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Everything posted by SuburbanalCuts

  1. i dont know if i could shed some light, but you know, i tried this too. My DVD recorder sucks. It won't let me make my own dvd backgrounds, and i can't even recopy the DVD. yup. whatever you do, don't get a cyberhome DVD recorder.
  2. it's not. now everything has pesticides and all dat crap. and it's dumb that organic food costs more. It takes less work to make organic food if you grow it right, so why should it cost extra? anyway, organic food makes you live longer and less likely to die, if you know whats i mean.
  3. oh wait nvm.i wasnt logged in. heh heh.
  4. where did it go?!?! noooooooooooooooooooooo!!:-(
  5. here are all the games i made so far. I'm working on a really long adventure game on flash, by dah way. EVILMONKEY LEARN WITH BINO KILL THE PHILLY GET THE SAMICH CALL SCREENER CATASTROPHE BARIO
  6. ok, homies. Who agrees that organic food is freaking yummy? (and healthy)It's dumb dat the shoprites and grocerie stores sell all the organic food at higher prices, when it takes less work to make organic food. (if you do it right)My grams plants tomatoes and they taste so much better than the crap at Shoprite. I advise everyone to make a small garden in your back yard. heh heh.remember not to use the pesticides.
  7. i thought it was cool when i was watchin TV and he was like, "Hey homies. It's better to vote for someone you actually like, not the lesser of two evils." Well, he didn't say hey homies but you know whats i mean. i see what he's saying homie. Eventually, independent parties with gain more and more people, see what I'm saying?
  8. everyone's my friend. heh heh. although i do have 2 best friends and 20 other homies.but...it's kind of dumb how, at least in my school, the teachers are like, "You don't have to like everyone, just don't talk to them." and crap like dat.They SHOULD be telling people that you shouldn't hate anyone, and then they'd be less likely to beat each other up.
  9. yeah. someone tolds me that B&W kind of appeals more to your imagination because it makes the movie less like reality. heh.
  10. 775!!!! alrrrriggghttt. i'm dah man. Coo game homie! I make games, too, flash ones. They're kind of like a chooses your own adventure book or something, see what i'm sayin'?
  11. last year i went to dah houses with my buddy and my guitar and played songs (non note oriented.) heh heh. It was pretty coo. I usually record people and stuff but this year i didnt go out.
  12. i sed to like color, and thought black and white was boring crap, but after seeing a couple of B&W movies, like chaplin, 12 angry men, and dr. strangelove, you know, i'm staring to like dat more. heh heh.
  13. hmmmm...sounds noice. gots to try that. thanks homie.
  14. pretty hot stuff homies. here a few of mine. Most are from animations i made.
  15. i seriously need to cut down the size of my new flash game. It's fricken huge homies!!!!! So I've been searching around for a flash optimizer for Christmas. I found one, but it cost 100 bucks. :-( Does anyone know any good, and less than a hundred dollar, flash optimizer/file reducers? thanks
  16. sup homie?Ninjas are my number one leisure time buddies.
  17. it's easy to get around, and nicely organized. Coo stuff.i don't know how you can improve it. Maybe add some that is completely original so people will keep comin' back. See what I'm saying? although....the information section is pretty cool.
  18. heh heh. Reminds me of stories i used to write a few years ago. coo homie.
  19. yeah, some people tell me that they can't read anything because the words are too small...heh heh heh...thanks homie!
  20. thanks homie. One the "actual" HTML page, there is a solid background in the news section. :-P I dont get wat you mean. I don't really care if i mispell the Mandarin. heh heh heh. I use paintshop pro to enhance Manderin Terms sometimes. I use the sharpen thing so it's darker. you can hardly read the speech bubbles? really? that sucks. heh. do u know how to fix that? Just like make the text bigger or something? :-)
  21. every month i get an average of 2 sales of my CDs. heh heh. they're really cheap so it's not dat much but, you know, I'm a good homie. there's also a donating section that i just put up.
  22. my favorite authors are masanobu fukuoka, steve hagen, H.G. Wells, Ram Dass, herman melville, and....hmmmm....there's a lot more but I can't remember. heh heh heh. Yup.
  23. ohh. heh heh. Yeah I don't really like Jewel.
  24. yeah, dreams was a good movie. that's the first one I saw. I like dah last one village with the mills and stuff dah best. His earlier movies' styles are different, but they're still just as good.
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