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Everything posted by rvovk

  1. All of this sites gives me headache. I would never used animated gif or some moving object on my page. Really bad
  2. Oke. After some hours of CSS work and fixing your errors I managed to do this. I have never been doing fuid design before.
  3. There paradox I could figure out on this Sunday moning would be: "I like to tell the truth, but I am a liar." <--untrue
  4. You need a CSS guy. Check this out My Webpage Maybe we can make a deal, I am very good in CSS, some good knowledge in Photoshop, but very low or almost zero in PHP. Thats it. Best regards.
  5. From website designer point of view I hope it will be standard browser and not semi-standard again. I don't know what ppl at Microsoft are doing so long and are not able to put up standard browser. :PFrom my point of view I only hope it will be fully standard W3C. Thats all, cause I always have problems in webdesigning.I just IE7 will be fully w3c standard.I just hope Internet Explorer will be standard W3C browser like Firefox, to get rid if if IE variables in somehow 10 years. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Merging 5 posts. Next time think it through before making rows of posts.
  6. Nice site, everything is right where it should be. Nice work.
  7. First thing we need is some range of compact digital camera with manual focus capatibilities. (I am yet not sure if this tehnique is working with AF - auto focus). Canon G3 is nice camera for this task Next thing we need is extension tube for filter and additional lenses, for Canon G3 we can get tube with 58mm filter thread to attach prime lens to the extension tube. Prime lens is lens with fixed focal lenght, I have used Canon 50mm/f1.8 II lens for this task which did its job quite well. We will make it reversed, which means we will turn is backwards and attach it to extension tube. To attach reversed (in wrong direction) prime lens to extension tube we need reverse ring in this case we need step down from 58mm to 52mm. Why? Cause extension tube has 58mm filter thread and prime lens have 52mm filter thread and reverse ring will do its job as coupler. I don't have this coupler yet and I hope to get it in the future. Alltogether should look like this on next picture. You wonder what will our object be for this supermacro photage. Well a slovenian coin with bull image (Taurus Taurus). This coin has width of one inch or 2.5 centimeter. In our supermacro we will make a photo of taurus's head. Oke, we set manual focus to infinity, set aperture size on G3 to F8.0, on board flash ON, focusing the object with getting closer to object or going away with lenses and when we see object on LCD display is in focus we press shutter. And result is.... I would say not bad footage for 100$ prime lens and G3 camera which has somehow normal macro capatibilites which we extended to supermacro or "poor's" man macro. I hope you did enjoy this article.
  8. Oh well what can I say about Amy Lee, she is great, my kind of woman, a mixture of mystic and dark. I like how she looks. And ofcourse what's really important, I like theirs music. A bit of gothic style, mixed with rock and darkness. I love them
  9. Isn't it just: background: url(yourimage.jpg);
  10. I think important thing about making personal website is that you try to make it unique for yourself, meaning try to focus on your hobbies, what makes you happy, if you are good at something and so. Maybe you are great photographer, try to gather all of your good photos and put them on your site. Maybe you are a fisherman, try to include some tips on how to be good in fishing. Try to describe your life....But try to point at one content, don't mix everything up and put it on your site, thats not good in my opinion.From the top, your site should contain index page where is described what can be found on your page, your blog or a shoutbox, then a page about you, description of you, your hobbies, school, then there is a page about your main content (if this is photography then photogallery...), then a page of some special offers, mine is selection of wallpapers, next you can put guestbook, links and contact form.I hope this helps a bit.Best regards, Robert
  11. Sounds like you are not adding these images as background and then when you are adding the text every falls apart, cause you expand your divs. And maybe you must define your heights (especially important for header and footer), content is dynamical. I don't work in Dreamveawer, but I use webcoder program and XHTML and CSS. If you need more specific help try to attach your HTML and if you have it your CSS file and maybe we can help you more. Or upload to your server.
  12. You always get me thinking how to improve my site and some I did in the past. Very nice article no matter if it is copied or not. Thanx man.
  13. Besides it is Flash site, I am say nice work. You have choosen colours wisely, so they don't hurt my eyes . Only thing I would change is style of girl's picture, I would you some filter that would pixelize this image in some grey-redish colour. You can try and maybe it would look OK. I have 1MBs ADSL and site loads very quickly. Nice work.
  14. Yes I agree with Hamtro, paid domains are way to go, they are reliable. And only free webspace provider with whom I have had very few problems or no problems at all is Xisto.com, no other provider was so good, Only my faithul ISP provider gives me 60Megs of freewebspace, very good speed of bandwidth, around 2Megs/s with you have good coonection, but no PHP, no CGI....nothing. So Xisto is way to go.
  15. Neel, howdy, thanx for your email. I guess you are on your way to learn CSS in future. Good site for CSS and HTML goodies, thus website for webdesigners and administrator would be A List Apart (ALA). I am visiting this site reguraly and you will notice that there are lot of examples of CSS navigations, even I have used their example for CSS navigation bar which is excelent, only thing you must do is to compose those script to your site. Well, just learn and try it. Can't wait to see your site will go fully operational Best regards, Robert
  16. Wow, this is great review, even I got few ideas on how to change my site, especially about index page, what is on your site and so. Great thing you said here, pilgrim_of_mini-monkeys, I guess you are webdesign expert. Best regards.
  17. Yes, I agree awesome post. I already visit first one, looking really great. Can't wait to join them.
  18. Yes, I agree on this one, mama_soap, too. Life isn't always straightforward, especially when two or more persons is involved.I must say that in my case, when my love line with my girl ended, I was suprised and shocked the way things ended. I have been always a person who put others infront of me, meaning I was stupid enough and naive that I actually thought my good deeds will be resulting in good way for me and others. Maybe it was good for them, but for me sometimes things ended very badly.Once I tried to calm some women about some stupid issue, I talked over with them and we made some conclusions. Few days after this conversation I started hearing romours I made some statements about this issue but in twisted way. So I automaticlly became guilty about things I didn't say. I never have done tis kind of mistake again. I took me several days to fix and explain things. I guess dealing with people is hard work, cause some persons are so narrowminded I always seek opportunity to heal their weak mental reason, or they are full of fears and have bad self esteem. Been there and done that.My advice to you is that you should start looking more for yourself, and try to keep some thoughts for your self and try to make a circle of true friends, I know this can be a true killer but atleast you will know who are the persons you can really count on. I know mine, but I lost also several who weren't true, but I don't care for them really, I have my circle, my hobbies and my humble life. I don't need more anyhow.Hope this helps a bit.Best regards.
  19. For your age this is impressive site, I was making my first at age of 25 and it was made in frontpage, poor graphix and so. But yours is really good, I didn't go into coding cause CSS and XHTML is really just personal option. Maybe you could work on color scheme in next redesign. Nice one.Best regards.
  20. Which resolution do you use at home? 1280*1024? That might be the answer to you problem, cause you don't see horizontal scrollbar that way. Try lower your resolution to 1024*768 and you might see it Hope I am not wrong
  21. That is a beauty of CSS and XHTML and if I used also some beauties of PHP with include function then I could gain few seconds more but that more of details rather then true speed. I also used jpeg's images with compression ratio of 80% which is rather too much for internet (60 oercent would do OK anytime).
  22. Mama_soap, I guess you have right attitude, cause you have already 3 points, so I guess you helping other with manners.Sure you can link up my site and I will do same with yours in matter of hours, visitors are always welcome at my site. Thats why I made it also Best regards.
  23. How did you manage to get horizontal scroll bar? Try to fix this Try to learn CSS, your site would look wonderful if you use it, cause it looks nice already, but with CSS you would give it a great boost. On the other hand I like content especially poetry, site to be bookmarked Just work on this, you are on the right way.
  24. Mama Soap, thanx, yes favicon, your idea is quite good. I never thought of that actually and I am no website wizard , I am just a guy who is chilling out with XHTML and CSS, hehe.Nah, I like to hear people that they liked my picture, it is better then not tho I have done a Javascript menu for one website before, but I think it is not wise idea cause some people ignore Javascript, so I am not doing any navigation in that language.About inform mailing list, I like that idea too, I will try to do it someday, thanx for those wonderful guidelines +1pts from me actually.Chears.
  25. Very nice design, I like it much, especially gradient color in name, email and subject rows. You gave me an idea
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