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Posts posted by saxsux

  1. Here are some blonde jokes:

    Two blondes were driving down the road. On both sides of the roads are corn fields. Suddenly they see a blonde in the middle of a field in a row boat.

    The driver turned to her friend and said "You know - it's blondes like that that give us a bad name!"

    Then, the other blonde says "Yeah, I know. If I knew how to swim, I'd go out there and drown her."


    Three blondes walk into a bar. You thikn one of them would have seen it.


    And heres one I found on the net:

    A blonde made several attempts to sell her old car. She was having a lot of problems finding a buyer because the car had 340,000 miles on it. She discussed her problem with a brunette that she worked with at a bar.
    The brunette suggested, "There may be a chance to sell that car easier, but it's not going to be legal."

    "That doesn't matter at all," replied the blonde. "All that matters it that I am able to sell this car."

    "Alright," replied the brunette. In a quiet voice, she told the blonde: "Here is the address of a friend of mine. He owns a car repair shop around here. Tell him I sent you, and he will turn the counter back on your car to 40,000 miles. Then it shouldn't be a problem to sell your car."

    The following weekend, the blonde took a trip to the mechanic on the brunette's advice.

    About one month after that, the brunette saw the blonde and asked, "Did you sell your car?"

    "No!" replied the blonde. "Why should I? It only has 40,000 miles on it."

  2. I've heard some pretty good things about Avast!, but at the moment, my Norton AV subscription doesn't expire for ages, so I'm gonna be stuck with it for a while.On the adware/spyware side of things, I use Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta 1 (god knows why microsoft gave it such a long name), which is working pretty well. Norton's meant to pick up threats like spyware and adware, but its rubbish at it...

  3. what are these programs for? are these for editing your website in php or something like that. i have seen on websites where at the bottom it says its been helped by php-nuke or something like that. if it is a php editor i might test it out to see if its good enough.


    They're Content Management Systems (look at the title of the forum!). I really want to use PHP-nuke, but I can't install it through Fantastico - I need something stupid like 1MB more space.

    Its really annoying because I have to get 30 hosting credits to upgrade my hosting account, so I can install PHP Nuke, which only really needs 1MB ,more space.


    Anyway, back to the topic - I think PHP Nuke is really good, even though I have yet to try Mambo(or whatever its called) yet. The only thing is, all PHP nuke sites look the same, themes don't really change that much...

  4. Google's brilliant new Google Local and Maps are now available here in the UK (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/preview?source=newuser-ws https://www.google.co.uk/maps/!! When I saw Google Local & Maps, I thought it was great. It was American, but what can you expect from an America based company? I was never expecting such a great service to be rolled out to the UK so quickly. And it works brilliantly, especially for a beta product.

  5. This is absolutely brilliant!!! I love this!

    I tried translating BBC News and the result was hilarious. Here are a couple of headlines:

    Iraqi n US forces launch an operation against Sunni rebels threaten'n ta kizzay Shia hostages in central Iraq droppin hits.

    A firefighter picks up debris after a bus accident on the road to the Great St Bernard Swiss coach plunges into ravineTwelve thugz is iced as they bus plunges into a ravine in south-western Switzerland.

    I can't believe how hilarious this site is! Is there a link to donate?

  6. My school is terrible. The computers have very few restricitions on them.
    For a n00b, they would seem pretty good, but once you really start looking, they're really easy to get into.
    Rather than actually securing the computers, our network admin simply puts some basic (but easily broken) restrictions on, and gives every computer a smart card. So if you do do anything, when the computer is restarted(you can't logoff - only restart) the hard drive is wiped and replaced with a default copy.
    The filters are absolutely rubbish, and it is unbeliavably easy to get on porn or anything that should be forbidden.

    Recently, the admin guy has bought a load of new computers ( http://www.rm.com/404?item=%2fsecondary%2fproducts%2fprodup&user=extranet%5cAnonymous&site=website ). They're really good, except for the fact that they have built in speakers. He hasn't yet figured out how to turn them off. Hey presto, the first time he let students into his computer room, it was filled with music, noise and that anoyying sound windows makes when you start it up.

    It is absolutely terrible

  7. Yahoo(scum of the earth) have offered hosting to the Wikimedia Foundation(greatest people ever on the earth).


    I dunno if any of you remember, but Wikimedia were in talks with Google, after MSN announced that Encarta would be available within thier Search. It was all looking good, I thought that Google was going to ally with the Wikimedia Foundation and live happily ever after, etc etc.

    Then, out of the blue, Yahoo sees whats going on and immediatly offers to host the Wikimedia Foundation. First they'll host them, then they'll put ads on, or links back to Yahoo, and they'll start ahving a specialised "wiki" search on there homepage. I can sense that Yahoo are going to ruin it all...

  8. I've always found the extra Google features amazing. This new Google Q&A thing (see https://www.google.co.uk/googleblog/2005/04facts-fast.html if you don't know what I'm talking about) is brilliant, despite the fact it only seems to work on Google.com

    Visiting Google Labs is always fun, and Gmail is getting better and better.

    I think I can safely say that Google is the best search engine in my opinion!

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