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Everything posted by rvovk

  1. So tommorow is 1st of September, summer holidays will end, school begins and three lucky Trap17ers will get alltogether 330 hosting credits. Here are 3 templates I got till date: Concertina Saint-Michael Sprite Tommorow contest ends up. It is 5pm here, so little less then 7 hours. Prices will be declared soon after that date, since there aren't lot of contestors.
  2. Thanx again, good words or even critiques are always welcome. I have GFX Artist account. Robert
  3. Hmm, let me try a trick here. Let assume that IE is acting wierd with fot.tk edirecting. Since we all know that dot.tk puts your site in frame, so we are assuming that's a problem for you. What you should do in my opinion is pull out your site out of frame of dot.tk. That can be accomplished with javascript. So here is the code that will do this: // JavaScript Documentif (parent.frames.length > 0) { parent.location.href = self.document.location} name this javascript file pop.js Put this line into your <head> of HTMl document: <script type="text/javascript" src="pop.js"></script> Hopefully this will help. Robert
  4. For the time being you can use redirect manager for URL issue.For hosting credits, I would talk directly with Opaque about situation. On MSN.
  5. You will easly get banned if you spam, so next time try do do right things and not spamming. Maybe write a tutorial, or review one, there is so many things you can do here, only if you willing. In other case you get suspended or banned.
  6. Nope, I have kinda made this gallery piece by piece, gathering information from other galleries. I have taken hover effect coding from Minigal and then I finally got great popup image code which opens popup window in centre of browser. I am using Minigal on this site: here. I like it's browser upload of images capability, so I don't need to do this, cause it isn't my site, I just made this site.
  7. So this the code for displaying us time in San Francisco-USA where servers of Xisto are located and Slovenia-Europe (nine hours ahead of San Francisco): <?php$server = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); // USA?><?php$myplace = date("F j, Y, g:i a", time() + 32400); // Slovenia?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd;<html><head><title>Kulturno umetniko drutvo Godba na pihala Črnomelj - Kontakt.</title></head><body><?php echo $myplace;?><br /><br /><?php echo $server;?></body></html> So this code defines local time that is set on server where you are hosted: $server = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); // USA This code defines time offset (e.g. time in your country, + or - hours depends on where you are living), we are 9 hours ahead San Francisco so we will embed code in prior time format like this: $myplace = date("F j, Y, g:i a", time() + 32400); // Slovenia Into prior code we added string: time() + 32400 Which means we added 32400 seconds what is actually 9hours (*60minutes*60seconds= 9*60*60=32400seconds) For displaying our strings in document we are using this code: <?php echo $myplace;?><br /><br /><?php echo $server;?> I found out how this works while fixing my guestbook and time entries which were 9 hours late. So this will solve most of your problems regarding this issue. Working example of this code: here. I better be going back to sleep, it is 5AM. Notice from cmatcmextra: Fixed broken link. (Changed directory /tutorial/ to /tutorials/)
  8. <?$val = $_GET['id']; // Replace id with whatever you want to use, eg ?id=page$val .= ".php"; // Makes the filename complete so if you called ?id=index, it would be index.php it has to look for$dirty = array("..");$clean = array("");$val = str_replace($dirty, $clean, $val); // Prevent people from viewing root files like your password (should work i just quikly added it without testing)if (isset($_GET['id'])) { // Replace id with whatever you want to use, eg ?id=pageif (file_exists($val)) { // This checks if the file you are trying to call existsinclude "$val";}else {include "404.php"; // If the file doesnt exists it calls your 404 error page}}else {include "news.php"; // If ?id= is not set it will now go to your news page}// Include this script in your content area// Run ?id=pagename (without .php) to view a page?>
  9. This is gonna be short tutorial about formating textarea and submit button in forms. This is code for textarea: <p class="inputs">Comment: * </p><div class="besedilo"><textarea name="comments" cols="35" rows="5" style="border:1px solid #cccccc; background:#EDF4ED;" onfocus="style.borderColor='#999999', style.background='#ffffff';" onblur="style.borderColor='#cccccc', style.background='#EDF4ED';"></textarea></div> Explanation of code for textarea. <p class="inputs">Komentar: * </p>This code formates the text above textarea. It must be defined in CSS prior. Textarea is defined for sending some form with its name, but this is not point of this tutorial, cause we are working on looks of a form. So what we need is define STYLE of textarea (or input for name, etc). Style is defined with next code: <input name="submit" type="submit" style="background-image:url(images/layout/send.jpg); width:60px; height:23px; border:1px solid #cccccc;" onfocus="style.borderColor='#999999';" onblur="style.borderColor='#cccccc';" class="logon" id="objavi" value="Submit"/> Name is defined with "Submit", type is "submit" which means button will be rendered with its default settings (grey button), if type is "image" then we can define button as image, but I have bad experience with this type, cause visitors weren't able to Submit form in Opera or Internet Explorer. I made bad coding in that situation. So let go futher with this tutorial. We define "style" which is idle state of button. We defined background image (not image but background image). Background: Button is actually functioning with its parameter "Value", which is defined as Submit. Again background and borders are defined for different states like "onfocus" and "onblur". I didn't make background change in submit button, but it is possible to make nice bending of button when clicking on it. So that a short explanation of formating the form and its elements in it. Here is example of this tutorial (in slovenian language).
  10. Finally they saved him at 6AM our local time. Me happy again. He was rescued by helicopter and other mountainers, he was transported to walley on a rope hanging off helicopter.
  11. He tried to climb this mountain by Messner direction in 2003. He failed cause temparatures were very high for that season that snow would be to soft in there wasn't any chance to climb on ice (which was rather melted snow cause of temparature).I guess he is driven by passion, let hope it will not kill him. Tommorow should be rescued, I hope
  12. Wow, nice work BlaqueMajik. nice colors. Picture is kinda calling you with this eye. Top notch.
  13. Thanx, Johnny. Hopefully my knowledge will grow up and I will be making more of it.
  14. I heard one server is swimming, second is toasted and third has gone to vacations, so I guess fourth is not giving up
  15. So here it is, enjoy. Simple on, blending, lightning, wave, one of my photos.
  16. Yet again slovenian alpine climber went climbbing onto Nanga Parbat, 8125 meters high mountain in Pakistan. Because of bad weather and avalanches he can't move nor back nor forward. He has been stucked in a small hole at height of 6000 meters for 5th day. I can't imagine what is happening in his head thru all this period while being trapped there. I hope tommorow weather is gonna get better and rescue will begin. He informed his doctor thru radio communication that his fingers are getting bluish which sign of chilblains. Latest information about his situation.
  17. @Dragonfly - Yes links are there just to point you at my tutorials here. If anyone is needed.Kinda don't find time to write them twice. Maybe in the future. But if somebody finds some other tutorial intresting, then he will be pointed here to check it out @Tyssen - I guess it is this thing, what are you more used of. IMportant rule is that your site looks good in final result and it doesn't take longer time to load.Thanx for comments
  18. I fnd this images so beautiful. Lovely
  19. Dammit, Tyssen. I am always two steps behind you I wonder how would you make shadows without images Thanx for link, It was educational.
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