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Everything posted by SuburbanalCuts

  1. thanks! yeah thats me. it's not dah whole song though.
  2. The skiing was slurred. The visions blurred. And only Soso Could see the line curved. I obliged Soso for a ciggie A yard sale for 2 I obliged Soso for a piggie But she had already cooked him in a stew. Come on little wiggle for the Promised Land. Wiggle Man come come on. Come on little siggle to the bonistt land. Wiggle man run run on. My husbands ashes are buried in New York. I'm planning on making it into a book in a few years.
  3. ok here are my favorite quotes homies. Post some!"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them. " Paul Valery, Tel Quel 2 (1943)"He who knows others is wise; He who know himself is enlightened." Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu"In the end one loves one?s desire and not what is desired. Perhaps nobody yet has been truthful enough about what ?truthfulness? is." Friedrich Nietzsche, from Beyond Good and Evil, Prelude to the Philosophy of the Future "I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. " Socrates, from Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers
  4. uhhhhhh. heh. What sausauge blue pingoo? Are you reffering to my animation or B3TA? :-P I dont get it. Anyway, thanks. And I'll make that animation for ya. Maybe. No actually probably not. Sorry.
  5. Anybodys like folk music? I only listen to a couple of folk artists, woody guthrie, leadbelly, pete seeger. Yup, dat's about it. Are there any good modern folk artists? All the ones I heard in my music class were pretty crappy.
  6. I'm going to be a director, animator, animation director, musician, photographer, artist, and writer. Right now i'm making a few bucks selling my cds, and I might have a comic book on my page soon.
  7. unless people try to make it better. whatever you do, remember what mark twain said. "I don't let schooling interfere with my Education." - Mark Twain
  8. anyone hear a Kurosawa fan? my favorite movies by him are Ikiru, Rashomon, and Hidden Fortress.
  9. ok. That's alrights homie. No one ever does. Because there's nothing to get. a penguin walks around then jumps inside a cube and drowns. Yesh. That's about it. heh heh heh.
  10. i hardly watch TV anymore. I only watch a few local programs, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Conan, and Daily Show. That's about it. I've seen Family Guy too many times to watch it anymore.
  11. this is kind of a fake democracy homies. We only get rich republican and democratic canditates, and the other ones aren't even allowed onto the debates. see wat I'm saying? And the elections are forged nowadays, and corporations rule everything....and.....meow.
  12. I've been making short animations since I was 8. Same thing with making movies.I also make experimental music...and I hate school. heh heh.I plan on being a director/activist later.
  13. yo homie. welcome. I'm 13 and i like animating, drawing, filming, and buddhism.heh
  14. I used to think Ray Charles was like Randy Newman until I heard some of his songs on WFMU. Then I was like, "He's dah cooest!" Hit the Road Jack, and don't you come back no more no more no more no more!!!!
  15. farming/gardening is good for getting stronger and healthy. It's better than doing the same repetive thing over and over on a treadmill or somethin.heh. plus you get to eat good organic food.
  16. What are your favorite shows on your local TV stations? They're usually dah cooest. Heh.I like this buddhist lecture thing thats on at midnight on WNYE.
  17. heh heh. Good shtuff. I like the black/white/gray image on the top. I don't really understand what the site is for though. Is it to post pictures that you took? The mouse on the skateboard pic is pretty coo, by dah way.
  18. My names peter. I'm 13 and I lives in NY. yeup. I make games, animation, drawings, experimental Music, and films. My main site is Suburbanal Cuts if anyone wants to checkz it outtttt.
  19. Did anyone ever try Aprilhost? Worst crap ever. They're whole thing (along with my site) shut down for like 5 months then they suddenly popped back up. I emailed them repeatedly and they never replied, even after their site came back up.
  20. The debate was horrible crap. It used to be run by an organization but now it's been taken over by the two parties so the 2 Party system will stay forever, and no 3rd party canditates will be elected.That said, the best part was when George bush talked out of turn and said "TELL TONY BLAIR WE'RE GOIN' ALONE!"
  21. What are you talking about? Lots of Rap is creative and genius!!! Ever heard of Biz Markie and Black Radical MK II ? they're nothing like Puff Daddy and all that crap. Personally, I like old school rap.
  22. anyone ever heard of WFMU? in my opinion, it's the greatest radio station in the U.S. It's 100% listener sponsored and the DJs play whatever they want. It streams live on the web too! The music ranges from R & B - experimental . Every genre. Cool stuff. I was actually on it once, because I became friends with one of the DJs when I called his show often. Yup.
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