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Everything posted by rvovk

  1. With small workflow it can be used for input textarea too.
  2. Very nice script, simple one, but there is one workaround needed. Relative path in line 1 and 4 isn't same. I guess we need to delete "counter/". It worked like a charm, needed 3 minutes to install it.
  3. Today's tutorial is meant for spicing up graphical looks of textarea in our websites. Instead of plain squared edges we will gain rounded edges. Result of this tutorial will look like this: So let begin with CSS file. First we will define body: body{ width:100%; margin:0; padding:0; text-align:center; background:#FFFFFF;} We have choosen that our body background will be white (#FFFFFF). Cause we will be using rounded corners for our textarea with background color bright blue (#B4D5ED). Rounded corner's images are: Topleft Topright Bottomright Bottomleft We will embed then into our textarea, next pictures is showing us how it is done: It is like pilling onion. In HTML. If we look at text which is defined with class TEXT which is relativly looking at the top, then we have class TOPLEFT, TOPRIGHT, BOTTOMRIGHT and BOTTOMLEFT which are in sequence from topleft clockwised to bottomright, at the bottom lies class TEXTAREA which is cover with other classes and being formatted that way. So documents starts rendering with BODY and goes towards up to last class, which is TEXT and all classes (or ID) are closed with </div>. I see this as pyramidal structure. So HTML file looks like this: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd;<html><head><link rel="shortcut icon" href="slike/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"><title>Rounded edges for textarea with CSS.</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=windows-1250"><style type="text/css" media="all">@import "layout1.css";</style></head><body><div class="textarea"><div class="topleft"><div class="topright"><div class="bottomright"><div class="bottomleft"><p class="text">Things in the future have changed dramatically. I bought Canon A40 in year 2002 and took several interesting pictures with it. Later I bought Sony DSC S-75 cause I liked its macro potencial. But I sold it quickly cause it had lot of noise in images and awful white balance. Just before end of year 2003 I bought myself second hand Canon G3 which I am still using. Canon G3 is very good prosumer camera with pleasant results.</p></div><!--bottomleft--></div><!--bottomright--></div><!--topright--></div><!--topleft--></div><!--textarea--></body></html> Textarea is defined in CSS with next code. There is no padding (if there was any then your background would be corrupted). Background is set to #B4D5ED and width to 300px. .textarea{ margin:10px auto 0 auto; padding:0; width:300px; background:#B4D5ED;} Div classes for rounded edges are name with TOPLEFT, TOPRIGHT, BOTTOMRIGHT, BOTTOMLEFT. They are almost same code, so I will explain only one. So here is code for all divclasses of rounded edges. As we saw at beggining we have background images that are named same as div classes. Margin and padding is set to 0, cause we don't wanna have corrupted background, url is defining relative path to your background image. Position is declared for class TOPLEFT with code: top left no-repeat. This defines topleft positon and no-repeat, cause we wanna for every image to be presented only once. Same goes for other div classes, only position is changes and name of image file. .topleft{ margin:0; padding:0; background:url(topleft.jpg) top left no-repeat;} .topright{ margin:0; padding:0; background:url(topright.jpg) top right no-repeat;} .bottomright{ margin:0; padding:0; background:url(bottomright.jpg) bottom right no-repeat;} .bottomleft{ margin:0; padding:0; background:url(bottomleft.jpg) bottom left no-repeat;} Code for text is next. This rather formatting of text, important thing is that we used padding of 10px to have same space around text. p.text{ font:12px/16px verdana, arial, serif; color: #000000; margin:0; padding:10px; text-align:justify; } Working example is available: here.CSS file is available: here. Any suggestions are welcome. Best regards.
  4. Even major ISPs have downtime, well for hardcore websurfers this information is crucial, but for others this information means 100%.
  5. Really good ligthing on the axe. In contrast of Icemarcle I can read small text, maybe it is just my eyes, really nice job you have done here. Thumbs up.
  6. No problem, Sprite. Sometimes I am seeking into perfection. Damn me, hopefuly I didn't offended you before but any layout that will be done will go to final choice. Sprite, I really liked your Train (photo manipulation), great one.
  7. Oke after some suggestions I have decided that this rules can be obeyed, but if you think you can make totaly new layout, then go ahead and try to be innovative I will be satisfied with new layout but it should be done very well. So Sprite give your best to me. So anyone thinking about new layout can make new layout, others can work on old one, so we will have wider choice of layouts at the end, if any Notice from cmatcmextra: Quote tags fixed
  8. Man your picture's manipulation are the greatest. My favorite is train. :thumbs up:
  9. I am having SMC Barricade g Wireless Router 2.4GHz 54 Mbps Wireless Cable/DSL as router/access point this days. It acts like LAN Adapter with 54MBps of speed. Default router's IP is which is your getaway to your ISP. You can be using cable or wireless connection to Router. I used it computer on second floor and router on 1st floor and it did worked OK, but not OK on every place. But for same floor this solution is ideal.Standard 802.11b is for 11MB LAN and 802.11g is for 54MB LAN.
  10. Rules are following: 1. Original template and picture of sunflower are available in links I gave. 2. DON'T change position. height or width of any element of layout. Try to apply 2D (rasterized graphics) to elements. Use of color scheme that was used in original template MUST NOT be changed. 3. Layers LEFT BAR and LEFT HEADING needs some workout, be imaginitive here. Try to do film strip out of it. Example of film strip: here. Work on header too. But remember: NO COLOR CHANGING, NOR POSITION, NOR SHAPE! 4. DON'T tag finnished layout with your Copyright signs. Copyright will belong to me, since I am awarding winning contestors with hosting credits: 1st place gets 160 hosting credits 2nd place gets 100 hosting credits 3rd place gets 70 hosting credits (Credits are divided if more members were in same project e.g. 2 members@template -->80 credits for each one for 1st place). 5. Choosing of wining templates will be done by Rvovk, there will also be vote on Xisto, but final word is on me. 6. Deadline for templates is Semptember 1st. Results will be declared on September 10th. 7. All works are sent to email: robertv@najdi.si 8. Sent templates must be in TIFF (uncompressed and unmreged) format, enclosed with list of member or members that worked on project and PM me here at Xisto that you have sent me work at my email. 9. If any rules aren't followed then you template will not come to finals. 10. I wish you all Godspeed. Robert
  11. Just read where are you from, Wassie, almost felt from a chair laughing.
  12. LOL, I wrote totaly new script, but arcanistherogue just wanted solution for his problem. I guess I have tutorial sindrom.
  13. I am perfection junky, LOL. And it is possible with transfer script Opaque has made, if there wasn't possibility to make transer by me, then admins has this ability to do transfer.
  14. Howcome is that, Tyssen, not being worried about JS being turned off?
  15. Here is the beast at its full mode. With this flash 300D can focus in total dark with IR beam.
  16. Yes, Wassie that is DSLR (mirror reflex) camera. I got it secondhand for 1500$ with 70-200mm F4 L, 50/1.8 and 18-55mm/3.5-5.6 lenses, battery grip, two batteries... .
  17. The thing is that I am not good in graphics things, kinda at low level. So I need few people that are willing to take contest in making graphical layout for this site. For the time being I am only gathering information if anyone is willing participate in this contest. There is no need working on it. If there will not enough be enough participants then rules stay same: --------------------------------- 1st gets 160 hosting credits 2nd gets 100 hosting credits 3rd gets 70 hosting credits --------------------------------- Color scheme of site stays the same, also layout. I want to see your new ideas to spice up this graphical layout that have been done by me, although there will be some changes to this layout, not major one, I will present this changes later on when whole thing will be started. --------------------------------- In hope of seeing interest for this contest. Best regards, Robert
  18. I think they are quite equal, they both show lot of power, but I like SnXster's sig more. So my vote is for SnXster.
  19. Well, I beleive there's life after Death. Or more correctly my religion suppose me to beleive that. But however I beleive it, cause there must be something to be "paid" what we have done in our past life. Otherwise it will not be fair.Just my opinion tough It is sad that this can not be done while you are alive, here on Earth. It is just sad, what it is afterdeath nobody knows, even tho I am catholic I don't have prove that there is life after death, maybe my logic wins my belief in this situation. But I am not saying there isn't life after death, so anyway I am trying to be nice person anyway.
  20. Mayank, yes I know, it would be nice to have this site in English, cause it is really good. I am working on this site for one year or little more now. Even though I don't get payed for it I love working on this project. Website building is hobby for me On this site you have also MP3 section, this is about Brassband from Crnomelj, Slovenia, the nicest area in SLovenia were I lived for 5 years.Cmatcmextra, thanx for making my code even better. But I believe that people are still using Windows 98 and XP is worldwide, so I guess 800px width should be standard in future. You will never be able to make universal width for everyone, but 8oopx isn't bad at all, I like this width most on 1280*1024 monitors.
  21. I think this guy has serious problem, his girl gives him obvious signs that she doesn't like or love him. In my opinion in love there shouldn't be provocations like this. They should have talked aboout this problem at the moment it has started. But now it has been lasting too long and things are deep burried inside of him. If they can talk and get things stright out then there is a chance, but two years is long time and if they haven't talked by now, then there is possibility they will never. I would end relationship like this.
  22. Paranoid: Moderate Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: Low Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: High Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: HighMummy I am not normal
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