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Posts posted by saxsux

  1. A while ago I posted a thread asking if anyone knew anything about wget, and I was given the code below:

    <?php$foo = system('wget http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ~',$output);?>

    Which has been working fine, since the panda server failure a while ago.
    Since then, whenever I try to use it , it comes up with

    <?php$foo = system('wget http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ~',$output);

    Has this been disabled by the administrators, or is there a way I can sort it out?

  2. Microsoft Antispyware Beta 1 is quite good. Before I started using it, I was using AOL's Spyware thingy (widely renowned in the AOL community as being utter rubbish). When I installed it I was amazed at how many things it had picked up that AOL had missed.However, I can't understand why it's in Beta. All Microsoft had done was bought GIANT Antispyware and rebranded the software as Microsoft.

  3. I might have said this somewhere else, but with the release of thier new Google Personalixed Homepage, they seem to be ebbing closer and closer to becoming a Web Portal (like Yahoo), rather than the search engine they are.Google are a search engine, everything they have done so far has been based around that fact, yet the Google Personalized Homepage has little to do with search, it's just a take on My Yahoo! or My MSN. Okay, its not bad for something that's still in Beta, but it does seem to be lacking in the sheer amount of content and personalisation options that My Yahoo and My MSN currently offer.

  4. Why did you need to write all the above? Couldn't you just have asked about a refferal system, rather than telling everyone how you got the idea, etc?Okay, enough criticism. It could be a good idea, but people might abuse it and set up false accounts, or people might never post in the forums and spend all thier time spamming a refferal link everywhere. That could serious;y damage Xisto's and Xisto's (if not as well Xisto's and Xisto - Web Hosting's) images, making it seem like they were pro-spamming.

  5. I honestly don't see how that is a security problem. Surely even a completely inexperienced computer user would notice the new window opening when they clicked the link. Even if they didn't, who would be stupid enough to enter bank account details into a completely unsecure javascript dialogue?To be honest, I doubt scammers will be adopting this method quite soon :lol:

  6. The image doesn't refresh constantly, it would be to expensive to have a sattelite taking photos of an entire country and constantly uploading them to Google's server. Can you imagine how much Google would have to pay for them?I imagine that all the photos were taken during the day, so it was as clear as possible. If you're looking for a night time aerial photo, I recommend you pay for one from a professional.How can this seem like a film? Have you any idea how many map providers offer aerial photos? Its not like they're spying on you - the quality isn't that good!

  7. Even if Microsoft release IE7 and say its better than Firefox, no way am I gonna download it. I can't stand IE.Firefox is customisable, fast, secure, safe, innovative. Bill Gates would have to personally come round to my house, give a £1million pounds in cash, get down on his knees and beg really kindly for me to get IE7 even for me to just think about it!

  8. I know that at the moment the panda server is down, and our files are all being transfered, etc, etcBut are we still being charged for this? Seeing as our sites are going to be down for quite a while, shouldn't Hosting Credits be frosen where they are or something, after all, we a re effectively paying for nothing.

  9. what..i mean..seriously.. isnt that only if the administrator has put a password on it...


    if that would work it would be like saying that if you press ctrl+alt+delete at the user screen and then typing admin and no password then it would login...


    unless this is somthing special about being in safe mode.


    Yep, it only works in safe mode. But, while your in Safe Mode, you could create another admin account to use normally. Restart your computer and then login as that admin account.

  10. I'm trying out https://www.google.de/webhp?nord=1&gws_rd=cr&ei=ZOf5VJidAcuMNqG2gsgP


    IT'S GREAT!!!!


    You can customize out your web search, for instance, you can tell google to show 100 results per page, instead of ten....


    It has the language option, you can see your gmail account from it, BBC new, Cnn news, google news, weather info, quotes of the day, the word of the day....


    stuff like that


    pretty useful!


    That's the Google Personalized Homepage, I mentioned it in the list earlier.

    You're right it is pretty useful, but at the moment, services like My MSN or My Yahoo are (I hate to say it) better...


    The thing is, the services Google offer with thier personalized homepage are useful, but MSN and Yahoo's have so much more. Also, Google is stepping closer and closer to becoming a web portal, rather than a search engine.


    Google Personalized Homepage does look promising though... but it could do with a lot of work on it.

  11. This has happened to people before.

    Aparently, thier account was activated, but you just don't find out about it.

    Try going to http://yourwebaddress.astahost.com:2082 (replace yourwebaddress with whatever web address you chose. Also, if it was differeent, change the .astahost.com bit too), and login in with the username and password you chose. If it works then your account is active! If not, then try contacting NilsC or vujsa.


    Hope this helps :D

  12. None of you really have put much research into this...


    Firstly, Google News, Groups and Local are BETA (Tommy didn't mention it). Also, Google Maps and Keyhole are 2 seperate things.


    Google already offer Instant Messaging. It came as part of the deal when they bought Picassa. Visit hello.com;


    Gnatius, no offence, but the whole 20% thing is actually quite common knowledge.


    The whole thing about Local Services, I don't know exactly what you mean, BUT try this - https://www.google.co.uk/maps and https://www.google.co.uk/maps/preview?source=newuser-ws (or .com for the American versions).


    And, heres an improved list:

    Google Groups

    Google Local (BETA)

    Google Web Accelerator (BETA)

    Google News (BETA)

    Google Alerts

    Google AdWords

    Google AdSense

    Google Translate

    Google Maps

    Google Video (BETA)

    Gmail (BETA)

    Google Desktop Search

    Picasa 2

    Hello (Instant Messaging and Picture Sharing)

    Google Print (online Libary, pre BETA)

    Google Images

    Google Fusion aka Personalized Homepage (BETA)

    Google Search

    I'm Feeling Lucky

    Froogle (BETA)

    Google Answers (Payed Service)

    Keyhole (Payed Service)

    Google Calculator

    Google Catalogues

    Google Directory (interestingly, there are 2 different Google Directories - I posted a thread on it earlier)

    Google Labs

    Google X (closed ages ago, but mirrored on many places on the net)

    Google Special Searches

    Google Universities

    Google Scholar (BETA)

    Google Mobile (WML and XHTML)

    Google SMS


    Google Toolbar

    My Search History (BETA)

    Google Glossary

    Google Suggest (Brilliant, yet BETA)

    Google Deskbar

    Google Suggest in Japanese

    Google Sets (BETA)

    Google Compute

    Site Flavoured Search Box

    Froogle Wirelss (BETA)

    Google Search Appliance

    Google Mini Search Appliance

    Google Store

    Phew! :D

    Feel free to add to it!

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