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Posts posted by saxsux

  1. There is actually a tool in your cPanel that can submit your site to numerous search engines at once.Look on the bottom right of the "Preinstalled Scripts" section and you'll see a button labeled Search Engine Submit.Fill the form in, choosing the search engines you want to submit to (alltheweb, directhit, google, hotbot, lycos, mixcat). Hey presto! It then brings up a page with links to each results page for the indivdual engines.I was amazed when I found this tool, actually. None of my previous webhosts offered anything like it, with Xisto it's as good as paying for hosting.Anyway, I hope this helps. It may be useful to know, that even if your site is submitted to a search engine, it doesn't mean that they will index it for certain. It's a good idea to have other sites link to you, as search engines will follow the links during thier "crawl".Good luck with your site! :-)

  2. I can't stand ezboard. I signed up with them a while ago, and thier service is soooooo slow, it's unbelievable. I don't know how they expect people to accept and put up with the unbelievably huge adverts that they have stupidity to plaster everywhere. Seriously, ezboard suck. Proboards are better, but the best option (by far) is to host your own forums. You get much more control over them.

  3. What's up with OpaQue? I really hope he's all right. If that's the reason for this new theme then I'm perfectly okay by it. I do like the old one but it really doesn't matter as long as everyone's all right.
    So what's wrong with OpaQue?

    M^E mentioned it earlier:

    "opaque's city's in a real bad shape. They're suffering from incessant rains and massive flooding for past one week continuously. His city, mumbai's in a complete mess.. utter havoc everywhere.. flood relief going in from everywhere.. hundreds of people washed away to the sea I believe..
    Sad.. very sad.. "

    Regarding the floods and storms in Mumbai, you may want to look at this:

    If a mod could add this to my above post, it would be appreciated.

  4. As moonwitch said, you need a hosting account.
    Make sure you you have enough hosting credits (10 or 30, depending on which type of account you want), keep posting if you don't have enough.
    When you have enough, go to the hosting requests forum (it's right near the bottom) and fill a request in using the form provided.
    Your account should be verified by an administrator resonably quickly. Once it has been verified, go to https://support.xisto.com/ to set it up.
    You'll need to keep your hosting credits above 0 for your new site to stay up.

    Registering with the forum doesn't automattically mean you get a hosting account!

  5. Other than encrytion or hiding files (as mentioned above) I find that password protecctiong files can be useful too.Many programs (eg Microsoft Word, Excel, etc) allow you to save files with a password. For those that don't, I find adding files to a password protected .zip or .rar archive quite secure (and best of all - free!), as long as you choose a strong password and nothing easily guessable.

  6. Time Lords, Daleks, Raxicoricofallapatorians, Cybermen, Digi-humans, Proto-humans, Humanish humans, Trees, etc.On a more serious note...Seeing as we've yet to fully explore our own solar system, we've still got the rest of our galaxy and umpteen more galaxies in our universe which could harbour life which could possibly more technologically advanced then us.I think there is life out there, somewhere. The universe is too large for there not to be.

  7. I agree, very well said. Also, welcome to Xisto! What a great first post.As mentioned earlier, we'll need to get off this planet before the sun expands and, as Rose from Doctor Who put it, "we've only got five billion years 'till the shops shut". But 5 million years is a very long time. A breakthough in space technology could be made waaaay in the future without so much research happening now. Humans are hardly doing amazingly on earth, so how will we be able to cope on another planet? People kill each other for money, we pollute and destroy our planet which is vital to our survival, some ludicus amount of people die in LEDCs from easily stoppable reasons, we fight and destroy ourselves. Space travel must pollute, adding to the current problem of global warming. Shouldn't we try and sort things out on earth before we go elsewhere?

  8. Look at this - https://www.google.com/earth/

    Since Google aquired Keyhole they have rebranded and changed it to produce Google Earth. With 3D builings in 38 American cities (none in the UK - damn!) 3D terrain displays (check out the Grand Canyon! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and much more, this is absolutely brilliant!
    Type an address in the "Fly To" box and Google Earth does just that! It spins you round the world towards your destination, and as you get closer and closer (depending on which options you've selected) roads, buildings, mountains, information left by community members, local airports, roads, shops and so much more information dots itself around the map. The graphics are awesome! After using it, Google Maps seem obselete.
    There's a free version, and two paid versions with extra features, etc. It's a big download, but it's definately worth it! Check it out!

  9. All this talking about green cars is great, and it would be excellent to find a good alternative to polluting fossil fuels and thus top global warming, but in case you didn't notice the water is pumped with 220 volts of electricity, which will probably be produced in a fossil fuel powered poer plant.Also, if any of you bothered to check the link you'd see he copied and pasted the entire thing.

  10. Recently, Google has added feeds to its Google News service. As well as being able to subscribe to any of Google New's subjects and search results, there is also the option to customise your own feeds, in the same way that the Google News layout itself can be customised - however these feeds can only be displayed in English.


    Also, with the introoduction of feeds, Google's Personalised Homepage (https://www.google.com/ig) has been updated to include more customisable content and an updated method of adding content, with a menu that slides from the left.


    Google News Regarding the new feeds - https://news.google.co.uk/news/story?ned=uk&ncl=http:hl%3Den&scoring=d


    Google News Feeds Info and Ts&Cs - https://support.google.com/news/answer/59255?hl=en

  11. The thing with proboards, ezboards and other sites like that is that they have adverts on them, and are limited in how you can customise them.If you host your own, you have a greater degree of control. If you join Xisto you get the option to install PHPBB, along with quite a few different scripts in Fantastico which are quick and easy to install. You can customise them as much as you like, which you can't on many of the free alternatives which are hosted alternatively.Why do you hate Google so much?

  12. That does look pretty good. I like the way it doesn't have any buttons but is heat sensitive instead. Did anyone notice the "Now Hear This" box on the right hand side? It mentions that the mouse makes "subtle sound effects" when you click and scroll, etc. That must get really annoying after a while, don't you think? I hope there's an option to turn it off!I can't believe they got rights to use the name from that cartoon thing. Mighty Mouse isn't even that good a name.

  13. Yeah, as everyone says, it's really old. I think someone here mentioned it a while back, but I'm not sure...Some of the languages Google do are funny though, like Bork, Bork, Bork! and Pig Latin. Gmail is available in quite a few languages too, but they're mainly "proper" languages though. They're currently working on translating Gmail into other languages too, and I've asked to be included in the translating team for Pig Latin!

  14. I've found that the Google Video player doesn't work properly. Most of the time, when I try to play a video the image dissappears and then reappears a second later. I've managed to get video to play only about three times!I think it's going to be a long time before this gets released from beta!

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