want it to, and it picks up things it shouldn't, as you have demonstrated.

    Anyway, hope this has cleared things up.

  14. Google have opened a pod in Heathrow Airport, dubbed "Google Space".


    Travallers can rest in the pod, and try out some of Google UK's services, such Picasa, Google Mail (GMail, for those of you outside the UK), Google Mobile (aka Google SMS), Google Local and Maps, the Google Toolbar and Google Earth.


    The Google Space is manned by trained Google staff, who help travellers and show them around Google's services.


    The Space allows Google to try out its different services, and find out what can be changed or improved.


    I think it's really cool. Have Google ever done anything like this before?


    -----Merged with above-----szupie


    I forgot to mention - Goolge Space's website - https://www.google.co.uk/space


    Google News search for Google Space - https://news.google.co.uk/news/story?ned=uk&ncl=http:Id%3D2010&hl=en

  15. My god. This is so stupid. iPod has become an instantly recognisable symbol. The way it's spelt, the ingenuity of the iPod's design. It's brought fame to Apple. All these iPod fan sites and communities must have boosted Apple's sales. Now that none of them can name themselves after the iPod, they will be no connection to the iPod in their name, and nothing to indicate that they are iPod related. To me, it seems like Apple backstabbing its faitful followers.

  16. I just felt like mentioning ImageShack, seeing as they're so good!
    For those of you who haven't seen a service like this before, ImageShack let you upload pictures from your computer and host them for you, for an unlimited amount of time, for any reason (except for pornography). Even though Xisto provide excellent hosting, it can be a bit tiresome, logging in to cPanel and finding (or creating) a folder to host a couple of images. This is why Image Shack is so useful - it's quick and effecient.

    Although thier homepage is a bit cluttered with all the adverts, they provide an excellent service, for free. After uploading your images, there are several options for linking to, or displaying, images. There is everything, from pre-prepared BBcode thumbnails for forums, to a gallery, so you can show people serveral images at a time.

    If your image isn't accessed for a year, it is automatically deleted. However, if someone accesses it (even on day 364) the counter is reset, and your image will spend another year on thier server.

    For something that's completely free, I think the guys at Imageshack do an excellent job!

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