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Posts posted by saxsux

  1. I agree, I think the layout and design of thsi site are very professionally done. Unfortunately, I was not here when the site had the previous design, I only registered two days ago, so I did not get to see the old layout, as for the forums, did they change at all, or was it just the site?


    If anyone has any screenshots or pictures of what the site used to look like, please post them here! Thank you.  :D


    Scroll right down to the bottom of the page. Towards the left there are two list-boxes, which should say Lite and English.

    Click the Lite one and change it to Ambience and you'll get the old skin.

    I'm using it at the moment, I find it more "comfortable" than the old one, and all the features work properly with this skin.

  2. I've read that you can use Google Talk only with an existing GMail account? Is taht true? If so, that's not good i think. Yahoo lets me use the Yahoo Messenger without using their email services. What reason does Google have to force you to use both?


    In case you hadn't noticed, it's in BETA!

    Gmail is still in Beta too, but Google Talk is obviously designed to work alongside Gmail, so Google want to test them together.

    Yahoo is out of Beta testing, and has been for some time. The only reason (as far as I can see) that Google only allow those people lucky enough to have Gmail accounts to use Google Talk is so they can test it (and because it imports one's Gmail contacts). When the final product is released I'm sure Google will allow anyone with a Google Account to use Google Talk.

  3. Yea, They used to put a small dose of cocaine in the Coca Cola, which most obviously led to addiction. It was so bad back then. Okay, the population was about 50% less, but they had about the same sales.. THAT"S TERRIBLE!


    They didn't deliberately but cocaine in it. It's called Coca Cola because one of the flavourings in it is from the Coca plant. You may or may not know that the coca plant is used to make cocaine. Recently Coca Cola have treated the coca so it doesn't contain cocaine, before adding it to the drink.

  4. I had a play around with google talk last night. I have already uninstalled it. I kept dropping out every 20seconds without fail, I'm not really sure what the problem was there. I had a conversation with one of my friends using the "talk" function and it worked pretty well. No delays and it sounded ok. The main problem that I had with it was the fact that it kept trying to add itself to my startup list. And I dont mean every once in a while, it was almost as if every time I did anything it tried to add itself. My startup blocker was having a field day and kept alerting me. So that was it for Google Talk. Gone! I'm going to try out one of the other compatible IM clients with it. I'm sure that will be the best way to go, but we'll have to wait and see.


    You need to change the options. There's an option in Google Talk to have it launch at startup, and you need to disable it.


    I you ever reinstall it, click Settings at the top of window (when you're signed in) and the first option on the list will be "Start Automattically When Starting Windows". All you needed to do was uncheck that.

  5. yeah I found that pretty cool, but I cant find AREA 51 anywhere... they must have deleted it :D anyway I was looking at sattelitet image of town where I live, and on the place where should be some goverment buildings there are "clouds" :D hmm, so if I was an terrorist... I would probably bomb whole clouded area... haha.. well seriously, this sattelite image can reveal whole bunch of stuff, that certain people should not have access to.


    I found it ages ago.



    I did some research on it, and Area 51 is actually used for testing aircraft and stuff, not alien technology.

  6. I tried without and with being connected under my own login, same problem. it simply seems that the user named demo/demo disappeard from the account list.

    Maybe we should signal this fact to a moderator.

    By the way, isn't the "pleas signal this" button for that kind of usage ? :D


    There's the report button, near the bottom left of every post, but it's really meant for when someone's swearing, or breaking the forum rules in some way.

    They'll probably read this eventually. We could email or PM any of them, but I doubt we need to. I'm pretty sure they'll read this, with time.

  7. I don't know ... since they more or less used their Adwords technology for GMail, I do NOT trust them. They offered large Email-accounts but read these Mails. Maybe it's silly, but it's my EMOTIONAL decision to never ever install something that comes from Google, no chat client, no toolbar, no nothing.  :D




    You're fogetting that almost every good email provider scan your emails for viruses and spam using very similar techniques. Gmail is no different, except for the fact that they scan for viruses, spam and then to deliver relevant adverts regarding email's content.

    If you'd read Gmail's "Gmail & Privacy" article, you'll see that the process is entirely automated, so your emails aren't "read" at all.



    On the subject of instant messaging, I'm really surpirsed by this.

    When Google bought Picassa, they got Hello, an instant messaging program that also sends pictures. So now they have two instant messaging programs.


    I think I'm gonna uninstall Hello and give Google Talk a go, it looks pretty good.

  8. Perhaps you had been logged in to your own "real" cpanel before, and the system doesn't want the same IP-adress to be logged in under different usernames.


    Maybe. But it didn't come with a message to that effect, it just gave the same message that's happened when I've put my "real" password in incorrectly.

    It doesn't bother me that it doesn't work, it's just not very good if new users are detered by not being able to see cPanel.

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