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Everything posted by rvovk

  1. Usually I take lemon flavour of ice cream. Expecially when I am at seaside in Crikvenica, Croatia. But I like also strawberry and vanilla. I am not a icecram freak cause I have very sensitive teeth, LOL
  2. I think my favorite was Rayman 2 which is game with superb graphix, inovative gameplay and fantasy world. I played it 4 years ago and must say it is only game that gave me this kind of impression. Other games I liked are: Carmageddon 1 and 2, Timeshock:Pinball and from MAME Ghost and Goblins, and Double Dragon.
  3. Never have tried Xisto, but personally I am used of Trap 17 and their service s relaible, so I will stick with it. I just hope there won't be any broken links with Xisto like I had with 100Webspace when they were my host in past.
  4. Ok there is topic about life, wars... I am wondering what do you think of suicide, about people that commited suicide, why did they do that, what could their friends or family do to prevent this.My opinion is that stress influnces people differently, some people don't care about pain or bad things that happened to them, some people might be very sensitive and bad things that happened might influenced them in very distracting way ffrom which they saw dead end only. Looks like rule of the strongest applies for humans too. Too bad that people don't see people that are down and blue, not talking to anyone. Sometimes we can't find time for our friends that are down, which in some cases, if situation is really bad, might lead to a suicide.Do you think suicide is selfish act? Sometimes I don't think it is. This is mixture of feelings, things that have gathered together and are really frustrating. If we think that friends or our loved ones are selfish if they did suicide, then we might asked our selfs if we did everything to prevent their misery.Maybe I have written this in a confusing way and hopefully you will understand my point.Ok, now everyone says nice things to their loved one today, so they see they are welcome, if you haven't done so today.Best regards, RObert
  5. Well, when we talk about wars and peace. I think lot of people are blindly following their leaders that takes them to their doom, actually. If you increase education of people and giving them issues of result of wars that happened worldwide during the past, then they might start thinking about not making a war. Until then people will be blind and follow their leaders, which is a MUST for a country's existence.
  6. Yes, he must learn this lesson hard way. Eventually he will see that things are not smooth in his relationship. Maybe he is really in love with girl, maybe she is really atracttive to him, so chemical and hormon thinggy is fully devolped in his case. After some time he will realise that this is just a dead end and hothing else. I am quite sad to see people that have this kind of relationship, at the end he will be very unhappy, cause his "fairytail" will come to end and he will make a freefall directly to the ground. Erm, would you think that making love to your woman on a nice winter night and then next time you hear her she says:"We are history." , yeap, in his case I would run like hell.
  7. This is actually topic of my seminar work from college, so I hope this will enlighten IPv6 a bit.IPv6 is internet protocol of new generation, since IPv4 allows around 4*10 to the power of 9 IP combinations (e.g. 4*1 000 000 000, I had to use calculator for this). IPv6 allows around 8*10 to the power of 28 IP combinations. IPv6 is 128 bit, while IPv4 is 32 bit. I think you are getting the picture what I am talking about. IPv6 is internet protocol that will provide enough IP addreses for Internet space, cause future of all aplications is actually Internet. There will be video on demand providers, online shops, online schools, etc. Internet is still in growing area and it is evolving every day.Also IPv6 will enable advanced traffic routing, additional addressing of network elements, mobility support and safety mechanics (<-- "Extension Headers")."FLow Label" will mark data flow which makes easier job for routers, resulting in faster data transfer.There is also known the fact that Slovenians have suceeded in making the best result in transfering data thru G?ANT network.Best regards, Robert
  8. Yeap, I agree this is nice and simple website. Erm, 800*600 resolution problem is due to use of image width of 793px instead of 775px that would be horizontal-scrollbar-free. I like colors tho and keep the good work up.Best regards, Robert
  9. People are sometimes worst then animals, not sometimes, they actually are. And rapist should be treated with manners like some are in 3rd world countries. Maybe this would prevent them of doing this. Jesus, raping so young girl or any girl
  10. I like them, especially last one cause it is very sharp and nicely done and with good colours.
  11. Same thing happens on all chats, MSN, Yahoo ....., everytime you enter some chat room, first you get opened chat window with invitation to someone site: Please visit my site. And what you get there? Some picture from some magazine that has adult content, blah, blah, blah. :yawning:
  12. Hmmm, having wife at home, let's say really nice looking one, but then again she just looks average, but still she is nice to you, blah, blah, blah.... Then there is a man. Her husband, and online undercover gives him power to reveal his real personality. He can become "superguy" that has libido up to the mountains and back multiplied by x to the power of y number. Yeap, that really sad story. While his wife is laying unsatisfied in their bed, he makes out online.This can be one story and I hope I didn't offend anyone, but this is sometimes the case. To all that wanna have partners in the future and to all that have one (I hope not 2,3,4..), ask yourself why do you have your love one, if answer is cause of him/or her then you are on a good way not to do things online. Possible thing is also that your partner is not intresting for you anymore and vice versa. But I guess that is a two persons job which must be refreshed all the time.I hope I cleared out why this online *BLEEP* is happening and is really pain the a.s. I rather have real thing than this.Best regards.
  13. Check it out on my site, here, and you will see that it works. I tried it IE6 and Firefox.
  14. I agree with JaVe where he stated that meaning of life is actually love. Well love makes actually newborns to this world and this is something that makes the world go around. People.And what is our path in meanwhile where we crawl this planet. Hard to tell. Best thing is to flow with the way that is meant for us, but sometimes this path is jsut too painfull. Just realised that in near past of my life. Maybe it will get better in the future
  15. I use XHTML and CSS code for preloading some images that are used in layout of my page. This is HTML code for one image: <div class="hiddenPic"><img src="images/layout/over.jpg" alt="hidden"/></div> Whereas images/layout/over.jpg is path to yours image file, div class="hiddenPic" defines DIV class. And CSS code is this: .hiddenPic {display:none;} This CSS rules defines that div class HIDDEN is not displayed on the screen, only is preloaded. I guess Javascript isn't too good choice in your case, cause some, but this is very few people have Javascript disabled, thats why I must do my Pop-Up image in XHTML/CSS way. Best regards, Robert.
  16. Oh man, that sux big time. Whats wrong with you, if I may ask? I hope you will get better and come back here to this great forum this guys have created.
  17. We heard about this earthquake, thanx god no tsunamies were triggered again.
  18. What about antivirus programms, aren't they informing about infected files
  19. I remember one guy who said that there is only one thing in life thats free. He said that dogs love is free. I said you are very wrong, nothing is 100% free in this life. You must put some effort in everything you do, to get some result. That means you must learn to gain knowledge, you must love your partner and partner must love you back to achieve relationship, you need energy to light a fire.In mathematical way I would express this:1+1=20+0=0No will not post anything, you will gain nothing.Cya.P.S.You can always pay for this kind of service, believe isn't cheap.
  20. This very nice thing you did here. Same as Vencheslav I like red color in it, it gives really nice boost in this image. Love it.
  21. Same thing here, I like it simple. But to judge more I need to see more of content. Keep in touch.
  22. About resolution: I think there is a rule for all webdesigners that they should support resolutions down to 800*600px. So if you make website, make sure it will be visible without any horizontal scrollbar at 800*600.I agree CSS would make your site more alive, but I like colours you used on your site very much, It doesn't make my eyes hurt a bit, which is good.About content I can't judge, cause i is written in cyrillic, OK I was studying it in elementary school, but it is almost forgotten till now.Good work though.
  23. Thanx for nice words. I will try to make some more of this tutorials. Maybe when I got Canon 300D or 350D and macro lense Sigma 105/2.8 EX i am gonna to write about macro photography. I got some fabulous idea on the net about home-made studio and with conjuction with those lense and camera will be perfect world for me.
  24. rvovk

    Hosting Credits

    Upps, stupid me.Recalculating = 60minutes/hour*24 hours=1440minutes1440 divided by 100cents=14,4minutes/cent of hosting credits
  25. What would you do if computers didnt exist?________________________________________________________________Would you go crazy? No, my life was OK before I got known better by comps.Would YOU not exist? I am still existing.Would you be bored all day? Nope. I would be taking photos all day, cycle.....Would you be board at school all day? Nope, there are really nice chicks to watch at.Would you be stuck playing board games and stuff all day? Board games are fine.Would you end up working all day? Possibly, not to meantion beaing more healthy.Would you be determined to invent computers? Diital photography, yes.Would you keep a computer secret in your closet and use it when no ones looking? No. I liek sharing things, what can I do if I can't conncet online with my buddies.Would you just be a all around idiot? ????Would you drink coffee all day? I never drink one.Would you sleep all day? I don't sleep too much anyway.Would you kill yourself? NO!Would you be a cop? Nah.Would you be a robber?Nah.Would you be a mugger?Nah.Would you be a regular person? Yes, i like being regural person.Would you like to exist on this earth? Yes, i like female earthlinks.Would you die of boredom? I would be probably chasing females earthlinks.Would you invent games? Yes, definitly sex ones.Would you invent more games? More of sex games, nice.Would you think about inventing computers? Not if I have lot of sex games involved :)and many more things...
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