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Everything posted by biscuitrat

  1. That's ewie to begin with, but if it's entirely necessary (it is possible to smuggle things around with you in various..er...crevices), the police should go about it. Preferably, a medical professional or someone who won't intimidate the student by the ordeal. And it has to be a man to a man and a woman to a woman for privacy reasons or the student should be offered that instead of turning over the drugs or whatever.Ugh, it's an icky idea from the beginning. I don't know what I'm prattling about. I'd never subject to that kind of search.Nor would I have drugs in the first place though...:/
  2. Biskie Says: Don't Let These No Post Forums Die! This forum needs some loving, even though it doesn't offer post count. So, I want you all to remembe your happiest memory ever. Think happy! All you depressed people are hereby forced to make the rest of us laugh, smile, and continue this thread. Also I need donuts now @_@ My happiest memory is probably when I first learned to ride my bike (I was five or so, without training wheels.) Now, my old neighborhood had these wonky sidewalks that bumped every now and then. In one direction, your tire would run into the bumps, but in the other direction, you would soar over them and hopefully land on your tires. Well, I was riding and I got to one end of the street and I turned around and started moving like mad back towards my house. No one was watching - the whole street was veritably mine. So I started coasting along the way and with the idiotic tendencies of little kids, I coasted over the bump and landed on the grass. Not just any grass. Not even just regular soft grass. I was all right but I soon discovered that grass was sinister. Evil, even. It was the resting place for a civilization of giant mutant ants. But the ride was the fun part. SO REMEMBER HAPPY THOUGHTS FOR ME. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited the title.
  3. What I do is I plop a blob of hair around and then get the colors right. After that, I take thin brushes and outline the fall of hair along the face. Then I go over it first with a dark brush to get shadows, and second with a light brush. This was one of the older ones I did with that technique - I have a better one with long hair on my dead computer. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  4. It sounds so nifty but I can't download it on my mom's laptop - I have to wait for my computer to regurgitate it's system files. WHAT UNFORTUNATE CIRCUMSTANCES I HAVE RUN INTO @_@
  5. I have a drawer of butter knives, apple corers, a stand of katanas and little throwing stars...some random sharpened pencils. You have to specify what you mean by weapon, and even at that, anything can be a weapon. Plus, you're in the wrong category. I WILL SUMMON THE KOOBMONSTER TO MOVE YOU FOR THIS INSOLENCE @_@
  6. Thanks! It's probably doesn't get comments because barely anyone knows about it and it doesn't have any content yet that would interest anyone. I'm looking for other cutenews templates that will actually validate. I think if I switched it to HTML, it might validate, but I like my XHTML more :/ The pixel font still looks weird? Hmm, maybe I should find one that's designed to be a little bigger. It looks great small, but it tends to stretch even if it's a few pixels bigger. I can't seem to make a fun looking site because it ends up screwing up. I'll put that on my list
  7. When you list fonts in your CSS for say...your body tag or whatever, make sure you add the family name. Arial, Helvetica, Verdana and a few others belong to the san-serif family so you would put that at the end. In code, it would look something like this: body {font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica (list more if you want), san-serif;} The serif on fonts is the little swirly end on some of the letters. You'll notice that Arial and Verdana look extremely plain when compared to Times New Roman or Sylfaen. It's because Arial and Verdana don't have the little serif and the others do, so those other fonts would be "serif" fonts. That's my mini lesson for now! Anyways, I love your handwriting! I don't have a working scanner so I can't get my handwriting online without trying to replicate it in Photoshop, which is a pain since I'm a little bit more unsteady with my mouse. But that's great work on your header. I can never draw a realistic face outline sideways - only head-on. <3
  8. Yes, but the right-click disabling is not only annoying but it can be easily avoided or bypassed. I just expect that those people who are stealing my code are learning from it, as I did in my ignorant youth, or are enjoying the fact that one day, I will find them and smite them. And they will never stray from their path of righteous web design again.
  9. Asteroids are chunks of rocks that have broken off of debilitated planets. Comets are balls of space-dust that usually start to burn when they pass the sun. If dinosaurs fell under lizards, wouldn't there be some people being eaten by dinosaurs? What about the carbon dating that proves that dinosaurs existed more than 65 million years ago, and that humans are a mere 10,000 or so years in development? Also, stick insects are inconsequential. They haven't affected history in any way. However, the butterfly theory is of some interest :/There's this thing called a gravitational field. When an object gets sucked into it, it tends to plummet. Plummeting objects make a bang, a crater, and can decimate the life directly around it. There could be some debris on this that happens to be alive that could rub off into this depression. Under the right circumstances, this prehistoric bacteria could develop and grow, adapt, and evolve and form multicellular organisms such as ourselves.How is it far easier to believe in something so irrational? If a deity did create us, why would science come around and bash all those theories away? Scio in Latin means "I know" and I know there's no refutable evidence of there having been a God that created this planet. Several biblical remnants, however, have been found, and while Jesus was likely real, who's to say God was. I'm not an atheist - I just like to question everything. UFO's are unidentified flying objects. They really don't have much to do with extraterrestrials, which is what you were probably trying to say. I too believe in life on other planets, and while we may never find any true creatures like ourselves, why would any god isolate his creations so? It's like seperating your dog from other dogs because it's a different breed or a different size.
  10. Yeah, I have no idea how she marketed her books that well. She had her best moments around the 3rd book but after that, eh...Harry started becoming a typical angsty teenager and they get to have their chapters about OMGZ ROMANTIC FANCIES.I always noticed the Christian roots of C.S. Lewis' writing, but it never bothered me then because it was a good read. I liked most of them if I remember. The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe was probably my favorite of the series. Mr. Tumnus and the Queen were my favorite characters. Probably Lucy as well, since she's kind of like me.
  11. Everyone came from something. We came from unicellular organisms which grew bigger and bigger, eventually becoming more complex and eukaryotic. However, those were millions of years in the making. I believe that those so called "specks" which happen to be creatures that live their own independent existence were carried on such forms as an asteroid or a comet that made its landfall on earth or some such cosmic debris. If you claim that God created life on earth, why didn't he populate the other infinite planets? After the 4.6 billion years the earth has been around, wouldn't a deity get bored and move on? After all, humans have done nothing for said deity's own well being. Think of it as a child watching a culture of bacteria swarm a petri dish. It's impossible for an inanimate object to evolve so your example is a moot point. I never suggested that humans came from nothing - there has to be matter to create matter. There has to be some sort of spark that triggers life. I have a binder of these little cards I collected over the years about the mysteries of space. Within this, they discuss that life on earth could have been something like a primordial soup. The ingredients (the raw matter, "specks") and the correct settings (the earth was likely warmer when it was first created) would create this life. I've noticed the Bible doesn't have any records of dinosaurs. I checked out a couple of Creation science websites and found only that they believe T-Rexs' were vegetarian, and that fossils are the remains of the bad people who were washed away during the flood. That tells me nothing at all and those are ridiculous statements to me. At any rate, primates as ourselves are able to think and act in ways that, say, a mouse could not. But what you're trying to point out is that apes and monkeys who share our heritage and several of our features as well as analogous structures (why would we have a tailbone if we didn't first have tails?) are not capable of complex feelings. They don't have brains that are developed like ours. The more it protrudes to the back, the more developed the mind is. Our cranial cavity when displayed next to that of an early man and eventually an ape would be shown to become less protrudent in the temple and extend more towards the rear. Very few creatures have opposable thumbs so where else could we have gotten it from?My point (if you got lost in that spiel) is that the more developed your mind, the more complicated your feelings, the more you think about your actions, the more you understand what's going on, the more you are able to discuss the right and wrong of every aspect of your life. Don't compare two unlike things, even if you're trying to make a point. The whole watch -> coffee grinder thing is so irrational.
  12. We had Mock Trial when I was in intermediate school (it was a GT program so we got to choose mini-courses from a list of topics since we didn't need to take reading - the children who chose a regular course took reading instead) and it was a lot of fun. We researched several trials, looked behind motives and alibis, and we performed a mock trial in our city's courthouse. It was really a fun experience
  13. Evil may be illusory, but that doesn't stop immoral things from happening. No one really can. I wrote a satire about this in fantasy form in which an empire, hoping to end a series of wars that has ripped apart their land, institutes a new religion bringing peace from religion. But there's so much more hidden beyond the volumes of their holy books than they know. Just like within my story, no matter what religion we take up, we cannot stop ourselves from doing these immoral things because if we're used to it, we continue it. Some do it for revenge, others for the sake of shedding blood, and still others because it's the life they chose to lead. We can't prevent this - but that doesn't mean that it was the work of a deity or a devil. What Hitler believed was that there was a supreme race. He felt World War I, which he fought in, had been a loss because of the Jewish people who served in the army. Moreover, he noticed that mostly Jewish families had their savings intact after the depression and increased inflation in Germany. Also, he was snubbed at a university he tried to enter (an art school) and the professors were Jewish. Although his family was Jewish, he wanted to overlook this. He wanted to get rid of what he claimed had made his life go wrong and he never turned back from this. He wanted them to suffer as he claimed the German people suffered. I've read at least three biographies of Hitler for a report I did on him and a consecutive poem I wrote about the rationalism behind the concentration camps. What caused this scenario of horror was influence. A powerful man can do anything he wants to get what he needs. He founded the party on the fundamentals of rebuilding Germany and he led them astray. Germans as a whole felt horrible about their involvement and would not mention it if asked. Once you're swept away, you're adrift for a long time. A rapist operates off of sexual urges or the will to unleash his inner rage on someone else. A raped victim will probably think of the experience as someone's way to torment an innocent person. However, what Zacharias says about slicing a baby would be his own opinion. We would all be horrified, truly, and there's nothing genetic about it. He would have acted on an impulse, nothing more. Impulses are just spurts of information to your brain, basically your way of testing your actions and your limits. There's nothing evil about that.As far as the "things people think about Christianity" bit of your post, I agree that I don't like the fundamentals of Christianity. I know I have sinned but I don't like sacrifice. I'm a very possessive person and I find the morals of the religion ultimately strict. I've known many uber-Christians through my school, one of them being my best friend, and she's restricted from so much, such as D&D, certain movies, and other things because of the content. If you're not free to imagine and grow through your imagining, why would you pick such a religion? Christ isn't the only option out there. I don't advocate my religion as much as I want but I was born with it and I'm not fond of converting myself or others. And you're right, I don't like having a thing that may not exist have authority over my life. I won't let a book near my life because I want to be in control of myself, my thoughts, and my heart is for those people I know alone. In the end, you have to decide who would want a being that threatens to damn them to a life in a fiery lake to rule over them in such a manner? It's like a two-sided coin. You rarely ever get a roll around the rim.
  14. I like C.S. Lewis's stories, but not the meaning behind them. However, I do enjoy Terry Pratchett (a very witty read), Raymond Feist, occasionally JK Rowling although her writing gets worse and worse as she writes angst into her books, and a few others. I definitely recommend Terry Pratchett's Discworld to you but I don't really read all that much fantasy, regardless of how much I love it. I write it a lot more than I read it, I guess.
  15. It stands for Photoshop Document, and it saves the document in its original layers instead of merging them (which is why jpg's aren't editable without demolishing the image). Therefore, it's an editable format because you can still seperate layers and do what you want to them.
  16. The Gentoo site is very blurry and the text is tiny thanks to some CSS error. I am confooooozed.
  17. Ugh. I would never be a Christian because I'm too fond of my religion's freedom of movement and thought. Just because the Bible says that all who do not accept God are heathens and sinners doesn't mean I want to plummet to an age without such freedoms of religion and love to accept a religion I question. When I die, I'll go somewhere I can respect, somewhere I deserve, be it hell or a Hindu's heaven, I'll be content because I lived my life the way I wanted to, without fear and with constant pursuit of knowledge and understanding. I've yelled at everyone that's come to my door because they have the indecency to try and convert me against my will, as if I'm some form of animal that's begging to be trapped, tamed, and shown around the world. There is a right way, morally, of doing things, and there's the wrong way. But I've discovered there's a Christian way as well that recalls the Bible in every aspect of life - I could never entrust the morals of my life to a book. Ever. About evil, now. There's no such thing as a full-fledged evil force. Evil, as an adjective, describes something malicious, foul, or horrible by any stretch of the imagination. It's illusory, just as good is. I never appreciated the caste system because of the status of the "untouchables" and the poor. There are many such people in India and in helping a few with food or clothing (we gave them my old clothes and some of my old toys), you can help heal yourself. Life is full of changes and choices, and within cultures, these things are either more hidden or more open. Brahmin is a caste, not a place. I also don't believe that everyone should be forced to be punished for an eternity for choices they could have corrected in the present. That logic is just too harsh. That's why I like to think there is a reincarnation spiritually, so you can correct those errors before you progress to a heaven, cleansed. Damning a person to a lake of fire forever isn't my idea of a fair option. @Wild - Animals have this too. Dogs and cats and several other pets can sense emotional changes in their masters. They have an innate ability to know that something isn't going as it should, and they provide an emotional pillow for us. As an aspiring vet, I have no idea what causes this or how it comes to be, but it's something I've wanted to research. After all, regardless of the fact that they're animals (as we are), who's to say they can't know what is right and what is wrong? I'm going to assume this is part of imprinting. When a child is young, they are educated on what is right and what is wrong. Therefore, they know that if they do something bad, they will be punished and with enough punishments behind them, they'll resolve to avoid that bad part. It would have to be the same way with animals. When I trained my dog, I had to make sure she kept focus on me as a child would to its parent. Gradually both child and puppy would learn the right and wrong way of doing something and accept a reward for it. For a puppy, it would probably be a small treat, but for a child, it's the realization that what they did made someone happy or pleased - this is a positive response that they will want to reciprocate. That's my logic for now.
  18. I just do my work, go by my own rules, stay nice, don't make fun of people (unless they ask for it), kick butt, eat food, go to sleep, and repeat.Being 15, I feel that there are a lot of people out there with less than the standard I.Q. as far as common things go. I find a lot of this while I'm either at school or online playing World of Warcraft. Some people just don't get things and it makes me upset because I've always known some sort of answer to something.I've been GT since about kindergarten but I was late in developing mentally. My mom taught me how to read when I was two and I mastered fractions by second grade. I'm on more of an average level here in High School but I'm a whiz at Latin, being Certamen captain, and I'm also a member of our JV Academic Team. I love to express myself, and I try not to be snobby while doing it. But I feel that my genes came from somewhere else than my parents at times. They're from India, but they're fluently tri or quadri-lingual. Yet, sometimes, they don't seem to grasp the innate workings of things that I'm all too quick to shout out. It drives my mother and me into fierce arguments about how "I should have been quiet so I wouldn't make people look bad" whereas my defense is that "they should have known that - I know that and I can't do anything about it!". Another annoyance of mine are gameshows. The things I learn in school helped me get about $250,000 on the online version of Who Wants to Be A Millionaire, but I feel I would have far less success on the show regardless of the questions. So yeah, I like being intelligent, but I despise ignorant people. I won't yell at you but I will pound furiously on things.
  19. 15 here, and while I don't like programming languages so much as just having a standard site up, I wouldn't mind learning PHP and CGI to add some swankies to my site. Also, I'm a girl. AND YES, GIRLS DO KNOW HOW TO USE COMPUTERS @_@
  20. One of my friends was trying to solve that - she's in Pre Calculus as a sophmore :)Anyways, being a girl, I try to be evil, but in a sophisticated fashion. After all, if you don't look important while doing something, you didn't do it right.
  21. Also, get rid of blank lines beyond the ?> - that always made my wordpress blog mess up.
  22. That would really be great. I haven't seen too many Linux posts, but I think it might entice others to join the forums if they see more of their computing interests online here. I can refer this idea to a mod, if you'd like. I think it's awesome
  23. I love basketball, football, soccer, anything that involves running and being active. But, being a girl, I have a lot of restrictions on me, as we're not allowed to play tackle football (why on earth not? There are some pretty burly girls out there!) and such. But basketball's probably my favorite. While I'm not a very good fan (games are expensive...sheesh) and I don't follow my favorite players, I do make a good show of rooting for the Rockets despite their losses (and they are pretty bad losses sometimes) and throughout their wins. I've been watching them for about 10 years now, ever since the golden years of Hakeem the Dream and Clyde the Glide. I don't think basketball will ever get boring the way football and baseball are to me, chiefly because I know what's going on and I know which team has what advantages. But I do watch the Superbowl for both the commericials, the half-time show (Paul McCartney rocks so hard ), and just for the entertainment.
  24. While I won't be of drinking age for a while, I believe I'll never like it. I hate the smell, hate the taste (I had wine in Germany for New Year's), and I hate what it does to people. If I ever do drink it, it'll only be a sip or so at parties or whatever. For novelty's sake so I won't seem like a modest humble ne'er-do-wrong person, which I'm not. (heck, I'm as flamboyent as anyone when I've had enough sleep)
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