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Everything posted by delivi

  1. I'd recomend Macromedia DreamWeaver 8, its is the ost advanced and easy to use Graphical HTML Editor. It has a lot of advanced features and also easy to understand. You can also try Adobe GoLive CS2
  2. Hey friends please help me, i'll be very grateful to you. I'm in need of suggestions. Here is my first article http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I've made changes as said by Saint_Michael. Please provide a suggestion. I'm running out of time to upload all the articles.
  3. delivi

    About Brontok

    if your antivirus software is also corrupted try using a free online virus scan from Trend Micro or Panda
  4. A few months before I saw in progrm in discovery channel, that somewhere in America a research lab has developed a technology and the equipments for making our urine into drinkable water. The equipment is small and be carried with us. So if you are planning for a long trip around the world, you better get this, you'll neve need to buy bottles of water
  5. If you guys want to know how Xisto became so big, Here is the Xisto Story given by our admin OpaQue
  6. hey friend I've not yet uploaded all my files just testing now, I nned to make sure everything is right before I release the final. Now I've made 2 layouts please tell me which one to choose and also any suggestions for modifications. Please view the two layouts here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please dont report about the links I'll only look at them after finilasing the layout.
  7. You can use this image as youwhish as I didnt creat it, I took it from the OLD Blogger Website. It's not there now.
  8. I've corrected the mistakes and chaged the privacy.html pagePlease kindly provide me suggestions in improving the layout.Also please provide me some categories that you'd like to see.
  9. I'll definitely go for Sony Ericsson, because it has good reliablity and a lot of features even it costs less than Nokia.Sony Ericsson W800i sounds more better than N70 as the bundled headphones of N70 are poor and you've to use special headphones.If you want a mobile for stylish looks and music go for Sony Ericsson. If you want PDA features go for Nokia.
  10. Trap's parent company has several web sites and web hosting services and also free ad based hosting services. And having 26231 users registered in a website is not a easy task, so definitely advertising here in Xisto will be very expensive.
  11. why dont you share with us what type of sites do you earn from. You've gotta make the members belive to send you mail.
  12. thanks serverph for your great helpactually the problem is not with my English, I was concentrating a lot on design making the layout compatible with W3C XHTML Standards.Definitely the final site will not have such mistakes.
  13. Hi friends I've created my new website laschatz.info, please provide me any suggestions on improvement of my website.
  14. currently I'm playingUnreal TournamentNFS Underground 2NFS Most WantedHalf Life 2 EP 1Command & Conquer
  15. I reuest or even beg all the smokers to quit smoking. I know you cannot stop smoking in a single day, but if you have the determination then you can be free of this addicition soon.The reason why I say this is,I've friend whose father was a smoker, a few years before he was diagonised for lung cancer. Now do you know guys how he is he cannot breath on his own, he needs an Oxygen Cylinder near him at all times. Do you need this pityful state, you cannot be free you have to be confined within the walls of the hospital or ur home.Please think on it.
  16. i dont find any new or unheard information in this blog.
  17. wow the new layout is fast and looks good, but where is the link for the forums.
  18. thanx Saint_Michael your solution has worked. I cread different class names for each image i wanted to appear in different tables and that worked.Thanx once again.This is the reason I love Xisto.
  19. if you r worried that you are slim then I'd suggest you to eat healty food with a lot of calories along with your exercise routine. Beacuse if you do exercise without proper supply of enough energy in the body then you'll lose all the little fat and muscles in your body and you'll become more thiner. So keep this in mind while doing any sort of exercise.
  20. I want to add a image as background of a Table in a XHTML page, I did a page validation at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. It showed the folloeing error for table "there is no attribute "background"....0" cellspacing="0" border="0" background="img/main.jpg"> and for TD there is no attribute "background".<td width="100%" background="img/toplogobg.jpg"> Please help me how to add the image as background to the table. Please help me.
  21. Google lists your RSS feeds because they are updated more frequent than your websites main page, and also linked by many others. This would happen even if you've submitted your feeds in Google, Yahoo, and other online feed reade services. Try updating the index page as soon as you update your site or add new pages, you'll definitely get noticed by Google, also submit your sites to search engines so that they can find you easily instead of waiting them to find you.
  22. hey dude I earned $30 but my account was terminated on reports that a lot of clicks were made from a single IP address. I tried several times using my several diffrent google IDs but they rejected all my signups. Finally I had to change my address to get a new account. Now I'm earning around $2 eachday.
  23. I agree with you jlhaslip. I've join many forums before and after joing Xisto, but I feel more at home here in Xisto. Because here the members are more firendly and we cover almost all the topics in Xisto. That's the reason you can find me making more posts here in Xisto .
  24. Congrats all friends Who've Won the Xisto 2006 Awards.Thanx everybody who voted for me and also participated in this Xisto Awards.
  25. why dont you report the problem to Sony Ericsson, they've the best customer service.If you're in warranty period then you'd be given a replacement phone.
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