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Posts posted by saxsux

  1. None, Its the same old services with a little extra features, that hopefully would need service packs and a different name. I am a beta tester at Live Messenger, Live Mail, and Live Mobile, I found live mobile to be a little helpful, but then even gmail has a mobile service now.


    Live Messenger would be the start of a new era of instant mesaging between 2 IM Giants , Microsoft and Yahoo. Since yahoo joined with microsoft, Live Messenger is added with features that would set a foundation for the next version to impliment yahoo accounts. How? well yahoo IDs can be added, Offline messages could be checked, voice n video chat with MSN and yahoo users etc ..


    Not a very helpful service, but out of all the live products, i am waiting to get into the office beta, hopefully office is said to be totally revamped and made much more user compatible. Lets see .. :)





    Wow! So it's kinda like online versions of Microsoft products that you'd normally have to install on your PC. I guess that would be really useful, especially for people that are on the move and might be accessing the 'net at a booth or cafe.


    Is it true that you can invite people to Live Messenger? If so, could you send one to me - saxsux@gmail.com


    Thanks :-)

  2. Thanks for the quick reply!

    It doesn't appear to be something at my end, every time it's happened the Xisto Helpdesk has reported it as being down too.

    Posted Image


    Sorry if it seemed I was complaining - a minute's downtime a couple of times in a week is hardly a major problem. I was just curious as to why this was happening. You, OpaQue, vujsa, and everyone else do a great job managing Xisto, Xisto - Web Hosting, Xisto and the two Trap17s, along with the forums, hopefully you can get this sorted :-)

    Oh well, as you said- let's just wait and see what happens.



    If you'd read what I posted earlier, you'd see that the delete button is only available if you use Google Mail with the language English US!

    If you use British English (like I do) or any other language, as far as I understand, you wont get the delete button, or the new "Web Clips" near the top of your page.


    To change language, once you are signed into Google Mail (or Gmail if you're not in the UK), click Settings on the top-right of the screen and make sure you are on the General tab. The option to change language should be first on the list.


    Hope this helps :)

  4. I heard about that. It's just that it might be stored in thier backups or something... just another overblown story from some loser who has nothing better than to think up pathetic criticisms for a perfectly good email service. I really don't understand these people who keep trying to tarnish Gmail with the utter rubbish accusations.Anyhoo... Google haven'y only added a Delete button, there's also a new "Web Clips" box that appears above all Gmail pages, that you can customise by adding your own RSS feeds. It's really cool. But, it's only available in the US English version of Gmail, so I'm stuck with a dilema - do I switch to US English and put up with wierd spelling, so I can get a delete button and Web Clips thingy, or stay with good ol' British English and patiently wait for Google to add these features to the British English version?Hmmmm....

  5. cyborgxxi, this thread is about more then just the grammer, and spelling of the moderators/admins/members, it also concerns the way the "professionalism" of all who post here seems to be slipping a bit lately.


    Or atleast thats the what I've gathered and come away from this thread with.  I just mainly posted about the grammer and spelling as my idea on a first step in correcting the slip we as a community have let happen.  But thats just my humble opinion.


    You know what I find quite ironic? The fact that someone posting about ppor spelling and grammar, and who can't even spell the word "grammar" correctrly.


    Apart from that, I must say I do agree with you. We've been seeing so many posts about Google or GMail, and "What's your favourite" kinda stuff. Standards have been slipping, not only in spelling and grammar, but also the general quality of posts. People have been posting stuff that is only just above being spam, but is actually a waste of time for anyone to read, but moderators and admins have allowed it.

    I think we need some serious reform in standards here.


    I'm not knocking the Xisto staff, or Xisto - they do a fantastic job, I've yet to find somewhere better than here - but it would help if the site were a bit more presentable. The forum is a bit of a mess at the moment, this skin isn't amazing, and quite a few features don't work very well. Quite a large amount of the site could do with updating. The packages page (http://forums.xisto.com/package.php) still refers to members having to get at least 50 posts for hosting (the old system, before hosting credits were introduced). Acording to the webhosting page (http://forums.xisto.com/index_webhosting.html) the servers haven't been updated since 2004. A lot of the site is out of date, or contradicts itself.

    It's not just us that need to clamp down on spelling and grammar, the Xisto staff really ought to do something too.

  6. No, he's ditching Gmail (why? It's fantastic!) and using his hosting account email address instead. He wanted the URLs for incoming and outgoing mail, so he could configue Thunderbird.Read the post properly!BTW, Jguy, you can acess your mail on the web too, if you go to Email Manament tools in your cPanel, and click Read Webmail. I recommend you use Horde, as it's better than SquirrelMail.

  7. You just use mail.yourdomain.com for SMTP, IMAP, POP and everything else mail related. There's a tool which can automatically configure Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express for you. In your cPanel, look under Email Managment Tools, and go to Add/Remove Email Accounts.In the list, you should see your default email account (Your cPanel Username). Click the outlook button to the right of it, and you will have the links to download the Outlook Auto-configure tool. There are also the details for your mail server, as I mentioned above.Your email address will be yourcpanelusername@yourdomain.comIf you want to use a different name before the @ symbol, go to Aliases/Forwarding (again under Email Management Tools) and you can set up a forwarder to go to your defualt mail account.

  8. Meh, I really don't think "Intel Leap Ahead" or the new logo is exactly an improvement, I definately liked "Intel Inside" more, and thought it was slightly catchy, while "Instel Leap Ahead" sounds like more promotional stupid corporate bull-crap that is really boring...  As for the logo... It looks kinda more hi-tech, but I think the old one was pretty nice, but I guess the new one really could be an improvement in the more technological world than when intel was first formed (well guess it wasn't TOO long ago...) But I don't really care anyways, they can do whatever they want, I just won't pay attention to anything...


    I know what you mean about the logo and new tagline thingy. I think the new logo looks much more high-tech, up-to-date, or whatever you'd want to call it, but "Leap Ahead" just wont (or so I think...) stick in consumer's minds as much as Intel Inside. The whole idea of Intel being inside the computer basically summed up what Intel does - put Intel processors inside computers. Leap Ahead doesn't represent Intel at all to me, no matter what all thier press releases say.

    But I still like the new logo.

  9. Yeah, but what does pirating copies of Microsoft Office, or being a fan of Linux have to do with iPods?!?I think the main reason for the iPods popularity is the fact that it is fashionable (or thought to be fashionable) to have an iPod.Looking back to when they first came out, MP3 players where unbearbly basic, with only a few megabytes storage. Suddenly the iPod appeared, with a hard drive, and a 2GB hard drive at that! Suddenly people could carry albums of music around with them, not just a few songs. Also, right from the start, iPods looked good. The shiny, sleek white and metal design, coupled with the trademark clickwheel and the white iPod earbuds meant that the iPod became a statement. Also, if you ever look at an iPod you'll see that there appears to be no way of opening it. There are not screws, or anything that obviously keeps the iPod together; this unique design adds to the fashionablity of the iPod, and also makes it durable and practical for everyday use.Not everyone buys them for the fashion. I've got an iPod, and one of the first things I did (after sticking some songs on it, of course) was sell my white earbuds on to a friend for £5. Considering the Apple ridiculously overcharge £15 for new iPod earbuds, and I didn't really want them anyway meant that my friend saved a tenner and I made a fiver. I was glad to get rid of my earbuds - I find them uncomfortable, and the sound quality isn't amazing. Also, they can make you a target for thefts or muggings - we already know that iPods are extremely desireable. Back to the point - I primarily bought my iPod for the music. My old 512MB MP3 player was falling apart, and had practically no storage space left on it. My iPod could store my entire music collection, and have room for much, much more.Well, I hope this might have shed some light upon why people like, or buy, iPods. It seems that fashion is only part of it.

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